Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 197 Looking to Start

Early morning, Hong Li took Ning Shuang on a special plane and left. Chen Ming and Tan Ru rarely slept in. What's more strange is that even Feng Xiaowu didn't know where he was.

There were only two people left on the breakfast table, Xiaoxiao and Xia Lei. After breakfast, Xia Lei came to the door of the energy company with Xiaoxiao.

After stopping the car and saying goodbye-kiss, Xia Lei reluctantly touched her face.

"I'm going to Xia's to deal with something today. I may not be able to come to dinner with you at noon. I'll pick you up after work in the afternoon!"

"Well, don't worry, I'm not a child. I went in first. I have a phone call."

After saying that, he smiled at Xia Lei, and then took his bag and got out of the car.

Xia Lei still watched her walk into the door of the company as usual and drove away until he couldn't see.

Not long after driving, he said the three words "Feng Xiaowu" to the car, and the next second the system began to automatically dial the number.

"Have you arrived yet?" The phone was connected to the other end, and Xia Lei opened his mouth.

"I just arrived. I'll check it right away." Feng Xiaowu's voice was some vicissitudes of hoarseness. When Xia Lei and Hong Li returned to Hong's house, he was assigned to Maowang. The bumpy road made him a little tired.

This place is really not good. It looks like a place far away from urban civilization. The raging motorcycles and the mud on the long-repaired cement floor make the air extremely turbid. After the late autumn season, it is still so hot here. The sun in the sky seems to roast people. Of.

However, all this is nothing for Feng Xiaowu, who has been in the uninhabited forest all year round.

"It's okay. You can find a place to rest and replenish your strength. Don't be in a hurry."

Yesterday, he specially studied Maowang's terrain, humanistic and economic customs and other things, and found that the roads there were extremely bumpy. In order to prevent the grass from shocking snakes, Feng Xiaowu went by car like an ordinary person.

"Ye, I know, boss."

After the call, Feng Xiaowu found a hotel that looked a little decent.

When Feng Xiaowu walked in, he found that there was no one in the store.

"Is anyone there?"

The waiter at the front desk in the store didn't seem to wake up yet. When he heard someone calling, he slowly walked out of the room. He looked up at Feng Xiaowu in front of him and said, "Lao Sai, what's wrong?"

Feng Xiaowu's eyes were slightly unchecked. The man in front of him was absolutely happy. In the past, he would have arrested him immediately, but now he has a task and must put up with it, and he is very clear how widespread this kind of border drugs are.


The waiter looked up and down at the accommodation. In front of him was an ordinary man with a big bag on his back, looking like an ordinary donkey friend.

"What do you want to live in? Old Sai!" He pointed to the high price tag behind him.

The whole shop is 10 yuan a day.

A single room without a toilet is 50 yuan a day.

There is a single toilet for 100 yuan a day.

Luxury toilet and TV single room is 150 yuan a day.

"I want a luxury room." Feng Xiaowu saw the words on it when he came in.

It's not that he can't endure hardships, but that he needs to learn more about the local customs with the help of media such as TV.

"Lao Sai, how many days will you stay?" As soon as the waiter heard that he wanted to live in a luxury single room, his dark eyes began to shine, and his eyes, which were often confused for a long time, were also full of money symbols at this moment.

It seems that he is not an ordinary donkey friend. For him, this is poison.

"Two days."

Feng Xiaowu doesn't want to expose too much. He has to live for many days at once, which may make others suspicious.

"ID card, deposit 800."

"Eight, so much..." Feng Xiaowu's expression was emotionally hesitant. Of course, he couldn't afford the money, but disguised it like this, making the other party mistakenly think that he was a poor B who had no money but wanted to be rich.

"Okay, okay, 500."

The waiter shook his hand impatiently with disappointment in his eyes. It seemed that his drug plan had failed again, but fortunately, the 500 was enough for him to smoke once.

Feng Xiaowu also said nothing more. He turned over his trouser pocket and handed over the only 500 yuan and ID card.

The waiter was even more disappointed when he saw this scene. He took Feng Xiaowu's ID card impatiently, glanced at himself and said to himself, "Chen Tianming, another poor man."

Chen Tianming, yes, this is a fake ID card made before departure yesterday. Naturally, you have to keep a few hands when you come to such a place.

Feng Xiaowu didn't care about the other party's attitude and asked kindly, "Is there a bank near here?"

Based on his experience, the waiter in front of him is a person who can be used, and he will slowly put down all kinds of baits.

