Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 276 Lack of Love

"Lei, why are you back!"

In the early morning, Chen Tong's face was not very beautiful. Just now, a woman appeared on the tombstone. Although she tried her best to cover it up, she still found the other party. It was definitely her. She couldn't have misread it wrong.

And the other party chose to be at dawn, did she think she wouldn't find it? Humph, what a crazy dream.

She was about to go out to catch her, and she had been cutting off the grass. Unexpectedly, Xia Lei came back, and she had to raise a sweet smile.

"I miss you so much."

Xia Lei didn't say much. He pulled Chen Tong and held him tightly in his arms.

"I hate it, it's old husband and wife, and I'm always doing these romances."

Chen Tong said andly that she did not doubt whether Xia Lei's words were true or false. Xia Lei has been like this all these years.

And before he pretended to be Xiaoxiao, he had already done a full investigation, and Xia Lei did so with Xiaoxiao.

"So what about my husband and wife? Even if it's another 50 years, I will love you like this."

Xia Lei's expression was extremely serious, and there was no trace of fraud.


Chen Tong's face was filled with a happy and shy smile and leaned against Xia Lei's arms, but when she lowered her head, she began to meditate about what she was going to do now.

You must find a way to get rid of Xia Lei. Only in that way can you catch that woman.

And this matter can't reveal any news.

Xia Lei's sense of smell is too keen. If any news comes into his ears, I'm afraid he will be detected.

Even at the beginning of my life with him, I couldn't help but be worried every day until I slowly found that there was nothing strange about him.

"I haven't seen you for several days. I really miss you so much. I'm not going anywhere today. I'll do whatever you say you want. Can you?"

As if she knew what Chen Tong was thinking, Xia Lei said the last thing she wanted to hear.

"Okay, okay!"

However, Chen Tong could only pretend to smile sweetly at him.

"Wife!" Xia Lei's eyes showed a crazy light, staring at Chen Tong reluctantly moving away any more. Looking at his appearance, it seemed that a kiss was about to fall.

Chen Tong still knew about him and ran back deliberately. Now, if this kiss falls, I'm afraid he can't escape at this moment.

She must not let this kind of thing happen. Even if she wants to be tied up by Xia Lei for a day today, now she must find someone to do it.

"Hm!" There was pain on her face.

"What's wrong?" Xia Lei cooperated with her very much.

On the road, he knew what she had found and that she was eager to go out, but the more she was, the less likely she was to make her wish.

"I have a stomachache and want to go to the bathroom." Chen Tong has an apologies on her face.

"Are you all right? Do you want to see a doctor?" Xia Lei asked with concern.

"It's okay, but my stomach is uncomfortable. It should be okay to go to the toilet." Chen Tong said with some embarrassment. She stared at Xia Lei tightly for fear that Xia Lei would be interested and follow her to the bathroom.

Xia Lei took a deep look at Chen Tong. After confirming that she was really fine, he finally relaxed and said, "Is it really okay? Then go quickly and I'll have someone make you a cup of brown sugar ginger tea.

"Ye" Chen Tong nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to the bathroom.

The moment the door of the bathroom was closed, Xia Lei raised the corners of his eyes slightly, and then stepped out of the door.


In the training camp, Xiaoxiao just got up. Last night, Master Liang came back very late. Although there was a cover of the night, she still found an abnormal blush on her face.

She sighed secretly in her heart. Of course, she hoped that Meng Chen would be happy, but at the same time, she didn't want Master Liang to be hurt.

When emotions come, no one can stop them, and they can't tell what's going on.

Now she only hopes that the dark side of Meng Chen's heart has been completely suppressed, so that Master Liang may have a good life.


Xiaoxiao took the initiative to call Liang Shishi and began to hide from herself after she came back last night. I guess she felt guilty about the man who robbed her.

"Oh, Sister Yu Han!"

Liang Shishi's eyes flashed, and there was obvious guilt on her face. She didn't know how to face Yu Han.

Thinking of what happened between herself and Meng Chen last night, and also recalling what she had done that night. Looking at Yu Han, who was unaware of it, she felt more and more that she had done something wrong.

"What's on your mind?" He asked with a smile.

"No, no, it's nothing." Liang Shishi's head shook like a wave drum.

took a deep look at Master Liang and smiled and didn't want her to suffer any more conscience.

"Teacher, do you know? Love is not right or wrong, and the pursuit of happiness is not worthy of anyone and sorry for anyone.

