Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 280 Final Chapter

"Are you feeling better?" Xia Lei sat by Chen Tong's bed and asked with concern.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Is there a whereabouts?" Chen Tong asked weakly, and the red and swollen eyes showed that she was too sad.

"Hum, I just got the news that it was on the dock, and the other party asked for a billion yuan. I have asked someone to withdraw the money."

"Billion, do you want to bow to them?"

Chen Tong thought that Xia Lei would say that he was ready to be outside and kill the kidnapped person to save Xia Xuefei at any time. If so, the danger of Xia Xuefei would increase, which was exactly what she was thinking.

"1 billion is nothing compared with our daughter. I don't want to let the possibility of getting hurt at all. Well, take a rest. I'll go!" After saying that, Xia Lei got up and wanted to leave.

"I also want to go together.fei is our daughter, and I want to see her safe with my own eyes." Chen Tong tried her best to support her extremely weak body and said stubbornly.

"You rest at home. Believe me, I will definitely bring the fei back."


"Have a good rest and sleep. I promise that you will see you standing in front of you safe and sound when you wake up."

Xia Lei did not turn around. He was anxious to savefei and Yunqi, and was not in the mood to play with Chen Tong again, but his behavior became that he didn't want her to worry in Chen Tong's eyes.


"Wow...Wow..." In a sunny room, Xia Xuefei was sobbing. She had been crying all night until she fell asleep, and then woke up crying again.

"Ffei, don't cry. It's useless to cry. Keep more strength!" Xia Yunqi sat next to Xia Xuefei and put her in his arms to comfort her.

Maybe the cobra thought it was just two hairy children, so it didn't tie them up, but just left them in this room and didn't torture them for a while.

"Wow..." After being comforted by Yunqi, Xia Xuefei cried even more.

"Xia Xuefei, don't cry. I think your father will definitely save you."

Xia Yunqi really had no choice. He knew that this sister loved to cry, but he didn't expect that she could cry like this. She never stopped except for falling asleep.

He still remembers that Dad said not to expose his identity under any circumstances. The more dangerous it is, the more it can't be exposed.

The man only came in a few times after trapping them here. Although he didn't do anything to them, Yunqi saw the look that would kill Xia Xuefei from his eyes.

He believes that his father will definitely protect himself.

Of course, the father he believes in refers to Cheng Yinting, not Xia Lei.

However, Yunqi is very smart and has not shown that kind of confidence since he was kidnapped. His performance is calmer than Xia Xuefei, but this belongs to his nature.

"Squeak!" With a sound, the door was knocked open, and the cobra entered the room with a dark light.

His eyes stayed on Xia Xuefei for a moment, like a medicine to stop crying. Xia Xuefei, who had been crying desperately, actually stopped tears. I thought she was really scared.

After Xia Xuefei calmed down, the cobra's eyes naturally fell on Yunqi. In addition to the cold, there was a trace of envy in his eyes.

"Kid, I didn't expect that you were Cheng Yinting's son."

Yunqi did not answer his words, but stared at the other party more cautiously.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I contacted your father just now. I have no hatred with him, but it's your bad luck. There is only one way to save you. Your father loves you very much, but he promised me." The cobra said with a little envy.

"You threatened my father with me." Yunqi gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

"You have fallen into my hands, can't you threaten him? Don't worry, this has nothing to do with you. You will live a good life. With that, Cobra's eyes glanced at Xuefei beside Yunqi and said maliciously, "But this little beauty around you will never have a good day."

"What do you want to do to Xiaofei?" Yunqi suddenly exploded, and he didn't know where the courage came from. He stood up from the same place, opened his arms and protected Xuefei behind him.

At this moment, Xia Xuefei's eyes flashed a strange light, and the small figure in front of her instantly became bigger in her heart, covering the image of her father and mommy.

"If you still want to threaten my father with me, you'd better not touch her."

His eyes were unusually persistent, and this kind of persistence fell into the cobra's eyes.

"Oh, do you think I will worry about your father coming to deal with me?" Cobra was provoked by interest by Yunqi. He has been licking blood on the edge of the knife for a long time, and he also knows that teenagers are not afraid, but this is obviously still a young child.

"You can not be afraid of my father dealing with you, and you can also not be afraid of your father dealing with you, but if my father and her father deal with you, how many chances do you think you have to win."

Yunqi raised his little face and said fearlessly.

"I know that your goal is to save Peifei, which has nothing to do with me. Although I have the intention to save Peifei, it is my own business. You can't change my heart, but what you can stop is not to let my father connect with Pei's father. In the end, whether I can save Peifei is her father's business, but now I must protect Protect her."

"Papa, Papa, Papa!"

