Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 415? ( bao geng wu)

"What are you talking about? "How to take the imperial examination?"

As soon as Jia Fox gained the trust of Niu Fu, he found that Niu Fu was still as stupid as before, and he was a little happy. But as he was walking back, he met Ma Chao, who came to find him.

"Yes, the Ma family lacks talents now. Relying only on my inspection and the recommendation of celebrities, ten mu of dry fields welcome a drop of rain, which can't quench their thirst at all. Only when the whole Ma family comes forward and chooses exam questions can we attract those talents who are stuck in Fufeng's lectures. For some advanced methods in later generations, Ma Chao always had to find a suitable reason before he dared to tell the old fox, so that the old fox would not see his differences. After all, it's okay for a Diao Chan to know about this kind of thing. If the world knows it all about it, he won't want to get along again.

This is also the reason why he asked Jia Xu, an old and steady fox, and didn't know that Fazheng's little fox with too much heart to discuss. Because Ma Chao is very keenly aware that the little fox is already doubting his way...

Ma Chao is also hot for the imperial examination now, and there is no very mature ideas and designs at all. But he knew that Jia Xu's old man would not let himself down, so he poured Jia Xu with the border frame of his impression about the imperial examination in later generations.

Originally, Ma Chao felt that even if Jia Xu would not agree, he would not object. But I didn't expect that after listening to Ma Chao's words, his often-squinted eyes suddenly showed a trace of ecstasy, and his voice said with a trace of uncontrollable excitement, "If so, thank the lord on behalf of the world's poor people!"

"Hanshi?" Ma Chao was stunned and faintly remembered the other side of the imperial examination: indeed, the implementation of the imperial examination system has fundamentally cut off the source of generations of tired officials of famous families, and expanded the scope of the feudal government to select talents, and further strengthened the centralization of power. There is no doubt that it has eroded the interests of those famous families in one fell swoop, so that they can no longer control the lifeline of the whole court.

The method of talent selection since the Eastern Han Dynasty has followed the ancient system and has been developing, but it seems to have taken a detour.

Before the Qin Dynasty, Zhou ruled the world by sealing the country, and the electors also relied on the hereditary system. Zhou Li, the class of society is extremely clear. The country has emperors, princes, ministers and scholars who are responsible at different levels. And all strata, according to the common and blood relationship, have inherited this position until the Spring and Autumn Period.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were mainly worries about scholars who were separated from the system. Therefore, there is a saying that there are 3,000 diners under Meng Changjun's family. Some of these people are dilapidating nobles, but most of them are mainly poor concubines living at the bottom.

From the beginning, the emperor swept the six countries and implemented centralization.

For emperors, in order to select civilian talents, an inspection system has been established. People with both morality and talent are recommended by various places. Scholars recommended by the state level are called Xiucai and later scholars of different nature; those recommended by county levels are called Xiaolian.

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, the continuous sitting system has been implemented to ensure the talents of the inspectors.

That is to say, if you don't have real talent and learning and are recommended, once it is found out, the recommended person will also be implicated.

This system, on the one hand, guarantees the talent of the recommended person, but on the other hand. As a result, the family became stronger and stronger. Officials in the imperial court have an inseparable relationship with the clan, and can even be described as both glory and loss.

Imagine, if you have nothing to do with me, why did I bother to recommend you?

You have nothing to do with me, but you are unlucky, but I will follow the bad luck. Therefore, by the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were officials who came from families. Capable. And it is difficult for a poor man without * to make a come out. Those family valves are also because of this method of sitting together. Make it stronger and stronger. In the end, a situation was formed that even the emperor could not control.

At the time of Emperor Ling of Han, the power of the clan was already particularly strong.

After the death of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, the princes of all parties could not even stand firm without the support of the family. For example, Han Fu, the former Mu of Jizhou, was a serious court-appointed official. However, Yuan Shao could easily overthrow Han Fu, relying on the power of Han Fu's clan.

However, the imperial examination system is different. It covers all strata of society in terms of talent selection. Whether you are humble or have a difficult life, as long as you have the ability to govern the country and the world, you can participate in the imperial examination. When you are listed on the golden list, you can jump over the dragon gate and show your ambitions.

