Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 226 This newcomer and Miss Yuchi seem to

In a blink of an eye, Cheng Yinting has been away for more than ten days.

The Cheng family has been even more busy in the past ten days.

Because the old lady of the Cheng family had not woken up after the operation, the old man was worried that she also fell ill.

For Cheng Yinting, he can ignore the old lady's affairs, but his own grandfather is sick, and he really can't get away.

A few days after Cheng Yinting left, several nurses came to the castle, which were arranged by him before. Because he didn't want too many people in the castle, he only waited for almost to give birth before letting them in.

She knows that everyone here, every arrangement, including all the small things, is Cheng Yinting's heart and a kind of care.

In addition to being grateful to Cheng Yinting, Xiaoxiao also had a hundred thousand apologies.

He is trying to create everything for her, but she can't give him what he wants most. Most of the time, she pretends not to know anything.


Late night, accompanied by the sudden pain in the lower abdomen, Xiaoxiao began to have contractions before childbirth.

Although it is the first time to have a child, there are so many experienced doctors, which is not very worrying.

"Don't scream. You are pregnant with twins and plan to give birth by yourself. You have to hold back, or you will keep screaming now, and you will have no strength when you give birth."

A very experienced midwife stood beside Xiaoxiao and handed a piece of peeled chocolate to Xiaoxiao's mouth.

"Come on, eat some. Although it doesn't work much, it can add some energy to you."

I suppressed the pain, clenched my teeth and stopped shouting, and ate the chocolate with a smile.

At the other end, a midwife looked up after trying to laugh at the cervix and smiled happily.

"Ye, I've already opened a finger. Wait and see, there should be no need for an oxytocin injection."

Hearing what the doctor said, everyone's worries eased a lot.

"Let's do a color ultrasound first and see what's going on inside."

If it's just a single child, they won't worry so much, but now they are twins. According to modern medical technology, these twins can be delivered directly by caesarean section, but the pregnant women themselves don't want to, and they can't say anything more when they are doctors.

What they can do is to provide the best natural delivery environment. Of course, if there is any problem with the child, or if there is anything that hinders natural delivery, they have to change the original natural delivery plan and change it to caesarean section.

Whether it is natural delivery or uterine delivery, everything is already ready.

The midwife turned his head and looked at a nurse who was preparing production supplies and said, "Annie, go and call Mr. Cheng and tell him the current situation."

Originally, she was going to play in person, but now she has to do the color ultrasound with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go now."

The one called Anne smiled after receiving her boss's password, and then she left the room.

In order to laugh at the baby, Cheng Yinting would rather make mistakes than miss it, such as radiation theory, fetal education data, etc. These things that he once disdained have all been regarded as treasures in the past few months.

Xiaoxiao has joked more than once that he was pregnant and gave birth to a child. How can he feel that he is more nervous than himself?

He said righteously that he was the godfather of the child, and it was normal to be nervous.

Therefore, there is no telephone in the delivery room, and no one is allowed to bring useless electronic products into the production area.

Anne, who went out of the door, walked directly to the phone. Her cold eyes had a flash of grimness, and her whole temperament suddenly became cold.

Everyone in the castle was busy, and no one noticed Anne's change.

She picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yinting's voice came out with some fatigue.

Although it was late at night, he picked it up very fast.

"Mr. Cheng, Miss Yuchi has begun to be in pain."

There is an unconcealed joy in the voice of the woman called Anne, but there is always a faintness at the corners of her mouth. This kind of forest is well hidden and will not break the happy smile on her face.

Are you going to give birth? OK, I'll be right back."

Cheng Yinting swept away the fatigue just now, and his voice was full of surprise.

"Yes, the doctor is replenishing her energy, and it is estimated that she won't start giving birth until dawn."

Anne dared not hide anything and gave Cheng Yinting a report on the current situation.

Or Cheng Yinting was in a hurry to come back, and the two's call was quickly hung up.

In a large monitoring room at the top of the castle, several security guards were monitoring the movement in the castle. After seeing Anne's performance, they were obviously relieved.

"Mr. Cheng said that he was afraid that someone would sneak into the castle to make trouble. He was not here these days. We searched all the people here and found no suspicious people."

A slender security guard lay gently on the back of the chair without any warning on his face.

