Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 332 Assassination of Niu Fu

The night is like lead, heavy on the Qin Pass, and the mood of those who watch this scene is heavy.

The mood of Mu Yuanfeng, Xiao Tian, Li Ang, single and Qin Shou is not easy. They looked at each other in front of the wounded camp, changed their night clothes in a secluded place, and then went their own things with their agile skills.

At this time, the heaviest mood is naturally Mu Yuanfeng. Because this time, his mission is to assassinate Niu Fu! Moreover, it also creates the illusion of assassination mistakes...

After receiving Ma Chao's order, Mu Yuanfeng was in a bad mood: you know, it is much more difficult to escape from the assassination than to escape successfully!

" Among these people, your martial arts skills are the highest. Moreover, you also got Wang Yue's true biography. If you can't even do this job, the shadow can be disbanded directly..."

This is Ma Chao's original words. When he said this, he got the news that Qin Guan was not lost and that the law had arrived at Qin Guan. So, his smile, um... Anyway, there was an impulse that made Mu Yuanfeng punch him in the face.

And what is more abominable at this time! The injury camp of Niu Fu's camp is still a long way from Niu Fu's Chinese army tent, and the obstacles are overlapping!

The Xiliang Army's wounded and sick camp is fundamentally different from the Ma family's wounded and sick camp. It was built one miles away from the camp, that is to say, once the army is defeated, these wounded are used to delay the enemy's pursuit of slaughter!

It can be seen how much Xiliang Army doesn't care about the wounded. Like the Ma family army, there are not only doctors, but also nurses, and the army that builds the wounded and sick camp in the barracks. I'm afraid that there is only the Ma family army, right?

Throwing these thoughts, Mu Yuanfeng stretched his body and looked carefully at the situation in front of him: the Xiliang camp at night was dark, like a horrible abyss camp. Some torches were lit inside the camp, but this light was not enough to illuminate the whole camp. On the contrary, the weapons reflected the firelight. From time to time, there are a few flashes, which adds a bit of coldness and murder

"The deer fortress is a trench before and after the horse. Behind the trench, a string may be hung in a place where it is difficult to see and hold it with a bell... If there are still organs in this trench, then..." After thinking about it carefully, Mu Yuanfeng felt that it was impossible for Niu Fu and Yang Feng to make the defense of the camp as impeccable as Ma's camp.

After a while of incense, Mu Yuanfeng has figured out the activities of the riding and patrol infantry in the Xiliang camp. At the same time, he also saw that after these five days of fighting, the defense of Xiliang Camp was not very tight, and it could even be said that it was very relaxed: it provided him with a lot of convenience!

The sky is darker and windy. Mu Yuanfeng gritted his teeth and began to act!

A vague shadow, sometimes as quiet as a virgin, sometimes as a rabbit, sometimes crawling on the ground... He easily avoided the deer fort, walked through the horse as if he were boneless, and crossed the trench like a flat ground. With a gentle smile, Mu Yuanfeng saw the small rope as thin as hair hidden in the shadow of the horse. He carefully cut the string hanging the bell, making the bell not work at all.

However, his good luck ended here, because he suddenly found that Niu Fu was very afraid of death. In addition to his central army, there were countless guards patrolling back and forth: the performance of the Xiliang Army in the past two days made Niu Fu so cautious. If Yang Feng rebelled, wouldn't he even have time to react?

But his behavior of the frightened bird just brought trouble to Mu Yuanfeng at this time: these strict patrols, Mu Yuanfeng could not enter the Chinese army without alarming the guards.

What's more, these torches are obviously much more than those of the outside camp, and there are fewer dead corners. Mu Yuanfeng tried his best to see a dead corner, but because of the firelight, he could not hide in at all.

'There is no opportunity, you can only wait for the opportunity, or create your own opportunity...' Mu Yuanfeng suddenly remembered Ma Chao's words. He couldn't remember that this was a famous saying when Ma Chao said something, but it seemed appropriate to use it at this time.

At the autumn wind getting rougher and rougher, Mu Yuanfeng has a plan in his mind: he wants to make opportunities with the help of the weather!