Even if it is like a cobra, I can't help applauding Xia Yunqi's words. At such a young age, I can have such a keen observation.

"Very good, really good. Your performance makes me want to take you away against your father's anger. I think you must be the most precious person in his life."

He really appreciates Xia Yunqi and should have a baby, but there is no hope for his cobra in his life.

Yunqi's heart was surging, and he was not sure what his words could do, but he was his own sister, and he had to protect her anyway.

"You're still scared. Don't worry, I won't do anything to her for the time being, but we're going to change places!"

The corners of the cobra's mouth tilted sideways, which was extremely horrible.

Xia Lei never thought that he had transferred with his children. He wanted to save them all, but he was doomed to be unable to save them.


After Xia Lei left, Chen Tong made an appointment with Xiaoxiao.

After getting rid of the people behind him, Chen Tong came to the place agreed by the two as promised.

"Here's the thing." Xiaoxiao took out the box exchanged with Butler Lin and handed it to Chen Tong.

"Thank you!" Chen Tong hurriedly took the box and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

Xia Xuefei's life and death are uncertain. She doesn't want to stay here for a long time, causing unnecessary suspicion. As long as the information in the box is destroyed, she will no longer have to worry about her identity being recognized. Even if someone doubts in the future, there will be no evidence. With her knowledge of Xia Lei, he will never be able to do anything to himself without solid evidence. It's like

"Go, where are you going?" Suddenly, a man appeared in front of Chen Tong's eyes and blocked her way.

"Who are you?" Chen Tong cautiously took a step back and stayed away from Xiaoxiao and the man.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoxiao, I can't help it." After receiving Chen Tong's glance, he smiled and bowed his head with some shame.

"There's no way. Who on earth are you working for?" Chen Tong asked angrily.

smiled and lowered his head as if to fight, and then when he raised his head again, his eyes said firmly, "Money."

"Hahaha, Xia Lei never thought that his wife would be betrayed because of money. He doesn't seem to be short of money." The cobra smiled arrogantly. He waited for too long on this day. Finally, how could he be unhappy until this moment?


While talking, Chen Tong kept looking at the man in front of her, looking for an opportunity to escape. She did not pay attention to this Yu Han, but the man who suddenly appeared made her very taboo.

"Someone gave me 500 million and asked me to tell him your location. I know I'm sorry for you and Mr. Xia, but..."

Xiaoxiao deliberately didn't say who gave her so much money. If she said it, it would be easy for Chen Tong to think of what was going on.

Chen Tong frowned slightly. She really couldn't figure out who the man in front of her was, who wanted to make Wei Chi laugh to death, or who wanted to quarrel with Xia Lei.

She knows everything around her, but she really can't figure it out this time.

" me, woo...!" Just as she was thinking, Xia Xuefei's cry came from behind.

"You are the kidnapper who kidnapped Feifei."

Chen Tong understood in an instant, but wasn't the other party at the dock? I thought that if I didn't find the other party, I wouldn't fall into the hands of the other party, but now it seems that the other party is clearly for himself. No, it should be said that he smiled at Yu Chi.

If that's really the case, won't he become a substitute for Yu Chixiao?

Yu Han, Yu Han, yes, she is Yu Chi Xiaoxiao, but it's funny that she just found out now.

A trace of pride flashed in Chen Tong's eyes. She is Chen Tong. She can never be the scapegoat of Yu Chixiao, and it will never be possible.

"Xia...Mr. Xia!"

Chen Tong just wanted to open his mouth to point out the things in front of him to the cobra, and smiled and stattering.

She saw the light in Chen Tong's eyes. At this point, it is normal for Chen Tong to guess the routine, but she will not give her a chance to speak.

The smiling words aroused the vigilance of the cobra, and the cobra instantly flashed behind Chen Tong and put a gun against Chen Tong's head.

"Oh, Xia Lei, you still found this place." He has never doubted Xia Lei's intelligence network, but even so, some revenge has to be revenged.

"Cobra, let go of my wife. What's up to me? It's none of her business." In order to be realistic, Xia Lei really took people to the dock, so there were no people around Xia Lei. Now Xia Lei can come here in time thanks to the car made by Xiaoxiao before.

The cobra groaned coldly and said, "Let go of your wife? Do you think it is possible? I have only lived in pain in my life, and this pain is given to me by you and Gao Xueting. I can't find Gao Xueting and can only find you. I want you to live in the shadow of losing your wife and children for the rest of your life and make you suffer for the rest of your life.

"A painful life? Well, you kill her. It's just a woman. I'll marry again!" Xia Lei said unrestrainedly that his appearance was completely indifferent in the eyes of the cobra, but in fact he really didn't care.

