Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 245 Beauty, you have caused me trouble

The stunned person is not only Tang Yu, but also stunned, and is obviously more serious than Tang Yu.

This is a child's voice, milky. If it hadn't been for the obvious difference in accent, Xiaoxiao would have thought that the sound came from the mouth of Xia Yunqi.

Yunqi, she has left him for several days. For the first time in her life, she is so far away from him. I don't know if he has eaten well and slept well.

Of course, it is not only because of the sound, but also the appearance that can make you laugh.

It was a young child who stopped her. He looked about the same size as Yunqi. What's more, his eyes were also sapphire blue, and his whole feeling was somewhat similar to Yunqi.


The heart beats with a smile. Will the beautiful and inseparable child in front of him be his daughter?

With excitement, she suddenly squatted down and hugged the child tightly.

"Well, beautiful lady, although I'm very interested in you, my mommy has said that women who are too active will lose their value!"

The smiling action scared Tang Yu around him, but obviously did not scare the child in front of him.

Maybe he is so cute that he often encounters this kind of thing!

I didn't wake up for a moment, but held the child tightly in my arms, and the corners of my eyes began to moisten.

Jump, jump, will it be jump? God treats me so well.

She didn't even make a good game, so she jumped into her arms. This feeling of happiness made her flutter.

From now on, she will no longer have to worry about night nightmares. From now on, she can hold her daughter at any time.

Hong Yi frowned. Although he was known as a young female killer and a friend of a girl by virtue of his appearance, he had never seen such enthusiasm.

Although her enthusiasm did not arouse his disgust, for him, it is very easy to be seen by other girlfriends, which is very easy to cause misunderstanding, and it will be difficult to explain at that time.

At the thought of this, he has a little big head, alas! Women, it's really difficult to deal with. If I had known it, I wouldn't have provoked it.

He just wanted to come and take a picture with her, and then he could show off in front of Xia Xuefei.

Finally understand what Dad often says about the beauty of distance. It turns out that sometimes it is not that the distance is not beautiful, but that the degree of eagerness is more than he can bear.

He looked at Tang Yu for help, but he found the wrong person.

Not to mention that Tang Yu can't save him at all. Even if he can save him, he won't save him. This little boy actually pried his corner, and he is not so generous.

What's wrong with Yu Han? Why are you so out of position? Who is this child?

Recently by smiling, he clearly saw the crystal of the corners of her eyes, as if the child was her treasure.

The smile in excitement does not know his behavior at all, which causes doubts to the people around him, and he will not think that the child in his arms is thinking about these things at this moment.

"Well... Miss, you will cause me trouble. I can't tell my girlfriend. If you can, could you please let go of your hand?"

It was fruitless to ask Tang Yu for help. He gave Tang Yu an expression of whether you were a man or not, and then began to prepare to relieve the current dilemma with his own efforts.

Although he will not explain anything to those pestering little girlfriends, sometimes when facing a new girlfriend he likes, old love is still a good excuse, which can also show his dedicated side.

Girlfriend? Xiaoxiao finally calmed down a little. If she was not sure whether the child was a man or a woman before, now she is still sure, because he is similar to Yunqi, and his words are old and funny.

"I'm sorry!"

She secretly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, smiled and let go of the child in her arms, and soon returned to normal, and there was no longer a trace of excitement on her face.

"Children, what's your name?"

She smiled with a kind smile, and the child's sapphire blue eyes made her extremely kind.

"I'm not a child. You can call me Hong Yixin. Of course, if you want to call me Yixin, I won't mind, but if you want to be my girlfriend, I still have to think about it!"

Hong looked up and down and smiled, thinking about how to say that it would not hurt too much. Originally, he intended to attribute such a beautiful woman to her name, but her behavior just now made him retreat.

Although he is still young and a man, he also has a hobby of chasing prey. Although this prey is beautiful, it makes him lose his desire to conquer, which is boring.

" heart!"

Xiaoxiao only thought about the child's name and didn't notice his next words.

It's just that she thought secretly and was completely lost in Hong's eyes.

"Although height is not a distance and age is not a problem, I think there may be a big gap in the world outlook between me and you. You'd better stay with the gentleman around you. I'll go first!"

