Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 49 I want you to feed me

It's warm, soft and comfortable. That's Xia Lei's unique fragrance "um" smile gave a sense of satisfaction, and his eyelids moved slightly, as if to wake up.

Er, has his fever subsided?

Thinking of this, she opened her eyes with a smile and found that Xia Lei was still sleeping. She put her hand on his forehead and found that although the fever was still there, it was not as high as last night. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Last night, he really worried her. She had never seen him like this.

But he is really good-looking now. The most important thing is that he is so close to himself. Without the strangeness of the day, he looks good.

Long eyelashes, tall nose, clear outline, and a pair of lovely ears, even breathing is so cute.

Looking at it, Xiaoxiao couldn't help stretching out her hand and pulling his ear.

"Is it fun?"

A gentle voice sounded.

"Ye, it's fun."

Smile's unconscious intuition to answer.

"Then continue."

The voice also seems to be quite satisfactory.


Slow smile, it's hard to realize that something is wrong.

He raised his head and found that Xia Lei was looking at himself with his sapphire blue eyes, with obvious jokes in his eyes.


The smile turned into stag in an instant.

"I, what am I, what are you, didn't you play well just now?"

He is in a good mood when he wakes up early in the morning and has such a good picture. This kind of life is very warm. He doesn't want to miss any opportunity to tease her.

"Are you all right? I was worried to death last night!"

Avoid things that are not good for him and take the initiative to care about him. In fact, it is more to divert his current attention and save him from pursuing what he has just been touching his ears.

"Don't take the topic apart, tell me first, is my ears funny?"

Xia Lei woke up like a child, unrelenting and not ready to let her go so quickly.

"Well, it's fun. I've played it all. What else do you want, otherwise..., my ears, you play back."

Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, and there was no way out. He took the initiative to turn his ears and waited for Xia Lei's judgment.

"That's good. It's better to have fun alone than to have fun together."

Xia Lei was half real and half fake, but he was really rude. He reached out and pinched his smiling ears.

After half axiang, Xia Lei said, "Thank you!"

"Thank you for?" He smiled and blinked his eyes and asked knowingly.

"I seemed to be sick yesterday, but I kept dreaming that you took care of me all night."

Xia Lei said truthfully that the feeling of being taken care of was so good. He has always taken care of others by himself. No one has taken care of himself. He likes and cherishes it very much.

"It feels really good to be taken care of." With that idea in his heart, he said it casually.

"You don't have a fever!"

Xia Lei in front of him was very different from him at peacetime. He raised his hand nervously and touched his forehead and found that he did not continue to have a fever.

Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and his tight face became much more relaxed.

"Lei..." Since he woke up, Xiaoxiao wanted to ask if he was better.

But he just opened his mouth, and the next second his lips were covered with her pink lips, which he had been thinking for a long time.

"Good morning!"

After a long time, he let go of her and saw her with her eyes slightly closed. It was really beautiful.

Only he knows how much he loves her.

He couldn't wait to give her all the best things in the world, but he only hurt her again and again along the way.

She fell ill and woke up willing to speak, and the look and expression made him feel like she had returned to the purest years of her childhood.

Thinking of what Meng Chen did a few days ago, he wanted to punch himself. He always missed something, but he never thought that these things would be so deadly to her.

Meng Chen played that kind of thing in front of the whole world, proclaiming that matter, what a great harm it is for her.

In fact, he is more worried that Xiaoxiao will have pimples on this kind of thing.

Since there is a pimple, let's understand it. He tried to get close to her.

After a while!

B bitch, dirty woman!

B bitch, how dare you say that you have no adultery with Xia Lei!

Hahahaha, I won't let you go!

I'm going to kill you, kill you, kill you!

Closing his eyes with a smile, Meng Chen's dark and vicious eyes, heart-piercing words, and pictures of himself being beaten suddenly came out of his mind.

"No, don't, don't... don't hit me, don't" Xia Lei, who was preparing for the next move, found that something suddenly something was wrong with his subordinates, and then a pair of hands randomly grabbed him.

Hold her tightly and let her hands keep scratching on her body, and her eyes are full of heartache and self-reproach.

She is too impatient to evoke what she fears the most.

"Smile, I'm Xia Lei, I'm here, it's over, everything is over"

"Laughing, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore"


I'm so scared that what happened on the night I was abused is vivid, or even clearer than at that time.