"Sister Yu Han!" There were tiny tears in the teacher's eyes. She was a person who rewarded her kindness. Yu Han was grateful to herself, but she went to rob the man she liked. Unexpectedly, the other party came to comfort her now. For a moment, she really didn't know how to say it.

"I'm serious, what belongs to me is mine, and it doesn't belong to me. It's useless for me to pursue it again. Although I will feel uncomfortable, I don't want you to have any psychological pressure. I will pursue it based on my own strength. You don't have to make any concessions because of me, okay? We can be fair."

In fact, Xiaoxiao really wants to tell the other party that she has no meaning to Meng Chen at all, but it is not the right time. She can only apologize silently in her heart.

Anyway, she has said everything she can say now.

", your phone." As soon as the teacher wanted to say something, the smiling phone rang, and the communication between the two ended.

He picked up his mobile phone and looked at the electricity number with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Shi Shi pointed to himself with his finger and then to the outside. After nodding with a smile, Master Liang left the room.

"Hey, it's madam!" After the teacher left, he picked up the phone with a smile.

"Ye, Yu Han, how is your training these days?" Chen Tong, who was hiding in the bathroom on the other side, called Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao said awkwardly, "It's okay, but it's too difficult."

"There is something I want to ask you for help." There is not much time, and Chen Tong doesn't have time to turn around with her.

"Madam, tell me!" Xiaoxiao said this sentence without even thinking.

"Just call me Xiaoxiao. You can ask for a leave from your coach, and then come back. Find a place when you get there, and then call me. I'll come to you." Chen Tong said sadly.

"Okay, I know." Xiaoxiao knew that Chen Tong was creating an atmosphere, and she also took over perfectly.

"Honey, are you all right? Brown sugar ginger tea has been made for you. Xia Lei's voice came from the other end.

Then Chen Tong said in a low voice, "Okay, that's it first. Don't say that I called you."

Without waiting for Xiaoxiao to say goodbye, there was already a beeping sound from the other end of the phone.

A smile appeared on Xiaoxiao's face, simply tidyed up his clothes, and was ready to leave this place.


"Grandpa, does your body still hurt?"

Every morning is the day when the children go to school, and Xia Yilong has nothing to do. His granddaughter is his only one. As long as he is at Xia's house, every time he goes to school, he will pick him up in person.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. Fufei knows that he loves Grandpa. Grandpa is too late to be happy. How can it hurt?" Xia Yilong said with great joy.

I didn't expect that my granddaughter has become so sensible since she was taught a lesson by Xiao Yunqi that day. Although she is still a little delicate, she is much better than before.

At least I care about people now.

"Grandpa, Weifei knew that grandpa said this because of his pain. Grandpa is the best forfei in the world."

Xia Xuefei, who was young, didn't know what she thought of, and her eyes were slightly red.

"Faifei, why do you say that? Your father and mom also lovefei very much. Their love forfei will not be less than grandpa."

Xia Yilong frowned slightly, and his little granddaughter's eyes hurt him.

Children can't lie. He believes that something must have happened that he doesn't know.

"Xiaofei, what's wrong? What's wrong with you? Tell Grandpa that Grandpa will help you.

Hearing Xia Yilong say this, Xia Xuefei couldn't help crying.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy doesn't love me!"

"How come? Fufei, there is no mommy in the world who doesn't love her children.

Xia Yilong's words were a little emotional. Xuefei reminded him of Xia Lei when he was very young. At that time, Ji Yulin was still alive. He still remembered that Ji Yulin had a deep love for Xia Lei. He believed that there was no love in the world more than a mother who loved her child.

"No, no, mommy doesn't love me!" Xia Xuefei shook her head stubbornly, and she recognized her idea.

Knowing that mommy doesn't love herself makes her very scared, which is also the reason why she has been much more obedient these days. She used to have mommy support, but now she doesn't know what she should do in the future.

Although she is still small and delicate, she is still very smart, and her young heart is also vulnerable.

"Then why did you say that?"

Xia Yilong is also a little curious. His granddaughter is usually more delicate, but she is rarely so stubborn about this kind of thing, especially this child, who is extremely **. It seems that he is always afraid that his father, mom and grandpa will be robbed by others.

In Xia Yilong's eyes, this is purely a manifestation of the little girl's fear of losing, but what he has always couldn't figure out is that his family loves her so much, how can she have such an idea?