Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 364 Carrying the blame and dying

Li Su, Lv Bu's hometown, from Wuyuan County. In his life, the most dazzling thing he has ever done is to fool Lv Bu to kill his father Ding Yuan and defect to Dong Zhuo. Moreover, this matter is still in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is unreliable.

In history, it is only recorded that he cooperated with Lv Bu to kill Dong Zhuo, and then attacked Niu Fu with Lv Bu. He was defeated and killed by Lv Bu. It's so simple that I'm too lazy to spend a little bit of ink.

Therefore, Ma Chao is very puzzled that Wang Yun insisted on pulling Li Su to participate in this grand plan to kill the director. No matter what he thought, Ma Chao felt that Wang Yun had complicated the matter, implicated Li Su, and then specially asked Lv Bu to lobby Li Su. Of course, it can be understood that Lv Bu and Li Su are from the same hometown and have some friendship, but why do they want to involve Li Su in?

Can Lv Bu also do the thing of going to Liwu to trick Dong Zhuo back to Chang'an? Moreover, the effect is definitely better than that of Li Su, the inconspicuous guy.

Because Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo have had some small conflicts, are you worried that Dong Zhuo will not trust Lv Bu?

Impossible. Wang Yun only saw that Lv Bu was against Dong Zhuo, and he didn't know that Lv Bu had cuckold Dong Zhuo. Second, this matter is of great importance. If one more person knows, there will be one more danger of leakage. How can Wang Yun know whether Li Su is trusted or not?

Is it... Is Li Su Wang Yun's subordinate?

Thinking of this, Ma Chao really has some doubts: Wang Yun, Lv Bu and Li Su are fellow villagers. If Wang Yun and the old fox unconsciously hooked up with such a small role as Li Su, Ma Chao has no doubt. But the question is, even if Li Su is Wang Yun's subordinate, Wang Yun doesn't have to let Li Su deceive Dong Zhuo?

"But Li Su, who persuaded the general to join Dong Zhuo?" Ma Chao deliberately pretended not to know and asked Lv Bu: Ma Chao had inquired about this time and space. It was Li Su who took the imperial edict and advised Lv Bu to kill Ding, who originally defected to Dong Zhuo. But after all, the news was heard, and it was confirmed by Lv Bu himself.

"That's right, it's this person. If you don't follow some big plan, I will kill it first!" Lv Bu replied angrily, but the last sentence was said to Ma Chao and Wang Yun.

Ma Chao looked at Lv Bu and Wang Yun's reaction and realized that he had understood the mystery of it: Wang Yun also had a secret to this seemingly confused personnel arrangement.

In the final analysis, in fact, Wang Yun's mother still doesn't believe in himself and Lv Bu!

If everything is left to Lv Bu, everything will be entrusted to Lv Bu. After all, Lv Bu is still the same father and son as Dong Zhuoming. Wang Yun, the old guy, is always very worried that in case Lv Bu will repent halfway and even turn his army to the end.

But he brought Li Su in and specially asked Lv Bu to lobby Li Su. In this way, Lv Bu can not only show his determination, but also make Lv Bu and himself unable to look back on this matter.

Lv Bu himself knew that since he personally lodged Li Su to join the plan, it was to show Li Su that he was Wang Yun's faction and had made up his mind to kill Dong Zhuo. In case something goes wrong, for example, if Li Su goes to Yiwu and does not lie to Dong Zhuo, but informs Dong Zhuo, Lv Bu naturally can't get rid of the relationship. Therefore, Lv Bu lodged Li Su, which would be benevolent if he didn't succeed.

and the same is true for Ma Chao. Because Ma Chao also deliberately beat Li Su for the bodyguard of the family. In this matter, Wang Yun pulled Li Su in, and Ma Chao could only be single-mindedly tied to Wang Yun's old fox chariot, and all the damage... No, it was Wang Yun who took the blame, and it was himself and Lv Bu who died!

Therefore, when Lv Bu knew that Wang Yun wanted him to lobby Li Su, he would say such a cruel word to Wang Yun and Ma Chao: "If I don't follow some big plan now, I will kill him first!" When he said this, on the one hand, he expressed his determination to Wang Yun and Ma Chao, and on the other hand, he knew that the matter of lobbying Li Su was very important and must not go wrong.

Wang Yun of the son of a bitch! What a resourceful calculation!

He doesn't want to show up for any bad things, and he still wants to be alone with any benefits! How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

"No! This matter is of great importance. It's better to have General Lu personally done it. If one more person knows, it will be more dangerous!" Ma Chao stared at Wang Yun angrily and said.

