
Chapter 193 Strange Night

Chapter 193 Strange Night

"Up! Catch him!"

In the huge hole of the tomb of the sea god, more than a dozen Asura warriors suddenly rushed in, and Wuye in the underworld woke up in an instant, and a trace of soul consciousness told him that danger had appeared.

"People of the Asura clan? How did you find it here?"

The innocent heavy monument was held in his hand, and Wuye quickly reacted and stood on the stone platform and asked a group of Asura people.

"Kid, you don't want to leave here today. It's a dead end to break into the tomb of the Sea God. It's even more guilty to offend the clan lord of the storm whirlpool!"

A warrior of the Asura clan should be the little leader, looking at the reacted Wuye and said coldly!

Without waiting for Wuye to speak again, more than a dozen Asura warriors have launched an attack, and their hands are full of three-point steel forks that the Asura people are best at using, a heavy weapon made by Xuanjin.

The three-point thorn steel fork is one foot and two long, and the three-point fork is cold and flashing. The two forks on the side have barbed hooks. If they are stabbed into the body and pulled out, they will be blurred and can't bear to gamble.

More than a dozen steel forks with barbeds greet Wu Ye's body. If they don't resist, they will die or be disabled. Wu Ye doesn't want to die under the steel forks of the Asura clan, let alone wait for death like this!

In desperation, the polar fire shield on his body immediately appeared, and the innocent monument in his hand rotated rapidly in the air, instantly blocking several steel forks attacked by his body!

"What kind of light shield is this? This boy is awesome. Be careful!"

When the captain saw that the light shield on Wuye's body was displayed, and the weapon in his hand was extremely strange, he immediately raised his vigilance and reminded everyone to pay attention!

Blocking the attack of a few steel forks, Wu Ye's body immediately floated up. With so many people, he attacked himself together. There is not enough space in this cave to rush out as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, the floating body rotated, picked a gap, and immediately rushed out of the hole!

"Stop him and don't let him run away!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the captain immediately shouted and stopped him. The steel fork in his hand picked up an empty block and stabbed Wu Ye's body fiercely!

"The turtle swings the tail! Broken!"

Seeing that the steel fork of Captain Asura suddenly stabbed, seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Wu Ye was in a hurry, and immediately thought of the struggle with Grandpa Xuangui in the Golden Lake, the mysterious attack of its giant snake tail, and the dangerous scene of himself. He immediately learned the appearance of the black turtle swinging its tail and used an attack skill!

The innocent heavy monument suddenly took off its hand and hit the steel fork, holding the black black gold chain tightly in his hand. At the other end of the black gold chain, the innocent heavy monument has been forced away and smashed to Captain Asura with countless bubbles!


With a loud noise, the innocent monument hit the steel fork heavily. Captain Asura's body was unstable, and the steel fork in his hand almost got out of his hand. Unexpectedly, this strange weapon was so heavy that his body was shaken back by more than a dozen steps and hit the wall of the cave!


"The weapon in this guy's hand is very strange. Be careful!"

The captain suffered a dumb loss and hurriedly reminded him!

"Captain, are you all right?"

A Asura warrior on the side quickly came forward to hold the captain. No matter what the purpose was, this question made the captain's impression of this guy a little improved!

"I'm fine. Stop him and don't let him run away!" There is also General Luo Ye outside, and everyone catches up and surrounds him!"

Captain Asura stood firm and shouted to all the Asura warriors who had not yet chased out. If General Luo Ye did anything wrong, he would be in trouble!

"Kid, you finally came out, haha, let's see where you are going this time!"

Outside the cave, Luo Ye had been waiting there for a long time, and the steel fork in his hand was thicker than the steel fork of other Asura warriors. Big, you can feel that this guy is more powerful than others at a glance!

"Are you what they call General Luo Ye? I don't have any grudge against the Asura people. Why did you come here to round me up?

Wuye rushed out of the hole, but saw a young warrior of similar height waiting there. He looked good strength with a steel fork in his hand. He had three armors on his body, which was not ordinary armor at first glance.

From the comparison of armor previously seen in Jiuyou College, I know that this guy's armor is condensed armor, and the three armors represent that his strength has reached the level of Orange Dragon!

Looking at the condensed armor on his body, Wu Ye has an expectation in his heart. If this kind of armor belongs to the condensed armor belonging to Elder Lei and Ayu, it is not a little help to strength.

"Hey, the boy doesn't have much vision and wants to hit my armor, right? Let me tell you, this is a condensed armor, which can only be owned by people like me who have reached a certain height and strength! Looking at your strength, you are just a second-hand man, a second-hand man with a red dragon with sharp quality. You have to bother me to bring so many people to round you. It's already very good"

Luo Ye looked at Wuye, and there was a sense of contempt in his tone. His eyes flashed from Wuye's face, but there was a trace of throbbing, because the teenager in front of him gave himself a familiar feeling!

