human evil legend

Chapter 244 First Test Magic

A middle-aged man standing a few feet away and looks like a 35-year-old man is a powerful person with big ears and a strong body. Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "At first glance, you are a reckless man who only knows how to kill randomly. No wonder the young girl will ignore you. " The shan pig stared angrily and shouted, "Kid, how dare you preach to me? It would be strange if I didn't kill you!" After saying that, his right hand showed a sword shaped like an axe, and suddenly lifted one of the designated Yi Hanfeng and said, "The human boy who doesn't know the depth of heaven and high ground, eat my axe first."

Seeing that the mountain pig had already had the intention to kill, Rong Qingqing suddenly blocked Yi Hanfeng and said harshly, "Mountain pig, Murong Yan is the man that Rong Qingqing wants to conquer. If you want to kill him, unless you pass my test first." The mountain pig was stunned and said, "Qingqing, you have never cared about any man like this. Do you really like him?" Rong Qingqing said coldly, "Whish him or not is my business. It has nothing to do with your mountain pig."

The mountain pig was jealous and said ferociously, "You must have fallen in love with him. Today, no matter what, I will smash this little white face into ten thousand pieces."

Yi Hanfeng was furious when he heard the words and swayed in front of Murong Qingqing. He said gloomyly, "Master, I've always been sitting straight. I'm not the kind of person who can only attract bees and butterflies. You'd better keep your pig's mouth clean."

The boar was jealous, and how could it tolerate the anger of the easy cold wind? He couldn't help gritting his teeth and groaning, "Kid, you are simply looking for death!" As soon as the words came out, the axe in his hand suddenly waved like lightning, and a yellow yuan-power huge axe immediately flashed out of the axe. It rushed straight to the cold wind and cut down. The speed was so fast that it could not tolerate any response from the cold wind.

Seeing this, Rong Qingqing suddenly flowed the power in his body. At the same time, he stood in front of Yi Hanfeng, and suddenly released a semi-circular light curtain with his palms, gritted his teeth and collided with the Yuanli giant axe.

In an instant, when the semicircular light curtain and the Yuanli giant axe dissipated at the same time, Rong Qingqing couldn't help shaking her delicate body. Her right hand gently stroked her chest and immediately opened her mouth and spit out a pillar of blood light. Yi Hanfeng was stunned and hurriedly took advantage of the Yuanli jade in her hand without showing any trace. Jane pinched and reached out to hold Rong Qingqing and said, "We just met by chance. Why are you so stupid to block this blow for me?"

Rong Qingqing leaned lightly in Yi Hanfeng's arms and said with a forced smile, "I don't know why I would even ignore your life, but I just thought to myself that you must not die easily until I let you fall in love with me, so I did so." Yi Hanfeng sighed with a complicated look and said, "Oh, your women's thoughts are really confusing." After saying that, he helped Rong Qingqing sit under the ancient tree, and then slowly stood up, intending to do his best to deal with the boar first. After the four people including Firefox and Gu Cuiyao came, they would join hands to try to hit him hard and ban it.

In his heart, he made up his mind so secretly. Yi Hanfeng held the bright bleeding red strange blade in his right hand, and saw that Yi Hanfeng had the intention to do it immediately. The mountain pig restrained his face and comforted him, "Qingqing, you have to be patient for a while. After I kill this human boy, I will go to ask the leopard king for elixir for you. Treat the wound." Rong Qingqing gritted his teeth and said, "Pig, listen to me. If you dare to hurt Murong Yan's hair, I will fight with you."

Hearing the words, the mountain pig's eyes immediately turned red, and then raised his fingers to Yi Hanfeng with a twisted face, and asked Rong Qingqing in a crazy hoarse voice, "What's wrong with this boy besides his appearance?" With that, he said ferociously with murderous intent, "In this case, I will kill you, Rong Qingqing and this boy, and then kill myself to you."

Seeing this situation, Rong Qingqing's expression was shocked. Regardless of the serious injury on her body, she suddenly struggled to stand up, picked up the cold wind and fled desperately behind her. The speed was so fast that it was amazing, but in the blink of an eye, it had already shot a distance of more than a thousand feet.

The mountain pig's face darkened and he hummed coldly, "What about using blood escape? I don't believe that you can escape from my hands in the case of being seriously injured!" After saying that, his feet rose up and hurriedly chased in the direction of Rong Qingqing and Yi Hanfeng's disappearance.

And just as Rong Qingqing fled desperately with Yi Hanfeng and was likely to temporarily get rid of the pheasant, Rong Qingqing only felt dark in front of her eyes and was immediately blocked by four figures, so she had to stop floating in mid-air. After quickly seeing the appearance of the four people, her face was cold. One of them tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and said, "Su Yanrou, although I have never been at odds with you, it has never happened to meet each other. Why did you suddenly stop me?"

