Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 114 Fall from the Peak of Hope

It succeeded, and everyone was overjoyed!

Crossing the black hole is something you can't even think about.

First of all, the emergence of black holes is impossible, so no one has confirmed it from ancient times to the present.

In fact, black holes have always been given a sense of mystery, giving people the feeling that it is not something that human beings can violate at all.

It's just this group of people, this group of people who don't want to be manipulated by fate, and they have done it.

"Xueting, Dad is here waiting for you to come back!" Kaohsiung seems to have been muttering like an ordinary old man because of too many things in just a moment.

How can his scene escape from everyone's eyes? He is sighing that the blood relationship is endless!

"Liu Leqiao, Xue Ting has started skydiving. Your current location can start landing. I'll tell you where Xue Ting is later!" Everyone was not worried about what would happen to Gao Xueting's skydiving, not to mention that Liu Leqiao was answering her.

Xia Lei and Chen Zutao and Qi Linxi looked at each other. In the faint, they still had another level of worry.

Is this black hole really so easy to break through?

Although the emergence of black holes is contrary to common sense, it is so easy to break through, which is even more contrary to common sense.

In addition, Gao Xueting said before that she was controlled by others.

Can things really be this simple?

At this time, they had to hide their worries.

If someone really manipulates this thing, then that person may be far beyond their existence. No matter how much it is said, it will be useless. On the contrary, it will mess people's hearts.

With Gao Xueting's intelligence, he will naturally think of this layer.

"Good!" Without any hesitation, Liu Leqiao began to land.

He believes that one day Gao Xueting will fall in love with him.

Xia Lei has already smiled, and it is absolutely impossible to accept Gao Xueting. She has a lifetime to let her fall in love with herself.

Thinking so, the corners of his mouth couldn't help smiling.

He doesn't care where he is, in this world or not, it doesn't matter to him.

As long as you can be with his Tinger, it will be enough to accompany him.

Jumping down 20,000 meters may be a challenge and torture for others, but for Gao Xueting, it is completely a kind of entertainment and enjoyment.

It's just that she doesn't have any entertainment at all, let alone enjoy it.

From the moment she jumped down, she heard her heart snorted coldly. If it hadn't been for her strong will and far beyond ordinary people, I'm afraid she would not faint and vomit blood.

At this moment, if a person is not firm enough, I'm afraid he will think that he has schizophrenia!

Gao Xueting is not an ordinary person and resists the discomfort in her body. "Who are you?" These three words came from her mind, and she believed that if someone really controlled her, then that person would definitely hear them.

"Hmm, it's a ant, trying to escape from the palm of my hand!" This voice sounds obviously female, but it calls itself an old man. The most important thing is that the background contained in this voice has a sense of being alone in the world.

Although it was useless to ask again, Gao Xueting asked again, "What do you want to do to me!"

Unsurprising, the voice did not appear again, but Gao Xueting knew that the other party could definitely hear her words.

Without any hesitation and hesitation, Gao Xueting closed her lips and made a sound from her throat:

"He opened his mouth to talk to me. I feel that his strength is completely beyond all of us, but because he is too far away, there are restrictions on his ability, but I may not be able to escape the fate of being taken away by him!"

In the communication room, the three men looked at each other again. Gao Xueting's words fully confirmed what they had just thought, but what should they do next?

Kaohsiung on the chair seems to be much older all of a sudden. It's not that he didn't think of this possibility, but he didn't want that to happen, so as a father, he directly ignored his inner thoughts.

"Xueting, no matter what, no matter where you are, Dad hopes that you must live a strong life!" He has already passed the age of fighting with heaven and earth.

If anyone can see the world best, there is no doubt that "as long as you can live, Dad will have no regrets!"

Although it is impossible to be really regretless, what else is more important than my daughter's life?

Even if the two live in different worlds, as long as she is still alive, it will be sunny.

"I won't die so easily!" The voice was cold and there was no anxiety.

She no longer expects, let alone assumes, and will not force her to let all take its course. If she is destined to leave the world in this life, then no matter which corner of the world she is, the other party will definitely find her. What will happen will definitely happen.

The hand secretly buttoned the parachute, and soon the parachute opened.

At this time, Liu Leqiao was already on standby on the ground and kept looking up at the air, and his eyes became a little sour. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

He finally, finally, finally found her, and she is constantly falling.