The night wind is also getting stronger and stronger, and the guards who are difficult to patrol raise their hands to cover their eyes and block the dust and sand blown by the autumn wind: Mu Yuanfeng is waiting for this moment!

In the dark, Mu Yuanfeng hurriedly grabbed a few stones, waved his hands, and a few small stones broke through the air! The strong wind is mixed with the wind, which is slightly inaudible, but the effect is very good. The stone hit the torch, like a strong wind blowing down the five or six torches, and suddenly without the illumination of these five or six torches, many dark corners appeared in the Chinese army camp!

Suddenly encountered this strong wind, Niu Fu's personal guards fell into a riot. Under the loud rebuke of the guard, several guard soldiers covered their helmets and reluctantly moved their feet to rekindle the torch. At this time, Mu Yuanfeng ambushed next to the torch. Taking advantage of this small chaos, he exerted his physical strength to the extreme. Under the strong pedal, his body was like an arrow off the string. In an instant, he crossed several feet away and hid under the dead corner he had looked at before.

After that, he took the opportunity and suddenly covered his mouth and broke his neck while a patrol was relaxed. Quickly hide the body behind the shadow of the tent. Mu Yuanfeng changed into the leather armor of the patrolmen of the Xiliang Army and unconsciously followed a group of patrolmen.

This small chaos calmed down, and no one found that a patrol was missing, but Mu Yuanfeng could openly approach Niu Fu's Chinese army account.

While patrolling and docking, Mu Yuanfeng quietly touched the side of Niu Fu's tent, gently cut a small cut with a dagger and put one into it. Niu Fu is so big-hearted that he actually fell asleep?

With a flash of his figure, Mu Yuanfeng finally approached Niu Fu. At this point, the task is the last step away!

Gently pulled out the dagger from the boot barrel, the index finger gently touched, the light flashed, and a small flower bloomed in the dark. Mu Yuanfeng sneered and he was going to do it!

Hands up, the knife falls!

A cold light flashed in Mu Yuanfeng's hand, lightning to the point!

The goal is the heart of Niu Fu!

But suddenly, the sleeping Niu Fu suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly picked up a single knife from under the pillow, and held Mu Yuanfeng's dagger: "Thief, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Mu Yuanfeng was shocked. He wanted to know how Niu Fu knew that he would assassinate him? However, Mu Yuanfeng's psychological quality was also very good. In the face of danger, the dagger turned a corner on Niu Fu's single knife, and the fierce momentum was unabated. It almost crossed up against Niu Fu's skin and made a quick and powerful stab above his shoulder!

Blood flashes! Howling bitterly!

The instinct for survival made Niu Fu make the most reasonable choice by the way. He was furious, which made Mu Yuanfeng have to stop to protect himself. At the same time, the guards outside the tent reacted at the first time: "There are assassins to protect the general!"

Mu Yuanfeng saw that the machine was not good, sneered, turned over and got out of the break: Although there was a little accident, wasn't his mission a failure to assassinate?

The guard rushed through the entrance of the tent and saw Niu Fuzheng's body rolling on the ground and howling endlessly, and between the fingers of his right hand covering his left shoulder, blood had stained his body!

"Call the doctor to come here, you idiots! Chase, chase! It hurts me too..." Niu Fu roared, gritted his teeth, and pulled out the dagger of his left arm!

Without the severe pain, Niu Fu held the dagger in his hand and watched it, but he didn't see any difference. Then he walked back and forth angrily and was attracted by a bronze medal when he saw the hole. After picking it up, Niu Fu's whole face soared: "It's really Yang Feng's subordinates! Come on, hurry up and get Yang Feng for me!"

But at this time, in the Xiliang camp, the flames rose brightly, and countless figures flashed in it, and ** was rapidly spreading to all sides. The generals woke up from their dreams and rushed out of the camp blankly, with horror and puzzlement on their faces. But when they suddenly heard a roar, they immediately picked up the knife and gun!

The roar is:

"Niu Fu wants to kill General Yang, and everyone is against it!"