Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 373 Is there another edict?

Dong Zhuo's fat and bloated body finally got up from the cool BMW. Ma Chao stared at the wheels of the BMW: there was no trace of damage, and it was not as evil as said in Romance of the Three Kingdoms...

When they arrive outside the gate of the Beiye Palace, according to the system, foreign soldiers are not allowed to enter the palace, otherwise they will be regarded as forcing the palace to usurp. This fat man Dong also knows in his heart that although he is domineering and cruel, he must abide by the basic court system, which is the inheritance of traditional Chinese political concepts and systems. It is impossible for him to violate this system and aggressiveness on a day of Zen. Otherwise, after Dong Zhuo takes office, there will be later usurpers taking him as a lesson.

However, when Ma Chao saw that Dong Zhuo walked to the gate of Beiye Palace, he stopped...

At this pause, Ma Chao's heart seemed to stop beating. Looking at Liu Xie and Wang Yun standing in front of Zen on the stage, Ma Chao saw that their faces were also slightly pale.

Lv Bu also saw Dong Zhuo's suspicion, but he behaved perfectly and did not make a persuasion. Instead, he just ordered Dong Zhuo's flying bear guards and asked them to stay outside the palace gate. Dong Zhuo stared at Lv Bu, who commanded his own guard, frowned for a moment, and said, "This matter will be handed over to Shu Ying. My son doesn't have to be too harsh."

"General Zuo is here?" Lv Bu was a little surprised, because he didn't see Dong Min following Dong Zhuo along the way.

"Shu Ying and a nephew Dong Yue are divided into two ways, guarding the dock all the way. I led the soldiers all the way to protect..." Dong Zhuo looked at Lv Bu's eyes carefully and continued to say, "I think Shu Ying should have arrived at this time."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Lv Bu heard the rumble of horses' hoofs stepping on the official road in Chang'an. Lv Bu stared at it. With years of experience, he judged that Dong Min actually brought 10,000 Xiliang iron riders here!

"Father, today is the Zen ceremony. Are you suspected of disturbing the holy driver?" Seeing that Dong Min had jumped off the horse, Lv Bu couldn't help saying more.

"It doesn't matter!" Dong Zhuo laughed. He patted Lv Bu on the shoulder and said, "These soldiers and horses will not enter the inner palace, but only guard the outer palace and will not exceed the etiquette. What's more, after a young man, a certain family is already the son of heaven today. Will they still disturb a certain family?!"

"The godfather, General Zuo is a second-grade official of the Han Dynasty. According to the etiquette system, he should participate in the Zen ceremony..." Speaking of this, Lv Bu felt that he might have said a little too much, and his voice naturally went down.

Fortunately, at this time, Dong Zhuo's energy was not on Lv Bu. After seeing the Zen concession in front of the Weiyang Palace, a trace of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes. After looking back at Dong Min's proud and firm expression, he finally began to move his thick legs that he was covered by his stomach, with a few entourage. He was anxious but slowly walked into the gate of Beiye Palace.

Ma Chao can almost infer Dong Zhuo's psychological activities at the gate of Beiye Palace. He, a cunning and cruel fat man, should also see the suddenness and strangeness of Liu Xiechan's throne. With the unique intuition of the martial arts, he stopped and waited for Dong Min to lead 10,000 Xiliang Iron Horses to guard.

However, the ** in front is too huge. He couldn't refuse this kind of **, so he looked at all the arrangements inside and outside the gate of the Beiye Palace: most of the guards in the palace are his confidants, and they will not do anything to themselves;

There is also a personal guard who has just been awarded Lv Bu. Even if something happens, Lv Bu's bravery and invincible can be dealt with. Even if it is not good, it is enough to resist for a while, and his flying bear guard and Xiliang army are outside the palace gate and can soon be killed in the palace to rescue. Lv Bu's 30,000 Bingzhou wolf riding, a time of incense, will also come;

In addition, his cronin Wang Yun is in charge of the Shangshutai. If the emperor wants to find someone to plot himself, he must give an edict to the conspirators (because there is no emperor's edict, it is a rebellion, and no one dares to respond). Shangshutai is in charge of the edict, and Wang Yun will not inform himself.