Even if the famous families at the end of the Han Dynasty are full of their hands and eyes, if the descendants are useless and can't cross the imperial examination, it will be a disgrace to the family and a depressed pheasant. Even if there are many people's veins and financial veins, if they don't lose three generations, they can also be corrupted.

In particular, how many people are there in the world? No matter how thick the heritage of the famous family is, it can't stand the qualitative change caused by quantitative change. At that time, the whole society and the whole era will be changed by the imperial examination...

Thinking of this, Ma Chao's heart suddenly came to an end. He felt that it was too rash to easily talk about the imperial examination this time. It seemed that such a big event that touched his whole body could not be able to carry it.

"This statement of subject classification and unified examination seems to be unprecedented, but it is very fresh. However, as long as it is implemented, the common people in the world will stand out, and there will be an endless stream of Ma talents... Lord, this move is really open and wonderful, and I admire it!"

"Also, this time the lord is a dignified move. Can the princes of the world not let the scholars under his rule go to take the exam? They blocked one or two, ten hundred... But there are so many scholars in the world. As long as the lord gives hope to the scholars, how can those commoners refuse?

"That's..." Ma Chao is still worried about the difficulty of implementing the imperial examination, but he has to admit that the old fox has seen a long way.

Seeing Ma Chao's absent-minded response, Jia Xu frowned and continued, "Lord, this year's exam may not be too sensational. But as long as a commoner enters your eyes and holds the official position of the Ma family. In the coming year, the scholars of the world will flock to it. Three years later, the scholars will return to the Ma family. It doesn't take ten years for the talents in the world to enter the hub of the Lord.

After listening to Jia Xu's words, Ma Chao only felt a little bitterness in his mouth at this time: In fact, Ma Chao didn't want to be like this, under the rule of the Ma family, which is like a paradise? In Ma Chao's view, although Yongzhou is desolate, there has been a lot of insightful people in the past two years, which is a good opportunity to harvest talents. What's more, under his own rule, the most lacking person has always been the people of culture. Taking this opportunity to put these scholars into the pocket will greatly enhance the soft power under his own rule.

What's more, many talents in history are from humble backgrounds; although they are diligent and hard to learn, the reasons for their success are often a little sad "luck" - good luck is favored by the court and become famous; and more unlucky people are full of Through the talent of learning, with the ambition of Honghu, 'the cow is the same soap, and the chicken feeds the phoenix'.

For example, Zhuge Liang, the most dazzling of the Three Kingdoms, is also a depressed commoner. It's just that under his dedicated management, he married his sister into a rich family in Jingzhou, and married the daughter of the Wang clan Huang family, so he squeezed into the circle of the scholar clan and gained some popularity. As for the real poor people, such as Xu Shu and Pang Tong, two unlucky men, look how hard it took them to enter the official career! One pretended to be crazy and recommended himself to Liu Bei; the other was recommended by Zhuge Liang and was not treated by Liu Bei because he was ugly...

But this is what happens in the world. The sudden arrival of a new thing always requires an adaptation process. In particular, this new thing has suddenly cut off the way of life of all the warriors, and the resistance must be extremely fierce.

Ma Chao now wants to retreat, but Jia Xu, an old man from a poor man, is still eloquent and seems to be very serious about this imperial examination... At this time, Ma Chao's eyes lit up and he had a plan in his heart: Since you, the old fox, are so careful, you have to carry the burden. It's your lord who can't die, and it's your lord who is blackened, right? You know, as a qualified subordinate, his main responsibility is to take the blame for the leader!

"Old fox, don't be so whims. This is also a preliminary plan. Think about it, nowadays, there are many families. Even if there are two desolate Yongliang states, there are also Jiang, Liu, Fu and other families. If the Ma family risks the greatness of the world, it will definitely become the target of public criticism and the deadly enemy of the world's scholars... What can we do now?" With a bitter face, Ma Chao played a scoundrel.

But Jia Xu looked at Ma Chao like an idiot and said, "The power change, the power change, if things don't work, it will change!"

Ma Chao suddenly felt a little silly. When he saw Jia Xu's despised and disliked virtue, an anger surged in his heart: Change your sister! If you have something to say, just say it directly and fart! Be careful that the young master transforms and blows you up first!