
Chapter 381 Bell Lotion Nest

Chapter 381 Lotion Land Nest

"What is this? Is this the magic core?

Within the scope of wild soul perception, there is a hill-like magic core piled up there!

"Do you know by yourself?"

The old voice sounded.

"It's been sent, this time it's really sent! A lot of magic nuclei!"

While shouting, he rushed over, reached out and grabbed a fist-sized magic core, and carefully sensed it.

This is indeed the magic core, the flamingo magic core that I have seen and longed for.

"What are those?"

After seeing clearly that what was sure to be the magic core of the flamingo in his hand, Wu Ye glanced at the huge treasures piled up at the bottom of the molten fire pool again.

However, it was found that among these magic nuclei, there were also some bones of warcraft.

"This is the flamingo, the owner of those magic cores!" Gu Lao said.

"The flamingo is not the opponent of the molten fire dog king. Will the little spider be all right?"

Wu Ye suddenly remembered that since the molten fire dog king is so strong, will Jiuyou devour the sky spider not be able to beat it?

"The nine-you devouring spider is one of the ancient mythical beasts, and the molten fire dog king can't kill it. Don't worry! However, you'd better go out early! There are many flamingos here. If the molten fire dog king wants to upgrade, he has to keep killing flamingos. These are just purple dragon-grade flamingos and gray dragon masters. The molten fire dog king dares not provoke them!"

Gu Lao continued to say, and asked Wu Ye to leave here as soon as possible.

"It seems that this molten fire dog king can't be killed, and this will be my private treasure in the future! Hey hey!"

"Not bad, the small abacus is quite good!"

The bone old man also can smile and stop talking.

The soul perception is released, and the magic core on the ground is all wrapped in it, and all of them are wanted to be taken away.

"Wait a minute, don't take it all, leave half!" Gu Lao suddenly reminded.

"Why? This is a treasure. What a pity not to take it away!"

Wiye didn't understand the meaning of the old man and asked.

"You're stupid. If you took it all away, doesn't it mean that someone has stolen it? Leave a little for the dog king. Warcraft's IQ is low, and it's not easy to find, so he won't be alert!" The old man reminded.

"Yes, you are still knowledgeable, so I'll keep some!"

Wiye left one-third of the magic nuclei, and there are probably hundreds of magic nuclei.

The remaining hundreds of flamingo magic cores were collected by him in the storage ring.

Take the magic core, the sharp breath immediately enriches the fire shield, and the body begins to float.

Float up and swim to the edge of the fire pool.

When Wuye came to the stalactite in addition to the fire pool, more than a dozen bottles of bell lotion had also been filled.

Take away all the bell lotion and walk to the entrance of the cave.

"Wait a minute!"

Gu Lao reminded him again not to let Wu Ye leave.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

According to Wu Ye's judgment, he may have missed something again.

"Do you know why you took this clock lotion?" Gu Lao said.

"Why?" Wu Ye asked.

"Because this is the spirit liquid, which has the effect of sharp qi culture liquid!" Gu Lao said.

"Isn't it much better?" Wu Ye said inexplicably.

"What is this! Don't you want to have such a good thing forever? Gu Lao continued to say.

"What should I do? Can't I move this nest away?" Wu Ye said helplessly.

"It's almost the same, but it's not the whole thing to remove, but to remove the stalactites that produce the spirit!" Gu Lao said.

"The earth's nest? What is this?" Wu Ye was shocked and asked strangely.

"It is a treasure that absorbs the aura of heaven and earth from the stalactite and condenses, which will continue to produce the stalactite spirit liquid, just above that groove."

Gu Lao said mysteriously to Wu Ye and pointed out the location of the baby to him.

"above? Isn't there a stalactite on it? Is this also a baby?"

Wiye looked at the rock exactly like other stalactites and couldn't see anything strange.

"Do you want to put all the natural treasures in the world in front of your eyes, and then tell you that I'm a baby. You come and take me away, right?" Gu Lao said in a joking tone.