What's more, his nephew Dong Yue also brought 10,000 Xiliang elite soldiers stationed in the dock, and could ride into the palace in an hour after hearing the news; and Qinguan is only two hours away from Chang'an, and there are also 5,000 available soldiers and horses stationed in Duanwen in Jingzhao County: If anything happens, it will be eternal for a long time!

Dong Zhuo doesn't have much political experience, but these shallow analyses are still not difficult for him. Therefore, even if there was such a doubt in his heart, under this foolproof and perfect arrangement, no matter how keen he was, he let the impulse prevail over reason: because Fatty Dong never thought that it was precisely the two people he trusted most betrayed him.

Looking at Dong Zhuo wearing a brand-new Xuanwu dragon robe today, he slowly walked into Beiye Gate with a smile. Ma Chao, who was hidden behind the courtiers, also smiled. Looking back at Wang Yun, Ma Chao found that the corners of Wang Yun's old man's mouth were also slightly curved: Dong Zhuo's deployment was foolproof, but Wang Yun was even better!

Today, the one who protects the Zen ceremony is Li Su, the general of Hu Benzhonglang. Because the palace guards were unreliable, Wang Yun selected dozens of brave warriors from the Bingzhou Legion to pretend to be palace guards to assassinate Dong Zhuo;

The edict to assassinate Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun, who is in charge of Shangshutai, has asked Sun Rui, the deputy, to hand it over to Lv Bu in advance. Therefore, it can at least shock the panic of Weiyang Palace after the event;

And as for the 15,000 Flying Bear Army and Xiliang Iron Horse, Xu Rongban Army deployed by Dong Zhuo outside the palace, as well as Dong Yue's 10,000 soldiers and horses and Duan Yu's 5,000 Xiliang soldiers... Wang Yun closed his eyes and hoped that everything would go according to his own ideas. If there is anything bad, then let himself die here with laughter today and become the eternal sinner of the big man!

Dong Zhuo finally entered the Weiyang Palace. He bowed to Liu Xie and shouted, "Master Han saw my emperor, and Zhuo Gong listened to the oracle!"

"Master, please get up. Today, the master is called to come, but there is an edict declaring to the master..." Liu Xie answered briefly and retreated to give up Wang Yun, who was standing behind him.

Dong Zhuo did not get up when he heard that an edict had been issued. However, the fat on his face trembled twice because of excitement, because he already knew the content of the edict in Wang Yun's hand. And Wang Yun really read Liu Xie's Zen edict again. The old and powerful voice was much more elegant than Ma Richan that day!

Dong Zhuo looked at his confidant Wang Yun with a smiling face and said in his heart that it was impossible not to be excited. But at this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he still had to play a modest play, so he pretended to wipe two tears and cried, "The sky is green, and the earth is thick!" My emperor was born in troubled times with endless twists and turns. However, he is smart and can help the society. Zhuo dominated the public debate the year before last, abolished the young emperor, and supported our emperor to succeed to the throne in order to protect our emperor's heroic and martial arts and repeat the glory of the Han Dynasty!"

Speaking of which, Dong Zhuo actually has nonsense. At this time, Ma Chao found that more than ten palace guards had slowly closed the gate of the Beiye Palace and stepped down the horizontal valve and stood silently on both sides of the palace gate.

"Zhuo De is shallow and has no merit in society. He really dares not accept this edict!..." Dong Zhuo, who was too deep into the play, choked and finished his words, and no Beiye Gate was quietly locked.

At this time, he suddenly heard a cold hum: "You are a poisonous society and a chaotic man, and you don't know yourself until you die!"

Dong Zhuo was very familiar with this voice. He looked up and saw that it was indeed his confidant Wang Yun. His gloomy face stared at him fiercely and spit out another sentence: "So, how about the old thief taking this edict without receiving the edict from Zen?"

Dong Zhuo was stunned by this sudden situation and couldn't help asking like a fool: "Is there still an edict?"