Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 401 The Last Strike!

"Ma Jiajun is powerful! Kill!!!"

In the overwhelming shouts, more than 25,000 horsemen were like a group of vicious wolves with ferocious fangs, roaring, opening their sharp claws and rushing fiercely towards the dock~~

Xu Rong also held up the big knife, showing murderous indifference on his face, and roared loudly, "I'd rather die than retreat, kill!" After shouting, he took the lead and rushed forward. When the left and right guards saw this, they were all warm in their hearts and rushed forward to cover Xu Rong.

However, in exchange, the shooting came like a rainstorm! The sharp roar pierced the air, and tens of thousands of guns were intertwined in the air into a rain of dead arrows and fell on top of Lv Bu's army's head.

"Ma Jiajun?!" Xu Rong struggled to push away the gun in front of him and originally wanted to curse a few words, but when he saw that the Ma family, who was less than 200 steps away, had raised the Yuanrong crossbow, Xu Rong's voice changed: "Shield, shield! Hurry up!"

Among the wolf riders in Bingzhou, there are knights with round shield machetes like the Xiongnu, but after all, they are a few, which are not enough to protect the whole army. Before the confrontation, Xu Rong suddenly found that more than 2,000 knights were missing from his army in an instant!

Finally, the two powerful brigades collided with each other, met on a narrow road, and they were angry with each other. Naturally, they showed no mercy and bumped into each other. However, if you look carefully, you can still see that the Ma family has successfully advanced their process with the wooden hammer in their hands.

Xu Rong's eyes were red, and with superb command, he finally struggled to stop the first wave of attacks of the Ma family. After going deep into the battle of the Ma army, Xu Rong found that the Ma army had actually divided the troops and rushed down from the right side, obviously to attack the dock and join the heavy armored iron horses fighting at the gate.

"Block them!" Xu Rong shouted and looked around, hoping to hear the response of the army.

"General, don't worry! Someone came to block them!" Hou Cheng shouted, but as soon as he looked up, he saw a black-faced man and roared at him viciously, "Leave your grandfather Zhou's head as military merit!"

Hou Cheng panicked and hurriedly raised the knife to block it, but the strength of the big man was too fierce. As soon as Hou Cheng got on the steel knife, he felt as if he had been hit by a falling stone. The tiger's mouth was bleeding, and the big knife in his hand came out. At the second moment, the big man was once again a horizontal cut. Hou Cheng was shocked and sweated coldly, but he still looked up and dodged under the conditions of many years of war.

Once these two moves have passed, the two riders have passed each other. Hou Cheng's heart first settled, but he heard the big man smile and said, "Block our Ma Jiajun? It's just a big joke!"

Hou Cheng was ashamed to hear the words. Looking back, I saw that the big man had broken through Hou Cheng's military array and was leading his subordinates to gradually join the heavy armored iron horse.


With another clear sound, the big knife in Xu Rong's hand was broken at a touch, but the opponent's knife was not hindered at all. The cold light flashed from the top of Xu Rong's head. Xu Rong was shocked and thought he would die here. But suddenly the knife stopped after seeing through his helmet.

"Xu Rong?" A question pulled Xu Rong back from his distracted state.

Xu Rong looked at the other party, and he could conclude that he had never seen this person. But from his costume and martial arts, Xu Rong tried to guess, "Pound?"

After confirming the identity of the other party, Pound said coldly: "The military division has something to pass on to you. After the Ma family broke through the green lock door, they captured General Huangfu Song, and learned that there was no one soldier in Weiyang Palace, and we only sent 25,000 troops to the dock at this time, and the remaining 5,000... ..”

"You mean?!" Xu Rong was shocked. This news is an important matter related to the survival of the Han Dynasty! His brain suddenly exploded, and he felt a little whirlwind.

"However, the lord has never had any interest in the deceased Han or Xing Han. Therefore, the military division decided to see how fast you are..." Pound said contemptuously, and then rode the horse to continue to rush forward. The big knife in his hand flew up and down, and the cold light flashed. From afar, it was like a black dragon bursting into the battlefield, noisy, with its teeth and claws raging. Wherever it passed, the state wolves rode like waves and fell down one after another~~

After Xu Rong was stunned, he suddenly reacted. His eyes turned a little and immediately roared, "Go back to Weiyang Palace to escort him!"

Unfortunately, except for a few imperial army's response, the remaining Bingzhou wolves did not listen to the order and turn around. Even the general of Lv Bu, who gradually gathered, said, "The lord is still in the dock. We need to welcome the lord first!"

Xu Rong's face was full of sadness and indignation when he heard the words, and his pain was almost able to vomit blood. But after looking around the cold face of the wolf, Xu Rong gritted his teeth and shouted bitterly, "Okay! Let's go to Wenhou!"

At this time, Lv Bu's handsome face became stiff and gradually showed a crazy murderous spirit. Ma Chao's words just now completely angered him. However, he can't refute it at all, because he has seen that the Bingzhou wolf horse outside the city has been killed by the Ma family. What's more abominable is that they not only did not stop the attack of the Ma army, but also wanted to rush into the dock!

"Ma Chao, is this your trick again?" Lv Bu's face turned black and his murderous spirit was rampant, and he was on the verge of anger.

"Maybe," Ma Chao smiled and nodded, "This is our gap, not in force, but in determination and heart."

"Okay, that's good." Lv Bu suddenly smiled, but the murderous spirit around him became heavier and heavier. Finally, he said, "If I kill you, there will be no difference at all!" As soon as the words fell, and there was no movement from him, the red rabbit suddenly jumped, like a burning fireball, dragging its long remnants across the earth like a red comet. The cold shining square halberd suddenly turned into a silver line and silently stabbed Ma Chao's throat.

Ma Chao was stunned by this blow, and he finally admitted that there was still a gap between him and Lv Bu. And this anger made Lv Bu even more desperate! In the face of this flawless fatal blow, Ma Chao didn't seem to be able to solve it at all... Even the courage to resist has disappeared!

Because this is Lv Bu's strongest angry blow in his life! His murderous spirit has completely destroyed Ma Chao's defense, making Ma Chao's hands and feet cold and can only lead his neck!

"Lord! Dark five are guilty, thank you for your death!" At this moment, Ma Chao suddenly heard a shout. Then he saw Li Ang close his eyes, strongly blocked the erosion of Lv Bu's murderous spirit, and struggled to shoot five crossbows in his hand. After that, he jumped to the height of the red rabbit and tried to assassinate Lv Bu with a dagger!

"No!" Ma Chao shouted sadly, but it was useless. Before Li Ang could hit the burning comet, he was knocked upside down and flew out.

Then, the halberd and body, the cold light flashed...

The next moment, Li Ang was still in the air, and he shattered into several pieces of broken limbs of different sizes, mixed with blood fog all over the sky. The blood dyed the earth red again.

But because of this, Lv Bu's strongest blow also had a gap. He wanted to attack again, but he had been reacted by Ma Chao. Ma Chao suddenly accelerated, did not retreat, and unexpectedly hit the comet!

And the battle on this battlefield seems to be completely completed with this blow...