Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 118 Amazing Changes

He stared at Xia Lei with wide eyes and a smile. A trace of rosy on his face has disappeared at this moment.

The room is quiet, and you can clearly hear the sound of laughter and Xia Lei's breathing.

There is no imaginary hysteria, no screams, and no laughing at the turtle shell pattern used to.

Xiaoxiao is surprisingly calm. It seems that she has grown a lot, regardless of things or people.

Without the pale face, wide and godless eyes, and the gradually trembling hands, perhaps no one would have thought of the suffering she was suffering now.

However, with the continuous trembling of her hands, her body also began to tremble, which seemed to be a cycle. Under the tremor, her pale face became paler, and the more pale her face became, the more trembling her body became.

The small hand held tightly by Xia Lei did not show any temperature.

Xia Lei leaned down and sat by the smiling bed, hugged Xiaoxiao's shoulder, and muttered, "Smile!"

The voice contained heartache that he couldn't say, as well as his worries.

The child is smiling and his.

It can be said that they are truly one at this moment.

Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, but snuggled closer, and the tears from the corners of his eyes involuntarily flowed down.

It's not that she doesn't feel heartache. How can she not feel heartache? But this has happened. What else can she do? Only by indiffering her heart can she not shed tears so fiercely.

This has changed her life for nearly a month.

She knows that at this moment, she is not the only one who needs comfort.

The man behind him, who looks like steel, will never need less comfort than himself.

So, at this moment, it seems that Xia Lei is holding a smile, but in fact, the two are snuggled up to each other.

"I'm sorry, I vowed to take good care of you...!" Xia Lei unconsciously hugged and smiled, "I didn't take good care of you, let alone keep our two children!"

"Two...two...!" She kept saying with a smile. She was not stupid. Of course, she understood the meaning of Xia Lei's words.

Just at this moment, since they have lost both, one and two are really not the key.

Isn't it sad to say one? Are the two sad?

But everyone who has experienced it understands that this is not a matter of one plus two.

Xia Lei stared at the railing in front of the hospital bed, "Maybe they have nothing to do with us!" As he spoke, his tears slipped to his face and slowly dripped down on his smiling hair.

The slight moisture and coolness on the top of his head shocked Xiaoxiao's heart. Unconsciously, he held Xia Lei's big hand tightly with his backhand.

Who said that men bleed without tears!

At this moment, they can only warm each other and warm each other.

She wanted to ask if they would be cold and afraid in another world. She wanted to lie in Xia Lei's arms and cry to her heart's content.

She wanted to say whether they would hate her as a mother or not. It was her negligence that they left forever before they could meet the world.

She wants to say that they will come to her side again?

She wants to say that she is useless, she is incompetent, she is not well protected, and it is all her responsibility.

But at this moment, she is no longer who she used to be. She is much more mature. In addition to Yu Chi's kindness and timidity, her body also leads to Gao Xueting's generatic and aboveboard.

She thought a lot, but she still said nothing. She reached out and gently stroked her stomach, opened her mouth, and just asked, "Can I still regenerate?"

Yes, as long as it can be regenerated, she believes that they will come back.

What you have lost has been lost. No matter how painful you are, if you are not strong, you are hurting Xia Lei.

The pain is to stay in your heart, slowly settle down, slowly think, and then slowly become a memory.

"No, the doctor said no problem!" Xia Lei in the grief was really surprised by the strength of the smile and the change of the smile.

Although he had hope in his heart, this hope was something he never dared to think of, so he chose to be strong and be as unrestrained and careless.

What he is waiting for is that Xiaoxiao will close his heart and everything.

I didn't expect that the smiling attitude would be like this.

Of course, he will not feel that she is not heartbroken enough or anything because of her smiling attitude.

To compare, he understands that at this moment, in addition to her heartache, she is still protecting him, caring about his thoughts and his emotions.

Or, she is trying to make him not have to worry so much.

And she did it and did it well.

Because the grief in his heart can no longer be covered up.

Isn't it a young man or a little girl? Isn't it a blessing for him who is over 30 years old to have his own family and his own children?

For him, the days of his mother's life were distant but the most anticipated memories.

Even if he is capable, these things that are determined by God are not what he can change.