This is the difference between him and Lv Bu. Lv Bu can't take office without Wang Yun, and Ma Chao is not afraid of this. At worst, he will quit and run back to Yongzhou to be the emperor!

Wang Yun was shocked and knew that his small thoughts were shocked and was seen through by Ma Chao. His face was immediately embarrassed. He was about to explain, but he heard Lv Bu say, "Nir, it's better to let Li Su do it at this time. On the one, this person is smooth and eloquent, and on the other, his official position is humble, which should not arouse Dong Zhuo's vigilance..."

"No! Someone had a quarrel with Li Su and pulled him out of the brothel and beat him up once on the street. If this person has a grudge, wouldn't it be a bad plan to revenge on someone else?" Ma Chao also played 250 temper at this time. This matter is related to his life and death. It's really impossible not to play 250 temper!

"Nephew! Then Li Su is greedy and afraid of death, and will definitely not betray someone..." Lv Bu insisted that even the last look had a sense of prayer.

Ma Chao thought for a moment and knew that Lv Bugang had cuckold Dong Zhuo. He had a shadow in his heart and didn't want to contact Dong Zhuo again. Considering that Lv Bu will be his important pawn in the future, Ma Chao took a step back and said, "If this is the case, you need to keep Chao from appearing in front of the curtain. As a result, it is also less likely that a personal resentment with Li Su will ruin major events.

Lv Bu looked at Wang Yun. Obviously, Wang Yun was unwilling to accept this result. However, at this time, Ma Chao added his last fire: "If Lord Situ disagrees with this, then Chao will withdraw from Chang'an's plan!"

Wang Yun was helpless and finally only nod his head. After the three discussed some details of the killing of Dong Zhuo, Ma Chao and Lv Bu left and agreed to follow the plan.

On the way back, Ma Chao suddenly had a feeling. Everything still starts to roll according to the big wheels of history. Although his little cockroach inadvertently jumped into the big car, he had no ability to stop it under the huge wheels. Even more interesting is that because he inadvertently beat Li Su, he did not appear in this grand plan to kill Dong as in history...

Everything is over.

Ma Chao looked at the end of the white clouds in the clear sky of Chang'an, and there was a trace of sadness. However, God is destined not to be such a compassionate man. When he could faintly see General Zhenxi's mansion, his sadness immediately dissipated, and instead, it was a touch of heartbreaking irritability!

I saw that General Zhenxi had just entered a carriage, and the driver turned out to be Xiao Tian in the Shadow Camp. Ma Chao can also think with the soles of his feet, who is the figure who just entered his home: his little third son, Diao Chan...

Ma Chao has a headache and really feels a headache. When he saw that Xiao Tian had placed the carriage and was about to enter the house, Ma Chao picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at Xiao Tian's head.

"Master, what can I do for you?" Xiao Tian covered his head and asked with a resentful face.

"I just went in?..." Ma Chao asked awkwardly.

"The Lord is the third mother." Xiao Tian replied, but his eyes stared at Ma Chao's crotch without blinking.

"What are you looking at?" Ma Chao was a little angry, and then he asked doubtfully, "What three mistresses?"

"This... Lord, you have Cai as the beauty in Fufeng, and naturally you are the eldest mother-in-law. Later, you tied back Miss Han from the battlefield, who is the second mother-in-law; and Miss Diao Chan is the third mother-in-law; finally, Miss Yun'er, we all call it the fourth mother-in-law... Now I heard that you still want to marry a big man princess?" Xiao Tian scratched his head, with a smile that all men knew, and continued to look at Ma Chao's * and said, "That big man princess will definitely not be small. From this point of view, it's time to rearrange this place again..."

"You're the devil!" Ma Chao raised his leg and wanted to kick Xiao Tian, but before he raised his leg, he felt that * was really painful and couldn't help but be more angry: "Go and help me see the situation inside, so that your father-in-law can also be psychologically prepared!"

"Lord, do you want to go in?" Xiao Tian was stunned and looked up and said.

"What? Can't I go back to my home?" Ma Chao was furious and thought that Xiao Tian was a little too much.

"Lord, before this incense time, the great mistress just entered, and now the third mistress has also entered. Moreover, the big man princess didn't leave either. Are you sure you want to go back?

"What? Is Cai Yan also here? Ma was shocked. Obviously, this is very possible. I guess it's the painstaking efforts of those women**. I really plan to hold a ranking conference...

"Xiao Tian, you are very good, very good. I'm very optimistic about you..." Ma Chao patted Xiao Tian on the shoulder and was deeply proud that he had a subordinate who understood the leadership psychology so well: "A certain family will go to the barracks first, and here will be left to you for observation... Kid, you know."