
Chapter 251 This is the end of not paying

Chapter 251 If you don't pay, this is the end

"If the regimental commander and the Chongtang brothers want to join our team, then join!"

Wu Ye seems to have decided, and it should not be a bad thing for Chief Liu and Chong Tang to join.

The black robe has told the details of entering the ancient boundary with Wu Ye.

Only people of the same level can enter the boundary together. Even if people of different levels enter the boundary together, they will not appear in the same place.

This is the secret and rule of the ancient boundary, which stipulates that the sharpness grade will not exceed two levels.

Even if people of the Red Dragon grade enter the boundary, what they may encounter in the end will only be the competition between the two grades of Red Dragon and Orange Dragon.

The yellow dragon grade will compete with the green dragon grade, and the blue dragon will compete with the purple dragon.

Relatively speaking, this ancient boundary will be in a relatively fair environment.

There are some other unknown secrets that they need to explore further.

"According to my disappearance, when entering the ancient boundary, five people can form a team to enter at the same time, and they will appear in a certain position inside at the same time. There are only four people here. Do we need to find one to go in together?

After hearing Wu Ye's words, a stone fell to the ground, and his good impression of Wu Ye increased a little.

What will happen in the boundary? They have never entered the boundary and can only make a guess. They are not sure at all.

If there is a treasure that everyone wants in it, there is likely to be robbery, and he would rather be with people he knows.

For example, Wu Ye and others, if there is something that has to give up the competition, he would rather give it to the strong, at least in exchange for a hope and favor for survival.

Wow Liu further learned that once someone gets rare treasures from it and can't turn them into his own use, when he leaves the boundary, he is likely to be hunted down by countless people.

Now get closer to the people of the Fire Lions. Once you are protected by the Fire Lions, the security will always be stronger.

Wiye took a look at the fire teeth beside him and said, "No, we were going to go in groups of two!"

Waving Liu and Chong Tang were shocked when they heard Wu Ye's words.

The fiery teeth around him nodded and said, "Well, since you want to join, let's go together. There is no guarantee that we can walk together after entering it."

Wang Liu and Chong Tang looked at each other and didn't continue to say anything.

Since Wuye and Huoya have decided, this is the only way.

At a glance, you can see that the sharp grade of Huoya is similar to that of yourself. On the contrary, the sharp grade of Wuye has been upgraded to a grade from Gukou to now.

They have never thought about this upgrade speed. Chongtang's sharp grade is now the same as Wuye's, and they are even more emotional about Wuye's sudden upgrade.

They can only think about all this in their hearts, but they don't show it.

If four people team up to enter the ancient boundary, if there is any conflict, they will still take advantage of the return and Chongtang.

After all, Huoya is a girl, and her physical strength must not be compared with Liu.

Wan Liu proposed to find five people with his idea, so as not to let the strong black robe of the Fire Lion misunderstand that he wanted to take advantage of Wu Ye and Huoya.

It's good for Wuye and Huoya to propose four people by themselves, and then their suspicion will be gone.

Once they enter the ancient boundary, if something really happens, Huiliu and Chongtang feel that they still take advantage of themselves.

Wan Liu and Chong Tang walked aside and stopped talking, waiting for the ancient boundary to officially open.

"Listen, everyone, now you have begun to pay the door fee. If you want to enter the ancient boundary, you will pay 100 jade coins at your sister's door. Those who don't hand them over will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, there was a neat shout from the five boundary gates around the square.

"What, you still need to pay jade coins and 100 jade coins. This is not a robbery. Robbery?"

"Are the people of the Fire Lion clan crazy? Do they have to pay the door fee to enter the ancient boundary?"

"Bastard, go and grab it!"


The guards guarding the gate of the boundary shouted at the same time, stirring up thousands of waves, and tens of thousands of sharp practitioners united to resist the fire lions in the face of unreasonable charges.

In the middle of the 10,000 square, there is a huge tree, and the thick branches are full of purple dragons.

These sharp masters did not seem to be moved by the shouts of the guards of the Fire Lion clan and still sat motionless on the tree.

Under the big tree are some blue dragon and green dragon-level sharp practitioners, who have a clear hierarchy, each occupying a position, or one or three or five people together.

At this time, when they heard the shouts of the fire lion guards, they all jumped up.

"One hundred jade coins, you are robbing. Rob? We still have to pay so many jade coins to enter a broken boundary. We won't pay!"

"If you don't hand it over, you have the guts to kill me!"


The rising protests instantly filled the whole square.

"If you don't hand it over, you can die if you don't hand it over and break through the boundary!"

The fire lion guard standing at the gate of the boundary had no expression, and ten people shouted neatly at the same time.

The momentum of Zilong's often non-grade guards shouting together instantly covered up the protest of tens of thousands of people.

