Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 182 Dare to Get Married

The Civil Affairs Bureau on the weekend is very quiet!

The corridor paved with floor tiles is constantly echoing with their footsteps!

Ji Ningshuang silently looked at Hong Li's side face. This man may not be as evil and charming as his cousin, but he has a free and easy temperament that his cousin does not have!

He, who seems gentle, is so fruitless when he does things!

From selling a house to talking with Li easily, he shows the decisiveness of his character everywhere!

By the way, what does he do?

It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't even know what the other party was doing. It seemed that I didn't know anything except his name and age, as well as his cousin's good friend!

Wy decision will be a little hasty. When she thinks of her grandmother at home, her heart beats!

The old man looks kind, but he is a real old Buddha at home!

In addition, there are dad, mommy, and brother. Although they all love themselves, won't it be too much not to tell them about the big thing of marriage?

"What are you thinking about?" Hong Li's voice sounded at the right time, interrupting her confused thoughts!


Her eyes flashed. Under his reminder, she found that the two had gone to the registration office and were standing respectfully in the room with a row of strong men in black!

Please allow her to describe it as a strong man. Seeing these strong men, these two words come to her mind intuitively.

Next to this group of people, there is still a person who doesn't look well. Ning Shuang doesn't need to think much about it. You can guess that this person should be a staff member of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

When a group of people saw them come in, they bowed their heads very politely and said in unison, " boss! Sister-in-law!"

Hong Li looked very happy. He reached out and took down Hei Chao and waved his hand with a smile!

"This is your sister-in-law. What she said in the future is what I said. Her business is my business, understand?"

"I understand! Hello, sister-in-law!"

After listening to Hong Li's words, a group of people lowered their heads to Ji Ningshuang!

It's a lie to say she's not surprised. Now how can she understand what the man she wants to register is doing?

Looking at the group of people who did not look up immediately, she knew that they were waiting for her to speak!

"Good! Hello!"

As the young lady of the Ji family, she has never seen the world. She can handle this.

"Okay, go outside and wait first!"

Watching a group of people go out in an orderly manner, the staff member looked better!

"Please, we want to get the certificate!"

This man is really changeable. He just looked like a boss of the underworld, but now he is a famous gentleman. What kind of environment can cultivate such a man?

The staff hurriedly smiled and said, "No trouble, no trouble!" Although the man in front of him smiled at him, he would not think the man was harmless.

"Two of you, do you have your ID card and household registration book?"

This is necessary for registration.

"Uh!" Ning Shuang was stunned for a moment. She, who had never been married, really didn't know what she needed to get married.

Hong Li's face also became ugly, and he had never been married. This time, he decided to be in such a hurry that he didn't bring anything except his ID card. I think Shuangshuang is the same!

"There is no original, and it's okay to have a copy!" The man in front of him has such a strong aura that it can be seen that he is very unhappy at this moment, and the staff are uneasy.

Hong Li was speechless and frowned!

"None, no, it doesn't matter. If you don't bring it, just make it up for me next time!" The staff has been a little panicked!

The tiger is in front, and the tiger's buttocks can't be touched, but the tiger's teeth can't be touched!

"Here we are, here we come!"

A hurried male voice came from outside, and his frown relaxed when he heard the sound.

He has to get married. Otherwise, with the ability of the Ji family, he is likely to erase this. It is difficult to get the original household registration book from the Ji family!

The man looked at the frost curiously. The short, fat and thick look very cute, especially the eyes narrowed into a line, which makes it easy for people to ignore his threat!

"Liu Pang, why did you come!" There was no blame in Hong Li's words.

" boss, I guess it's the first time for you and your sister-in-law. I may not know what to bring, so I'll take my own decision to get your documents!"

Liu Pang said as he approached Hong Li and took out a stack of copies!

"Big, the little one doesn't have the ability. I can't get the original, only get a copy!"

Ning Shuang took this pile of things curiously, especially the documents related to her own, and found that they were all real. She couldn't help looking at Liu Pang. This thing was watertight and efficient.

I have re-evaluated Hong Li's impression. You should know that these confidential things belong to ordinary people's homes, and it is difficult to get them, let alone her family's things.

