Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 143 Assistant Meet the Assistant! On

In the morning, the sun penetrates the clouds and reaches the ground, and the warm breath comes on the face!

After getting up early and having breakfast, Qi Linxi walked slowly to Feng Xiaowu's room.

Pushed the door open, and a smell of smoke that was not very strong but still smelled came to my face!

Although the smell of smoke is not strong, it is also powerful for these soldiers who have come from holding people!

"You...!" Qi Linxi's face was full of smiles, and the two people in front of him were looking at him with "black and bright" eye bags in an annoying look!

"How's it going? Did it taste good last night!"

Stay the two together to train them, otherwise only one person will be enough for the vigil!

The two national treasure figures looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Feng Xiaowu said frankly, "I don't know why they are not tired. We are tired of listening!"

A whole night! Unexpectedly, he was there sleepless and screaming so vigorously!

"That's right, that's right, it stopped for less than five minutes!" Lu Di, who was beside him, opened his palm and motioned in front of Qi Linxi, which was enough to represent his surprise!

I didn't find anything strange in Qi Linxi's eyes. Lu Di continued and said, "Even if you like to do that, do you need to stay up all night? As for it!"

After saying that, Lu Di and Feng Xiaowu looked at each other again and thought of Xia Lei and Xiaoxiao, who stayed in the company yesterday morning. Shouldn't they be so cruel?

Why don't young people these days know how to cherish their bodies? What a life!

"Cough!" In the face of the nagging of the two, Qi Linxi coughed and said, "This is the test for you, and it is the most inconspicuous of the test!"

After saying that, he ignored the two and went to the monitoring system and found that the anti-eavesdropping system on Liu Xi's body had been completely removed!

Looking up at the two people, he asked leisurely, "I've been listening to it all night. Have you heard who that man is?"

Reaching out and pinching the temple, Feng Xiaowu said with a headache and said, "It should be Meng Chen who sent flowers yesterday. We dare not relax all night, so we just heard them keep calling Meng Shao, what are you so powerful, why hurry up!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Di rushed to say, "What else is Xia Lei and I? Can Xia Lei have this posture or something like that?" So we thought that that man should undoubtedly be Meng Chen!"

After listening to their words, Qi Linxi had a chill. Those two people were too perverted. Obviously, it was their business, and why did they keep talking about Xia Lei?

Only Meng Chen can do this. Except for him, he really doesn't make a second idea!

"Okay, you're tired too. Go and have a rest!" I really sympathize with the two of them. Although he only listened to Liu Xi for a while last night, he also felt a little. This made them listen all night. It was a pity that they seemed to be single!

"Report, we are soldiers, we can insist!" It's rare for the two to be in agreement!

Qi Linxi glanced at the two people. He knew what they meant was that they could wait until night to rest, but now it's not wartime. There's no need to do this, and it's not a barracks. "Are you sure? If that's the case, I'll find a few more Liu Xi for you!"

He understands what he means. It's okay if they don't rest and continue to eavesdrop. The content will be as hot as last night. Although it's daytime, it's extremely easy to find these!

is like a heavy bomb. The two were thundered and dared not delay and say again, "Report, we are tired. Let's rest immediately!"

After saying that, he ran out without waiting for Qi Linxi to give any instructions.

Seeing the two people who ran away, Qi Linxi became bored. With this silence, he would think of Hua Yucheng!

Maybe it's because of the beginning of love, or maybe it's because of the enthusiasm in his heart. After a few days of leaving, his heart is full of missing!

Missing is like a storm, disaster!

He was a little hesitant. He finally knew why some lovers began to miss him as soon as they broke up!

A few moments, he seemed to have made a decision, took out his mobile phone, sent a text message to Xia Lei, and then dialed a phone call, "I'll be there in half an hour!"

The other end of the phone was slightly stunned, and then there seemed to be a smile! But before they could speak, Qi Linxi hung up the phone again!

Then he walked out of the door and walked to the back house of Hong's house, the apron!

Life is only a few decades. Now that he thinks of it, he has to do it. If he doesn't want to do it, it's a wasted time!

On this trip, he is going to find Hua Yucheng for a simple reason, because he misses her!

Since you have thought about it, why do you need to suppress yourself?

The helicopter slowly rose from the Hong house and quickly disappeared into the clouds. He couldn't wait to miss her!

I don't know what that girl is doing now? How have you been these days? Will you miss each other like yourself?

At the thought of seeing her soon, the originally depressed mood also brightened up in an instant!