"Go out and go straight to the right, pass two traffic lights, and see the gas station bank next to the gas station!" Although he muttered in his heart what else you could have, he answered Feng Xiaowu's question seriously based on the principle that he would rather make mistakes and never let it go.

After receiving his ID card, Feng Xiaowu did not continue to stay and went straight to his room.

After taking a shower, he lay down** and watched TV. This was the first time he went out to do a task for the boss. He didn't want any human factors to make mistakes. He took a nap and began to go out to explore in the afternoon.

Documents are processed in the luxurious president's office.

His plan has reached the end, and then he will wait for the prey to enter the circle. The more this time, the more he can't relax.

Looking at the time, I found that it was already 9:50. I ordered someone to send it to her at 10 o'clock. When she saw it, I don't know how happy she would be.

At the thought of a smiling smile, he couldn't help but feel better.


Xia Lei frowned. Why was it coffee? Then he remembered that Jiang Ling brought coffee to herself according to the old rules.

"Assistant Jiang, send me a cup of boiled water!"

Drinking more boiled water is good for your health. This is what you often say when you smile. Unconsciously, your living habits have also been infected by her.

After a while, Jiang Ling brought a glass of boiled water in.

She had doubts in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it. Recently, Xia Lei came to the company and why did she start drinking plain boiled water. She remembered the boiled water that Yu Chi smiled at that time.

Although she hasn't seen her for a long time, based on a woman's intuition, she knows that Xia Lei has been with that woman.

I thought that with Xia Lei's flowery personality, even if that woman went to his bed, she would never last long, but now it has been several months, as if she has not disappeared, but it seems that she has integrated into Xia Lei's life.

This is not a good phenomenon. Xia Lei is her golden son-in-law. In addition to his family, she prefers his ability in all aspects.

"Is there anything wrong with this coffee?"

Looking at the cup of coffee, which is still full, and the paper towels soaked with coffee next to the coffee cup, she can imagine that Xia Lei spit these out as soon as she drinks coffee.

"No problem, but I'm not tired and don't need to drink this now. If I don't give you any special instructions in the future, just give me boiled water!"

With that, Xia Lei picked up the boiled water on the table and took a big sip. It was really cool!

What is Jiang Ling's first time to see someone drinking boiled water? Enjoy it? Is it delicious? Or with the nourishment of love, boiled water becomes the legendary nectar.

She wants to ask impulsively, is it so delicious? But her fear of Xia Lei made her dare not ask at all.

just quietly lowered his collar, then leaned down and smiled at Xia Lei.

"Mr. Xia, do you need me to take this cup of coffee for you?"

In fact, what she asked is nonsense, but if she doesn't find a topic, how can he find his greatness and arrogance by looking down at the documents?

You know, she has dressed up carefully every day, and even Bra inside is Xia Lei's favorite leopard print.

"Um, take it down and bring me the project that cooperated with Meng by the way!"

How can Xia Lei, who lowered his head, not know what Jiang Ling was playing? He gave her face and embarrassed her, but this did not mean that he wanted to see some parts of her or what he wanted to have a relationship with her.

Jiang Ling put away her displeasure and said sweetly, "Good!" Then he retreated.

She is not stupid. She won't think that Xia Lei didn't feel it. This is a secret that men and women don't need to say, and he is not the kind of inexperienced young man. How can he not know what she wants at this moment?

But of course she didn't know. After she went out, Xia Lei raised his head and stared at the door meaningfully. His eyes flashed with some kind of spark that outsiders couldn't understand.

It has nothing to do with love or not love, and it has nothing to do with sex, but there is a sense of conspiracy.

It's not that he suspects that Jiang Ling will do something unfavorable to the company. Anyway, she is not afraid of being known by outsiders.

At this moment, what he is thinking about is how to pass on the news through Jiang Ling. After all, this woman's identity is well known to everyone. In addition to being his assistant, she is also Jiang's daughter.

This is also where he admires her the most. There are really few money that can do this. He doesn't enjoy the life of letting the daughter go and come here to be his assistant. Although his assistant is not something that anyone can do, more daughter is unwilling to live this kind of nine-to-five life.

It may be okay to let them spend a month, but it's not so easy to let them spend a few years.

After all, this woman has been with herself for so many years. Although she is a little selfish, no one is selfish, as long as she is loyal to herself

"Dick, tick, tick, ding-dong!" The clock on the wall rang, announcing that the time was ten o'clock in the morning!

I don't know how happy Xiaoxiao will be!