Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 348 My Dear

Lv Bu understands that he must go out! Immediately! Whether there are thieves here or not!!

Because with his beast-like intuition, he has felt that this is a trap, a ** naked trap! I'm not a hunter, I'm the snow fox who fell into the trap!!

When Lv Bu's heart suddenly surged with great panic, he planned to escape reflexively. Because what lives in this inner garden is Dong Zhuo's forbidden house. His identity should not come in at all!

As for the thief, Lv Bu knew that he must be in this room. It is even possible that he has gone to inform Dong Zhuo!

But now that you have entered the urn, how can you easily break free?

Just as Lv Bu could jump out of this room in the next moment, a female voice suddenly came from behind the screen: "Is it Lian'er? Send the silk scarf and this palace..."

'This palace?'

The panic in Lv Bu's heart was even more frightening. For example, the rapid current spread to his whole body, and his brain roared in an instant: among Dong Zhuo Neiyuan's women, there was only one who claimed to be 'the palace', that is Liu Xiu, the eldest princess of Yang of the Han Dynasty!

Moreover, Liu Xiu has been very favored by Dong Zhuo recently, which makes Dong Zhuo inseparable. And at this time, I'm afraid it's only after Dong Zhuogang is happy with her that she will bathe!

Lv Bu felt that his legs were a little weak: he dared to fight with any tiger and beast with his bare hands, and was not afraid of the fierce killing in the charge of tens of thousands of people. However, he is afraid of something that he can never fight, but makes him succumb to obsession.

That's power!

Now, needless to say, Dong Zhuo is the endorsement of the whole man's 'power'. Lv Bu, a great man, bowed down in front of Dong Zhuo again and again, not because he submits to Dong Zhuo, but because he submits to the power behind Dong Zhuo!

Lv Bu wanted to leave, but his reason told him that he would leave this place immediately. Especially when Liu Xiu hasn't seen him yet!

However, at this time, he suddenly found that his legs were a little out of control. Moreover, at this time, Liu Xiu may feel that there has been no reaction outside for a long time, and he came out directly in a bath towel!

The moment she saw Lv Bu, a secret and obscure smile first appeared on her face. Then, in a thousandth of a second, Liu Xiu exclaimed, "General Lu, why...?"

Lv Bu was in a huge inner struggle at this time and did not notice the abnormality when Liu Xiugang appeared. Moreover, the next thing made Lv Bu's brain have no ability to think at all...

"This is... Taishi's inner bath, why did General Lu..." Perhaps because he was suddenly invaded by a man and saw his body, Liu Xiu, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, lost a lot of psychological burden. She retreated repeatedly, and she was still in a panic and rubbed off the bath towel on her chest!

Liu Xiu's bath towel is made of brocade, which is very smooth. Under her rubbing, it immediately slipped down her smooth body. Because of the bath, Liu Xiu naturally didn't even wear trousers, so he stood naked in front of Lv Bu.

Lv Bu stepped back a few steps and suddenly fell on the edge of the bed, but his eyes did not leave the body. This was a young and fit girl's carti, full of vitality. Her ivory skin was shiny, straight legs, high chest, and slender waist suddenly brought Lv Bu into the blank.

The cool breeze of the autumn night raised Liu Xiu's long hair through the door opened by Lv Bu. Her towering chest was so exposed to the night. Between the hair, two red beans trembled in the night wind, and the slender waist could only be grasped, round buttocks and long pairs Lv Bu's face turned red when he saw his legs.

Moreover, coupled with Liu Xiu's frequent Hu Xuan dance, her body has no fat at all. The whole body is filled with a kind of healthy ** charm, and even Lv Bu can imagine that her waist can be bent into an arc of how to make a man's blood erupt!

Thinking of this perfectly energetic body, he was pressed under his body by Dong Zhuo's hundreds of pounds of fat every night and suffered the rough impact. Lv Bu couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment on his face!

ke... In the midst of his emotions, he suddenly thought of the shadow of the fallen fairy in the lake that night under the moon... The whole body is scarred...

But why?

Why do I have a strong desire to conquer Liu Xiu at this time? And turn into a sigh for the immortal who just wants to cherish himself? Is it possible that what you should face is a woman like Liu Xiu who is superior and eager to be conquered?!

Lv Bu didn't dare to look or imagine. He wanted to cover his eyes with his own hands, but at this time, he suddenly found that Liu Xiu looked at him with a look of sarcasm and contempt!

That's good, it's contempt!

Lv Bu suddenly woke up that this was a trap, and the person who set this trap should be Liu Xiu in front of him!

But why did she set such a trap?

What can you give her as a martial artist? Or what does she want from herself?

"Princess... You still put on..." Lv Bu struggled to say these words, only feeling that his voice was dry and painful.

"The general is across the battlefield, and the hero is unrivaled. Is it that even my body will be afraid?" Liu Xiu said that his tone was not confused at all, but with a touch of flirting and **.

Lv Bu stood up in a daze. With his almost numb legs, he mechanically walked to Liu Xiu, picked up the bath towel that Liu Xiu had fallen on the ground, and looked at Liu Xiu's eyes like that. Lv Bu's eyes returned to a touch of clarity at this time, but mixed with beast-like madness, with a complex and contradictory starlight: Lv Bu's self-esteem did not allow him to retreat in front of Liu Xiu. Otherwise, it will make him feel that he is looked down upon by a woman. Even if this woman is the eldest princess of the big man!

Because he has been hurt gently but cruelly by a woman once! He has no power, and it's ridiculous to say revenge for her! So, this time, he doesn't want to be looked down upon by women again!

I don't know how long it took, and the two stood quietly like that. Lv Bu took Liu Xiu's bath towel, but did not put it on her. Although Liu Xiu is naked, he is motionless... In this way, the two fell into a strange atmosphere. I don't know why and how it will end.

Fortunately, Liu Xiu is a daughter after all. Although she learned to use everything under the harsh environment and the strong oppression of Liu Xie, she still has a trace of shame in her heart. Just when she retreated, she suddenly smiled and said, "General, at this time, it should have shocked the master, right?"

When Lv Bu heard this, he was horrified and quickly wrapped the bath towel in his hand for Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu sneered, but her eyes were as indifferent as ice, allowing Lv Bu to put a bath towel on her. She knew that this time, she won. She gave her shame to the whole big man, and then she only needed...

After all, Lv Bu can't wrap the bath towel. He tried to stuff the silky bath towel tightly, but the bath towel just couldn't be put on Liu Xiu. At this time, Liu Xiu actually grabbed Lv Bu's hand and pressed it on his chest!

There was a roar in Lu Bu's mind, and he was dumbfounded!

But at this time, Dong Zhuo's broken voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Ouch... My dear, there are thieves outside, but did I hurt you..."