"Well, what should I do?"

Wiye knows that what he wants will never be an ordinary treasure, and of course he can't let it go.

"Just take off the upper section and take it away! But don't take them all and leave them for a period. These natural treasures are not common. If you cut them all and take them away, they will disappear. If you want to meet them again in the future, you may not have a chance to meet them again for thousands of years!"

said lightly, with a trace of preciousness for natural materials and treasures in his tone.

"Old man, what you said seems to make sense! OK, then I'll take two-thirds of it!"

After saying that, Wu Ye climbed up the groove under the stalactite, took out the crystal dagger, carefully, and began to cut at the root of the earth spirit stalactite hanging upside down above.

It took a little time to finally chisel a small hole in the stalactite and saw something inside that was different from the color of the stalactite outside.

"That's it!"

Wu Ye chiseled the hole and explored it inside.

"It's almost done, just get these out!" Gu Lao said.


Wu Ye answered, and a sharpness was condensed on the crystal dagger, making the crystal dagger more sharp.

Carefully brought out most of the spiritual nest.

This spiritual nest is like the shape of a lotus platform, which is uneven.

"Hey, what a good thing!"

Seeing this spiritual platform, Wu Ye said excitedly.

"All the good things are arched by your pig!"

Gu Lao said to Wu Ye in a slightly teasing tone.

"Hey, without good things, how can my pig get fat, haha!"

While laughing, he put the platform into the storage chain.

Wuye is used to putting the best things in the storage chain.


He took away the spirit liquid and found a lot of flamingo magic cores. Wu Ye was eager to go out to see how the battle between the nine ghosts and the molten fire dog king was going!

When Wuye walked to the mouth of the cave, Jiuyou ate the sky spider and the melting fire dog king were still entangled there.

The nine-eating spiders are still floating in the air and floating around in the air.

The molten fire dog king roared on the ground while chasing the nine-you-eating spider in the air, constantly spitting hot saliva.

Plum-shaped flames are rising all over the ground. On the back of the molten fire dog king, green spider silk piled up a large area on the back of the molten fire dog king.

has made the molten fire dog king extremely irritable, but between the two mythical beasts, no one can cause fatal damage to each other, so entangled and running around.

Wuye dodged out and hid on the edge of a huge stone. He looked around and saw that the little molten fire dogs had not yet come out. He hurried to a farther place and whistled in the direction of the nine-eating spider, regardless of whether the nine-you-eating spider could understand it or not!

blew a whistle, and no matter whether the nine-you devouring spider could understand it or not, it ran to the fire tree forest.

Hearing Wu Ye's call, the body of Jiuyou-eating spider quickly floated high and left the attack range of the molten fire dog king.

"Wow! Whoo!"

The molten fire dog king roared loudly and roared even more fiercely when he saw the nine-you devouring spider leave.

The nine-you-eating spider rising into the air is also rapidly shrinking, disappearing in the sight of the molten dog king in a blink of an eye.

After roaring for a while, the molten fire dog king shook his body endlessly and ran to his cave with the steps that the winner should have.

However, it didn't take long for the earth to vibrate again.

All the molten fire dogs in the cave were frightened and ran out, crawling on the ground, motionless.

The melting fire dog king, who had just run into the cave, ran out again and roared loudly at all the melting fire dogs.


The melting fire dog on the ground did not dare to move. It obediently lay on the ground and waited for the melting fire dog king to see it.

The edge of the clay plain

Following Wu Ye, a colorful spider the size of a fan quickly ran to the edge of the forest of fire trees.

"Little spider, you are so strong. I love you so much. Come and reward you with a bottle of earth spirit liquid!"

Wu Ye's finger hit the storage ring, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand.

The jade bottle was stretched out in front of the nine-you-eating spider, and a fragrance and pure energy rushed out of the jade bottle.


The nine-eating spider exchanged excitedly and immediately drank the stalactite spirit liquid in the jade bottle.

