Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 262 The pawn has been removed and blessed by misfortune

Ma Chao's shouting is a reluctant roar!

Lv Bu's shouting is a threatening threat!

Dong Zhuo's shouting is a kind of domineering catharsis!

Li Ru's shouting is a kind of frightening shock!

None of the four voices is a humble prayer. Although they have different identities, for Li Yong, they are all orders above him! If one person speaks, Li Wei may be angry; if two people speak out, Li Wei may give in; but if three people speak out at the same time, Li Wei will feel that this is humiliating; and now that the four of them speak together, Li Wei has no choice but to faint.

But even so, none of the four people in the field seemed to care about Li Yu's situation. Dong Zhuo even laughed and was very happy: "My son has been a big man for a long time and is the first flying general in the world! But I never thought that a certain Liangzhou would make another soaring brocade, and the light was not weaker than the tiger of the world. No one can interfere in today's war! I would like to see whether it is a strong tiger in Liangzhou or a strong tiger in Bingzhou!"

After saying that, Dong Zhuo waved his hand, and everyone was ordered to retreat out, leaving an open space with two people. However, the crossbowman outside the courtyard is more focused on holding his breath and always paying attention to the situation on the field.

After this, Ma Chao seemed to be a little sober under the internal injury. But the blood whistling disease is still raging in his body, rushing his whole body, like an endless curse of resentment, driving Ma Chao into a machine that only knows how to kill and fight: "Lv Bu! The strongest man in the world?!"

Lv Buyuan and Yuezhi shouted, and after shouting, he already saw that Ma Chao was in the disease of blood and whispered, "Sure enough... Another person began to enter the extreme of martial arts, but why did it come from blood..."

Lv Bu said this in a very low voice, and even he himself could not hear the sadness in that tone. After calming down, Lv Bu regained his defiant look and said disdainfully to Ma Chao, "Yes, someone is the strongest person in the world. If you have the ability, you can challenge!"

With Lv Bu's words, everyone suddenly felt that an invisible pressure had dispersed!

Everyone is a martial artist, and naturally understands that this pressure is the murderous atmosphere generated when the martial artist's luck is ready. One after another, they condensed their minds and waited for a shocking battle! Just as Ma Chao's murderous spirit began to rage, another strange murderous spirit like fish glue suddenly expanded to the whole hall, forming a huge invisible vortex centered on Lv Bu.

Lv Bu has been famous for a long time and has already entered the peak of martial arts. He not only opens up his own momentum, but also condenses the heart of martial arts that only he knows. Therefore, his murderousness is much smoother and more solemn than Ma Chao, who first climbed the door of the heart of martial arts. Behind him, his whole body trembled, and the destruction that seemed to be black substance hit Ma Chao like a storm!

In an hour, Ma Chao was tightly wrapped in Lv Bu's murderous spirit and oppressed by this momentum. Even in the state of blood roaring, he began to become short of breath and difficult to move, and his whole body seemed to be adsorbed to the center by the sticky vortex, as if to send his body to be slaughtered.

Ma Chao, who has seen Lv Bu take action, is deeply afraid of Lv Bu's martial arts, and his keen five knowledge and intuition at this moment make him deeply understand the power of Lv Bu's strange killing cyclone: the cyclone can not only paralyze and stabrate the enemy's actions with dense and viscous killing characteristics, but also because the whole space is highly condensed. Full of murder, the hall is equivalent to a closed boundary at this moment. With its help, Lv Bu can grasp the next posture and movements of the enemy's next step through the detection of the change of the enemy's air machine, so as to formulate the method of attack and defense, advance and retreat. This is an advanced form of the "heart of martial arts".

At this time, if Ma Chao has a slight flaw, Fang Tianhua halberd will take advantage of the situation and strangle him into pieces; but if he alone defends and resists and let Lv Bu reach the peak with full momentum, the next attack is like a river that breaks the dike, forming a momentum that can no longer be resisted. !

Only before starting, Ma Chao had lost the opportunity, and his fear of Lv Bu was more obvious. But at this time, the blood roar in his body seemed to be completely stimulated and spread to the whole body with blood flowing. After the blood, the black impurities and the red blood beads faintly flowed out of the body surface...

After taking a long breath, Ma Chao already felt that the bloody demagogue was no longer like the original attack, imprisoning his brain and driving himself like a walking corpse. Instead, it seems to be integrated into his whole body, like walking on thin ice but running freely: Is it possible that if you can relieve this blood roar disease by supporting this demon?

Converging his mind, under the pressure of Lv Bu's murderous spirit, the clear-minded Ma Chao focused all his thoughts on the iron sword in his hand. For a moment, he only felt that he had given up the blade in his hand, and there was nothing else between heaven and earth. He instantly broke free from the pressure of Lv Bu's momentum on his limbs and soul. He clenched the hilt of his right hand and picked out one in front of his chest first. The perfect circle uses the rare Taiji operation in the memory of the previous life to gather all the murderous spirit in the circle. Just as if it was a defensive attack, the sword stabbed forward without warning, and the murderous spirit gathered into a ball was like a thousand pounds of boulder, throwing it into the center of the vortex.

His whole body was shocked. Lv Bu obviously did not expect that Ma Chao, stimulated by his own murderous spirit, guided all the blood roar into his whole body, completely transforming the strongest warrior. And he also used a strange sword to condense and reverse his murderous spirit for him, and attacked himself!

After sensing Ma Chao's behavior, Lv Bu quickly sucked back the cyclone like a tide, and the light flowed, and lay a layer of defense network in front of him, trying to resolve Ma Chao's sword momentum with delicate glue.

But after all, it's too late.

This is a sword that has exhausted Ma Chao's sudden enlightenment in his life. Although there is no boundless momentum and no murderous killing power, it seems to be completely unfettered by space and time, breaking through the limits of physics and reaching the "sword born from the heart" in martial arts.

Long-term hard practice and the storage obtained from childhood have accumulated considerable potential for Ma Chao. However, this potential was not well guided, but became a bloody roar that disturbed his mind. At this time, by chance, before Ma Chao was on the verge of a powerful crisis, he was blessed by misfortune and was able to subvert, which made him completely absorb the violence of the blood roar, making him clear in an instant. The storm in his body seemed to be combined with the storm from the outside world and burst out with a thunderous momentum!

At the moment he stabbed this sword and lightning, Ma Chao suddenly realized that he had broken through the old trap, experienced the three levels of strength, luck and momentum in turn, and finally entered the door of the heart of martial arts.

It's like a young eagle. From the time it grows its feathers, the young eagle has flapped its wings to the sun every day in the nest, trying to soar in the blue sky like its parents, but it has never succeeded. But as the wings flap day after day, the strength is constantly increasing and the feathers are growing. One day, the eagle came out of the nest to hunt for food. The young one staggered and staggered to the edge of the nest and suddenly fell out of the nest. The eagle rolled down from a high branch, screaming hard and flapping its wings as usual. Finally, at the moment when it was about to fall under the cliff, it suddenly understood the trick. Its wings vibrated, broke free from the shackles of the earth, and flew up and flew to the sky!

There are only a few people in the world who have this opportunity. After today's World War I, there will be an invisible and murderous young general on the list of fierce generals, which will go hand in hand with those gods of war who can destroy or create an era!