Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 223 The Beginning of Conspiracy

"This place is very safe and will not be found by outsiders."

The two people who got off the plane, under the leadership of Cheng Yinting, changed several trains and finally stopped in the depths of the forest, and stood in front of Xiaoxiao.

Smiling and wide eyes slowly closed and took a deep breath.

She also knows that there are such castles everywhere in Britain. Although the castle is magnificent, she is only slightly surprised.

What can make her close her eyes is the surrounding environment. It's really beautiful and natural.

This kind of nature can calm her heart a little.

Seeing the appearance of Xiaoxiao at this moment, Cheng Yinting's face also showed a smile.

Her careful preparation is really right. She really likes it here.

After a moment, Xiaoxiao opened his eyes again and looked at Cheng Yinting's eyes full of gratitude.

"Thank you!"

Her gratitude is not only in front of her, but also everything these days. The man around her is not related to her. It seems too light to say thank you so much.

Cheng Yinting pretended to be angry and said:

"Here, here, here we are again. If you say that I am a friend, don't say any more. I didn't do anything. Besides, I'm helping my child's mother. I'm thinking about my child."

After knowing that she was pregnant, he said he wanted to be the godfather of the child.

How can this be refused for Xiaoxiao? It is a kind of happiness for children to have such a godfather.

It doesn't matter how much money you have, but this man can rely on.


She smiled and nodded, and no longer twisted. So many things have happened, and her heart has long been not as weak as before.

Even if she intends to leave here to live by herself, it is not advisable.

Aside from saying that she is running away from Xia Lei, it is more likely that the secret person will have the opportunity to kidnap her. If she is a person, it doesn't matter, but now that she has a child, she has to think about it for the sake of the child.

She lost once and dared not try again.

This is the crystallization of her and Xia Lei, and she vows to protect her death.

Day by day, she has lived here for several months in a blink of an eye.

After living in, she knew that the castle did not have Cheng Yinting's family, which made her secretly breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if she was asked to face his family, even if she and he were innocent, it would inevitably make outsiders speculate.

She didn't want to cause him any more trouble.

What moved her was that Cheng Yinting's considerate team of doctors was invited to the ancient castle.

Not long after living in, the doctor told her that she was pregnant with twins.

The twins were excited and asked the doctor some questions, and the doctor's answer made her original hazy thoughts clearer.

Why are you pregnant twice and twins twice?

Xia Lei doesn't seem to have this gene, and the only explanation is his parents.

If so, did the mother also have...

She doesn't know, nor does she know what to make. If it were her, she might have been thinking nonsense, but now she won't. She just said that with this seed of suspicion, she would not sit in her heart and think about these things every day.

These days, at the advice of the doctor, she is quietly raising the fetus, but on the other hand, she is also constantly learning how to use silver needles.

Because I am worried that the use of firearms will have a bad impact on the baby in my stomach, I can only give up, but the knowledge of various firearms is also constantly learning under the guidance of Cheng Yinting, a teacher.

She was constantly busy, learning all kinds of fetal nourishment, and later she had various improvements.

Cheng Yinting also often showed her some simple cases for fear that she would be bored. Over time, she also came up with the idea of being a detective and a policeman.

It's just that in the dead of night, she always thinks of that man, the man she loves deeply.

But there is so much helplessness and such a big gap between them.

She doesn't know if he is looking for herself. She doesn't know if he is doing well now? Is there a new partner around him? Without her, he should be happy.

But this should only be her own wishful thinking. In her heart, she knows very well that he must not be doing well.

She is trying to become stronger, for the child, for herself and for him.

Missing is like a flood, constantly submerging her. No matter how strong she becomes, it can't change her love for him or reduce her miss for him.

But what she and Cheng Yinting didn't expect was that Xia Lei had already begun to look for people, and now the search is just for appearance.

This matter will start soon after Xia Lei and the others came back from Cheng Yinting.

Since knowing that Xiaoxiao and Cheng Yinting left here, Xia Lei has been looking for it, and finally found out that Cheng Yinting's special plane was bound for England that day.