The Jiuyou devouring spider, who drank the earth spirit liquid, immediately became brilliant.

"Little spider, I'll give you more drinks of this in the future. Let's go back to find Grieg first. I don't know if he is still there!"

When Wu Ye ran to the fire tree forest, there was no human figure in the shield magic.

Wu Ye had to run into the Fire Forest again to look for it. Unfortunately, he searched the whole Fire Tree Forest and did not see the figure of Shield Magic.

It took more than half a day to find the shield magic, and the sky has begun to darken.

Wuye found some fire tree silver flowers in the fire tree forest.

When I walked out of the fire tree forest, I saw that it was already dark, so I had to run to the temporary flight point, rented a winged beast, and flew to the winged beast square.

It took an hour for the bat-winged beast to take Wuye to the winged beast square and saw that Chen Han had changed another winged beast driver.

With a question, I knew that Chen Han had flown back to the continent of Benyue.

Anyway, there was no formula material for the fire-eating elixir. Wu Ye was with the winged beast administrator and exchanged some 1.1 million jade coins with 100 flame flowers and bell lotion before leaving.

By exchanging jade coins, Wuye knew that the value of these materials and the value of bell lotion is 10,000 jade coins a bottle.

The flame flower is only one hundred jade coins, but this value has exceeded Wu Ye's imagination.

According to the value of exchange, the value of the formula of fire-eating elixir far exceeds the value of 100,000.

However, it is unknown whether the formula is accurate.

However, Wuye still cherishes this hard-won formula, which is the first time he has changed with his own ability in addition to the formula given by Gu Lao.

In order to verify the authenticity of this formula, Wuye needs to find all the materials inside.

When asked the bone old man, he ignored it and didn't say it was true or false.

In desperation, Wu Ye had to recall the materials on the recipe again, look at the map route on the task card, and walk east again.

To the east of the square, there are winged beasts flying to the iceberg rift valley in the southeast.

After spending ten jade coins, Wu Ye rented a small winged beast and flew to the iceberg rift alone.

This small winged beast has a special flight route and can fly according to the designated route without the control of other people's drivers.

If you want to come back, you can fly back as long as you pay the same fee and rent another winged beast.

Before renting the winged beast, Wuye asked about the situation of Beiming Xueyuan, and the first-hand manager told him that Beiming College could sign up at any time, but it needed to be assessed.

It's just temporary enrollment. When there is no special enrollment, the students recruited are treated well.

Hearing this, Wu Ye can rest assured that as long as he can enter the college, sooner or later.

Let's finish this formula first. In order to learn refining, you can have the opportunity to refine more powerful elixir in the future. What Wuye needs most is to cultivate refining skills first.

The function of fire-eating elixir is not only to deal with those flamingos, but also to continue to look for the next polar fire lotus in the future.

Although the two polar fire lotuses are already rare for Wuye, regardless of the anonymous sacred flame seal skills given to him by the old bone, they need more polar fire to improve.

In addition to improving your alchemy ability, your combat effectiveness also needs to be continuously improved.

The battle between the nine-you-eating spider and the molten fire dog further stimulated his desire to strengthen himself.

The nine-you-eating spider will leave him one day, and he is old, and he can't accompany himself like this all his life.

In Wu Ye's heart, this desire has been burning all the time.

The winged beast flew rapidly in the dark air, and the temperature in the air began to cool down.

Wu Ye knew that he was getting closer and closer to the iceberg rift.

Fire Mountain

Shield Mogli stood at the foot of the mountain of the Fire Mountain, looked at a flamingo that fell beside him, and spit fiercely.

"Grandma, it's so strong!"

not far away, a teenager held an ice-blue stick in his hand and gasped rapidly.

"Jiumei, how about it? Do we continue?"

Shiel Magic Gerry asked the teenager with an ice-blue stick in his hand.

"This flamingo is too strong. The two of us hit a newborn flamingo together, which is also a little powerless."