"Well, caring is chaotic. I don't know what's good about that woman, and I don't know which man's wild seed she is pregnant with. Mr. Cheng still protects it like this."

It was a woman who spoke, and she was also the only woman in this group of security guards. Her tall figure and healthy wheat skin color gave people a heroic feeling, but when she spoke just now, her eyes showed a strong jealousy.

Some jealousy will not change other people's impression, but her jealousy destroys her overall beauty.

"Lidi, this is about Mr. Cheng and Miss Yu Chi. You have no right to say this."

On the other side, the face was square, and the tall man frowned gently and glanced at the woman named Lidi.

He is the captain of this group, named Ke Qin, who is also the person saved by Cheng Yinting and is absolutely loyal to Cheng Yinting.

He didn't know why Cheng Yinting was so good to Xiaoxiao, and he felt that he didn't need to know.

For him, he only recognizes Cheng Yinting as his master and is loyal to the other party. As for the master's private life and feelings, as long as it does not endanger the master's safety, he has no right to touch it.

Because when Lidi said this, he was very displeaous, which was completely disrespectful to his master.

"I know."

Lidi lowered her head and dared not compete with Ke Qin. She came to take over.

"Go and have a rest. I'll take care of this."

"No, Miss Yu Chi is about to give birth. We all have to cheer up and can't make any mistakes."

Ke Qin took a look at the busy figures of the servants in the castle. Although the servants in the castle are now much more than before, there are still fewer than the Nuoda castle, and there are no half of them under the monitoring.

The arrangement for so long is to wait for such a time, how can he let his men rest at this time?

"Well, I have a stomachache. Go back to the room and go to the toilet."

Before Ke Qin could react, Lidi turned around and left here with a chagrined face.

The rest of the men looked at each other.

Women are indeed easy-to-be jealous creatures.

Lidi, who is usually good, has become so unreasonable because of jealousy.

None of them noticed that Lidi, who carried them on his back, accidentally shook the garbage can at the door, with a stronger jealousy and pride on her face.

I didn't want to drug you, but who made you not have eyes and hindered my way? Humph, bitch, you're dead. Lidi was secretly proud as she walked.

In the castle, Anne, who made the phone call, went to the medical room and pushed out a cart with various drugs.

The smile on her face was seen in the eyes of these people in the monitoring room.

"What a heaven and an underground!"

After seeing Lidi's jealous face, when they saw this Anne, the men in the surveillance room couldn't help but have that idea.

"Do you think this new Anne is a little similar to Miss Yuchi!" I don't know who suddenly said this.

"Like? Where does it look like?" Some people looked at the monitor puzzledly and couldn't combine such a slim Annie with Yu Chixiao with a big belly.

After being reminded like this, Ke Qin couldn't help looking at it carefully.

"Well, it's a bit like when Miss Yuchi first came... the two of them are exactly the same."

While the men were chatting, Annie pushed the cart slowly into the production area, put the car outside the delivery room, and then went into the delivery room.

The situation in the delivery room cannot be monitored by the monitoring room.

Entering the delivery room, Anne met the midwife's eyes and took the initiative to say, "I called Mr. Cheng, and he said he would be back immediately."

After saying that, she asked with concern, "How's it going now?"

"It's a good situation. I thought I had to have a caesarean section, but now it seems that there should be no problem with natural childbirth."

The midwife is more excited. She has been here for so long. It can be said that she has seen the child in her belly with her own eyes. She grows up day by day and is finally about to give birth. How can she be unhappy?

Twins, in the days, are only a month earlier, and it's already good for the twins to reach this level.

As the client's smile, she has bursts of pain in her stomach, but she has an unprecedented sense of happiness. Soon, she will welcome the two most important people in her life, which makes her unhappy.

Anyway, after the child is born, she will definitely let Xia Lei know that Xia Lei, as the father of the child, has the right to know all this, which is what she has just decided, regardless of whether she has cleared the grievances of the previous generation.


Xiaoxiao wanted to say a few words to thank them, but after saying a word, she was dizzy and couldn't speak.

Her situation is now the focus of everyone's attention, and the originally excited people suddenly became nervous.

Before she fainted, she clearly saw the nurse named Anne, with a gloomy coldness in her eyes.

This coldness made her involuntarily afraid. Even if she was in a coma, her heart still only cared about her child and forgot herself.