human evil legend

Chapter 240 Starting from the Ground

When Yuanli's huge palm clapped a foot above Yi Hanfeng and others's head, and the pressure of power had squeezed the four people into pain and almost broke their bones. When the ground where the four people stood suddenly disappeared, instantly appeared a bottomless deep hole of more than a straight size, and a powerful pole emerged from it. The invisible suction suddenly pulled the four people down and fell down quickly.

When the beautiful woman in green saw this, she snorted angrily on her face. Without waiting for Yuanli's giant palm to hit the ground, her right hand lightning-like move, Yuanli's huge palm suddenly dispersed and disappeared into the invisible.

After removing Yuanli's giant palm and taking Yuanli back into her body, the beautiful woman in blue shook her body to the mouth of the bottomless hole, gritted her teeth and shouted, "Gopher, you as a turtle bastard who has been stabbed by thousands of times, you usually like to carry it with me. I didn't expect you to be brave enough to grab the prey from my mother. So, let me catch you later, and I have to peel off your mouse skin to make clothes!"

As soon as the beautiful woman in blue said, a strange smile immediately came from the depths of the bottomless hole and said disapprovingly, "Hey, I said Firefox, stop bragging. You and my strength are not divided at all. If you want to peel off my rat skin, you are simply delusional." As soon as he finished speaking, the wall of the bottomless deep hole suddenly closed, and the whole ground recovered as before in an instant. The green grass was still alive, and there was no trace of strangeness at all.

Seeing the bottomless deep hole disappear out of thin air, the beautiful woman in blue blushed angrily. After a few hard pauses, she looked up to the northeast and said with murderous intent, "Well, you gopher, you wait for me. I will never end with you!" After saying that, he got up and quickly shot towards the northeast.

After a while, the beautiful woman in green fell down in front of a five or six-foot-sized mountain and said fiercely, "Dead mouse, if you don't roll out quickly, don't blame me for razing your rat's nest to the ground."

As the words of the beautiful woman in blue settled, there was a ripple suddenly at the waist of the mountain. Then I saw a thin ordinary middle-aged man coming out of the ripples. The thief turned his eyes and fell in love with the beautiful woman in blue and said with a smile on his face: "I said Firefox, you The older you get, the more angry you get.

When the beautiful woman in blue heard the words, her face was angry and said charmingly, "If you really want to, I'll let you taste it."

Listening to the crisp and numb sound from the mouth of the beautiful woman in blue, the thin middle-aged man was first horrified, but soon he was full of excitement and waved his hand with a fleeting fear: "In our ancient orcs, everyone knows that once invaded by your fire of fire fox, there is only one way to die. I asked myself. There is no blessing." The beautiful woman in green said coldly, "You know that every half a month, I have to find a prey to vent the fire poison in my body, and today is just half a month. If you know each other, give them back to me quickly."

The thin middle-aged man put his hands around his chest and said carelessly, "What if I don't return them to you?"

The beautiful woman in blue moved forward, staring at the thin middle-aged man with her hands on her waist, and said in a low voice with a cold light in her eyes, "Then don't blame me for fighting with you!"

Once a thin middle-aged woman in blue becomes serious and accidentally poisoned, it will be a big trouble, so the thief said brightly, "For the sake of just four prey, you and I really don't have to fight with our lives." After a pause, he pretended to meditated and said, "Why don't we take a step back? The three men belong to you. As for the woman, leave them for me to enjoy. What do you think?"

The beautiful woman in blue restrained her cold look and covered her mouth with amorous smile and said, "If you have made such concessions, will I still be quite unreasonable!" With that, Yushou stretched out her hand and said, "Hand it over quickly. Auntie, I'm still waiting for them to save my life!"

The thin middle-aged man twitched the corners of his mouth and waved his right sleeve robe with an iron face. Yi Hanfeng and Mo Ping's brothers instantly flew out of the universe in their sleeves and shot straight at the beautiful woman in blue.

However, just as the beautiful woman in blue raised her right hand and planned to suck the three directly into the universe in her sleeves, Yi Hanfeng suddenly stopped her body in mid-air and stretched out her hands to pull the Mo Ping brothers who were still shooting forward. Her body fell to the ground, and the burning power in her body surged rapidly, and there was no trace of the two. After breaking the ban in the body, he loosened his hands and looked cautious against thin middle-aged people and beautiful women in blue.

The thin middle-aged man was stunned, pointed to Yi Hanfeng and asked, "Kid, how did you unlock the prohibition in your body?" Yi Hanfeng sneered and said, "That level of prohibition can't bind me at all." With that, he ignored the angry face of the thin middle-aged man and looked at the beautiful woman in blue and said, "I heard all your conversation just now. If you are willing to join hands with us to deal with the gopher, I will help you get rid of the feelings in your body. I don't know what you think?"

