
Chapter 456 Reincarnation

Chapter 356 But Reincarnation

Looking at the death of the dark bat, Wu Ye looked at the purple sky evil king standing proudly behind him.

He turned around, gave a thumbs up to Zitian Xiejun and said, "You are awesome!"


Zitian Xiejun was praised by Wu Ye and laughed proudly.

In his heart, a sense of achievement arises spontaneously.

For Zitian Evil King, this kind of praise is also very much needed.

No matter how high his spirit is, he is still not a real god. He also has seven emotions and six desires and hopes to be recognized by others.

It's just that there are some things that he can think about, who is not in a state of soul now.

Around the Zitian Evil King, the candlelight also shows a look of envy, which is a kind of worship and yearning look for the strong.

The remnants of the corners of Zitian Evil King's eyes also saw this kind of eyes in the south of the candlelight.

Although he was very satisfied, he deliberately pretended not to see it.

The fiercely burning flame flower has withered at this moment of dealing with dark bats.

When I came near the flame flower at midnight, the flame flower had disappeared.

"Hey, flame grass is better!"

Looking at the disappeared flame flower, he said helplessly.

"Anan, old purple, help me pull away those dark bats near the flame flowers!"

Wuye turned around to look around and ran forward at the same time.

"Damn it, you kid, it's really big or small!"

Zitian Xiejun stared at Wuye and said angrily.

The candlelight on the side smiled and pretended not to hear anything.

Through such a disturbance, Candlelight Zhengnan has seen that this soul master may be a wild friend or something.

His appearance, so suddenly, and his relationship with Wu Ye seems to be very tacit.

With such a master around, Candlelight Zhengnan is also very happy.

It's just the earth-shocking bow soul in the hands of the purple sky evil king, which gives too much attraction to the south of the candlelight.

Unfortunately, he can't do anything or ask the other party for it.

However, Candlelight Zhengnan secretly thought in his heart, "Since there is the first bow soul, will there be another one?"

Thinking of this, the heart of the candlelight Zhengnan couldn't help but be excited.

Looking at Wu Ye running forward, Candlelight Zhengnan and Zitian Xiejun also quickly followed.

"Let me open the way, look behind!"

Zitian Xiejun has the demeanor of an elder. Seeing Wuye's great demand for flame flowers, he took the initiative to open the way ahead.


With the words of Zitian Evil King, the candlelight was in the south of his arms, promised and walked to the end of the three people.

Behind him, on the other side of the molten fire river, **wing bats are fighting with the teenagers of the ancient road family.

However, the reincarnation array keeps changing with the cooperation of the ancient teenagers.

Sometimes in the shape of the Big Dipper, sometimes in the shape of plum blossoms.

In the constant change, there is a magical power.

The soul that controls the soul of the **wing bat is invincible and controls it in the front of the array.

The sharp long gun constantly transforms into bursts of gun shadows and pierces the body of the **-winged bat.

**Although the wing bat is very large, its movements are very flexible. In addition to constantly rolling and avoiding in the air, it spewed out a flame from time to time and attacked the seven people.

However, the reincarnation array is as familiar to the invincible soul as his own eyes.

Because this is a combat skill used by him and another soul companion.

This array, after the evolution of the ancient road teenager, has become a seven-person array, which makes the soul invincible and impressive.

Unfortunately, the greedy fire is not here now. If it were, the soul would be invincible and could catch up with good brothers.

However, the array used by the ancient teenager made the soul invincible not want to kill.

Because these may be the disciples and grandchildren of good brothers.

Now the soul is invincible. Although it has become a wild weapon, all this is only done under his helplessness.

The soul invincible still thinks that one day, he can get out of the control of the wild. These ancient teenagers will be a strong reserve force for his comeback in the future.

This is also the reason why the invincible soul cannot break through the large array formed by ancient teenagers.

The soul invincible has this thought, and he is secretly happy. While attacking, he also wants to attack from the gap position of the array.

This attack is not fatal.

The more ancient Taoist immortals fought, the more frightened they became. They felt that their ancient Taoist array was full of loopholes in front of this dark bat.

Fortunately, Gu Dao Wuxian immediately made up for it when he saw the shortcomings of this array.

While being shocked, Gudao Wuxian was a little grateful for this **-winged bat.

When dealing with the previous Warcraft with the red-winged flying snake of the green dragon grade, I didn't find that this array had so many defects.

Although the **wing bat in front of him is not of high grade, it strangely releases the soul breath of the saint's grade.

"Attack its flank! Don't let it destroy our defense boundary."

Gu Dao Wuxian saw that the ** wing bat began to attack the right wing of the array, and immediately waved the long gun in his hand, pointed to the other side of the ** wing bat and roared.

"Vinable array! Beidou!"

However, in the first position of the reincarnation array, a teenager should control the eyes of the other five teenagers.

After a roar, the six teenagers immediately centered on the ancient road without immortals, like a long snake swimming, instantly changing their positions.