Daddy said that a responsible man will give a woman a clear answer. He is a responsible man, so he also wants to give every woman who loves him a clear answer, either love or not.

When Xiaoxiao came to his senses, Hong Yixin had already gone far.

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Yu asked with concern. The child's blue eyes just reminded him of the man. Is this child the man's?

"It's okay!" Xiaoxiao shook his head, pointed to the direction Hong Yixin was walking and said, "Let's sit over there!"

"All right!"

"Daddy, you see that my charm is irresistible!"

Hong Yixin jumped back to his position, raised his chin, and proudly showed it to his father Hongli.

Hong Li did not say anything, but stared and smiled doubtfully.

This woman feels very familiar with herself, but this familiarity is not available for a while. He can be sure that he has never seen her.

And when this woman held her heart just now, she seemed to be a treasure, as if her heart was an indispensable part of her life.

"Mommy, look at Daddy, look at him, how can he pay attention to you!"

Following Hong Li's eyes, Hong Yixin saw the woman who was holding him tightly and glanced at his father. He couldn't help getting angry and got to his mother Ji Ningshuang's side and complained while touching his mother's big belly.

"Bad boy, how dare you provoke the feelings of me and your mommy? You wait to be banned!"

I can't remember who the woman was. Hong Li withdrew his eyes and smiled evilly at Hong.

"Daddy, I was wrong! Mommy, I just said nonsense."

Hong is not afraid of being afraid of being banned at home. You should know that there are so many girlfriends waiting for him in kindergarten. If he is about to be banned, he will not see his lovely girlfriends, which is more uncomfortable than receiving his lollipops.

"Just know what's wrong, sit down quietly and eat!"

Naturally, Hong Li would not have met his son. He didn't know who he learned from. No matter when and where he did he didn't forget to show his charm. If it hadn't been for this little guy's strong request to sit outside, they would have been in the box.

What else did the little guy say? The scenery here is unique. Due to Ji Ningshuang's presence, it is not easy for him to educate.

"Crosy, look at that woman, do you feel very familiar!"

Hong Li approached his wife Ji Ninghuang and put his hand on the high belly of Ning Shuang.

"Oh, Daddy, do you know that beautiful woman?"

Hearing Hong Li's words, he immediately leaned over.

"Bad boy, go away!"

Hong Li directly gave Hong Yixin a stir-fried chestnut.

"Mommy, look...!"

"Okay, one heart, go eat obediently. Mommy and Dad have something to say."

I haven't seen Ji Ningshuang for four years, but she is much more mature and stable than before, revealing the charm of a young woman, but now she is full of pregnancy.

Between Daddy and Mommy, if he must say who he is afraid of, Hong will definitely say, Mommy.

As long as mommy is not angry, no matter how she provokes Daddy, there will be no problem with Mommy, but if she provokes Mommy, Daddy will not help him.

"When she held her heart just now, it was as if her mother saw her child, but I couldn't hate her. Normally, even if I didn't hate her, I should have intuitive worries, but I didn't have any of this."

Ji Ningshuang whispered to Hong Li while looking at the smile and Tang Yu getting closer and closer to her.

Sure enough, he was the child of Hong Li and Ning Shuang. I didn't expect their children to be so old. When they got married, they couldn't come back because Ning Shuang's pregnancy reaction was too severe. Looking at Ning Shuang's appearance, it seemed that there was again.

It's true that time waits for no one!

Smile smiled kindly at Hong Li and Ning Shuang, and then sat down at the table not far away with Hong Li.

After ordering, Tang Yu asked curiously, "Do you know them?"

From the beginning, he found that the men and women at the other table always looked at his table, and the smiling eyes also rotated on their side from time to time.

Originally, he thought that the child was the man's son, because they were not only the same color of their eyes, but also looked a little similar, but now when he saw the couple, he breathed a deep sigh of relief, because the woman also had royal blue eyes, and obviously the child named Hong Yixin just now was in the position. Men are more similar.

Maybe that woman and Xia Lei are brothers and sisters. Tang Yu thought to himself that it is natural for his nephew to be like his uncle.

"I don't know!"

Smile withdrew his eyes, and his eyes were calm.

She didn't expect that the first person she saw was Hong Li and Ning Shuang when she came back. Don't she know if he would come?

At the thought of him, her heart beat out of control.