Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 334 Break the enemy!

Xiliang Camp has become a pot of porridge.

Even if Yang Feng has the ability to control the situation, when he saw that Niu Fu's law enforcement team and personal guards really wanted to kill him, he had to choose the only way out to resist.

Originally, Yang Feng, who was at heart's strength, was very worried that there would be a roar tonight. But the sudden riot shattered the last trace of fluke in Yang Feng's heart. Especially when he ran out of the tent and saw the burning tents and the rioting sergeants, he knew that the Xiliang camp was over this time!

If Xu Rong is here, Yang Feng believes that he has the ability to cooperate with Xu Rong to stabilize the riot. However, Niu Fu is not Xu Rong at all. He doesn't have that talent at all! What's more abominable is that when Yang Feng saw Niu Fu's guards and law enforcement team approaching him fiercely and waiting for him to say a word, he waved a knife at himself...

"The Lord has an order to kill this traitor who colluded with the Ma family and caused chaos!" Those guards and law enforcement teams foolishly created irreparable turmoil and riots!

Yang Feng and his guards and Niu Fu's guards soon fought together, and the Xiliang soldiers rushed out in panic before they could prepare for battle. When he heard that Niu Fu was going to kill General Yang tonight, he cursed fiercely and rushed to Yang Feng's big tent with a knife.

Some of them bravely met Niu Fu's law enforcement team and were trampled to the ground in the blink of an eye; some veterans who were completely scared out by Qin Guan did not care about the surrounding situation and turned around and fled; but more, many Xiliang soldiers ran around like headless flies, screaming crazily, and met people who blocked them. Then he cut it directly with a knife... At this time, it can't be said that Yang Feng beats drums or sings arrows, which makes all the things in the camp that can make a sound, and can no longer attract the attention of the soldiers in chaos.

After all, in the past few days, the contradiction between Yang Feng's subordinates and Niu Fu's subordinates has intensified to the extreme. Perhaps, the whole Xi Liangbing who promised was waiting for such an opportunity. Whether this opportunity is a trap or a true thing: Niu Fu was assassinated? Humph! Why didn't you kill the pi-eyed guy?!

The situation on the field is becoming more and more chaotic, and even Yang Feng himself has to wield a knife to protect himself. At this time, these Xiliang soldiers who have killed red eyes can no longer distinguish between the enemy and us. Anyway, those who stand in front of you are all their own people and enemies! At this moment, there are people turning over horses, fighting and howling everywhere, and wolves rushing everywhere. The whole camp can no longer be described by a word 'ran'.

However, at this time, there was a thunderous muffled sound behind Xiliang Camp. Yang Feng listened carefully. In the noisy howl, he still heard the sound of stepping close to his psychology: this is a well-trained cavalry, at least 3,000 people!

Looking up, Yang Feng was scared, and the most terrible worry in the nightmare finally came true: "Ma Jiajun, it's Ma Jiajun who came!"

It is ironic that Yang Feng could not attract the attention of Xiliang soldiers no matter what he did before. But at this time, his roar miraculously solidified the whole battlefield for a moment: everyone looked at the direction behind their camp and looked at the ferocious iron horse galloping like a devil in the night, one by one as if they had lost their body, motionless.

"Ma Jiajun's general Pound is here!" Pound, who was the first, waved the big knife in his hand and roared loudly, "The military master has an order not to kill those who surrender and disarm. Those who dare to resist the military power of the Ma family will be killed without mercy!"

"There is no mercy!"

"There is no mercy!"

"There is no mercy!"

Pound shouted, and the 3,000 iron riders behind him roared in unison, and the sound of shouting resounded through the sky and earth. The Xiliang Army in the midst of the riot couldn't help but create an illusion: Isn't this the slogan they usually roar? Why today...

For a long time, it seems to be a ripple caused by throwing a stone into the lake. The whole camp fell into a more panicked ** in an instant. Some Xiliang soldiers threw their weapons directly, and others rushed to Ma's army angrily. Some simply cut his neck with a knife when their opponents were stunned before...