"Lion roar?"

"What a powerful sound wave!"


"We just don't hand it over. What about us if you dare?"

A dead-fearing guy suddenly roared in the protest that stopped at the same time.

The lonely shout came from under the big tree in the middle of the square.

"Look for death!"

The black robe moved, and Liu and Chong Tang did not see how the black robe moved. They only saw the black shadow flashed and lost the figure of the black robe in an instant.


A sad scream suddenly came from under the tree, and the sad scream echoed over the square for a long time.

"Who dares not to hand it over, this is the end!"

The figure in the black robe instantly appeared on the crown of the giant tree, holding something in his hand, still flowing scarlet**.

"What a fast speed!"

"Changfei is not a master?"

"It's another fire lion clan that is not a master. Oh, my God, how many non-masters have the fire lion clan sent here?"


"Oh, why did you die in vain!"

On the branches of the big tree, some of the non-masters who seemed to have expected the results for a long time suddenly sighed.

A figure jumped down from the tree branch and turned out to be a woman, and the disappeared star was speechless.

The figure jumped down and quickly came to the fire lion guard with a gold mark in front of the energy boundary gate at a speed that ordinary people could not distinguish, took out 100 jade coins and threw them into the storage ring in the hands of the fire lion guard.

A moon-shaped ring appeared in his hand like a trick by the fire lion guard and handed it to the star's speechless hand.

Xingchen took the moon-shaped ring speechlessly and walked to Wuye's position.

"What is that?"

"Hey, don't you even know this? This is the boundary transmission ring. After entering the boundary, it is said that it will be transmitted by this ring!"

"Damn, why didn't you say this ring earlier? I almost lost my life!"

"Let's hand it in, isn't it just a hundred jade coins? If I don't have this ring, I'm really afraid that I can't get out of this boundary!"


Behind the star's speechless, the sharp masters with extraordinary strength on the giant tree quickly came to the gate of the boundary marked with gold characters one by one and handed over 100 jade coins!

"Damn it, these fakes don't have a common grade. Are they willing to hand over 100 jade coins?"

"Stop talking, go and hand it in. Will the non-grade masters of Zilong care about this 100 jade coins?"

"That's right, the masters have gone to exchange rings. Should we low-level practitioners be like the person who was killed?"


The deterrent power of the black robe is beyond doubt. Under the guidance of the star, all the ordinary non-grade masters have handed in 100 jade coins to exchange the needed moon-type transmission rings.

Other low-level sharp practitioners have no weight to speak, and no one wants to die here.

Under the leadership of the master, other sharp practitioners obediently followed to the energy gate that they could enter and handed over 100 jade coins to the guards.

At the same time, I exchanged the moon-shaped teleport ring.

10,000 people pay 100 jade coins, which is the wealth of millions of jade coins.

Those unwilling people watched everyone throw 100 jade coins into the guard's storage ring, and almost oil came out of their eyes.

How many good things can you buy with one million jade coins!

Unfortunately, they are only greedy, but they dare not have their own ideas.

A sharp master who doesn't know whether it is a green dragon or a blue dragon lost his life in the hands of Changfei master of the Fire Lion clan. You can imagine how horrible the strength of Changfei master is!

Half a day passed quickly. In the square of tens of thousands of people, everyone who wanted to enter the ancient boundary handed over 100 jade coins.

Even Wuye and Liu were no exception and exchanged a moon-shaped teleport ring from the hands of the Fire Lion Guard.

Those poor people who did not expect to hand in 100 jade coins in exchanged for 100 jade coins through various means.

If you have come here and can't enter the ancient boundary because you can't pay 100 jade coins, I don't know if it's humiliating.

will also leave a deep regret in their lives, which is something that all people who arrive here do not want to see.

People who can reach the top square of Shengwang Peak, even if they don't have 100 jade coins, there are goods far beyond this value.

There are countless herbs and elixir stones in the Holy King's Valley, as well as powerful monsters and magic nuclei.

Some people have no choice but to take out the magic core to exchange 100 jade coins with hatred.

Naturally, there are many people who exchange goods, and the guards of the Fire Lion clan also allow those who do not have jade coins to exchange goods with themselves.

After obtaining valuable goods from the sharp gas practitioners, they gave the sharp gas practitioners a moon-type transmission ring, and they took out 100 jade coins from the storage ring and threw them into the storage ring containing jade coins.

These fire lion guards seem to have been ready to make a lot of money here.

Those practitioners who have no choice but to exchange goods for jade coins have to hate their teeth. If they have the ability, they will definitely find a way to get back their own value items from the hands of these fire lion guards.

Or take away these storage rings that have stored hundreds of thousands of jade coins.

(PS: Thank you for your support! To predict what will happen, please see the next chapter for the update!)