The same is true of Wuye. When he saw General Luo Ye, he seemed to have a familiar feeling in his heart, but he had never seen him. He couldn't say why he had such a strange feeling.

Wu Ye was about to answer, but he saw another really familiar figure hiding behind Luo Ye: unscrupulous!

"Unscrupulous? Why are you here?"

Wu Ye is very strange. Why did this unscrupulous cousin suddenly appear in this tomb of the Sea God and stay with the Asura people? Is it---?

"Cousin Wuye, I haven't seen you for a long time. Haha, I didn't expect you to run back by yourself. Don't you know that the clan spirit of the storm whirlpool issued a wanted notice to arrest you? Hey hey, since you were hit by me to hide here, it's better to take advantage of my cousin. The clan spirit has been rewarded heavily. He not only has a huge amount of jade coins, but also promised a sharp star elixir, haha!"

Unscrupulous was a little embarrassed, but now he was seen by Wu Ye, so he no longer hides. He came out from behind Luo Ye, with a ruthless smell in his tone.

"Okay, that's good! A star elixir, right? It's really a heavy reward!"

When Ono heard the unscrupulous words, the last trace of family affection in his heart also disappeared. He no longer regarded this unscrupulous cousin as his own family!

Although I am full of confused and painful memories of this cousin in my heart, I have never erased him from my family affection!

At this moment, the family affection was no longer, and there was no hesitation in Wu Ye's heart. The innocent monument in his hand immediately unfolded and smashed Luo Ye in front of him!

"Hee, teenager, how can you treat me like this? You don't have to be so anxious to die, do you?"

Luo Ye's voice suddenly changed into a girl's voice, and Wu Ye's mind trembled. Unexpectedly, this Luo Ye was the combination of Asura and Yecha. It was the first time I saw the existence of a double soul!

"Go to hell!"

Although the ambitionless head was shocked, the innocent monument in his hand did not stop and attacked Luo Ye, who was one soul in front of him.

"Good to come, let you taste the power of my Luo Ye!"

Luo Ye's tone changed, and it returned to the man's voice. His voice was thick and there was no sissy at all.

In the face of such a strange opponent, Wu Ye's heart has increased his vigilance several times, and he dares not be careless and distracted at all.

"Haha, General Luo Ye, catch him quickly, arrest him quickly!"

The unscrupulous has hidden aside and seen Wuye's attack and the polar fire shield outside him. He knew that the teenager in front of him was no longer the teenager who could be trampled on at will!

Luoye's strength has already been one level higher than Wuye's sharpness level, and it is also an integrated double soul, and its strength is twice as high. One is in the red dragon's sharpness level, and the other is in the orange dragon's sharpness high level, which has already occupied an absolute advantage.

What's more, there are more than a dozen Asura warriors surrounding themselves, and their sharp strength is also between Zonglong and Red Dragon. If they don't pay attention, they are likely to break the extreme fire shield outside under a heavy blow.

If the fire shield outside is broken, you may be stabbed with several holes under the steel fork of the Asura clan at any time!

If you want to break out, you can only try your best. Unfortunately, your sharp combat skills are too few. All the combat skills are realized by yourself. Even the combat skills such as "the turtle swinging its tail" are used in a hurry, which is not only strange but also very poor!

The innocent monument in his hand comes out from time to time, and the only move is "the turtle swings its tail"!

In the battle in the water, Wu Ye's body completely got rid of the embarrassment of not being able to fly. With the floating power of the sea and the innocent monument in his hand, it relieved many constraints!

not far away is the Tencel Forest that I am most familiar with. Only by escaping into the Tencel Forest can I have more opportunities to escape from the encirclement of people.

Wu Ye shook his hand again and threw the innocent heavy monument in his hand. The Xuanjin chain shook a roll in his hand and raised heavy foam. His body followed the weight of the innocent heavy monument and instantly attacked Luo Ye's side!

"Protect General Luo Ye!"

In addition to arresting the recidivists wanted by the Ling Lord, the Asura warriors on the side also had to protect their leader, General Luo Ye!

General Luo Ye is the adopted son of the clan spirit. If there is any mistake, they will die!

Several Asura warriors rushed up, but Luo Ye's steel fork was restrained and could not be unfolded. In case they accidentally stabbed their own people, it would not be good!

"Bastard, get out of the way, who wants you to protect, who is in the way!"

Luo Ye saw that he was entangled by the wild, and the Asura warrior next to him rushed at him again. He couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and scolded angrily!

Wu Ye rode in the empty block, and his body had followed the innocent heavy monument that flew away quickly out of the encirclement. As soon as the Xuanjin chain in his hand tightened, he threw the innocent heavy monument behind him and turned it on his back.

This is his habitual action. When he is in danger, his back is protected by an evil monument, and he is absolutely foolproof!

[To predict what will happen in the future, please see the next chapter to decompose! Please collect and red tickets!]