Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 204 Wei is in danger

In the early morning, the Xia family got up early. Today is a big day for them. I don't know how many years the Xia family has been so festive, and it was not like this in previous years.

Those servants, whether they were happy or not, were infected by the excitement.

Yes, since the death of the female master, the male owner has also emigrated, leaving only the young master, and the young master has always seen the dragon.

This is the same as the wall. Those who serve the master every day hope that the master can go out for a few days to breathe. But when it is really difficult to see the master for a year or ten or twenty years, they will hope that the master can be at home.

In the restaurant, Xia Lei raised his eyebrows and put away his mobile phone, looked at it and said with a smile, "It will arrive in half an hour."

"What's wrong? Has anything happened?" Her mother's body was so weak that she had nightmares when she slept last night. She dreamed that her mother was no longer able to get off the plane. This raised Xia Lei's eyebrows gently aroused her uneasiness again.

Seeing Xiaoxiao and putting down the tableware in his hand worriedly, Xia Lei hurriedly comforted him and said, "Your mother was in a bad situation just now, but now she has stabilized down. Don't worry about eating first, otherwise it will be bad for your health to be hungry all morning."

Seeing that she still didn't want to move her chopsticks, Xia Lei put a piece of steamed pork ribs into her bowl.

"Come on, you eat some first. These are all your favorite foods. Take good care of your mother so that you can take better care of your mother. Otherwise, we will be busy when they get off the plane. I'm afraid you will be even more in the mood to eat at that time."

"I..." Xiaoxiao looked up at him and wanted to say something, but when she saw the concern in his eyes, she put away the words behind her and lowered her head to eat the ribs.

took a few bites, "You can also eat, don't just look at me."

After my mother left, I have been living in Xia Zhai. Although Xia Zhai was very indifferent to me at that time, it gave her a place to live.

Except that everyone's attitude towards her is not very good, after all, she has no worries about food and clothing, and now that I think about it, Xia Lei really didn't do anything at that time, but didn't pay much attention to herself.

All this is just that I have too many requirements.

"Tell me not to just look at you. Why are you staring at me like this? Do you want to..." The last sentence was very low, and only he and Xiaoxiao could hear it.

Glance at Xia Lei affectionately, "Thank you!"

Xia Lei thought she thanked him for her mother's business.

"Thank you, silly girl, what's there to thank? I'm willing to do these for you. Let's eat!"

Knowing that Xia Lei misunderstood his meaning, he stared at him solemnly.

"I have always blamed you for being so cold to me when I was a child. Until just now, I suddenly realized that I have no right to ask you to be more enthusiastic about me. It turns out that everything is too much I asked for, not too little you gave me. In those years, you let me live, although it was a little painful. But I'm alive and well. Of course I want to thank you.

"Let's eat first. If you want to thank me, we will have a lifetime and not be in a hurry for this half."

Xia Lei did not expect that Xiaoxiao could think of this layer, but from his own point of view, he felt that he could not afford to thank Xiaoxiao, because he really didn't do anything. On the surface, he hurt her in addition to hurt her.

Since then, the two have stopped talking more and rushed to the most empty airport in the backyard of Xia's house after dinner.

"The plane has arrived."

Following Xia Lei's point, Xiaoxiao found that there was a plane slowly approaching at the far end of the airport highway.

The excitement made her body tremble uncontrollably.

After so many years and days of waiting, I finally looked forward to my mother.

Her mood is indescridable anxiety.

The plane finally stopped completely, but waited for a few minutes without seeing the hatch open.

Xia Lei frowned slightly and stared at the motionless hatch and didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Why don't you open it yet? Why don't you open it yet..." Laughing anxiously, the plane has stopped for so long, why hasn't it moved yet?

A bad idea spread in their minds.

"Lei!" Xiaoxiao turned his head helplessly to help Xia Lei.

Holding her hand, Xia Lei took out his mobile phone to comfort him and said, "It's okay."

When I was about to dial the number, the static hatch finally started slowly.

"Mr. Xia, come up."

Unexpectedly, the first person to appear was the captain of the plane.

Without hesitation, Xia Lei held a smiling hand and walked to the plane ladder.

This short ladder is the most difficult time to walk away with a smile. Her heart is trembling. She doesn't know what's going on inside. She doesn't know how her mother is now. What she originally planned to say and what to do at the meeting has been forgotten at this moment. If it hadn't been for Xia Leiqiang holding her hand, she gave Her strength, I'm afraid she will collapse on this ladder.

