Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 342 A big game of chess?

"After the recruitment of famous scholars into the dynasty, Zhou Yu, Wu Qiong and others also suggested that Dong Zhuo 'foreign officials' to control the four parties. Dong Zhuo was overjoyed and thought that the cooperation with scholars was still fruitful. At that time, Confucian also believed that by appointing these scholars as local governors, the imperial power could gradually penetrate the whole country. In this way, it was just around the corner to end the collapse of the Han Dynasty and return to unification!"

"So under the operation of Zhou Yu and Wu Qiong, Han Fu, a scholar in Beijing, served as the governor of Jizhou, Liu Dai as the governor of Yanzhou, Kong Yu as the governor of Yuzhou, Zhang Miao as the governor of Chen Liu, Zhang Zi as the governor of Nanyang, and Xu Jing as the governor of Ba County."

After Ma Chao secretly realized that this strategy was quite feasible. At that time, there were 100,000 troops under Dong Zhuo's command, and the army was fierce. However, the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty suffered from the Yellow Turban Rebellion. If we decentralized some talented talents, painstakingly plan, collect the hearts of the people, and restore people's livelihood, maybe the rivers and mountains of the Han Dynasty will really be unified. And Dong Zhuo will also become famous ministers like Huo Guang and Yi Yin!

History is written by the winner. Whoever can become the final winner can press the little girl of history under him. Unfortunately, Dong Zhuo did not realize this wish. He did not push down the little girl in history. Instead, the little girl suddenly turned into a female tiger and bit Dong Zhuo fiercely.

"During this period, Dong Zhuo got too close to the scholars, which also led to the dissatisfaction of his generals. However, Dong Zhuo knew that his martial artists were not officials, and they were considering the traitors. He resisted the pressure of the generals' rebellion and did not give his subordinates a high official position. They were just generals.

Ma Chao also knows something about this, and it is also recorded in the Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of Later Han: Zhuo's beloved, he is not in a prominent position, but will be a school. However, knowing that it does not mean that Ma Chao will believe it. After thinking about it, he interrupted Li Ru and said:

"Before Dong Zhuo enters power in Beijing, he must make a promise to his subordinates, otherwise the school will not use his life. However, it was not fulfilled after the event, the general was dissatisfied, and the military power was suspected of *, and Dong Zhuo stood on the foot of martial arts. How could he be separated from his subordinates? After saying this, Ma Chao also blinked: It's okay for Li Ru not to say this. When he said this, he took the initiative to show his horse's feet.

Sure enough, this sentence did ask Li Ru's painful foot again. Li Ru's old orange blushed again and replied in a low voice: "It's true. It's the general's resentment, soldiers*, and the military power is in danger. Naturally, Dong Zhuo did not dare to underestimate it, but he had no experience in dealing with this matter, so he had to indulge the soldiers in looting and military merit to make up for the dissatisfaction of the soldiers.

Hearing this, Ma Chao smiled with difficulty and resisted not saying anything. But in his heart, he sighed: At that time, Luozhong's nobles and relatives looked at each other, and the gold and silk property were rich. Zhuo indulges soldiers, suddenly in his house, ** women, and plagiarizes assets, which is called "searching the prison". The collapse of human feelings is not guaranteed day and night.

It can be said that as an outsider, force is the foundation of Dong Zhuo's power, and the interests of scholars and doctors should naturally come second. In Dong Zhuo's view, he has to do this to ensure his foundation of force. Because experience determines his thoughts, his mistake is to bring the barbaric looting on the grassland to a prosperous and dreamlike civilized society, making the century-old Luoyang live in fear.

Presumably, at that time, those scholars and doctors did not care about Dong Zhuo's atrocities at all. Because from the experience of Fufeng, those scholars, no matter how high they talk about the rich, they still have the ability to govern one side. Ma Chao simply put forward an idea for many matters of Fufeng's new policy, and the poor people under him came up with a detailed and highly feasible plan. And those famous Confucians on the palace, even if there is a possibility of staying away from the sufferings of the people, it is absolutely more than enough to govern the country!

However, none of them stood up to remind Dong Zhuo! Even take this as evidence of Dong Zhuo* in the future! It was not until then that Ma Chao saw through the faces of these politicians: as long as he gains power, even if the flood after his death! What does it have to do with me?!

"Although Dong Zhuo's behavior* is harmful to the sky, for the whole Han Dynasty, it is also a flawless and meritorious. At that time, the warriors were in charge of the military power, the scholars sought the world, and the Zhongxing of the Han Dynasty was just around the corner... But what caused the rebellion of the heroes of Kanto? Ma Chao has been completely immersed in Li Ru's idea. When he asked this question, he even felt that his voice was even dry because of shock.

Because he did not expect it, and never recorded a word in history to tell him that during Dong Zhuo's period, the Han Dynasty had a unified hope! In the darkest era described, it was actually a brilliant dawn!