Seeing this, Pang De couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth. He raised his hand slightly, and suddenly there was a sound of machine-in-wrappered sound behind him. And 3,000 iron riders also gradually formed a loose encirclement while running. And then! It's the time when the Ma family's crossbow is raging!

How can those Xiliang soldiers who are angry and fight alone be the enemy of the long-prepared Ma army at this time? They, who had just escaped from the range of knives and guns, were soon pierced by sharp arrows like locusts flying all over the sky. Ma Jiajun rode lightly and completed the most cruel work alternately. This is their favorite way to fight: the raid is completed, even if the number of people is several times different. There will be no suspense in the battle.

Like the eagle landing, these Xiliang soldiers who lost their command were just a piece of meat in their mouths, and the horse family's iron riding showed their sharp claws in an instant.

"Are you afraid of a bird?! There are only 3,000 of them. Even if we beat five and one, we can kill them!" Yang Feng was anxious, waiting for his red eyes to roar. But what answered him was the sound of Qinguan's gate completely broken.

Yang Feng has always wanted to hear this sound, but when he hears this sound at this time, it is like a death knell in hell!

I saw another 2,000 horse's iron riders in Qinguan, and the leader was the brave Zhou Cang!

Zhou Cang's face was gloomy, and he deliberately did not shout the slogan 'arm and don't kill', but it was this effect that made these Xiliang soldiers even more frightened!

Because Zhou Cang came up with one of the most cruel methods and hit the Xiliang soldier who had not had time to react. The sharp iron knife immediately cut the man directly from his head to his chest. After pulling out with his intestines and liver, the man was unwilling to fall to the ground! Xiliang soldiers suddenly understood that those guys who came out of the gate were going to devour themselves alive!

"No! Don't kill me, I surrender!" Xi Liangbing, who was watching Zhou Cang running over with blood and ferocious face, was so scared that he even peeed out. After closing your eyes, wait for that simple moment.

However, except for the rumble of horses' hoofs, he did not feel pain in his ears. Then he opened his eyes and shouted like a surprise, "Really don't kill!" As long as you surrender, you won't kill!"

For a moment, this mutated shrill voice suddenly sounded throughout the camp and immediately woke up to those Xiliang soldiers who could not escape.

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

These Xiliang veterans on the battlefield don't have to think that there is anything wrong with surrender: in their opinion, death is only a matter of sooner or later. But if you can live one more moment, why rush to die?

When Pound saw this scene, he immediately raised his hand. Immediately, the order was passed on by his personal guards to the colonel, Qu Chang, Tun Chang, Captain, Shi Chang and Wu Chang, and was quickly conveyed at the first level like running water. Those Ma Jiajun who had prepared the javelin in their hands also put back the javelin and pulled out *: They are coming to receive the prisoners. If anyone dares to deceive the Ma army, they will definitely get the most cruel revenge!

Zhou Cang and Liao Hua had a gloomy face and saw that the Ma family army only defeated the psychology of Xiliang soldiers in a round of offensive. He couldn't help but be a little anxious, but then Zhou Cang's eyes turned, and he saw the smoke and dust that countless defeated soldiers had escaped...

"Brothers, let's chase it!" Zhou Cang shouted, but to his surprise, except for his fifty thieves, none of the remaining Ma's iron riders obeyed his orders.

"In front, Liang Xing has already been ambushed, and I believe it will take an hour. You can see him escorting prisoners back, and what you need to do most now is to stabilize the situation in this camp!" Pound looked at the strange face of Zhou Cang with a cold face and was very angry with such a captain who could not see the situation on the battlefield.

" has... Has there been an ambush for a long time? Zhou Cang was stunned and then thought of the beautiful smiling face on the wall. After that, he tried his best to behave like a lieutenant, commanding the two thousand and four patrols to collect prisoners...

But in his heart, his understanding of Ma Jiajun has deepened another layer: this is the most strange army he has seen in 30 years. Their equipment, their bravery, their no regrets and iron blood are definitely the strongest in the whole man! And what's more terrible is their discipline! Such an army with sharp minions and absolute obedience...

Zhou Cang couldn't help sighing: Fortunately, he joined such a team, instead of being an enemy of such a team...