Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 198 The Love between Xia Yilong and Yu Chiran

Ten o'clock, energy company

Xiaoxiao is focusing on processing all kinds of documents, with all kinds of sighs in her heart. Xia Lei's acquisition of this company seems to be for himself. The documents that originally needed to be processed by the president are now either she or the vice president is dealing with.

But she can't blame Xia Lei for not doing his job, because he is also busy with all kinds of things at the moment.

No wonder with the development of society, the more couples will divorce. Many of them will not get together until the end of the day, and many couples will not be able to stand it. Because of the various ** around them, their feelings will become lighter and lighter until the final breakup.

I am not the type of strong woman. If I get married in the future, the two will also maintain this situation. I don't know if I can stand it.

It's not that she just wants to follow Xia Lei all day long. What she wants most is the kind of self-distribution time. When she wants to be together, she can go to the other party immediately. Of course, she knows that this is not easy, but she always has this kind of vision in her heart.

"Sister Xia" A Hong's brother suddenly appeared at Xiaoxiao's desk.

Hong seems to have had a meeting in the past few days. Anyway, she didn't know the process of the meeting, but the result of the meeting was that she became Mrs. Xia, Ning Shuang became Mrs. Hong, and Tan Ru became Mrs. Chen.

Later, she asked Xia Lei, but he said with a smile that they used to be bachelors, and those brothers didn't have to worry about how to call their sister-in-law. But now that all three of them have wives, they must be distinguished. Just for this matter, they held a small meeting and formed a tacit understanding.

But Mrs. Xia, Mrs. Hong and Mrs. Chen sound strange. Naturally, the three of them are not happy, but sometimes it is difficult for women to participate in or decide in the world of men.

Xiaoxiao raised his face buried in the document and said with a smile on his face, "Yes, it's a bald head. What's the matter with you?"

"Old Xia asked me to give you a gift!" The bald man touched his head.

"Gift." Xiaoxiao was a little confused and thought that Xia Lei would send some romantic flowers, but there were no flowers on the left and right side of the bald head.

The bald man handed over a file bag with a smile.

"This is what Mr. Xia ordered. I don't know what's inside. I just asked me to give it to you at ten o'clock on time."

Xiaoxiao took the file bag suspiciously and said, "Thank you!"

It's not that she doesn't believe the bald head, but that she is curious about what Xia Lei did so mysteriously.

"Sister Xia, if there is nothing else, I'll go first!" The boss only told him to give things to his sister-in-law, but did not say that he would stay here after sending it. Since there was no order, he could leave.

Seeing that the bald head was about to leave, Xiaoxiao hurriedly put down the document bag in his hand and sent it to him.

"Thank you, please take a trip like this!"

"It's okay, it's okay, sister-in-law, I'll go first." Although the sisters-in-law are always polite, they still find it difficult to get used to it.

Looking at the back of the bald head, I couldn't help laughing. Is there something on my face?

You can tell at a glance that this file bag is unopened. What is it? It was so mysterious that Xiaoxiao couldn't help bulging after unpacking the second layer of unopened document bag.

Is it related to Uncle Liu? It shouldn't be. Uncle Liu is still lying in **, and he doesn't need to be so mysterious.

If she can't figure out what it is, she will no longer guess randomly and accelerate the opening of the things in the bag!

Finally, it was the last layer of file bag. I reached in and pulled out a transparent bag and found that it was a pile of photos.


Through the thin bag, she saw the first photo in the bag. It was a woman with a very delicate body, leaning against a big tree, but her slightly pale face was very delicate.

I won't forget it even if I smile and dream. This is my mother. In addition to being more delicate than before and my face is much pale, the years still love her very much, and even the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes are not obvious.

My mother looks like a sick beauty, beautiful and weak, which makes people can't help but want to hold it in the palm of their hands, and it is as easy to break like a crystal.

The smiling eyes were filled with tears in an instant. Her mother finally saw her mother again. Xia Lei did not lie to herself. Her mother was really alive.

After recovering from his smile, he immediately removed the transparent bag.

A whole stack of photos was taken out by her one by one.

The time of this shooting was not long ago.

Although the cameraman was trying to cover up the fact that his mother was disguised, it was ridiculous to detect it.

