
Chapter 138 Freshman Xiao Zhou against the government, two dozen one-one coin

Chapter 138 Freshman Xiao Zhou vs. Zhengbang, two dozen and one coins

"Look, Lei Gong is here!"

"Wow, when Thor arrives, he bursts into laughter!"

"Hello, Mr. Lei!"

"Regio--er, it's not---lei teaches you well---!"


"Lei Gong, Lei Jiao, Lei is old! Be quiet, everyone!"

With the appearance of the old man Lei with a white beard, the drill field immediately calmed down. There were already three teenagers standing on the field, occupying a corner each.

Behind them are a group of their own brothers, the flying class, the unparalleled class, and the heroes class!

In addition to the three people, there are also the beauty of the little demon class that everyone in the college knows, and the beauty of the evil phoenix class.

Lori, Du Niang, Leftover Girl, Royal Sister - sexy beads with various characteristics, like flowers blooming in the green grass, adding a warm atmosphere to the whole training ground.

Occasionally, a few small bees are interspersed in the flowers, and you will hear a few exclamation, and then you will see figures flying out of the crowd, falling meat and eight elements.

Whenever people passing by see small bees flying upside down, they will mend their feet.

The woman shouted, "Little bee, little bee, break your two feet!"

The man shouted, "Go with a black hand to remove the oil and break your third foot!"

Cold sweat...!

The children's shoes that didn't go up and kick two feet on the side rushed away. They couldn't even bear to look at it again. That's miserable!

Lei Lao is calmly smiling, with a slightly fat body, and looks particularly short.

When he stood on the middle stage of the martial arts arena, there was a burst of laughter. Even his figure, everyone couldn't help laughing!

"Hey, it seems that my Lei Gong is still very thin. Are you welcome? Well, everyone will continue to carry forward this spirit in the future. Happiness is the most important thing. Only when you are happy can your strength continue to improve. Only when you are happy can you love this group and our college!"

Lei Gong still stood on the stage with a smile on his face and said in a restrained tone. The voice of who spoke was not loud, but everyone listened to it, and the words were indeed clear.

"I didn't expect that old man Lei's strength had improved again. Looking at his smiling appearance, it's better not to offend him clearly!"

"Oh, isn't it? Why don't I feel this way?"

"Do you know the masturbation of the ruffian class? It is said that someone has been blackhanded. No one knows who did it, but he knows that it was done by a fat man. He didn't even see his face clearly, and the third foot clicked!"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, be careful of your third foot!"


For Lei Gong, the whispering under the stage was like a needle. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the little boy who dared to speak ill of him fiercely, and his face remained unchanged!

"You're going to be miserable!"

With a bang, the position of being stared at was immediately empty. "Don't be stared at by the fire dance of the evil wind class, don't be stared at by Lei Gong." This has become a matter that no one in the college knows.

Lei Gong withdrew his smiling eyes, looked around, gave a thumbs-up in three directions, and then continued:

"Today, our college ushered in a grand event. Xiao Zhou, the first talent of the college, was jointly challenged by the two talents of the unparalleled class and the hero class. Let's wait and see!"

After saying that, Lei Gong intentionally or unintentionally raised his middle finger to Xiao Zhou in the distance, but due to the angle, other people only saw him raise his thumb to Xiao Zhou in Feiliuban, but did not see his middle finger.

Xiao Zhou only saw his middle finger from the angle. His face changed, but he was not unhappy at all. Instead, he put on a bright smile.

"Isn't it? One against two, it's over. Hurry up, change the bet for the bet!"

"Small business, come on, come on, let's change the goal of the bet, and we will all buy Zheng Gongzi and ruffian state to win!"

"We will also change, and we will also change!"

Lei Gong's words immediately made the periphery of the test field chaotic, and all the children's shoes that have been bet on require the target of changing the bet!

Now the small businessman was busy and hurriedly called the brother of the flying class to help modify the record.

In the chaos, ten teenagers who were not noticed each took a thousand jade coins and pressed on Xiao Zhou's side.

Except for the half brothers of the ruffian state and Feiliu class, they are all pressed on the political prince and the ruffian state.

The disparity between the two sides has formed a big contrast, and even the small businessman himself sweated for today's bet.

He hurriedly sent a brother to Xiao Zhou to ask if he had confidence to win the game? The answer is three words:

"I don't know!"

"I copy, Brother Zhou, you must win!"

Just when the small merchant was almost desperate, Lei Gong came to the gambling table, looked at the huge suspension of the bet, shook his head, then took out a jade coin, threw it to the place where Xiao Zhou won, and said:

"Xiao Shang, this jade coin is even a little support for you by my Lei Gong, haha---!"

"Thunder God, you have made me suffer. Didn't you obviously want everyone to rob me of my money?"

Xiao Shang's original self-confidence was suddenly lost by old man Lei, and Xiao Zhou, who looked indifferent and had no sympathy at all, bit his teeth tightly and pinched Xiao Zhou's neck with his hands.

If he can use space combat skills, he really wants to wear a space wormhole from himself, choke Xiao Zhou's neck and kill him directly!

"Money, jade coins, although I can't run out of money, I don't have to torture me like this. Let everyone grab my money, okay?"

The jade coin brings an incomparable sense of happiness and achievement to Xiaoshang, and the 100% victory of the bet makes him feel how powerful the power of wealth is.