The beautiful woman's eyes lit up, but soon showed a disdainful look and snorted coldly, "Don't want to play any tricks with me, and you don't think about it. Even the most powerful old leopard king in our orcs has no ability to drive the fire poison in my body, just because of a milky and unfinished human race like you. Son, I won't believe you have this ability!"

In the face of the sneer of the beautiful woman in blue, Yi Hanfeng said without hesitation: "If you don't believe that I really have this ability, you might as well beat the fire poison that is enough to kill the mental warlock into my body to see if I will die on the spot." The beautiful woman in blue smiled and said, "You are one of my life-saving elixir, so I won't let you die for nothing."

Yi Hanfeng smiled indifferently, and then his mind moved. He immediately showed the evil demon's original eyes and said playfully, "You should believe that I do have the ability to help you turn away the fire poison in your body, right?"

The thin middle-aged man was slightly surprised to see the beautiful woman in green, and soon showed a moving look. He couldn't help shouting and shouted to Yi Hanfeng, "Kid, if you dare to act rashly, I will kill the woman in my hand immediately."

Yi Hanfeng looked at the thin middle-aged man and said with a smile, "I forgot to tell you that there is no hostage in your hand." After saying that, he turned his eyes back to the beautiful woman in blue and said, "You have to think carefully. If you want to completely get rid of the burning pain of love, everything is in your own hands."

As soon as the voice fell, the thin middle-aged man shouted in a hurry and shouted, "Firefox, don't be fooled by this boy. He obviously wants us to fight for both sides. Then he is sitting and collecting the benefits of the fisherman and easily devouring us. You don't need to do any business with him at all, as long as you go out Can't subduing him with your hand also get rid of the burning pain of love?

Without waiting for the beautiful woman in blue to think about it, Yi Hanfeng immediately smiled and said, "I, Murong Yan, am not greedy and afraid of death. If the girl does not choose to cooperate with us and intends to forcibly subdue me, I will immediately explode and die, so that you will never get rid of the fate of emotional fire and poison."

As soon as the words came out, Yi Hanfeng immediately reached out to pick up the Mo Ping brothers. In an instant, he used the evil demon piercing technique to flash to a place 30 or 40 feet away. He smiled slightly and said, "Ha ha, such a distance, even you two may not have the ability to stop me from detonate!"

The beautiful woman in green turned her eyes and then stared at the behavior of the thin middle-aged man and said to Yi Hanfeng: "As long as you can make me believe that after I help you catch the gopher, you will help me remove the fire poison in my body, and I will make this deal with you."

When the thin middle-aged man heard this, he immediately said angrily, "Firefox, how dare you turn your elbow out? Aren't you afraid that the Leopard King will torture you to death after knowing this?" The beautiful woman in blue stared and said, "You are not qualified to teach me yet. Stay there honestly first!" After saying that, a huge red curtain suddenly emerged from the ground under the thin middle-aged man, and suddenly wrapped the thin middle-aged man under a roll.

So suddenly imprisoned the thin middle-aged man, the beautiful woman in blue quickly turned her eyes back to Yi Hanfeng, and her beautiful eyes blinked and said, "The gopher will soon break my poisonous fire curtain and come out, so if you really want to cooperate with me to save your life, then quickly try to prove your sincerity so that I can meet I believe in you."

Yi Hanfeng stroked his palm and smiled and said relaxedly, "This is simple!" With that, he raised his right hand and released the original art pattern of the spirit-eating spell and said, "I, Murong Yan, swear here that as long as Firefox can help me catch the gopher, I will definitely turn the fire poison in her body and let her get rid of the pain of burning."

After the words turned into a paragraph of characters and did not enter the Yuanshu pattern, Yi Hanfeng stretched out his right index finger, and a drop of red blood immediately appeared at his fingertips. Then he looked at the stunned Firefox and said with a slight smile, "If there is no objection, I will print it!"

The beautiful woman in blue nodded slowly and said, "I have no objection. You can print it into the body!" Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "I almost forgot that I have to add an additional condition. Before I get rid of the fire poison for you, if you secretly do anything that harms the four of us, then the spirit-eating spell will automatically fail. You won't have any problem, right?"

Yi Hanfeng seems to be discussing with Firefox, but in fact, it is a threat from vehicles and horses. Once Firefox does not agree, he will immediately interrupt the cooperation.

Firefox's eyes flashed murderous, and his face was cold and said, "Kid, how dare you get an inch of sitting on the ground? Do you really think that I have to cooperate with you?"