Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 257 Matchmaker

"Hello, Minister Yang is so polite every time he comes. This is a new colleague from the company, right? Hello!"

Chen Tong nodded slightly to Yang Linhe with a smile on his face.

"Hello, madam!"

There is obvious surprise in Xiaoxiao's eyes, but there is a strong sense of envy on his face.

Her expression was very clear in the eyes of Yang Lin and Chen Tong.

Xiaoxiao has tried countless times about the meeting of the two, and she will never show any numb feet. What she shows now is just the expression that she should have seen the legendary "Yu Chi Xiaoxiao" president's wife for the first time.

"Miss Yu Han is so beautiful, Minister Yang, you have to cheer up!"

Chen Tong smiled, but her eyes glanced faintly and smiled.

The woman in front of her, even compared with herself, is never inferior to herself, and she still has that kind of youth and vitality, which she doesn't have now.

I have been playing the role of Yu Chi Xiaoxiao, gentle, kind and quiet, which makes it impossible for me to be like Yu Han in front of me.

Look at this honey-colored skin, how enviable it is.

"Madam, you exaggerate. Compared with you, I'm more like a wild girl from the countryside."

Smiling and talking about the scene, he praised this "Yi Chi Xiaoxiao".

Her words will make people feel that the woman in front of them is definitely a woman who has been working in the mall for a long time, gorgeous but secular.

This is naturally the feeling that Xiaoxiao hopes to convey to Chen Tong. The more Chen Tong feels like this, the more it is for her to get closer to her.

Everyone likes to hear good words, even Chen Tong, but she has been a noble lady for so many years and is very self-retained. After smiling, she said, "Okay, okay, Xia Lei is in the hall. You can go in by yourself. I have to trim this flower."

"Thank you, madam!" Yang Lin and Xiaoxiao thanked him at the same time, and then walked to the hall.

What is Chen Tong's skills? Although Xiaoxiao dares not be 100% sure, she still knows a little. She knows that she can't make a wrong step. If she takes a wrong step, I'm afraid there will be no chance.

Until the two walked into the hall, Chen Tong was still trimming the flowers and plants, as if nothing had happened, but his head was lowered, and his eyes showed a trace of darkness.

This Yu Han is the woman Meng Chen called this morning and asked Xia Lei to take in the quarterly military training. It looks just like this. It's just a vain appearance. I really don't know how Meng Chen like such a woman.

Although the relationship between Xia Lei and Meng Chen in recent years is not as intimate as other people's brothers, it is much better than before.

At lunch, Xia Lei told himself that Meng Chen was also going to participate in this quarter's Xia's army, just because he took a fancy to a woman in the company.

Originally, the first thing that flashed in her mind was Yu Chi Xiaoxiao. After so many years, I really didn't have any news about her. I think as long as she is still alive, she should also appear.

On the other side of Wei Chiran's grave, she has been sent to monitor, and there is nothing strange.

Now looking at Yu Han, she is sure that she will not be the Yu Chi Xiaoxiao.

Yu Chi Xiaoxiao will never be as snobbish as Yu Han, but Yu Han is a person who can be used.

Smile, don't blame your cruelty. You haven't appeared for so long. It seems that your sister is going to do something to attract you.

It was as vicious as her, and soon returned to normal, continuing to trim her flowers and plants.

As soon as she stepped into the home where she had lived for more than ten years, her heart rippled.

Everything in the house is the same as before, and the overall decoration has not changed. What has changed is that there are more children's toys.

From so many children's toys in the hall, it can be seen that Xia Lei's love for his daughter has a microcosm of his love in every inch of space.

This made her feel a little better. Although she has lost her love in the past few years, she has been favored by her father and other family members.

She finally found a reason to be happy.

"Mr. Xia!"

In the hall, Xia Lei was looking down at the newspaper, and Yang Lin walked lightly to him.

"Oh, Yang Lin, you're here. Well, Yu Han is also coming together. Come on, sit down first!"

"Mr. Xie Xia!" Although Yang Lin was a little restrained, he still sat down.

"You sit down too!" Seeing that Xiaoxiao did not sit down, Xia Lei continued to greet with a kind smile on his face.

"Mr. Xie Xia!"

When did this man become a smiling tiger? The incident of the elevator yesterday morning was still hovering in her mind, and it seemed that he had never happened.

However, the happy life made her feel much better, and she didn't want to continue to care about what he had. Anyway, the familiarity between the two was no longer limited to the events of the elevator.

"Well, Mr. Xia, my assistant is not here today. It just so happens that Yu Han's business is not very heavy, so I brought her here. Without telling you in advance, I made my own decision!"

