Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 318 The Perverted History of Liu Xie 3

"When I was nine years old, I finally understood!" Liu Xie also took a sip of wine and let the wine taste in his mouth. He also continued to recall his story: "That year, the Ling Emperor emptied his body because of the perennial famine and finally got a serious illness.

Although he is my own father, I have no feelings for him at all. Even my grandmother, Empress Dowager Dong, has no feelings for him, let alone for He. It can be said that the so-called emperor is the most failed person I have ever seen. But I didn't expect that a failed person like him gave me a few years of safety. It was not until he was about to be away that I knew that he had no choice but to suffer.

That year, I was only nine years old. The night after visiting Lingdi, my grandmother came to my bedroom. She looked happy and then told me one thing: my father seemed to intend to change the crown prince and make me the crown prince!

However, that night, when he showed a little intention, he was fiercely opposed by He's relatives and civil and military ministers. This matter is strictly forbidden to be publicized, so few people know about it.

In my opinion, grandma is not a wise woman. I can see through the tricks she plays at a glance. But she is really nice to me. He instinctively thought that if I could be the crown prince and become the future emperor, it would naturally be a great thing. So she is very happy. After all, Emperor Ling has this intention, and he may succeed in the future. Moreover, grandma is not a scheming woman. She was so happy that she couldn't help telling me at night.

But that night, I felt dangerous!

That's a thorough chill!!

At that time, I already understood a truth: there is no benefit for you in the world for no reason! If you want to get something, you must pay the corresponding price!

Yes, I'm young and smart, and the servants who taught me praised me for being much better than Liu Wei. Even many civil and military ministers will praise me for my youth and wisdom at the banquet...

However, don't forget that I live in Tianjia! The Tian family has been ruthless since ancient times, not to mention a jealous and possessive queen like He!

The ridiculous grandma thought it was a good thing and struggled to start planning. But actually... Danger is coming at all!

Since that day, everything has changed.

The attendants and maids around me, as well as Taifu, are very respectful to me a lot, as if in their eyes, I am no longer the simple King Chen Liu, but the crown prince who may be the emperor of the Han Dynasty!

More importantly... Even my half-brother, Liu Wei, has changed his attitude towards me!

When I was a child, my royal brother was still very close to me. We are only two or three years away from the age. We play together, escape the teaching of the servants together, and play tricks on the servants together. Every time I come up with an idea, he takes the blame. Even though the servant always scolded him and praised me, he didn't mind at all and took the initiative to play with me every time.

But because of my father's serious illness, my brother's attitude towards me has also changed. I know that there must be some provocation in this, but it's really over between us.

He never came to see me again. He never came to take me to play, and he never accompanied me to listen to the servant's lecture again. I even remember that he had promised me that he would secretly take me to drink for the first time. However, he never fulfilled that promise... Until he abdiced and died!

It was the stupid and hopeless father who changed all this! He wants to make up for his mistakes and repay my fatherly love at the last moment!

However, with his pig-like head, can't you see that He Jin controlled all the military power of Luoyang at that time and hooked up with all the scholars, and He was close to all the eunuchs in the palace? Such a mess, let me pick up a nine-year-old child?!

He really thinks that if he is an emperor, he can do whatever he wants?!


No, he is not even as good as a pig!

Moreover, just because he showed his intention to change me as the crown prince in advance, it turned out that everyone regarded me as an enemy!"

At this point, Liu Xie's voice became very low. That deep child's voice made Ma Chao feel a little palpitated. Immediately, Liu Xie looked at the night and sighed, "Meng Qi, you can't understand... That night, that night when I felt the rainstorm, how did I get here? I have lived to this day. That night was the most difficult and difficult night in my life! Even later, the night before Dong Zhuo entered Beijing and made me emperor, he was far less sad than my night that year!"

Ma Chao quietly looked at the face of the great man's majesty and suddenly felt that sitting in his seat was not so beautiful at all. On the contrary, it is a depressing, helpless and dangerous struggle.

hesitated for a moment, and Ma Chao also sighed in a low voice: "Maybe... I can understand. Although I haven't experienced it myself, I have experienced a little bit about your psychological journey.

Liu Xie looked at Ma Chao, and the corners of his eyes smiled little by little: "Not bad... I also believe that you are one of the few people who can understand me. Meng Qi, that's why I tried my best to get you to Chang'an! Although you are completely different from my experience, I killed Ma Teng with my own hands, making you fall from the peak of happiness. In this way, you will be like me, and we will become the same kind of person!"

Ma Chao is silent.

He can imagine. A few nights a few years ago. The nine-year-old prince sat in the room facing the cold night sky. He understood all the crises he was going to face, and even forced him to give up his humanity to struggle and survive...

The two looked at each other and smiled, and there was a little more pain in each other's smile.

Then, Liu Xie took another sip of wine and continued to tell.

"After that night, I finally figured out a lot. That chilling night did not make me completely despair. I had a little luck in my heart.

But it's very fast. I finally found that although born in the royal family seems to be rich and honorable, once you are involved in the supreme interests. Then all the wealth and honor around you will immediately become murderous!

My brother gradually alienated me, and I didn't blame him. After I figured it out, I understood. It's not his fault. After all, we used to be brothers. But after that, we can only become ridiculous competitors for the throne.

The royal brother regarded me as an enemy, but ridiculously, I didn't want to fight with him at all! That throne is not attractive to me at all. Therefore, I wanted to convey a message to the royal brother or He in disguise. I hope they can rest assured that I will not argue with him.

I ran to Lingdi and told him in front of He that I didn't want to be emperor. However, this stupid spirit emperor actually thought that I was afraid of He like my mother. He directly scolded He and asked her to get out of here! At that time, I saw He's resentful eyes, as if she had found my wise method of retreating and saw through my hypocrisy... What an irony!

Since then, I began to fight with the royal brother and the He family. It was not until I killed the Lingdi, the He family and the royal brother with my own hands in turn that it created me today..."