Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 219 Women's Benevolence

A man's back appeared in front of her.

The other party didn't seem to find herself and sighed secretly with a smile. After hearing that there was no other movement outside the door, her heart calmed down a lot.

Although one person is difficult to deal with, it is better than two people.

He calmed down and naturally put his hands on the ring, recalling the pace of daily practice in his mind.

One step, two steps, three steps, she wants to win without the other party finding a blow.

In a few breaths, she had stood behind the other party, but seeing that the other party still did not seem to find herself, she began to hesitate.

Should I kill him? How can I do this? It's like a machine that can only kill people.

I don't know whether they have always been on this kind of defense or specifically for themselves. For so many days since they came in, those people are fully armed. Under such protection, the silver needle in her nails can't play any role at all. She has secretly, but the silver needle can't hit them. Clothes.

In this case, it can only be made of silk rope made of unknown materials in the ring.

Just as she was about to take action, Xiaoxiao hesitated in her heart. The appearance when Liu Shi died was still in her heart and could not be dispersed.

In fact, she could faint him without killing Liu Shi, but since Liu Shi took off her clothes, she had no idea of letting the other party live, so she directly abandoned the silver needle and chose the ring.

This may be her zero tolerance for a ** demon.

Everyone has the right to live, and she is not a murderer.

Gao Xueting has told her countless times that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to herself. She has heard a lot, but she has encountered too little.

At this moment, her heart inevitably softened.

After all, she is not Gao Xueting and can't feel what the other party has experienced.

Although her world is not so beautiful, it is not so much that she needs to kill.

But she didn't know that it was her thought difference that led to her life.

The man who entered the room was the one who used to watch a small movie in the surveillance room. The ** of the man and woman in the movie completely aroused his desire.

He couldn't help but leave his post at the risk of being punished by Shen Jiaoniang.

But he didn't expect to see a man as soon as he came in. It was the middle of the night. He couldn't see what was going on. He just thought that someone came earlier than him.

There was anger on his face. He didn't expect that someone would want to eat alone, but when he thought that he was also coming to eat alone, it was not easy to attack.

"Brother, don't call me when you come to have fun."

I said such a sentence with a smile, but found that there was no response, even the least breath.

Feeling something was wrong, he hurried forward a few steps and found that ** was only one person, and he was still a dead person. He suddenly turned around and found the smile standing behind the door.

"Did you kill him?" Although he saw the death of his companion, he still didn't pay much attention to it. He only felt that the other party might be too happy and was killed by the beauty.

Recalling that he had been in the monitoring room just now, but he didn't find any movement in the room. In an instant, he guessed that the man of ** should be Liu Shi, because Liu Shi had done this and connected the monitoring device to his own computer with his own skills.

He didn't think wrong. ** The man was indeed Liu Shi, but he was a little wrong. He thought Liu Shi was killed by laughter when he was happy.

Although it was ignored, he still took out his pistol vigilantly, pointed to it and said with a smile:

"Beauty, I'll give you two ways. One is to take off your clothes and sleep with me. I promise that I will take care of you here in the future and prevent others from touching you again. The other is that I will call someone to come with me, so that I can only wrong you as the women of our brothers."

Looking at the lustful man in front of him, he smiled and his heart was mixed. It turned out that this was the battlefield, changing rapidly. Just now, he could kill this man with one finger, but because he was hesitant.

Now it's the man's turn to point a gun at himself.

Although the other party did not say that he wanted to kill himself, the other party's words were more serious than killing himself.

Weakness is really undesirable at this time.

"I'll give you a minute to think about it, but you have to figure it out. If you killed Liu Shi, the eldest sister must be very angry. If I didn't protect you, you would definitely become our brother's bed partner at that time. If you follow me, you don't need to serve so many people."

The man pulled the trigger while half threatening and coaxing.

He is a cautious person. Although he believes that Liu Shi died on the woman in front of him, he still needs to be careful. After all, there is only one life, and no matter how careful he is, he is not careful.

Stand still with a smile without opening his mouth, just quietly looking at the man in front of him and thinking about his fault.

There was no fear and shock on her face, but only indifferent.

But her indifference in the eyes of the other party became unable to react because of fear.

