Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 241 Rental Partner, Tang Yu

Chenghai International Airport!


Xiaoxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and did a full set of things. In order to prevent Chen Tong from being found out, she has finally set foot on her hometown in recent days.

Five days ago, when Cheng Yinting's voice sounded, she was shocked.

A man actually said those words in front of his mother, which shows how deep the man's love is.

She has thought about many possibilities, but she never thought that Cheng Yinting would choose to say such a thing in front of Mrs. Cheng.

The most unexpected thing is Mrs. Cheng's sudden change of attitude.

"Laughing, I apologize for the bad attitude towards you all the time, and I hope you can think about Yin Ting. I really hope we can become a family!"

After a few short words, Mrs. Cheng took the opportunity to leave the restaurant and gave the place to Xiaoxiao and Cheng Yinting.

Before leaving, she secretly gestured to Cheng Yinting, signaling the latter to cheer up.

This also completely subverted the original image of Mrs. Cheng in Xiaoxiao's heart.


Xiaoxiao wants to refuse Cheng Yinting and wants him not to wait for himself. In fact, although he has not said it clearly over the years, everyone knows it.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse me. Even if you don't want to give yourself one more chance, just give me a chance, even for the sake of what I've done in the past few years, okay?"

There was a prayer in his eyes. A man, like him, actually put his figure so low for the love in his heart at this moment.

smiled and nodded without making a sound.

She can't refuse such a request, whether it's rational or emotional.

She owes him too much and needs to give him a convincing answer.

This answer needs to be read by himself, not from her mouth.

They all know about this.

Shaking his head and shaking off the mixed ideas in his heart, ignoring the amazing eyes projected around him, he found a phone room at the airport,

She is going to call Cheng Yinting to report her safety.

After a moment, she put down the public phone in her hand, walked to the mobile luggage lane and took out her suitcase.

Yunqi has been entrusted to Cheng Yinting, and she is not worried about what will happen to him.

"783 Workers' Road!"

I got on the taxi and reported a location with a smile.

The familiar taxi, the familiar skin color, and the familiar local flavor are all so familiar.

For the first time, she understood why those returnees were strangely excited at the moment of returning to their hometown.

This land carries too much and used to be beautiful.

"Miss is a mixed-race overseas Chinese?"

The driver turned on the meter, and his eyes flashed with amazing, honey-colored skin, which is rare in the East. The only thing he could think of was that the woman in front of him was a mixed-race overseas Chinese.

"Well, no, I just prefer sunshine and sports!" He shook his head with a smile.

"It's a good habit to like to exercise. You are healthy, and you look very healthy."

"Hello, everyone, this is the voice of the city. Tonight we are very honored to invite Minister Li Qili, the head of the personnel department of the Xia consortium!"

Taxi drivers have the habit of listening to the radio. At this moment, the host's graceful voice sounded on the radio.

"Xia's consortium!" The driver sighed for a while and stopped chatting with Xiaoxiao.

Xia's consortium and Li Qi, Xiaoxiao didn't expect that the first person he could understand when he stepped into this place was Li Qi. This guy seems to have entered the Xia consortium.

When she thought of Li Qi, she remembered what happened at the beginning. There were some things that she couldn't understand at that time, but now she is very clear.

At that time, it was the time when Xia Lei and Meng Chen were tit for themselves. At that time, Li Qi stood beside Xia Lei. It seemed that he stood in the camp.

"Hello, Minister Li, welcome you to be the voice of the city tonight!" The host's voice is very enthusiastic.

"Hehe, Coke beauty, you are so polite. Good evening, friends before the radio. I'm Li Qi, the head of the personnel department of the Xia consortium. It's a great honor to be the voice of the city today."


At the other end of the radio wave, Li Qi and Coke kept saying all kinds of words to pull the atmosphere. Coke is a professional host who is naturally familiar with this. Li Qi's life experience is rich, and naturally he will not fall behind.

The two teased driver with a straight smile, and then laughed a few times.

"I didn't expect that the minister of Xia's consortium was still such a funny person. The people from the big consortium were really unusual."

After listening for a while, the driver nodded his comment. He had heard too many guest radio stations every night. Except for those who often go there, they are generally a little green. There are really too few people who can behave like Li Qi.

"Ye!" Xiaoxiao nodded with a very cooperative smile, as if she strongly agreed with the driver's words. In fact, her focus is not on how funny Li Qi and the Coke are. She just wants to know more about Xia's.