"Zi, Zi!" **A man and woman were sleeping when suddenly the mobile phone by the bed shook!

Xia Lei opened his eyes slightly and took the mobile phone with relief after confirming that the vibration of the mobile phone did not wake up and smile.

"I'm going back to the barracks for a few days!"

This is a text message from Qi Linxi!

After reading the text message, Xia Lei's slightly opened eyes showed a trace of deep meaning, and there was a little smile at the corners of his mouth!

It seems that he still can't help it!

However, it won't take much time from Hongzhai to the barracks!

Put the mobile phone back on the table, hugged the sleeping smile, and continued to sleep in his stable sleep!

If she doesn't shout to stop, he won't stop!

From yesterday morning to night, if he hadn't been afraid that her body would not have been able to stand it, he would not have let go of this provocative little woman so easily!

Remember the last sentence she said last night. You are really awesome, and he is extremely happy. This is a kind of affirmation. In the future, she will never doubt whether he can do it or not!

She is really getting hotter and hotter, and her skills are more and more proficient every time, and she has long been separated from the original greenness!

He is the president, and she is the president's assistant. Since the president is not at work, it is extremely normal for the assistant to follow the president to work!

But today, I have to go to Xia's. I haven't been back for a long time, and some things need to be dealt with!

Look at the way she sleeps, it will be in the afternoon at the earliest!

I don't want to leave her here alone, so I have to wait for her to wake up!

Time flies. By the time Xia Lei woke up again, it was past noon, but he still looked like he was still awake! She must have been too tired yesterday!

After thinking for a while, he smiled and got up to wash casually!

Open the wardrobe, hang the men's and women's clothes neatly in it, casually choose a set to wear for yourself, and then take another set to smile!

These things were naturally made by Tan Ru!

No matter how Xia Lei helped her dress, she still didn't wake up, just like what he thought. At this time, she would not know even if she was sold!

Holding the beautiful woman who is still asleep, he picked up a bag of women's supplies and left in the president's special elevator!

When she woke up with a smile, she rubbed her eyes in a daze. Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the strange environment!

Where is this?

She sat up from her position, and her hands were intertwined at the first moment and touched the ring, which was her life-saving ring!

This place looks a little like an office, but she remembers that Xia Lei's office is not like this, and it is several times bigger than his office!

I looked around and found that there was no one here except her!

"You're awake!" A capable female voice sounded!

Xiaoxiao turned to the direction of the sound and found that she was a beautiful woman in a capable professional costume, with a beautiful face and a hot figure!

Although her tone seemed to be respectful, the beautiful woman looked at her eyes, but she was not very friendly. Although she hid it well, she was still caught by a smile that trace of hostility in her eyes.

Have you seen her by yourself? How did you offend her? Based on politeness, he smiled without a trace. "Hello, where is this?"

The powerful word "dden" hanging on the wall behind the desk made her feel faint!

"Miss Yuchi, this is Xia's. You are now in our president's office!" The beautiful woman still answered politely, but she deliberately used us!

A set of workplace, even if the boundaries are different, it is also universal. How can Xiaoxiao not know? This is indeed Xia Lei's office. The hidden word was written by Xia Lei himself!

The beautiful woman in front of him should be his assistant!" I don't know what to call it?"

Just like animals like to divide boundaries, women also like to swear their sovereignty: "My surname is Jiang, Jiang Ling, and I am Mr. Xia's special assistant!" Jiang Ling said that she was polite and courteous, and even more smiling!

She added the four words of special assistant to make others sound meaningful!

If she is right, the person in front of her is also a person in the workplace. Naturally, she will not understand the meaning of her four words.

Special assistant! Xiaoxiao is a little worried. If she remembers correctly, she is also Xia Lei's special assistant. She doesn't know how special the special assistant in front of her is to him.

Put away what you think, even if she is his special assistant, what right do you have to take care of it? Xiaoxiao took the initiative to throw an olive branch: "Hello, Miss Jiang!"

"No, just call me Assistant Jiang. I've been used to listening for many years!" Jiang Ling gently covered her mouth and continued to laugh, saying, "Now when I hear people call me Miss Jiang, I'm not used to it!"

Many years? Listening habits? Is she telling herself that she has been with Xia Lei for many years? Or is she telling herself that this identity is of extraordinary significance to her?

No matter why, Xiaoxiao can only smile bitterly. Even if she is Xia Lei's other lover, what can she do!