"Beauty, don't be afraid, as long as you follow me obediently, I promise you will be safe."

His words were actually just empty. All he thought was to scare her with words and laugh, and then make her be able to surrender to herself. As for the matter, he really couldn't control her life or death.

He knows this, and even if he really wants to keep smiling, he doesn't have the ability, but he now has a very urgent need. For the most primitive needs, telling some lies that he often wants to say is really nothing to him.

Smile still didn't say anything. She was thinking about why she would be soft in the end. She was wondering why she was in such a dangerous situation. It turned out that all this could be avoided, but now she still has to struggle.

The other party has a robbery, and the bullet has been loaded. If you want to win, you have to pay more and walk on the edge of death.

She didn't believe the other party's words and killed the man herself. No matter what, they would not let themselves go.

She is not a bloodthirsty person, let alone an adventurous person, but she didn't expect to push herself to the brink of death just because of her hesitation.

I am really a woman's benevolent.

She sneered in her heart, but she didn't find that the sneer was a disgrace to herself. She thought that if she could escape from this place today, she would really change.

The environment can really change a person, but the premise of all this is that she can escape.

If the man in front of him doesn't take off his clothes, it means that silver is useless against him. If he takes off his clothes, it also means that he has bad thoughts about himself.

Or, he has the same bad intentions as the one just now.

After thinking about it, this is almost a mortal situation.

She fought for herself to survive.

She has learned how to flatter a man and pretend to submit. At this moment, she smiled, but the smile was so fake that she felt.

After all, there is still not enough experience. No matter how good the theory is, it is always impossible without practicing.

The man waved his pistol nervously and said, "Take off your clothes first."

He wanted to have sex with her, but when he saw her coming over with such a smile, he became nervous.

It's not that people like him have never seen the world.

If the woman in front of her is really so easy to surrender, wouldn't it be better for her to submit to Liu Shi's ** just now? Why must she kill Liu Shi?

Her proximity gave him the most primitive sense of crisis.

Laughter is in his heart, but looking at the other party's appearance is not like laughing.

Let her take off her clothes? She can't do it.

If you don't gain the trust of the other party, you can't get close to the other party at all, so you can't do it yourself.

What to do? What should I do?

Seeing Xiaoxiao still didn't stop, the man's hand pulled on the trigger and said fiercely, "Don't come any closer, or I'll shoot."

For him, he has seen many powerful women in the world, so he does not feel any shame or inappropriateness in his fear of such a woman. Instead, he celebrates his caution.

Smiling eyes flashed the gun in the man's hand. Seeing that he was cautious and excited, she really didn't dare to take another step forward. In order to dispel his doubts, she slowly put her hand on her collar.

The dress outside is the dead man, and she doesn't mind taking it off, but all this is just to ease the opponent and paralyze the opponent.

Someone! Footsteps came to my ears again. The footsteps came up from the corridor and were getting closer and closer to my current position.

What to do?

Laughing was panicked for a second, but she immediately calmed down.

Panic will only make you die faster. If the two can't deal with it by themselves, they can only come one by one.

As the footsteps got louder and louder, it was obvious that the man in the room also heard it.

It's just that he has only chagrin and someone came again. Obviously, he can't touch this woman for the time being. This woman killed Liu Shi. Maybe it's not her turn to touch her, and she will be killed.

And Liu Shi died here, maybe he will be suspected.

The complexity and momentary trance in the man's eyes gave her the best opportunity.

She knew that there was only one chance to kill the man in front of her before the man outside came in, and then give the man outside a thunderous blow.

There was a decision in her heart. She no longer procrastinated. In a few steps, she came to the man's eyes.

Reached out to draw a wire rope on the ring, but the man didn't know whether he was lucky or prepared early, but he grabbed her hand, which disrupted all her plans.

In fact, he is just instinctive. What a man wants to do to a woman is the first to do.

It's no wonder that the experience of laughing at the enemy is too shallow, so easily exposing yourself to the other party's eyes.

Her hands can't be used. She still has feet. This is the way to deal with the pervert. Her feet are raised fiercely and her knees go directly to his crotch.


The man lay on the ground in pain. At the same time, his gun pointed and smiled and slowly pulled the trigger.