Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 232 Never Fall

"No, we dare not talk nonsense. In addition to us, the young lady herself knows it."

Soya said, and the doctors and nurses around her nodded together.

Cheng Yinting glanced at them, and from their expressions, he knew that what they said was true.

This time, without waiting for him to speak again, Soya patted his chest and continued to say:

"She said that she was the young lady's sister, and I could see that the young lady was also very strange. This should be the first time the young lady saw her, but she seemed to be very familiar with the young lady and full of hatred."

"What did she say at that time? Can any of you try to repeat the original sentence to me?"

Cheng Yinting sat in front of Xiaoxiao's head and carefully cut off his smiling hair with scissors. The dark and bright hair was now stained with dry blood and entangled together, and it was difficult to separate pieces.

There was a basin on his leg, and the cut hair was put into the basin.

The smiling face is ruined. Whether it is to have surgery or medicine, the hair can't be kept. If you catch it with a basin, it is he who wants to help her stay. Whether she wakes up or not, he will continue to keep it.

This is what he can do for her now, and he doesn't want to pretend to be human.

His expression is still gloomy and terrible, and he is full of guilt, regret and pity when he looks at Xiaoxiao.

He has always praised himself as a detective, but he didn't expect that he didn't even find out the family background of the people around him. He missed such an important person to have such a scene today.

He has always been proud of himself. The castle is extremely hidden when he wants to come here, and it is also to maintain the concealment of the castle, so he has not used any international masters, because once he uses a casual one of those people, he will be targeted.

I didn't have it before, because he didn't need it alone. After the smile came, he didn't. In addition to believing that he could fully protect the funny, there are more important reasons that he didn't want Xia Lei to find out here.

He doesn't know if he really wants to hide it out of helping Xiaoxiao, or whether he just wants to keep her around for a few more days, even a minute or a second.

Cheng Yinting's words made it difficult for the several people present. They have just experienced those things. If they say the general meaning of the other party, it is very difficult to completely repeat the other party's original words.

Even if they could, they didn't know where to fly at that time. Moreover, at that time, they had to rush to the operation of laughing.

Just as several people were uneasy, the nurse who recorded the instrument took a small step forward.

"I remember a few words she said at that time."

Cheng Yinting only looked at the little nurse with his spare light, and there was no expression on his face. It was not that the nurse made him unhappy or anything. What else could he have at this time?

"When I was a child, my father and mommy let me learn how to remember."

The little nurse also had the courage to look back along Cheng Yinting's afterglow. She could not say this sentence, but under the afterglow of Cheng Yinting's examination, she still told it.

After getting Cheng Yinting's approval, her expression changed and simulated Chen Tong's appearance at that time.

"I know you, but you don't know me. Is that enough reason? Is it not enough? Is that enough reason why that bitch left me to protect you? We were all born by her, but in order not to cause you trouble, I guess she didn't even mention me, hahahaha..."

"Do you know what kind of person Chen Yishan is? No, no, he is not a person at all. He is not even as good as a beast. You caused all this about me. You and your mother owe me, so I came to take it back today. It's just a little interest.

"It's really bad, Yu Chiran, Yu Chiran, have you ever thought that your daughter, your baby, your heart and liver will fall into my hands one day."

"I swore that you owe me, and I will add all the notes to her."


At the end of the laugh, the little nurse trembled and her face turned white.

From her, Cheng Yinting can fully feel what kind of woman Chen Tong is. She is indeed crazy, and only such a crazy person can do such a conscienceless thing.

"Well, go and take care of the jumping. You can't talk about today's matter with anyone else, otherwise..." Cheng Yinting glanced at several people with sharp eyes, "Do you understand what I mean!"


They didn't live together for a day or two. They always felt that he was a good gentleman and was never warm. It was not until this moment that his eyes hit them that they realized what kind of flood beast they were in front of their eyes.

It's as if they don't know, they won't see tomorrow's sun.

Waving his hand, Cheng Yinting ignored them.

He asked them to repeat that paragraph, not to make things difficult for them or to do anything to them.

I just don't want to miss any possibility because of what they do.

After all, if you can only say what they understand through their understanding, you can't 100% convey what kind of person the perverted woman is.

Now he is not allowed to make any more mistakes.