Hong Li patted Liu Pang on the shoulder!

"You did a good job!"

"It should be, boss!" Liu Pang had a smile on his face, but he didn't dare to make a contribution at all. He took a step back and stood there silently.

"Isn't that wrong!"

Since Liu Pang can get it, it should not be wrong!

"Eh! Awesome!"

Ji Ningshuang said and gave Liu Pang a thumbs up!

With complete materials, the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau naturally dare not have any slackness. For him, he should not be able to wait!

The speed of two people's certificate can be said to be ahead of speed. In just 20 minutes, everything is done!

The red book fell into your hands, one by one!

Looking at the red book in his hand, Hong Li was excited!

I didn't expect him, Xia Lei and Chen Ming to be the first to get the certificate!

Is she looking at it wrong? It seems that there are tears in his eyes!


Reaching around her waist, she bowed her head and shouted gently.


She didn't accept this matter so quickly as he did. Looking at the red book in her hand, she couldn't believe it at all. Is she getting married? I seem to be 23 years old!

How to tell grandma and how to explain to parents!

"Wife, don't worry, everything is with me, and I will stand in front of you!"

Listening to his promise, she looked at him with some worry!

For him, Ningshuang is just a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world. He can see through what she is worried about at a glance!

"I'm your husband. No matter what happens, it's right for me to block it for you. I know you're worried about your family. Don't worry, I have your husband!"

Everyone got married back, and he took a big advantage. Even if he went to be beaten by her family, he still made money.

Along the same road, they left the certification office!

The first floor of the Civil Affairs Bureau is covered with flowers!

She was extremely surprised and still remembered the sentence he just said in the car: "Let's get the certificate first, and I'll make up all the ceremonies later!"

She thought there would be no romance in her certificate!

The innate desire for romance makes her feel a little lost!

However, compared with the impact of getting a certificate, these are not a problem!

I didn't expect that in this short few minutes, the originally monotonous lobby on the first floor has become a world of flowers, an ocean of flowers!

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and the fragrance of flowers comes to your nose!

"Marry me like this, you are wronged enough. I can't do much for you now. This is one of them!"

Hong Li gently hugged her waist, and the two looked at each other!

What is a heartbeat? What is a heartbeat?

At this moment, there was only his presence in her eyes, and his figure began to be deeply engraved in her heart.

His lips were soft and hot, gently imprinted her forehead, scratched her nose, touched her face, and finally fell on her lips.

First, he tentatively touched, tossing and slowly sucking her beauty, so he waited for her reaction.

The crisp and numb feeling spread all over her body in an instant. Although the two were not the first kiss, she still trembled, slightly opened her pink lips and began her response!

In the touching relationship between the two, the petals around them flew together, forming a beautiful picture around them!

She didn't know how she got back to the car, but in the scene just now, she was drunk!

For the first time, she knew that these petals could have such an alternative romance. She didn't know how many high-power electric fans they used and how many angles they designed to make these petals rotate so beautifully.

After a long time, she came to her senses and reached out to touch her crimson face!

"Where are we going?"

He winked at her ambiguously: "Continue to complete our unfinished business!"

"Ah!" She exclaimed, and the blush on her cheeks was more obvious. The man seemed to have a particularly strong interest in that.

As if he had seen through what she was thinking, he suddenly said righteously, "Just because that person is you!"

I have to admit that this sentence made her feel inexplicably excited!

Perhaps with the previous lesson, this time he drove the car directly back to Hong's house. After briefly introducing her sister-in-law's identity, he told everyone not to harass them!

They are all adults. Who can't hear the meaning of his words? Ji Ningshuang can only blush and let him go back to the room!


Do you know about frost? Marrying you is the happiest thing in my life.

While walking, Hong Li spoke sweetly.

"But I don't have a good temper."

From the beginning, Ji Ningshuang did not think about restraining her temper or hiding her character to achieve the temporary warmth of the two.

What she thinks is that two people treat each other frankly and live like this, just like her father and mother. Although it has been more than 20 years, the relationship is still very good.

"There is no good temper, only whether we are compatible or not. I think we are compatible, and I believe we will be compatible."

"I will take care of you all my life, at least I won't let you suffer any grievances in this life, I swear..."