Just a few days after the search in the UK, Xia Lei received a phone call that made him very happy.


Feng Xiaowu was so excited that he ran to Xia Lei with his mobile phone and handed it over.

"What..." Xia Lei frowned slightly and was about to scold him. Suddenly, he saw the smiling name flashing out on the screen, and he grabbed his mobile phone in an instant.

They have never given up dialing this phone, but they have been unable to get through.


Even if the iron man is like him, he is full of unbelievable care at this time.

At the other end of the phone, it was silent for a long time, and finally there was a sound of laughter and fundraising.

"It's me!"

In such a long time, this is the first time he has heard the sound of laughter, and his heart is extremely surging.

"I'm sorry, where are you? I'll pick you up right away."

"I...I'm in England!"

seemed to be hesitant, but he still said where he was.

"Britain, OK, I'll pick you up right away."

With that, Xia Lei gestured to Feng Xiaowu and asked him to prepare the plane.

"Wait... Lei, I know, all, I'm sorry, all the time..."

It was vague, and in the end, she cried and couldn't go on.

She frowned deeply, and Xia Lei raised a trace of doubt. How did she know? Or she thought she knew it, and while she was thinking about it, there was another laughing voice on the phone.

"I know what my father did. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Smile, listen to me. Can I talk about it when I get there? No matter what happens, my love for you will not change.

Xia Lei walked to the airport as he spoke. He didn't want to waste a second.

These days, this sense of loss has been entangled in his heart, making him lose his courage. His whole body seems to have been hollowed out. He dare not lie down and sleep, drink, dare not be sad or worried, because these emotions or behaviors will affect his judgment or attack.

This feeling strongly covered up his hatred, and in recent days, he has completely stopped preparing for revenge against Meng Qin.

"Lei, listen to me, okay? I need time and time to think calmly. If I go back now, I won't feel at ease in my life."

After saying that, without waiting for Xia Lei to speak, an obvious breath came from the phone, as if smiling at giving herself the courage to continue talking, and finally made the final decision.

"Can you give me time? Don't come to me unless I go back by myself. Believe me, I will live well.

Xia Lei took a deep breath. He wanted to deny it. He didn't want to agree to her request, but he thought of the cobra that he didn't know where it was, and Meng Qin in the dark.

Maybe it's a good thing that she won't come back for the time being.

It's too dangerous to be around. It's better to let her be outside, and she is willing to call herself after knowing these things, which means that her heart is much stronger.

With these considerations, he did not continue to hesitate.

"Smile, it doesn't matter if you don't see me. I'll ask Tan Ru to accompany you. I can rest assured that you are safe."

"No, no, believe me, give me some time. I don't want to contact anything related to you for the time being, which will confuse my thoughts and make me miss you more."

"Well...all right!"

Xia Lei originally wanted to say that she should go to her house somewhere in the UK, and he took it back.

"Since you have decided, I won't force you, but you must take care of yourself and pay attention to safety. If you find anything, remember to call me."

Just like the eagle has grown up, his smile has also grown up. He can't always be imprisoned, although he has the ability to let her live in the greenhouse for the rest of her life. If this is what she wants, he doesn't mind.

But now she doesn't want to be as muddle-headed as the flowers in the greenhouse, so he is willing to let her out.

He believes that his woman is not a stupid person and that she can take care of herself outside.

Especially when he saw the body, he was more convinced that she would protect himself.

"Yes, I know. Don't worry, I will take good care of myself. So do you. I know that there have been killers lurking around you, waiting for the opportunity to kill you. You must be careful."

"Don't worry about me. Smile, remember that you must not lose your ring. If you find something wrong, you must not keep your hand. If you still miss me, come back early. I love you."

"I love you too!"

After a few minutes, the two finally hung up the phone.

Finally, there was the news of a smile. He was much less worried. He didn't ask her how she was with Cheng Yinting or how she escaped. As long as she was safe, it would be a sunny day for him.

He knows that Xiaoxiao has to learn how to grow, and he also has to learn how to let go. Only when she let go can she grow better.