Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 258 Camp

"Ha ha, President Meng likes girls with personality most, especially young, beautiful and energetic beauties like Miss Yu Han. OK, OK, OK, I won't talk about it, just wait for us to become a daughter-in-law in the future!"

Chen Tong deliberately spilled the beans, firstly, in order to test again, and secondly, to give a little sweetness.


Xiaoxiao deliberately opened his eyes wide, with inexperable meaning in his eyes.

Chen Tong smiled and said, "This Xia and Meng are like brother companies. You said that one day, you can be with President Meng. Aren't we sister-in-law?"

"Madam is so funny!"

There is a red fruit desire in her smiling eyes, but she still controls it, but there is an obvious sign of goodwill in her words.

"Madam, did you trim all these flowers?"

"Hmm, there is nothing to do every day, just trim these flowers and plants to pass the time."

Chen Tong's expression is extremely kind, and her gentleness naturally reveals a noble lady's temperament.

"Don't call your ex-wife and call me Xiaoxiao. My surname is Yu Chi!"

In order to attract Yu Han in front of her to join the alliance, Chen Tong seemed to be really working hard, but she never thought that the person in front of her was the real Yu Chi Xiaoxiao.

"This..." He smiled with a smile on his face, but his face still showed some hesitation.

The slight changes in her expression were reflected in Chen Tong's eyes. Chen Tong sneered in her heart, but her face was a little sad.

"Since I married Lei and became the president's wife, I don't even have any friends with my peers, alas!"

"As long as my wife doesn't think I'm an ordinary white-collar worker, I can go shopping with my wife on Saturdays, Sundays and evenings."

Following her mood, she smiled and said what she most wanted to hear.

"Good, good!"

Chen Tong is overjoyed. The more she looks at Yu Han in front of her, the more pleasing she is. The woman who is ambitious, beautiful and thinks she is smart is her ideal partner.

This kind of woman is better to control.

Xia Lei and Yang Lin have ended their talks and walked to the courtyard one after the other.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Lei gently took Chen Tong into his arms, looked directly at him and said with a smile, "I'm very happy to hear you talking."

"Miss Yu Han is young and beautiful. I'm talking to her. We can go shopping together when we have time!"

Chen Tong moved slightly shyly and couldn't break away from Xia Lei's arms. She glanced at him again, and her eyes seemed to be angry that he didn't pay attention in front of outsiders.

Xia Lei sniffed Chen Tong's hair lovingly and said dotingly, "As long as you are happy!"

"Have you finished talking about business?" Chen Tong was full of sweetness in Xia Lei's arms, and her eyes glanced at the smile intentionally or unintentionally.

She is not demonstrating to Xiaoxiao, but a kind of showing love and wanting to envy the other party, hoping to have this kind of life with some other presidents, only envying mandarin ducks but not immortals, and then more determined to please her heart.

The performance of laughter did not disappoint her. In her extremely depressed eyes, there was a fierce desire and yearning.

"Hm, we had an appointment with Xuefei's teacher today. Have you forgotten?" Xia Lei nodded and said.

Chen Tong smiled foolishly, "How can I forget! It's just that you're working and don't want to disturb you.

"President and madam Xia, since you have something to do, Yu Han and I won't bother you!"

Yang Lin originally wanted to take Yu Han to play after talking about business, for fear that the president and the president's wife would suddenly come and leave them for dinner. Now when he sees that the president has something to do, he can't wait to leave in time.

"It's okay, I won't leave you here for dinner. I'll treat you to dinner next time!"

Xia Lei did not keep anyone. In fact, the recent snow problem made him very worried.

He believes that the real mother of the child will understand him, and she should be more anxious than him.

When I heard my daughter's teacher, I smiled and wanted to hear more things, but I felt that what I was asking now was too abrupt and easy to attract attention.

"Just called me to say that Xuefei bullied the children again!"

seemed to know that the smiling girl was eager. Xia Lei closed Chen Tong's hair and sighed helplessly.

"Then let's go and have a look. I don't know if it's hurting other people's children!"

Chen Tong looked worried, but Xiaoxiao saw the pride in her eyes.

She can remember that she still has a son in her hand. One day she will come back with her son. Even if Xia Lei doesn't believe it, the paternity test will come out.

In the past few years, she has also thought about how good it would be if she could conceive a child, but damn it, she hasn't been pregnant for so long.

