Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 196 The Man Born

Maowang, he really hasn't sent anyone to investigate. Xia Lei has a vague joy in his heart. That place is a border. Chen Yishan is really likely to hide there, and it is also very easy to sneak out.

"How old was he when he was adopted by your mother? Where are his biological parents?"

Ten years old! He followed his parents in the mountains since he was a child, and then his parents starved to death!" The things about Chen Yishan in Liu Laosan's mind are very clear, just like what happened yesterday. Of course, this also has a medical effect.

"When was the last time you saw him!" Xia Lei was also a little nervous and hoped to get some news from him.

"Many years ago, I was locked in a mental hospital. He came to see me and said that he would find a way to make money and then show me the best doctor!"

Hong Li's instrument pulsed slightly, showing that Liu Laosan's heart fluctuated greatly at this moment.

Will Chen Yishan be so kind? Xia Lei and Hong Li raised a trace of suspicion. They didn't believe that Chen Yishan would have such a kind-hearted person.

"Do you remember what else he said to you at that time!"

"He said that when I was ready, he would take me back to my hometown. I heard that he needed money now, so I gave him the family's property certificate and the sum of money my parents left me before my death!"

Speaking of this, Liu Laosan's fluctuations are even greater.

He is usually crazy, but he may not remember what he just said. Perhaps when he was awake, he couldn't remember that Chen Yishan came to find him and said that he would take him out. Otherwise, he would not have collected Chen Yishan's photos so gently for many years and treat him as idle. The relatives I miss when I am flawed.

It was not until now that he recalled what Chen Yishan had done that there was such a big fluctuation.

Because under the combined effect of potion and hypnosis, his brain is unprecedentedly clear, but he will only recall what Xia Lei needs to recall.

Chen Yishan really said the words to deceive Liu Laosan, and the two instantly realized that this was what they knew as Chen Yishan.

"What do you wish for after death?" He also answered everything he wanted to ask. Thinking of this lonely old man, Xia Lei thought about his last wish.

"I want to be buried with Xiaoyi!" When answering this, Liu Laosan did not have any ups and downs, but there was an inexplicable desire in his words.

"All right, I promise you that when you die, I will bury you with her. Now close your eyes and continue to sleep!" And Liu Xi and Xia Lei silently added this sentence from the bottom of their hearts.

Until Liu Laosan went to sleep again, the two big men looked at each other again and couldn't help sighing at the same time.

Ask what the world's love is, and directly teach life and death!

No matter what happened between Liu Xi's parents, at least they heard from Liu Laosan's words that he missed Liu Xi's mother. At that time, he must have liked Liu Xi's mother.

"I want to take the frost abroad!"

After packing up their things, the two lay on the rocking chair sent by President Shi just now and chatted.

"Say hello to my godfather, godmother and a bunch of relatives!"

When Xia Lei thought of the enthusiastic relatives of Hong Li's family, something was wrong.

Maybe it's because his family is deserted. His mother died early and there was no time to leave him any younger brothers or sisters. His father has lived abroad all year round. The whole Xia family is those servants except him.

But the Hong family is different. Hong Li is the youngest son of the family. He has three brothers and two sisters, each of whom has a family and set up a career. Such a change is the least. What's more, his family is a baby maniac. Who doesn't have two to three, plus Hong Li For the generation of grandpa and grandma, the Hong family is absolutely lively.

It was also because he had a good relationship with Hong Li, and then he didn't know what cramps were at that time. He actually recognized Hong Li's parents as godfather and godmother.

But he is usually reluctant to think about this matter. It's not that he looks down on Hong Li's family, but when he thinks of the godmother who can only give birth, his head is big!

He knew that Hong Li was as big as himself!

The godmother, who gave birth to a madman, is not ordinaryly strong. Of course, this enthusiastic godmother's care for his godfather son is no worse than those of her own.

This is also the reason why he and Hong Li, who are unmarried so far, have been hiding and dare not go to the Hong family.

"The second sister gave birth to another little doll! Ha ha!"

When she thought of going back, she would also be born by her mother. Hong Li also smiled helplessly. She didn't know what her mother was thinking. She has been encouraging everyone to give birth to more. She gave birth to six of their brothers and sisters by herself, and six more. She wants to make several teams!

The corners of Xia Lei's eyes couldn't help twitching, and he couldn't say whether he was envious or envious.

"If I remember correctly, the second sister is the fourth child!"