Yang Lin bowed his head and apologized as he spoke.

"Nothing, you are the deputy minister, and you still have this right!" Xia Lei shook his hand, which was very generous.

"Thank you, President!" Yang Lin thanked him.

"Regarding the company's planning plan for this quarter, our Group C plan is like this..."

Soon the two entered the formal work, and the servants of the Xia family also put the tea on the table.

I have to say that men who work hard are the most attractive.

There is no place to interrupt while listening and laughing, and there is no place for her to make a report, so she can have time to observe Xia Lei.

Let's see what kind of changes this man has made in recent years.

Time passed by minute by. Except for the security guard when he first entered the door, Chen Tong, the servant who had just arrived at the tea, and Xia Lei, who was sitting in front of him talking, he smiled and didn't see anyone.

She knew that Xia Yilong seemed to travel abroad with Tong Aili, and she should also go to kindergarten now.

I don't know how Liu's mother is doing and whether she is in good health. Based on Liu's mother's status in the Xia family, of course, she will not come out to bring tea and pour water to greet them.

She just wants to see her, see if she is okay, and see this old mother who took care of herself.

For four years, she misses her!

She is more afraid of what Chen Tong will do against Liu's mother. It is unlikely, but who knows Chen Tong's character can only pray for Liu's mother to be healthy.

She believes that she will see her soon.

The conversation between the two men was not interrupted until Chen Tong appeared.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you!" Chen Tong looked apologetic.

"It doesn't matter. What's wrong? Smiling?" Xia Lei stretched out his hand to hold Chen Tong's little hand and asked softly.

"I think you are chatting well, but Miss Yu Han may not be able to keep up with your rhythm. She will be bored after sitting for a long time. Anyway, I'm also mowing flowers and plants outside alone. It's better to let her accompany me!"

Chen Tong looked at him and smiled with a smile on her face. Of course, there are enough reasons for her to say so. How much can Yu Han fully understand what Xia Lei said the next day after she came to the company?

"Ye-huh, it's true that you are considerate, my wife."

Xia Lei had it, nodded and said to Xiaoxiao, "Yu Han, can you trim the gardening?"

smiled and shook his head, full of regret and eager to try.

"I really don't know that, but it doesn't matter. It's a great honor for me to be willing to teach you!"

"Then let's go!"

Chen Tong stretched out his hand and smiled. The two women left the hall incomparable harmony.

"Is Miss Yu new here?"

In the garden, Chen Tong is slowly repairing flowers and plants with scissors in his hand.

"Yes, today is the second day I go to work. I'm lucky to see my wife!" The smiling face is not different.

"Do you know Meng Chen?"

Chen Tong, who was originally gentle and elegantly repairing flowers and plants, raised his head and stared and smiled, as if he wanted to see through her heart through her eyes.

"I've seen it, but I don't know it!"

He sneered in his heart, and his face was still calm.

She is Yu Han, not Xiaoxiao. She doesn't know Meng Chen. She just happened to meet last night, but she didn't expect that this was known by Chen Tong.

She even monitored Meng Chen. Why on earth is that?

In fact, Xiaoxiao was wrong. This is really not monitored by Chen Tong, but Chen Tong will also monitor Meng Chen at ordinary times.

After staring for a few seconds, there was nothing strange. Chen Tong also put down her guard and said inadvertently, "I also heard Lei tell me today. I didn't expect to know what I knew. I saw the master in the afternoon. What a coincidence, I gossiped, hehe!"

Seeing that Xiaoxiao did not have much reaction, Chen Tong continued to ask curiously:

"But what do you mean by what you said you have seen, but you don't know? You single men and women are always a little unpredictable and envious!"

"Actually, it's nothing. Last night, I invited my colleague to sing, and then a colleague drank too much and went out to get some air. He disappeared. I went to look for her, but I didn't expect her to be in President Meng's box, so I said I had seen her, but I didn't know her."

He smiled faintly. After laughing, he seemed to look at Chen Tong with great envy, and his eyes were even more jealousy that he tried to hide but could not hide it.

"President Meng is young and successful. If Miss Yu is interested, I can be a middleman!"

Chen Tong put her smiling expression into her eyes and sneered in her heart. Yu Han was indeed a snobbish. She must want to climb Meng Chen. Humph, this kind of woman is really in vain. She pitiful of her charming appearance.

The smile seemed to be extremely moved. When I was about to speak, another light flashed in my eyes.

"Thank you, madam. Don't bother me. If fate is there, we can always meet again. If there is no fate..."

With that, she lowered her head shyly and did not continue to talk.