Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 229 Give me back

In the delivery room, the ground was full of unconscious nurses and doctors, and a long blood belt, which slowly extended with the smiling figure.

She knows very well that she is at the end of the crossbow, but she must not give up at this time.

Compared with the child, what is pain for her?

Climbing forward inch by inch, the eyes that should have been blurred because of weakness seem particularly powerful at this moment.

Children, children, my children...

Her heart was shouting and watching the woman take out the child in the incubator. It was difficult for her to make further moves except for her strong will and instinctively crawl forward.

In the nursery, Chen Tong frowned slightly and took both children out.

Before she came here, she didn't know that Xiaoxiao was twins, bringing two and one. The speed will be much worse, but as long as it succeeds, the future rewards will be doubled, which is worth betting on.

It's very casual to carry one in one hand, just like carrying some ordinary items, without any love and care.


The two newborn babies seemed to feel uneasy, but they woke up from sleep and cried.

Their crying was by no means what Chen Tong liked. He stared at the two babies coldly, scolded with regret, and walked to the production room.

The nursery and the production room are connected, and the nursery has no independent exit.

At the door where the two rooms intersect, Xiaoxiao grabbed the armrest of the door frame and stood up with amazing will.

The trembling body blocked the door, looking like a candle in the wind that could be extinguished at any time.

"That's good. I didn't expect your bones to be very hard."

Walking to the door, Chen Tong kicked fiercely at the smiling leg.


The deep sound of pain then sounded, but her hands still held the door frame firmly, as if she would not let go.

"Give me back the child."

The voice is full of breath, and the scars on her face have begun to condense. The scarlet wound looks particularly oozing. In addition, her whole body is stained with red blood, which makes her look like a ghost. At this moment, if any timid person sees it, I'm afraid she will be scared.

"Give...the child...give it back to me!"

"Ji Jie Jie."

Chen Tong stood in front of her and laughed a few times, which was full of pride and pleasure.

"Look at your appearance, will the child want you? Don't scare the children to death. It's better to give them to me. Don't worry, I will raise them well.

As she spoke, she kicked and smiled fiercely. Seeing that she began to ooze blood again, she added proudly.

"I will raise it well with Lei."

"Give me...child...give me back!"

She stared at the two children in her hand with a smile. She couldn't hear what the other party was saying. There was only one thought in her heart, child... child...

She kicked a few times and didn't give up. Chen Tong's eyes suddenly became fierce. She didn't expect that the other party's willpower was so strong.

Seeing that she seemed to die at any time, she did not kill her.

Of course, the reason why she doesn't kill her is not because she has any feelings for her or feels that she has gone too much.

She doesn't want to kill her now. She wants her to live, just because she is alive to feel pain.

She had no choice but to put down the child in her hand, and then slowly open Xiaoxiao's finger holding the door frame with her hand.

Like a stone that is about to fall off the cliff but grabs the edge of the cliff with both hands, after being pulled away one by one, it will fall down without any suspense.

At the moment when Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, Chen Tong picked up the two children again. One of them dodged and avoided Xiaoxiao's weak lying on the ground, but still wanted to grab her legs or shoes or anything that could leave her for a few seconds.

It's just that her skills are much better than her, not to mention that one of them is seriously injured, but the other is more energetic.


I couldn't catch Chen Tong at all. He smiled on the ground and muttered.

After a few steps, Chen Tong suddenly turned around and smiled mysteriously at the ground.

"I forgot to tell you, my name is Chen Tong. Oh, no, from now on, I will call Yu Chi to laugh. Remember that you must live to see your two children, but don't live up to my kindness."

After saying that, she stopped stopping and walked to the corridor.

In the monitoring room, Ke Qin ordered everyone to follow him to see the situation, but when he got up, everyone's expressions were stunned. He felt soft, unable to lift any energy, and was drowsy.

"Monghan San." Ke Qin shouted.

Menghansan, in fact, is another form of Menghan medicine. It existed in ancient times. It is also very useful now, but it is not what ordinary people can get. He has been with Cheng Yinting all year round and still knows some.

The brothers in the room fainted one by one. He gritted his teeth and did not hesitate. He took out a knife in his right hand and inserted it directly into his left palm, penetrating the palm.