"Ting'er!" Waving his hands, he was so excited that he kept running towards Gao Xueting's position.

Gao Xueting in the distance saw Liu Leqiao running towards herself, "Don't come here!" Although she hasn't landed yet, she has a feeling that when she lands, it seems that it will become a time for her to say goodbye to the world forever.

She doesn't know how unbelievable the other party's ability is, but she can't gamble with Liu Leqiao's life.

She owes him enough!

In the monitoring room, everyone suddenly found that the plane stuck in the black hole began to fall.

With Gao Xueting's current position, if the plane falls, the wreckage will definitely hit her and Liu Leqiao.

"The plane is falling in your direction!" Qi Linxi hurriedly notified Gao Xueting and Liu Leqiao.

"Brother Le, go!" Gao Xueting shouted loudly. She understood that this was done by that person and must not drag down Brother Le.

Qi Linxi also conveyed the message in the communication room, "Liu Leqiao, you should step back quickly. With Gao Xueting's technology, you can definitely handle it!"

Liu Leqiao paused for a moment. Because there was still a distance, he could not see Gao Xueting's expression clearly, but he was so familiar with her that a small sigh of her was so clear.

He knows that even if she can hide this time, I'm afraid she won't want to hide.

At this point, he is not stupid, and he knows more or less what happened to Gao Xueting.

"Uncle Gao, if I'm gone, please tell my parents for me, I'm sorry!" He shouted this sentence into the microphone, and he moved faster than just now and rushed to Gao Xueting.

Liu Leqiao's desperate rush made Gao Xueting have no choice but to slightly change the direction of the parachute.

All this happened late and quickly!

It's just that Liu Leqiao has decided to pay attention. No matter where Gao Xueting is, he will go there.

In the distant sky, the wreckage of the plane is faintly visible.

But what discouraged Gao Xueting was not the wreckage of the plane, but the expanding black hole on the ground.

She felt another suction, which sucked her!

As early as when they said the plane fell, she had this idea.

I didn't expect it, but it's true.

"You go!" Gao Xueting shouted with all her strength.

"No!" At this time, how could Liu Leqiao leave, jump forward and grab Gao Xueting's ankle? The two disappeared like this!

It turned out that the picture was sometimes transmitted back on this ground, but at this moment, there was no two people on the picture at all.

Everyone in the communication room looked at each other in consters. Just now, they clearly saw Liu Leqiao in the picture, but it was only a few seconds after coming down from Gao Xueting.

Liu Leqiao's people disappeared and the signal disappeared!

Gao Xueting's people are also missing, and the signal is also completely news.

"No...!" At this moment, Kaohsiung can no longer hold on. What people are most afraid of is to fall from the peak of hope to the bottom of despair.

And his life, in just a few hours, has ups and downs.

In this ups and downs, he lost his daughter!

He understands that this is a loss forever!

But he still expects his daughter to survive tenaciously in another world!

In fact, he didn't dare to imagine what he was afraid of his daughter's torture. Those people were so deliberate about taking Xue Ting away was by no means as simple as inviting her to have tea and chatting.

At this moment, even if his power is too great, it is useless.

Also, how should he tell Liu Leqiao's parents?

"Uncle Gao!" Chen Zutao wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know what to say. Uncle Gao, don't worry, Xue Ting and Le Qiao must still be alive or something? This is not pure nonsense.

Kaohsiung closed his eyes slightly, exhaled, and waved his hand weakly, "I'm fine!"

Is it okay? How can it be okay, but that's all he can say at this moment.

and Gao Xueting's connection signal keeps sending out this kind of "Z, Z, Z!", which is annoying and dull!

"We can't cut off this signal, and we will never be able to contact again!" Qi Linxi looked at everyone's gloomy faces and said helplessly.

"The side of the accident needs to send someone to search, otherwise, it will cause some departments to suspect that confidentiality is the most important thing!" After calming down, Kaohsiung said in a low voice.

If the black hole is known by the outside world, the consequences will be unpredictable, so they must not reveal any news.

There are some things he doesn't want, but standing in his position, he has to make some sacrifices. His daughter can't come back. If she persists blindly, the result will probably be worse!

"I'll give you another 15 minutes. If you still can't connect, just...!" Even if he is a little unspeakable, which father will really be so cruel. When his clenched fists begin to turn white, he continues to say, "Cut it off!"