The ice mixed teenager said.

"I just want a magic core, and I don't want it. It's too difficult!"

Shiel Magic Gerry said, as he spoke, taking out a fiery red magic core the size of a fist from the head of the flamingo.

"Okay, I'll give you this one! I just want a magic core. I want to give it to another friend of mine. When he comes, I will give it to him as a gift!"

The popsicle teenager took a break and stood up and said.

"Is it a woman? I can't see how affectionate you are!"

As the shield magicge li spoke, he put the magic core into the black shield in his hand.

"Just right, hey, my brother really didn't cover it. He forged such a good shield for me!"

Shiel Magic Gerry put the magic core into the groove of the giant shield and said excitedly.

"Can your friend forge? So awesome?"

"That's right, my brother is only strong now, but he can help me forge this alloy shield, hehe!"

"Is it a friend who can use fire?" The ninth sister of the popsicle boy asked.

"Yes, how do you know?" Shield Magic asked doubtfully.

"I don't know how to use fire. Can I forge such a good shield for you?" The young ninth sister glanced at the shield magic and said.

"Haha, that's true!" Shield Mogli said with a smile.

"My friend is also a fire, haha, I'll introduce you later!" The popsicle teenager Jiumei said.

"Okay, I will also reduce my friend to you, haha!" Shield Mogli said proudly.

"Okay, that's it! Let's kill another one and leave. Let's go to the college together. I'll take you to sign up!"

The popsicle teenager Jiumei said as she walked to the stone cracks on the mountain.

"Well, look for it first. There are any broken shells. These little things are the weakest at this time. If you can't find them, you can only wait for tomorrow!" Shield Magic said.

"The fiery mountain is so big, there will always be!"

The popsicle teenager Jiumei said as she walked forward.

"Keep up!"

"It's coming!"

Two teenagers, one high and one low, passed through a stone crack at the same time and walked between those strange stones.

"Look, here is one, haha, good luck!" The popsicle teenager Jiumei said excitedly.

"Hey, it seems that your friend is blessing you and let you find one when you know you are going to give him a gift!"

As the shield magicge li spoke, he took out a huge crystal transparent hammer again and rushed to the popsicle teenager Jiumei.


The two took action at the same time, and a fiery red flamingo exposed a pink head from a golden eggshell large.

There was a confused look in his eyes, but he saw two mennaive guys rushing through with weapons in their hands.

A violent sense of crisis surged into the heart of the young fowl and was about to open its mouth and sing.

"Don't shout!"


"Bourage charge!"

Two guys immediately released a combat skill and killed the young flamingbirds.

The poor flamingo, before making a sound, was completely shrouded in the real space, and a cold energy rushed to kill it.


The young flamingo immediately broke out of the eggshell, and a flame spewed out of his mouth!

"Ice and snow all over the sky!"

From the hands of the popsicle teenager, he immediately released a cold combat skill, and immediately flew all over the sky around the body of the flamingo.


Flamingos were hit by the cold breath and were shocked all over. It was really sad that their newborn bodies had to face the battle of life and death before they even learned to stand.

"Flyingbird, go to hell! Don't blame my brother!"

In the hand of the shield demon, the hammer of the soul slammed the flamingo!


The fierce impact immediately made the crumbling flamingo fall to the ground in an instant! The head is bleeding!

"Jiumei, come and kill it. This little guy is so pitiful!"

Looking at the dying young flamingbird on the ground, Shield Mogli couldn't bear to look at it any more. He walked aside and said to the popsicle teenager.

"Your sister, don't call me Jiumei, call me Zhen, call me brother Zhen, you know!"

The popsicle teenager walked up and said to the shield magic.

From the hand of the popsicle teenager, a dagger appeared. Looking at the pitiful flamingo, Jiumei bit her teeth and stabbed it with a knife.

"Okay, take away the magic core and let's go to the college!" When Shield Mogli saw that the flamingo was dead, he said to the popsicle teenager.