If you can have your own children, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Xia Lei is a person who attaches so much importance to children.

As long as he can have children, even if Xia Lei knows everything in the future, he will not do anything to himself.

Chen Tong was annoyed, but it didn't help.

She thinks she knows Xia Lei well enough, but she won't know why Xia Lei spoils Xia Xuefei so much and is unconditionally tolerant. In addition to being his daughter, more importantly, she is his and Xiaoxiao's child.

Xia Lei is a man and not a god. If Chen Tong is pregnant one day, he may leave a child, but perhaps he will not let this happen.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, not a god of fraternity.


Leave Xia's house and sat in Yang Lin's car with a smile, but there was no interest.

Xuefei bullied the children again.

Xia Lei's words kept hovering in her mind, and she even felt that it was deliberately revealed to herself.

He used another word and looked at his helplessness, especially the deepest complacency in Chen Tong's eyes.

Is he asking himself for help? His ability can't solve his child's problems.

Jump, what kind of child have you become?

I have been thinking about what kind of attitude Chen Tong will treat and educate her?

It was not until today that she suddenly realized that the best way was to spoil, to the lawlessness, to the height of heaven, and to the delicate and capriciousness.

And this kind of pet, no one will doubt her love for jumping. She will only say that she, a mother, is too spoiled to her daughter, but no one will ever think that she is harming her.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing the smile full of things, Yang Lin asked.

This is not questioning anything, but he wanted to pick a topic. Without waiting for Xiaoxiao to answer, he continued to speak.

"Are you thinking about the love of the president and his wife!"


She smiled and nodded. She didn't want to let people know that she was thinking of the president's daughter.

"I heard that the president and his wife are childhood sweethearts. After a long run of love, it's not easy for the two of them to come together after a long time!"

Yang Lin's expression is full of admiration. In his opinion, with the identity and family background, what kind of woman he wants? Although his wife is very beautiful, it is really rare in the world to be as affectionate as the president.

"It's not easy!"

She smiled and echoed, sighing that the world is impermanent. Outsiders think that Chen Tong is her, and they are all envious of her rich, leisure and loving life, but in fact?

The life she has experienced and the suffering she has suffered can be written into a book.

And her battle has just begun. What will happen next? Will she face those unknown things and enemies that have not yet appeared?

"But don't look at their happy lives. Every family has its own difficulties!"

As soon as the conversation turned, Yang Lin sighed.

"I think every family has unspeakable suffering!"

Smile attached, as if unintentionally, but successfully provoked Yang Lin's idea of continuing to talk.

If Yang Lin's previous words could not arouse the interest of laughter, then this family's difficult scriptures perfectly made her interested.

"In fact, it's nothing, mainly their daughter. Although Mr. Xia is well protected, I often go to other companies because of my business. I have heard the little princess beat the president's child more than once."

In order to win the favor of the beautiful woman, he is also full of work. He has never told anyone anything, and he has no reservations at this moment.

"That's really a headache!"

Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, but thought about another possibility in his heart.

Perhaps, what Yunqi said is not unreasonable.

"It should be said that children can affect children, but I know that Hong Yixin has always been with the little princess. You said that the business world has also been strange in recent years. After the era of father fighting, everyone seems to be fighting for children. Among them, the most successful one is Hong's son. As a sister and brother, they don't seem to get along very well."

Yang Lin continued to say that he did not find that Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up. He just wanted to adjust the atmosphere to make the date look less bad.

His unintentional words made her confirm her budding idea.

Since you can't get close to it immediately, let Yunqi come. I believe Yunqi will definitely do it.

The date with Yang Lin starts with this kind of match and ends with this kind of match.

As a mother, although her daughter has left her since birth, and she did not even see her appearance clearly at that time, this does not reduce her love for her daughter at all.

"Mommy, you finally called me. I miss you so much. Dad said he would take me to you in a month."

With a decision in his heart, he dialed Cheng Yinting's phone with a smile, or knew that it was his mother's call, and Yunqi's voice came first.

"Yunqi, mommy misses you too. Where's your father? Give him the phone. Mommy has something to say to him.

Xiaoxiao warmed his heart. Although he has suffered a lot over the years, the child is God's greatest wealth.

If it hadn't been for the child to support him, he might have fallen on the road of revenge.