The Big Dipper is like a hook, seven gun shadows, and the rapid attack comes out in the hands of the teenagers.

The black long gun condensed the sharp energy of the Yellow Dragon Jedi and hit seven sharp flashes.

The flashing strong strike energy swept directly towards the wings of the ** wing bat, forcing the ** wing bat to turn its body and take off into the air.


**winged bats rushed straight into the sky, and their wings fanned fiercely, fanning out two strong whirlwinds.

In an instant, the sand and stones flew away, rolled up countless gravel, and gathered into the air.


Another sharp squeak came out, and the **wing bat swept away the gathered gravel towards the teenager on the ground.

"Vinable array, plum blossom!"

The ancient immortal body moved rapidly, driving the other six teenagers to the edge.

The seven people gathered together immediately, like a blooming plum blossom.

"Flying guns gather umbrellas!"

Gu Dao Wuxian roared, and the long gun in his hand suddenly flew out, with a yellow light.

The other six teenagers threw out with the black Tencel long gun in their hands at the same time.

A strange pattern immediately appeared above the teenager's head.

It was a rapidly rotating seven-gun array, like an umbrella without a rain cloth, spinning rapidly above the head.

The rotating edge of the bone umbrella. It is a sharp tip of the gun.

The gravel in the air fell rapidly, and the crackling sound kept coming out.

These gravel, like hail, fell aimlessly at the position of the ancient road teenager.

Under the rotation of the bone umbrella, the gravel all turned into a mass of dust.

The soul invincible watched the gravel being crushed one after another, and was also stunned.

In my heart, I also gave a thumbs up for these ancient Taoist teenagers. Unexpectedly, this reincarnation array, coupled with the shooting skills of the ancient Taoist family, can not only attack and defend, but also be unpredictable.

The invincible soul just wants to trap these ancient teenagers and prevent them from catching up with Wuye and others.

Therefore, he will not let Gu Dao Wuxian and others get rid of themselves so easily.

The seven Tencel long gun is spinning rapidly, protecting the top of the teenager's head, and his soul is invincible and dares not approach easily.

**The sharp grade of winged bats is only about the Red Dragon Nine Armor.

It all depends on the defense boundary outside the body to be so strong.

The sharpness of the gun released by the ancient teenagers has a crazy hanging power.

If they break the boundary outside the body, they can't hide it.


Gu Dao Wuxian shouted violently and his arm. Among the rapidly rotating bone umbrella in the air, the long gun in the middle was quickly sucked back into his hand.

As soon as the core of the umbrella frame left, the other six Tencel guns also flew back into the hands of others.


The soul is invincible, but he doesn't want to let go of the ancient teenager like this. He has to figure out all the strength of these guys.

The body shook in the air, and the wings fluttered directly from the air.

The flame in the mouth poured down with a hot molten slurry, like a flame waterfall.

"Vinable array, the ancient road is infinite!"

Looking at the blazing flame pouring down in the air, the eyes of the ancient road and immortals narrowed into a thin crack.

With a loud shout, the body quickly changed its position.

The ancient road is boundless, and the seven teenagers quickly leaped to the edge.

A circular pattern appeared in the middle of them.

This circular formation is a hollow circle.

** The molten pulp and flame spewed out by the wing bat instantly bombarded the hollow position in the middle.

"Release the reincarnation skill and be greedy!"

Gu Dao Wuxian's body moved rapidly towards the edge and suddenly stopped, holding the black long gun behind him.

The black long gun made a deep mark on the ground.

The fire splashed on the ground, leaving a black mark.

Between the imprints, there is a faint energy flowing, just like the brilliance of a firefly.

Gudao Wuji combat skill, in the fierce shout of Gudao Wuxian, suddenly attacked the ** wing bat that fell upside down.

The seven black traces on the ground suddenly burst. At the moment when the long gun in the hands of the seven teenagers suddenly picked up from the ground, the seven black cracks burst out a light blue fluorescence.

is like a huge net that suddenly flew up from the ground, sweeping towards the **wing bats in the air.

The molten flame, under the enchanting light of the seven counterattacks, was completely wrapped in the mass of energy and splashed on the ** wing bat.


I didn't think that the ancient Taoist teenager still had this hand. This greedy fire is the name of an invincible good brother. It's not surprising to say it from their mouths.

But it is strange that the name was turned into a formation battle skill, which made the soul invincible a little surprised!

The posture of the **wing bat remains unchanged, but the invincible soul body suddenly escaped from the body of the **wing bat.

rushed into the air in an instant, turned into a wisp of white light, and once again threw himself into the body of the smaller **-winged bat parked in the air.

A new round of interception will appear again until Wu Ye makes a telepathic call to him.

The **-winged bat, as expected, was torn by seven energies in an instant and died on the marks scratched by the long guns in the circle, and flowed down to the ground. I don't know whether it was its blood or the molten pulp.

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