It is because he made such a mistake before that it will lead to the tragedy at this moment.

"Smile, don't worry, jumping is very healthy. I just checked him and there is no problem. Now he drinks milk and falls asleep. He sleeps soundly. He needs you. You must stick to it."


Before he was born, he decided to be the godfather of the child. He gave the two children a nickname, regardless of the size of the man and the man. The big one is called Jump, and the small one is called Jump.

"I will definitely find Jump, definitely, I will!"

His hand gently stroked his already disbeen face, and the jade-like beauty was only painful and ferocious at this time.

That woman is really cruel.

Even if she hates it, it's about Xiaoxiao. Her revenge is outrageous, a pervert among perverts.

He wants her to know that this is the most regret in her life. He wants her to live and die. He will revenge on everything she has put on Xiaoxiao.

He still remembers that the woman did not hesitate to pull off the quilt on her body, just to let her escape, if it hadn't been for the thin underwear in the baby, if it hadn't been for a short time.

The jump has been taken away by her. If there is any problem with jumping, he really can't imagine what will happen to Xiaoxiao and whether he can hold on.

Anyway, she is also the baby's aunt. Doesn't she even let go of her newborn baby?

But what is impossible for such a perverted woman?

I don't know when there was a drop of crystal tears in the corners of my smiling eyes, and my closed lips seemed to be calling feebly.

She is very tired, really tired, but no matter how tired she is, she can't fall down.

Weakness and fatigue can only make her temporarily close her eyes, and there is only one picture in the dream, that is, Chen Tong leaves with her child.

No matter what she looks like, she has no strength to control it. There are only children in her heart, only children...

It is this kind of uneasiness that makes her completely unable to fall asleep at all.

"Smile, smile, I'm here, I'm here."

Perceiving that she woke up, although he was a little surprised, he couldn't hide his little excitement and whispered in her ear.


The laughing voice is very slight, but it does not affect Cheng Yinting's hearing.

"It's okay to jump. He's very healthy. He drank milk and is sleeping now." Thinking that Xiaoxiao might miss the child, Cheng Yinting asked gently again, "Do you want someone to bring him over and let you have a look?"

"Thank you...thank you..."

Xiaoxiao spit out these two words with difficulty, and the heavy eyelids were also trying to open.

She knows very well that she should not disturb the sleep of a newborn child, but now she needs to be sure that she will not feel at ease unless she sees it with her own eyes.

has lost one, and she can no longer lose the second one.

Cheng Yinting waved to the nursery, and soon a special nurse came out. After hearing Cheng Yinting's request, she turned back and jumped.

"See how stable it is to jump and sleep."

The nurse jumped over. Cheng Yinting's hands were covered with blood, and it was not easy to hold the child. He directly let the nurse hold him there and lowered it so that Xiaoxiao could just see it.

Although there are a few slight scratches on the face, the white and tender skin, dreamy sleep, and steady breathing all show that there is nothing wrong with jumping.


took a look, made sure that he had no problem, and closed his eyes with a smile.

Seeing this, Cheng Yinting waved his hand again and asked the nurse to jump back to sleep.

"I have sent someone to check the whereabouts of the jump. You can rest assured and I will definitely take the jump back."

The originally closed eyes suddenly opened again, and there was a sense of determination in weakness.

"I know where she has gone!"

Cheng Yinting frowned and was a little puzzled, but he still made some guesses according to her attitude.

"Xia Lei?"


After suffering such a blow, her smiling heart became stronger. She gave up the cowardly way of nodding and put it directly into words.

Now she has less time to be sad than before. She has to be strong. Only by being strong can she protect her child and take back her lost child.

Her performance gave Cheng Yinting a very intuitive impact. He really didn't expect that she would be so strong. Originally, he was still thinking about how to comfort her to get her out of this psychological shadow. How long will it take to get her stand up again? Now it seems that he doesn't need it at all.

Because she has never lie down.

"Her name is Chen Tong, and she is my compatriot sister. She hates me. She wants to replace me. My good sister, Yin Ting, I want to trouble you to help me find out about her, as well as my father Chen Yishan, mother Yu Chiran, Xia Yilong, Ji Yulin, Meng Qin and Tong Aili."