Until a thousand years later, when history has faded to the point of leaving only cold comments, few of all the historical materials have been overturned by Dong Zhuo. Most of all, it is clear that Dong Zhuo's era was a conflict between martial arts culture and scholar culture. It is said that Dong Zhuo has been scold countless times for more than 11,800 years, not because of what he did, but mainly because he was a loser.

At that time, the sigh of history could no longer be studied. Because the information left behind is all written by those readers. Finally, some modern master people who jumped out of this strange circle pointed out that they were also deposed emperors, but Yin and Huo were respected. The number of cities and people destroyed by Mongolian ironshoes and killed is definitely more than that of the Liangzhou army, but they rarely hear people scold Tie Muzhen.

Assuming that if Dong Zhuo eliminates * and unifies the Central Plains, then it is certain that history will definitely have a different evaluation of him. At that time, naturally a large number of readers would sing praises for him. Unfortunately, Dong Zhuo is just a martial artist. He is much worse than a scholar in * and conspiracy and tricks, and all his achievements have been erased for a loser like him.

The successful prince, the loser is the bandit - it has been since ancient times.

"What's the reason? Humph, there is no reason at all! From beginning to end, these are all the conspiracies of scholars!" Li Ru was unable to accuse those scholars of their tricks. He closed his eyes and said painfully, "When the scholars welcomed the princes into Beijing and planned to kill the eunuchs, they actually chose the vulgar warriors in their eyes as a scapegoat. Later, the heroes of Kanto sent troops, but they just wanted to kill Dong Zhuo, who had been splashed with dirty water. It was just a good name to take power.

After these words, Ma Chao's heart also fell to the bottom in an instant: connecting all the things, he suddenly found that the Shiren Group actually spent several years to put a big game of chess?

First, he attached to his foreign relative He Jin and began to rely on the power of his foreign relatives to fight against the eunuchs; then led Dong Zhuo into Beijing and removed the foundation of imperial power; then showed his weakness to the enemy and pretended to unite with Dong Zhuo to realize the Zhongxing of the scholar group; finally, he took another move to kill the donkey and kill Dong Zhuo, so First of all, there is a strong army outside and a civil servant inside. Isn't this world of the Han Dynasty a scholar?

Reminiscence of the time when Yuan Shao suggested that He Jin lure foreign officials to kill eunuchs, Cao Cao also despised these scholars, saying that killing several eunuchs was also fanfare and attracting wolves into the house. Later generations thought that Cao Cao was bold and resourceful...

What a plan!

Now it seems that Cao Cao was just a poor rookie in the political arena at that time: how to abolish the emperor without attracting Dong Zhuo to Beijing; how to realize the power of scholars without disintegrate all the imperial power? Humph... Sure enough, he became the king and defeated the bandit. In the future, he became the king of Wei, and even he was very stupid and naive at the beginning, and became bold and resourceful. History is really untrustworthy.

After that, there is not much to talk about. When Dong Zhuo found that he had been deceived, he began to turn from cooperation to the rule of terror to subdue the sergeants and doctors of the court and began to retaliate cruelly against the doctors. He began to realize that as a martial artist, although he could steal the regime with the blessing of God, he could not maintain it, so he gradually went to the opposite.

Dong Zhuo's dictatorship buried the rotten Eastern Han regime and opened the door to the separation of heroes and change of dynasties, but Dong Zhuo did not become the ultimate winner. Because the dictatorship of martial arts was unacceptable at that time, and at this time, it was time for the scholars to get rid of Dong Zhuo, the scapegoat.

And Li Ru, as the first counselor under Dong Zhuo, finally saw through the essence. In addition, Dong Zhuo is now arrogant and arrogant, and no longer listens to him; and he has lost Qin Guan in military power, political affairs, and people's hearts, which is already hopeless and irredeemable...

At this moment, Li Ru's ambition is still to be realized, and after Dong Zhuo's death, it can be expected that his ending will be more miserable. The royal family and scholars can't tolerate him. Only Ma Chao, who is still a warrior, can survive. What's more, Ma Chao, a martial artist, is completely different from Dong Zhuo.

Thinking about this, Ma Chao's surrender to Li Ru... Intellectually, I think it is reasonable. But emotionally, he is still a little difficult to accept. After all, all this is too sudden and one-sided. Ma Chao still needs to weigh for a while. Fortunately, the next showdown with Wang Yun is an opportunity to verify Li Ru's words!

"Wenyou, I understand your psychology at this time. And your talents and resources are also what the Ma family is looking forward to. However, I still need to think about this matter carefully... Do you know what I mean by this?

"I understand that people will see people's hearts over time. However, at this time, the opportunity of change will meet people's hearts. If the Lord is sent, Confucian is willing to serve the work of dogs and horses!" After a deep bow, Li Ru waved his hand, did not take away a cloud, and retreated.

And Ma Chao's heart has been agitated: Come on! Let Ma Mengqi have a look. In addition to the best fat man, evil emperor, and scheming warrior, there are other demons in Chang'an!