At the same time, he saw Chen Tong walking out of the production room, carrying a baby in each hand and covering her face, but it can still be judged from her figure that this woman is very similar to the woman named Anne just now, like Anne and the smile when she first came to the castle.

With no time to take care of the injury on his hand, he called Cheng Yinting and walked to the door.

A knife into your hand can't completely solve this fatigue, but it can resist at least for a while.

Although a pool of water on the ground did not attract his attention, it made him almost fall down.

This abnormality gives him a trace of vigilance. The floor in the monitoring room has always been cleaned very clean. At this time, there is still water, which is easy to think of the sweat caused by water.

Just outside, a knife lit up in front of his eyes. He, who had been wary for a long time, flashed the blow.

I have to say that it was the pool that saved him just now.

"It's you!"

His voice was full of anger, but not too surprised.

The moment before going out, he doubted her.

"Yes, it's me. I don't want to kill you. I just want to stun you, so I didn't use a gun, but now I'm not surprised."

Lidi glanced at the wound on Ke Qin's hand and suddenly felt confident.

If it was usual, she would definitely not be his opponent, but now the other party has a weak body in addition to trauma, which gives her confidence.

"Humph, kill me, it's up to you? Get out of the way. If something goes wrong with those two children, it's not a pity that you will die a hundred times.

While talking, Ke Qin has begun to take action. He also lazily asked the traitor why he betrayed Mr. Cheng. Just now, the woman was holding the child in her hand and had to stop it. Even if she couldn't stop it, she would delay her.

He said so much, not to Lidi, but mainly to Cheng Yinting on the other end of the phone in his pocket.

The phone was connected before going out. He knew it, but he didn't have time to deal with it at all. He could only pass it on to Cheng Yinting.

Ke Qin didn't want to fight with Lidi here. He wanted to stop Chen Tong, so during his blind escape, Lidi couldn't do anything about him for a while.

The two chased into the hall of the castle.

In the hall, Chen Tong has covered her face at this moment, but did not leave immediately. She and Lidi are together. Even if she wants to break up, she has to solve Lidi.

In this world, she believes in anyone alive except herself and the dead. Living people are like time bombs, and they don't know when they will explode.

She took advantage of Lidi's jealousy and easily solved these hidden piles of the castle. She had to say this wonderful move.

"Quickly, kill him together."

Lidi, who followed Ke Qin, was a little angry. If Ke Qin didn't die, she would never appear in front of Cheng Yinting again.

"Do you think Mr. Cheng would not know that you betrayed him if you killed me?"

Ke Qin sneered and looked at the two women. His afterglow glanced at the medical tool cart not far away. He remembered that this push was pushed by the woman named Anne at that time.

Lidi raised the corners of her mouth, but she didn't speak. Of course, she could get to this point. Of course, she had a back hand. As long as Ke Qin in front of her was not there, she naturally had the ability to eliminate those surveillance. At that time, Cheng Yinting would ask, he said that she didn't know when she would be removed by the enemy.

The three people fought hard for a while. Dozens of kilometers away, a car, like a ghost in the night, galloped in the direction of the castle.

In the delivery room, the smile that should not have awakened the world is still squirming.

Without Chen Tong's torture and whipping, the blood on her body no longer penetrated out, and **'s body seemed to be coated with a layer of red.

With the passage of time, the effect of the anesthetic on her body became weaker and lighter, and the pain on her body could not stop her intention to move forward at all. Her unyielding will constantly prompted her to move forward.

1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 1m, 2m...

The closer she got to the door, the more shocked she became. She was afraid that the child had been taken away by the woman named Chen Tong. She only looked at the child a few times when she stopped her just now.

That's her child. She hasn't hugged them yet. She hasn't kissed them yet. Is she going to lose them?

For a mother, nothing can hit more than losing her child.

Just as she was in despair, she heard the sound of fighting outside.

The sound of fighting that usually makes people uneasy is like the most beautiful movement at this moment. She took her last breath and accelerated her speed.

Climbing faster and faster along the source of the sound, she finally saw the two children in the medical tool cart in front of her. At this moment, they made a steady breathing sound.

The sound of breathing was like a tranquilizer, calming her mind.