Rong Qingqing's words just came out, and Yi Hanfeng immediately took off her softness and said with a smile, "Don't panic, Miss Rong. All four of them are my friends." Immediately, he raised his hand and introduced Gu Cuiyao and Mo Ping brothers to Rong Qingqing respectively. Then his eyes fell on Firefox and said with an unchanged look, "As for Firefox, I think you have already known each other, so I don't need to introduce more."

Firefox covered its mouth and smiled, looked at Yi Hanfeng curiously for a long time, and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a ability. I completely convinced you." Rong Qingqing said with a cold smile, "I, Rong Qingqing, didn't expect that you Su Yanrou would become a friend of Murong Yan." After saying that, his face changed and he said coldly, "Su Yanrou, I tell you the truth, Murong Yan is the man I want to conquer. As long as he falls in love with me, I won't let him die easily, so you'd better not try his mind."

Yi Hanfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly and said with a headache, "You two should stop quarreling. The mountain pig will soon come here. Let's discuss how to deal with him first."

As soon as the words fell, the mountain pig flashed in the void 20 feet away and snorted coldly, "With you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, you also want to deal with me. It's simply an arm as a car, beyond your own strength."

Yi Hanfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the mountain pig and said with a cold smile, "Whether we are really over ourselves? We will know everything later." With that, he sent a voice to everyone: "Miss Rong has suffered a very serious internal injury, and it is not appropriate to use her strength. As for the other four of you, as soon as you see me holding down the swine, you will immediately join hands to launch a quick attack, and be sure to hit the swine severely."

After Gu Cuiyao, Firefox Su Yanrou and four others tapped their heads to show that they were ready, Yi Hanfeng raised his right hand and released a size of more than ten feet, in which there were countless firemarks engraved with original art patterns.

Looking at the strange meta-suptu pattern obliquely above Yi Hanfeng's head, but nothing strange has happened for a long time. The mountain pig couldn't help laughing and said, "It doesn't work. What kind of shabby Yuanshu are you practicing? It's really a shame!"

Yi Hanfeng ignored the mocking words of the mountain pig and said with a sneer, "I forgot to tell you this ignorant guy. The magic power of the master is an extremely rare law-like magic, which is called the magic spell of heaven!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Unexpectedly, Yi Hanfeng would have a law-like skill. The shanzhu's eyes quickly turned, and then his body moved, and he wanted to leave. He planned to get out of the mask of the power of the law first, and then carefully calculate.

Seeing his behavior, Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "At this time, I want to escape. Don't you think it's too late?" With that, he turned his face and greeted Su Yanrou and the other four people, "You should do it together quickly. Don't leave any spare energy!"

At this time, the mountain pig can be said to be an internal and external trouble. Because of the sudden power of the law in the body, it restrains the ability to act, and is affected by the power of the law outside the body, so that the power not only runs extremely slowly, but also is also quite suppressed. Therefore, even as Yi Hanfeng's words immediately loses, he immediately uses the yuan he can use. The force flowed away and mercilessly impacted the power of the law generated in the body, hopeing to forcibly disperse the bondage of the power of the law before the attack of Su Yanrou and other four people was bombarded, and then be able to move his body, but in the end, it failed to achieve what he wanted, and was forced by the fierce blow of the four people with all their strength.

He opened his mouth and spit out several mouthfuls of blood. The boar looked ferocious and roared weakly in a low voice, "Even if you die, I want you all to be buried with me." After saying that, his body immediately expanded more than twice, obviously looking like he wanted to self-destruct.

Yi Hanfeng narrowed his eyes and said casually, "You, who suffered such a serious injury, also want to pull me to be buried in a self-explosive way. You are so naive."

With the fall of Yi Hanfeng's words, the body of the mountain pig seemed to be squeezed by some powerful force, and soon returned to its original size and could not explode at all.

Irning the desperate and angry shan pig, Yi Hanfeng turned his head and looked at Su Yanrou and smiled, "Miss Su, I'm going to trouble you next."

Su Yanrou tapped her head, then raised her right hand, and instantly sucked the mountain pig in front of her. After counting the bullets with her fingers, she immediately broke the six fire-containing Yuanlictions into the sea of Yuan Nian from the spiritual cover of the mountain pig, and quickly erased most of the Yuan Nian thoughts of the mountain pig, and only the land that could be compared with the peak of the later period of Tianwu Step.

However, Yi Hanfeng just rolled up the sleeve robe and put the mountain pig into the sleeve. Rong Qingqing immediately changed her face and said uglyly, "No, there is a strong atmosphere at this time, rushing towards us from the depths of the underworld forest."