" Cheer up. I know this request is a little cruel to you, but the more you cheer up, the better it will be for your mother. I believe she never wants to see you like this."

At the hatch, Xia Lei stopped, with a smile on his shoulders, staring at her eyes in a very solemn tone.

This was the first time he spoke to her in such a solemn tone. Her confused heart seemed to have suddenly found a direction. She looked at Xia Lei seriously, grinned, and tried to give him a confidence and give herself a confidence.

"What happened?" Seeing that she had nothing to do, Xia Lei asked the captain.

"When she landed just now, Ms. Yu Chi showed symptoms of maladjustment, and now the doctors are rescuing them."

The captain is a little worried. The biggest chance of causing discomfort to the human body by flying is when he rises and lands. Although he has worked very hard to control it, many factors are not artificially changed at all.

He hopes that Xia Lei can understand, but if he doesn't understand and blame himself, he can't change anything.

Xia Lei didn't say anything and glanced at the captain faintly.

"Ye, thank you for your hard work."

After saying that, he smiled and went in. He knew that there was no way to blame anyone for this matter, and he did not mean to blame the captain. When he decided to let Yu return late, he was ready for everything.

In the cabin, everyone was so busy that no one paid attention to Xia Lei and laughter who had just come in.

The machine that represents Yu Chiran's heart rate has been infinitely elonged and keeps making the sound of "du, beep, beep..."

"How...?" Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it. She didn't even have time to look at her mother's face and was taken away by those machines.

She staggered under her feet and couldn't help stepping back a few steps, and then she was picked up by a warm embrace.

Xia Lei did not say anything and quietly relied on her and gave her strength to support her.

Xiaoxiao also knew that he could not add any chaos to these people at this time. He leaned aside and found a seat to support his body.

All this is so similar to the picture in her dream that she dares not look directly at it.

"I'm fine."

From beginning to end, her eyes have not left those instruments. If she didn't have time to see her mother's face just now, she doesn't have the courage to see her mother's face at all.

On the other hand, Xia Yilong and the doctors are working together.

Look at their movements, as if they are very familiar with this kind of emergency.

Xia Yilong was constantly hitting Wei Chiran's heart with electric shocks. One after another, Yu Chiran's body also jumped up again and again.

Except for Yu Chiran, he can't accommodate anyone else at this moment.

Xia Lei found that he could not find an exact adjective to describe his father's expression at this moment, but he knew that he was the most important person in his father's life. Even if the person lying sick at this moment was himself, his father would never show such a sad appearance.

"If there is no response, you will have to get a strong shot!"

One doctor said solemnly, and then another doctor began to prepare a strong heart shot.

I don't know whether he was old or lacked mental strength, Xia Yilong finally retreated, and another doctor immediately took over his work.

"Ranran, wake up. You have been dreaming of your hometown for 16 years. We are back. Wake up and look at the smile. She is standing next to you. However, wake up quickly. I know you won't be so cruel and leave me alone. Even if it's not for me, it's okay to laugh, as long as you wake up."

"Ranran, wake up. We're back and back to the summer house. Can I ask you to wake up and have a look? Take a look at the place where we have lived for so many years, isn't this what you miss day and night?"

Xia Yilong, who put down the matter in his hand, immediately lay in Yu Chiran's ear, held her hand tightly, and kept talking to her.

After Xia Lei frowned slightly to make sure that his smile had stood firm, he quickly walked to the doctor.

"I'll do it."

The doctor holding the electric shock took a look at him. After seeing the firmness in his eyes, he gave him the instrument without hesitation.

"Strong needle! Injection!

He certainly can't do anything else in terms of medical treatment, but he is definitely an snotic of this electric shocker!

"Mom, wake up, I'm Xiaoxiao. I'm your daughter Xiaoxiao. I'm by your side. I finally see you. You won't have the heart to leave me alone. Mom, it's not until you come back."

"Mom... I'm Xiaoxiao, I beg you, open your eyes and see if I'm okay? Look at your smile."

The smile on the side finally burst out of feelings in her heart, but she did not dare to approach. Her dare not to approach was not to say that she was afraid of her mother's illness, but that she was afraid of disturbing their work.

In the past few days, she has thought about countless ways to meet, but she didn't expect that the first reunion after a long separation was when her mother was critically ill.