At that time, the physical injury was too serious, which directly covered the psychological pain, but now it is a scene of memories, making the psychological pain geometrically improved.

Xia Lei knew that he had just untied a knot of laughter and could never let her fall into another pain again.


The water in the bathroom keeps spewing out from all directions!

There is a pair of red fruit men and women standing under the sprinkler head.

The smiling body is hot, but Xia Lei's side is cold.

The two kissed affectionately.

The legendary mandarin duck bath is a special picture here.

How can this woman, how can she, how can she joke about her body? Xia Lei, whose back was constantly washed by cold water, thought sadly, but he didn't care about the body that had begun to be red.

Under the stimulation of the cold body, Meng Chen in the dream gradually faded away, and the warm water hit his body so that he could not do it at all. Because he was hugged by Xia Lei's cold body, he had any discomfort.

"Lei" smiled and felt a little shy when he found himself and Xia Lei's posture.

"Turn off the water" Xia Lei gritted his teeth and said these words from his mouth. He couldn't move. If he moved, the cold water would rush to smile. Even if it was only one second, it was not what he wanted. If it was not necessary, he couldn't move.

The back of "Help me**" has become numb because of the cold water that has been washed for too long, and the organs of the body have become slow.

However, it has not reached the point where it is impossible to walk, but sometimes it will have an unexpected effect if it is installed at the right time.

Her smiling eyes flashed slightly. She was not stupid and soon understood what Xia Lei had done for her. "Lei..." Turn off the water, and tears were like a kite with a broken line, constantly dripping down.

Helping Xia Lei to the bedside, there seemed to be something in his heart that was constantly unsealed, making the softness continue to expand.

Cover Xia Lei with a quilt. "I'm going to put a bowl of ginger soup." Turning around, he found that his hand was pulled by Xia Lei. "Don't leave me"

"I won't leave, I'll be right back." Looking at the worry in Xia Lei's eyes, there was a feeling of need.

He pointed to the bath towel by the bed and smiled. Although he liked to see her without an inch, he was more afraid that she would catch a cold.

"Hm!" Her smiling face turned red. What happened just now made her not care whether she was wearing clothes or not.

After taking a bath towel, she retreated out in a hurry. The back, "Hahaha, cough... cough..." made her shy and worried.

"Come on, it's not spicy at all." Xiaoxiao held ginger soup in one hand and medicine in the other hand, sitting by the bed and saying good advice. She didn't expect that Xia Lei didn't like ginger soup.

"Well, don't... I don't want to drink." Looking innocently at the person in front of him, Xia Lei played tricks.

"Drink a little, it's really delicious." Looking at the flashing in Xia Lei's eyes, "Well, tell me how can I drink it?"

"I want you to feed me" and muttered, just thinking of a child to be coquettish.

Put down the medicine and pick up a small spoon. "All right, I'll feed you, come on, open your mouth." The distance between the two has been very close from last night to now, not to mention that Xia Lei is still ill, so she naturally doesn't care so much.

"En..." Xia Lei kept shaking his head, meaning that he refused to drink.

For Xia Lei's non-cooperation, Xiaoxiao did not have any dissatisfaction, and was very patient, "You don't want me to feed you, why don't you drink it?" The tone was full of different spoiling.

Since childhood, Xia Lei has loved and taken care of herself. Now she rarely has such an opportunity to do these things for him. She feels very sweet and is determined to do it well.

Xia Lei stretched out his hand and pointed to his pink lips, and his eyes were full of expectation.

"Ah" her little face turned red. Of course, she understood what Master Xia was thinking, but was there still few kisses this morning? Now my lips are full of his smell!

"Don't be okay" smiled and lowered his head shyly, thinking of Xia Lei's kiss, and his face was even hotter.

There is a trace of cunning in the eyes. "No! I want you to feed me like that! Cough...cough...cough"

By the saying, women are born with motherhood, especially for the weak. Looking at Xia Lei's appearance, there is no way to refuse with a smile.

But... However, even if she didn't refuse, she didn't even take the initiative to kiss others, let alone mouth-to-mouth feeding.

The hesitation in Xiaoxiao's eyes fell into Xia Lei's eyes. He knew that he still needed a trace of heat. As long as he added a trace of heat, this could be done.

"Cough...cough..." The condition suddenly worsened, and Xia Lei's cough sounded again, "It hurts!"