The disguise is so pale. If there is no disguise, what would it look like?

The mothers in the photo are in the courtyard, indoors, and even sick**, standing, sitting, and lying down.

She understood that Xia Lei was willing to show her these things in the early preparation.

"Uncle Xia!"

She touched it one by one, unconsciously saw the bottom, and also found the photo of Xia Yilong.

In the photo, her mother was sitting in a wheelchair, her face was still pale, but there was an unconcealed happy smile on her face, and Xia Yilong stood beside her mother like a guard, guarding her mother.

At this moment, she realized that they were in love and that the rumors were true.

She finally understood why Xia Lei was hot and cold to her and why she was willing to hurt her by hurting herself.

If it was you who knew the truth at that time and didn't know what choice you would make, would you be like Xia Lei?

It is difficult for her to imagine that her mother abandoned her child for love, and Uncle Xia also abandoned her child for love.

It's really hard for her to imagine how Xia Lei, who knew the truth at that time, got through it.

It turned out that my heart was thinking about my mother, but it was much colder at this moment. It turned out that the truth would have such an unbearable side.

But after all, it's her mother. No matter how wrong she is, she can't erase her blood relationship, let alone her miss.

"She seems to have been ill for a long time!"

Until she finished reading all the photos, she came to such a rational conclusion.

Unconsciously, after work, many paper towels have been added to the garbage cans around her. Those tissues are covered with tears, and those eyes have turned into red rabbit eyes.

I stopped my tears, took a sip of water, picked up my mobile phone and cleared my throat!

She knew that Xia Lei must be waiting for her call. Since he let himself read these, he would definitely give himself some answers.

"I asked someone to bring you lunch at noon. Have you eaten?" As long as the phone was connected, Xia Lei's voice of concern sounded.

took a look at the lunch box on the table, which was just sent by someone.

"Oh, I haven't eaten yet. Don't worry, I'm not hungry now."

"As long as you are happy."

Xia Lei did not refute anything. He knew that Xiaoxiao urgently needed to know those things at this moment, and he would definitely not be allowed to eat.

"Have you seen the photo? Are you happy?"

"Thank you, have you always known about them?"

"Yes." Xia Lei on the other end of the phone answered honestly. At this point, he will not hide it from her again.

"Did she leave me out in order to be with Uncle Xia?"

Thinking of her experience of being abandoned for so many years, her heart is sad. She knows that everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness and dreams, including her mother, but how much she hopes that her mother loves herself more than anything else, although she also knows that she is selfish.

"She didn't leave you because she was with my father."

Xia Lei knew the bitterness in her heart, but in fact, the person who was really left behind was herself, and she was the one who was left by her father. However, she was fifteen years old at that time, and she didn't care about being abandoned by her father.

"Auntie was seriously ill at that time, and there was no such technology in China at that time. If it had been in China, maybe she would have really disappeared at that time. My father took her out. She wanted to walk with you alive, but she didn't expect that this would have been so many years."

Xiaoxiao's heart thumped. Without Xia Lei's words, she could also know that her mother's departure turned out to live a better life, and the only one who was abandoned was him.

It can be said that he took on everything he should bear, but he ignorantly hid in his own world and complained about himself.

For so many years, she has always thought that she is the most lonely, and now she understands that he is the most lonely.

"I'm sorry! For so many years..." She choked.

"Little fool, I don't want to be sorry. As long as you are happy, I'm not that great. You have suffered so much over the years, but I haven't protected you. Aunt has been cured abroad for so many years. Although her illness has not recovered, she has survived. She has always wanted to come back to see you, but she also knows that you think she is dead and just wants not to let you suffer again, so she has endured it for so many years!"

Xia Lei said the truth. Yu Chiran naturally wanted to go back to China to see and laugh, but he dragged this sick body. If it was his own repeated death that he brought to his daughter once, it would be better to hold this expectation.

It is the final decision not to disturb her life, unless she is strong enough to support her to be hurt again and again.

Take a tissue and wipe the tears on your face. "Thank you, thank you for doing so much for me these years."

He is not a saint. Although he has had those things that hurt himself, he has done far more for himself than he has hurt himself. Although this cannot offset each other, she has long forgiven his behaviors. Now she knows how he can not be moved by what he has done for himself.