However, Lei Gong's words immediately shattered his self-confidence and happiness. The disappointment made him feel that he not only lost the jade coin, but also lost his absolute self-confidence.

Lei Gong turned around and came to the ring of the test room, raised his hand and waved to the instructor, and then said:

The game will begin soon, with our wolf instructor as the referee and the stupid instructor as the second referee. As long as the competition is not life-threatening, there will be no foul. Take care of yourselves!"

When Lei Gong said this, his eyes suddenly turned pale, his face tightened, and he also said that he did not want a real fatal incident.

"The person who can collect and release freely is the real master. If you can't do this, then you still have to continue to work hard in the future and strive to be a real master of sharp cultivation. I believe that many people want to see your jokes. The students who have gone out of the college are not waste, only dead people! If you don't know how to protect yourself and how to face masters who are stronger than yourself, even if you are given an empire, you will be an incompetent leader!"

After Lei said that, he drifted away, leaving thousands of students with a stunned face!

"Cut, this set again, nothing new!"

Xiao Zhou seems to be used to Lei Gong's article, with an uncut expression.

The same is true of the political princes and ruffians on the other two sides, but there are many freshmen in this class. They are full of all kinds of imaginations about Liu Wu College, but Lei Gong's words overturned their fantasy of Liu Wu College.

"What are you talking about! Why don't I understand? This martial arts competition has half a jade coin relationship with the empire! Bullshit!"

"That's right, is this a big deal for our freshmen? We are seriously protesting!"

"The protest is invalid! If you want to protest, you can challenge the three of them and win them before you have the right to protest!"

I don't know when Lei Gong appeared behind the freshmen who wanted to protest, scaring these freshmen who were still exhausted.

Shut their mouths obediently! He looked at Lei Gong with a frightened face, as if he suddenly saw the devil!

"Up, up, up, Xiao Zhou, the handsome man defeated both of them!"

"Ruffian Bang, come on!"

"Ms. Zheng, defeat Xiao Zhou, we support you!"

"Go to hell! Who shouted to support that rogue government? Hit!"

"It's him, it's him who shouted, not me, ah---! Help!"

With the unrestrained appearance of Xiao Zhou, Zheng Gongzi and ruffian Bang, the shouts under the stage were one after another, mixed with a few crying parents, but they were ignored by everyone!

"Do you remember the rules of the game? A couple, only those who stand on the stage at the end are the final winners! Let's begin!"

With the order of the wolf instructor, the martial arts competition officially began! The shouts from the stage came one after another, and soon formed two clear cheerleaders, but there were only a few hardcore fans on Xiao Zhou's side, more of whom were girl fans.

There is basically no suspense about the huge gap between two and one. For these freshmen, as soon as they enter the school gate, they have been affected by the strength of Zhengzi and ruffian state.

Xiao Zhou of Feiliuban only attracted lifeless girls with his cold appearance and handsome temperament. In the momentum and jade coins, he could only choose to support the political prince and the ruffian state.

"Lei Jiao, come back quickly!"

A voice came to Lei Gong's ears in the loud shouts of the cheerleaders. Old Lei couldn't help but be stunned. He wanted to continue to see the wonderful parts.

This sound is transmitted by the sharp fighting skills of thousands of miles of sound transmission. Only he will call himself Lei Jiao, and most of the others call him Lei Gong, Thor, and Lei Lao Nerness!


The white light flashed, and no one behind everyone noticed that the short and fat Lei Gong, thunder nerve, used a space combat skill: space teleportation!

"Knight, why did you call me back? I'm looking forward to it. Haha, 10,000 jade coins will kill those little kids! Haha!"

Lei Gong looked happy and seemed to have been confident about today's game for a long time, and he was clear about the victory or defeat!

"Nan alone, the peripheral forces of our college sent back the news that the long-silent Tianmo spider family began to rise in the Magic Dragon Mountains, hurting many mercenaries and magic core hunters who entered the mountain. Do you think we want these kids to go out to experience it?"

The knight dean in a green shirt looks only about 30. He is not like a dean of a holy college with such a large flow and is ranked second by the whole Tianling continent, but more like a romantic and unruly scholar.

"I think it's okay, let these ignorant guys go to Molong Mountain to practice. After coming back, they can compete in the three-year competition of the top ten colleges! I don't know what kind of surprise other colleges will bring to us this time!"

When Lei Gong heard the news, his eyes narrowed thinner, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face!

"Although it seems that we have no colleges, we also follow the unspoken rules of various colleges in the mainland, but as you know, in fact, many of them are princes and nobles of the empire, princes and princesses. Our strength is still very different from the freshmen who really came here after graduating from Beiming Dongdu College. !"

The knight's face showed a worry that was difficult for outsiders to see, but he was also relieved. No matter how the overall strength is, any holy college can be compared with Liu Wu College, but its individual strength is a little worse.

"Well, this is not a big deal. Xiao Zhou is a steamed bun. As soon as he arrived at our college, the kids in the Feiliu class were subdued by him. It seems that we still need to recruit more individual talents next time we call new students. Otherwise, our overall development will deviate from the right track. Maybe a hundred years, maybe two hundred years. Once a war breaks out on the mainland, there will never be more than three empires that can survive!"

"Okay, when the martial arts competition is over, I will release this hunting activity and let them go out to take a breath!"

[PS: Ask for red tickets, please recommend, please collect, thank you!]