Hong Li is the sixth, and his second sister is actually the fifth, only one year older than Hong Li. His family's tradition is to hold one a year. This is only the fifth year of marriage, and she actually gave birth to her fourth child!

There are so many people, it's really lively!

"Yes, it's the fourth child! I heard that my third sister-in-law is about to give birth. Alas, I can't remember how many nieces and nieces I have.

When he thought of those little radish heads, Hong Li's head was big.

The big head is not only Hong Li, but Xia Lei is the same!

When he prepares red envelopes every year, he is afraid of missing something. If he packs 20 red envelopes today, he will bring 25 red envelopes when he goes again next year. Who knows if five of them have been added.

In order to remember, the godmother also gave nicknames to all the children, which made it very easy for people to remember.

Ranked by six Hong brothers and sisters, the old man's children start with one, the oldest one is called one, and the second one is called one or two. Then the children of the second family take two as the switch, the biggest one is called two one, and the second one is called two two.

and so on!

"I heard from my eldest sister last time that my godmother was going to go back to China sometime and watch you!" Xia Lei sweated coldly when he thought that Hong's mother was coming.

"Look at me? Don't miss yourself. My mother has been nagging that you are also his son, but she is more wronged by you. As Lao Qi, your status in her heart is not lower than mine at all! But I'm married now, and my status will naturally be half as noble as yours, hahaha.

Thinking that he was married, Hong Li couldn't help but raise his legs and look happy.

"Hahaha..." Xia Lei also smiled happily.

Hong Li is right. In Hong's mother's mind, the status of marriage is higher than that of those who are not married, and the status of having children is higher than that of those who have no children, so Hong Li's status is absolutely half higher than that of himself.

"You and Ning Shuang are two people going back this time. Maybe they will become a group of people when they come back."

The Hong family is destined to get married and have children. Now Hong Li is going to get married. In order to show grandeur, Hong's mother will definitely take the Hong family back to China together.

"Ye, you are going to be forced to marry then!" Hong Li looks like it has nothing to do with hanging high.

"Forcable marriage is also good!" Xia Lei has expectations on his face.

He hopes that Xiaoxiao can nod and marry him as soon as possible, but it is very difficult for her to take the initiative to nod recently. With the help of his godmother, it may save a lot of trouble.

Hong Li glanced at him slightly.

"You are so dark!"

Xia Lei was unwilling to show weakness and said, "Aren't you?"

"Ha ha ha..." The two smiled coincidentally.

Hong Liwei looked up at Liu Laosan and found that all instruments were still normal and unchanged.

"Well, it's time. There is no special reaction. We can go."

"Ye, let's go!"

Liu Laosan will not wake up now. Even after waking up, in order to ensure the personal safety of himself and others, he will continue to inject him with tranquilizers, so it doesn't mean much to stay here.

They are not relatives, let alone have a deep emotional foundation to accompany their families or anything.

After all, this is a hospital, so they would rather talk about their family than mention too much about Chen Yishan and be careful to sail for ten thousand years.

On the other side, Xiaoxiao went to a lot of clothing stores and bought a lot of clothes and jewelry. The three women were like tornadoes. Fortunately, Chen Ming followed them closely and suffered a few Hongmen brothers who followed Chen Ming. Once upon a time, they were reduced to women. Clothes.

However, thinking about the identity of the first three women and their usual relationship, they are also very happy.

Finally, the frost of the wind and fire seemed to be tired. He turned around and saw what the group of people behind him were carrying, with an exaggerated look on their faces.

"Why did we buy so much?"

Being reminded by her, Xiaoxiao and Tan Ru also turned around and saw a group of big men behind him. Everyone's hands were full of bags. Chen Ming was fine, holding only one hand and one empty.

"Why did we buy so much!"

"Yes, I forgot it while strolling around."

The three women began to smack their tongues. Are they going to open a store or to crush people to death?

"Thank you for your hard work."

Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed and nodded to the men behind him. The left and right Shuang and Tan Ru also expressed their embarrassment with their eyes.

"Why don't we go back!"

This is the frost. I guess the little girl is really tired of walking.

"I have no problem!"

Originally, Xiaoxiao didn't want to go shopping today, but after being pulled over, she was picked up to shop. You should know how long it has been since she has been shopping so happily.

For women, shopping is not just shopping, but more of a release of stress.

She is in a much better mood now, and the pressure is indeed much less. It turns out that the wild thoughts in her mind have been put down at this moment, and it is good to get a short peace.