In the past three years, she has thought about many plans, such as directly from Chen Tong, from Xia Zhai, and so on. In the end, she felt that it was better to lurk beside Xia Lei.

Xia Lei has good protection for jumping. At least there is no news about jumping outside, not even a photo.

For that "her", it can occasionally be seen in those newspapers and magazines, sometimes positive, sometimes sideways, but more or less some magazines will report.

She has been very contradictory in recent years, hoping that he cares about her and that he doesn't care about her.

She remembered that he said he would protect her, but from the occasional news in the past few years, she always felt that he seemed to be a little unprotective. Although he always came forward to clean up after each incident, those were only after the event.

"Minister Li Qi, I heard that the Xia consortium is going to recruit people!" On the radio, Coke asked with a smile.

"Xia has been recruiting, but this time the scale will be relatively large, including the position of our president's assistant. What's wrong? Is the Coke beauty going? If you come, Li Qi is very welcome!"

"Really, what can I do?" Coke said half-truthly.

Li Qi laughed a few times, "Yes, with your talent, you are definitely a powerful candidate for the president's assistant!"

"Now that the audience has asked questions on our platform, how about we answer the questions first?"


"Audience asked that last time there was a rumor that the president's assistant was named Jiang Ling. Because the president's wife was jealous, she was fired. Is this true?" Coke smiled awkwardly and then said, "This audience's question is very personal!"

"There is curiosity for everyone. I'm not the president's housekeeper, but the president's wife is grown up by me. She is definitely not a jealous person. Miss Jiang Ling left the Xia family for her personal reasons."

Li Qi rarely restrained his smile and became righteous.

"Minister Li, don't be angry. I hear your tone that seems to respect the president's wife very much. Do you know her well?"

"Of course, I understand that the president's wife is an excellent person. She has no temper and is very easy to get along with. She treats people and things very well. Can you not mention the president's wife?"

In the radio, the two kept talking to each other. Although they didn't mention her, they always inadvertently revealed a few words.

In his words, Li Qi seemed to be extremely protective of Xiaoxiao, but this kind of maintenance made Xiaoxiao couldn't help but frown and always felt that there was something wrong with it.

The Li Qi she knew was not such an insignificant person. On the contrary, Li Qi didn't say a word about jumping.

She couldn't get the news, which made her happy and worried.

I'm glad that Xia Lei has protected his daughter very well, and on the other hand, he is worried about whether he will be hurt by jumping because he doesn't get any news.

Until they arrived at their destination, the two people on the radio had not stopped.

He smiled and summed it up. Although Li Qi didn't say anything, he inadvertently revealed that he had the honor to have had dinner with the president and the president's wife somewhere and stayed somewhere.

Of course, Li Qi said very well. He only said that the president and his wife were very loving, and the president loved his wife very much. Because of what his wife liked, he bought the whole building and so on.

If you want to find out these words, you can find out what building Xia Lei bought and then what happened.

After paying the fare, he got out of the car and refused the driver's kindness to help with the box.

This is a villa. The house was arranged by Cheng Yinting. She didn't know what the purpose of Cheng Yinting arranged such a popular house for herself, and she didn't know who the person who connected her would be.

It was not until she approached that she found that the man standing at the gate waiting for her was a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere, but the light of the night was a little yellow and she couldn't see clearly. She could only know that this was a man with a good figure.

"Hello, Miss Yu Han?" The man holding the photo looked up and down and smiled, and his voice was a little soft, "I'm your rental partner, Tang Yu!"

Different from Xiaoxiao's perspective, Tang Yu has been watching very carefully since Xiaoxiao got out of the car.

Tang Yu showed a smile that he thought was chic and romantic, and extended his hand of friendship.

Tang Yu! Xiaoxiao was stunned. She believed that this was definitely deliberately arranged by Cheng Yinting, but why did Cheng Yinting arrange it like this? Unexpectedly, he arranged such a man around himself. What on earth did he have?

I haven't seen this man for more than four years. He doesn't seem to be any different from before. It seems that God loves him very much.

"Hello, I'm Yu Han!"

Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and shook it with Tang Yu. She completely ignored Tang Yu's pretentious smile.

"Mr. Tang doesn't seem to be short of money. Why did he think of finding a rental partner?"

Actually, she wants to know more about how Tang Yu appeared in this place.