He is very glad that Xiaoxiao is still in his arms at this moment.

And it seems that although it is painful, she has a mature solution.

It's just like this, but it makes him feel more sorry for her.

"I really want to cry if you want, but the doctor said that you cry too much, which is bad for your eyes and not conducive to recovery!" Xia Lei hugged and smiled, and his voice was very gentle.

It hurts, but you can't cry. Isn't this a kind of torture? "Then, let's cry silently!"

It will not be a good thing for patients to put the pain in the bottom of their hearts.

"Ye!" Xiaoxiao nodded slightly and bit her lips tightly. Tears flowed silently, but there was no sound.

At this moment, Xia Lei doesn't need to look at it to know that she is crying silently, and all he can do is to hold her tighter.

"The doctor said that your body needs to be recuperate, and after conditioning, the monthly situation will become normal!" These have been thought by Xia Lei for a long time. Of course, it was not a lie, but what he originally thought was how to pull the smile out of the closed state.

"We will wait for you to take good care of your body, and then raise you to be strong and have a child, okay?"

Smile didn't say anything, but the silent tears became more fierce.

It hurts a little, and she can't suppress it if she wants to!

Every child will become the heart of parents once they appear, whether they have been born or have not been masked.

"Okay, it's almost done. I believe the children don't want us to be like this. Can you cry when you get well? At that time, you can cry as much as you want. I won't pull you or stop you. I will cry with you!"

Xia Lei, who has never been so emotional, has unconsciously become extremely emotional at this moment.

Smile still didn't say anything, just reached out and wiped her tears.

For the first time, it dried and flowed out again.

She wiped it again, and the result flowed out again.

Tears are like fighting with her, over and over again.

She didn't know whether she underestimated the perseverance of tears or looked down at the grief in her heart.

But no matter what, she will not submit to tears.

"Let me do it!" Her heart smiled and wiped it over and over again. The corners of her eyes had already been red and scary because of salty corrosion and skin friction.

smiled and nodded, but still didn't say anything. At this moment, she had no strength to give herself to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei gently put down Xiaoxiao and wanted to wash her face, but found that her hand was grabbed by Xiaoxiao.

With a strong nasal voice, there is fear in his smiling eyes, "Don't leave me!"

She is afraid that she has lost her child, and she is afraid of losing Xia Lei again. In that case, she will have nothing.

Xia Lei took a look, pulled the corners of his mouth, and smiled, "OK, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be by your side!"

smiled and pointed to another hospital bed, "You lie down there, okay?" Why is he tired? Instead of letting him sit like this, it's better to lie down like himself.

Rest is anyone's right. Although there are people with a will like steel in the world, he also needs to rest.

Xia Lei wanted to refuse, but looking at Xiaoxiao's firm eyes, he changed his mind, nodded and walked to the other side.

Move the position of the bed to make it closer to the smiling bed.

Lying down, the two people looked at each other's eyes and the pain on their faces.

Maybe this is a different bed and the same dream!

"I still remember that you were so young when you were a child, but you didn't expect to be so big in a blink of an eye!" Xia Lei said as he smiled at what he looked like when he was a child and what he looks like now.

He must take the initiative to adjust the atmosphere, otherwise, such a depressing atmosphere, which suppresses the already sad smile, will only make her more painful.

How can Xiaoxiao not know what Xia Lei means? Although she is lazy and sad that she can't lift any other feelings. "When I was a child, you were also a child, as if you were much older than me!"

The reason for pain is that it makes people indulge. The more indulge, the more painful it is, the more painful it will be to indulge. Such a repeated cycle until it becomes a dead buckle.

So she must learn how to release this pain.

"Always so much older than you!" Xia Lei stretched out his hand and stroked a handful of hair on his forehead with a smile. "When you get better, I will teach you and train your body!"

He secretly vowed that he must reach a certain level of physical fitness before she can conceive again.

Abortion is very harmful to a woman's body. This kind of tragedy can only happen once, and it must not happen again.

Xiaoxiao said without any thought, "Sister Ting taught me, you don't have to worry!" After saying that, she remembered what Xia Lei said about their business trip, "How long will it take for Sister Ting and Le Qiao to come back from a business trip?"