How could he take care of Chen Tong's life or death? If it hadn't been for the cobra, he would have killed her.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that? Your man asked you to die. Don't blame me if you die. If you want to find it, go to your husband!" The cobra smiled and said in Chen Tong's ear.

He knew how much Xia Lei loved his wife. What he said was to make Xia Lei more painful and let Xia Lei understand that his scheme was useless to him.

"Uh...Uh...Uh!" Although poor Chen Tong also has kung fu, it is useless under the control of the cobra, and now she is choked by her. Even if she wants to break any secrets, it is impossible.

"No!" Xia Lei screamed, and the cobra slowly pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" Chen Tong didn't even say a word, only the last smiling eyes looked so desolate.

She finally lost, tried her best, or lost.

Everything that doesn't belong to her, even if she grabs it, she still loses it after all.

Kill Chen Tong's cobra. As he wished, he saw that life was worse than death in Xia Lei's eyes, and also saw Xia Lei kneeling on the ground. But now he doesn't want to kill him. He wants to let him live and then let him watch his relatives die one by one.

A flash, he retreated to the room where Xia Xuefei and Yunqi were closed. He did not notice the smile in Xia Lei's eyes when he closed the door.

"Let's go!"

In the opposite direction from the cobra, Xia Lei hugged his smiling waist and rushed to the outside of the house.

Then, with a bang behind him, the whole house exploded.

Cobra never thought that at the moment Xia Xuefei cried for Mommy, Cheng Yinting rescued the two children, and there was a detonated bomb in the room. The detonator of the bomb was in Cheng Yinting's hands, and the small room was the cobra's eternal tomb.


Three days later, the airport!

"Mommy, are you really not going back with me?" Xia Yunqi stood beside Cheng Yinting and said with an old-fashioned smile.

"Cloud Flag..." It's a little difficult to smile.

"Where are you going? Of course your mommy is with me!" As soon as he saw his wife hesitated, Xia Lei immediately said forcefully.

"Brother, I want to be with my brother, I don't care!" From afar, Xia Xuefei's voice came, and the little figure gasped and ran this way.

Since that day, she suddenly found that it was the safest to follow Xia Yunqi. The little heart did not have too many complicated thoughts, and only felt that this brother was very kind.

"Fight!" As soon as she saw her daughter, she immediately smiled. She always felt ashamed of her daughter. Xia Xuefei had not given her much good face in the past few days. If it hadn't been for the cloud flag, she would have been more ugly.

"Hmm!" Xia Xuefei snorted coldly.

"Fight!" Xia Lei's face was straight.

"Anyway, I don't care. I just want to be with my brother!" Xia Xuefei had decided before she came. No matter what the adults said, she would not change.

"If you stop me now, I will go secretly in the future!"

"Then let her stay with me for a while first!" Cheng Yinting looked at Xia Xuefei. Although the love in his eyes was not as good as Yunqi, he still liked it.

The most important thing is that Yunqi likes it.

He thought he was destined to go back alone this time, but he didn't expect Yunqi to insist on going back with him, which was the happiest thing for him.

Xiaoxiao thought for a long time and reluctantly answered, "Okay..."

She really wants to have more contact with Xuefei, but Xuefei will only get worse and worse if she forcibly demands it.

"I...want to go too!" Before the joke was finished, he was taken away by Xia Lei.

From afar, I only heard Xia Lei's arrogant voice.

"You can go if you want, just like me and your mommy!"

Looking at the disappeared beauty, Cheng Yinting put away the loss on his face. Although he did not hold the beauty in the end, he harvested Xia Yunqi.

"Uncle, I'm younger than her, and I must be more beautiful than her in the future, or you can think about me!"

Xia Xuefei didn't know where she learned the tone. She hugged Cheng Yinting's thigh tightly and grinned.

"You are my sister, but you want to marry my father. This is so messy!" Xia Yunqi seemed to have understood Fufei's words and looked serious and thoughtful.

"Oh, my God!" Before he had time to be sad, Cheng Yinting was made to cry and laugh by the pair of living treasures in front of him.

When the plane took off, Xia Lei and Xiaoxiao stood under the blue sky and looked at the traces of the plane flying by, smiling particularly sweetly.

"Lei, can you tell me where Sister Ting has been?" Looking at the sky, Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered the beautiful figure. She brought herself too much.

"She's right there!" Xia Lei pointed to the sky. In the dark, he believed that she was still alive. Somewhere, looking at them, they were happy and hoped that she could also have her own happiness.

There are always joys and sorrows in life, and the world is always impermanent.

But as long as we have a belief, as long as we keep running forward.

One day, beauty will welcome us.
