Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 442 Hua Xin's recommendation

"Has the consumption of these days been counted?"

After Qin Guan rested all night, Ma Chao knew that he could return to Fufeng tomorrow. At this time, walking on the familiar and strange road, he opened his mouth and asked the guards around him.

"Master, it hasn't been counted yet. Neither Meng Jin nor Director Han have been here, so..." Pound hugged his fist and replied, with a trace of shame on his resolute face: Pound had been attending Ma's military training hall, and in the military training hall, he naturally taught statistics.

However, although not a single soldier was injured in this dispatch, Pound, as the second person in this army, is also extremely trivial in charge of marching, garrison, patrol and other affairs. Therefore, without a special summary of personnel, Pound did not report the exact number before arriving at Fufeng.

"Well... Zidu now needs to integrate the household department, and Han Feng has to take into account all Ma's industries. And the rest of the people also have two or more positions. Ma Chao sighed gently and couldn't help sighing: "There are still too few talents in the Ma family..."

"Lord, this..."

Just as Ma Chao sighed, he suddenly heard someone calling him. Looking back, it was Hua Xin who was holding an account book and was about to hand it to him. Ma Chao took a look at Hua Xin and found that he had changed a lot in almost a year. Of course, it doesn't mean that Hua Xin's appearance has changed a lot. Instead, he gave Ma Chao a different feeling.

In the past, Hua Xin was pure and virtuous, strict with self-discipline, and had the style of Taom. And behind this strict requirements for himself, he also has choices and pride in others. Just like all scholars, there is such a trace of arrogant virtue. But now, from Hua Xin's eyes and expression, Ma Chao saw that Hua Xin was more lonely and modest, and even a trace of fear?

"Well, gentleman's six arts, etiquette, music, shooting, imperial, book, number." Ma Chao looked carefully at the numbers in the account book, which was similar to the estimate in his mind. He couldn't help admiring: "Ziyu is also the best of Tongming Liuyi."

Ma Chao is not talking nonsense. Although the Han Dynasty paid great attention to this gentleman's six arts, scholars attached great importance to the first five arts, but it was the 'number' of the sixth art, which was not revealed except for practical use. Therefore, many people have high cultivation in the three arts of 'courtesy', 'le' and 'book', and they are also sloppy in 'shooting' and 'royal'.

Only in 'number' - the ancient 'number' does not simply refer to arithmetic, but profound knowledge including nine numbers, yin and yang feng shui, celestial bodies, calendars, etc. - many scholars even scoff at arithmetic in addition to studying the yin and yang calendar. After all, the talkative style of learning makes those scholars not talk about vulgar topics such as arithmetic, accounting and tax collection at banquets.

"The Lord praised it. When he was supporting the wind, he carefully studied the book Mathematics and benefited a lot from it. This time, we can calculate the consumption of these days by using the Lord's oracle. Hua Xin replied with a bow and lowered his eyebrows.

This move made Ma Chao interested. After giving the account book to Pang De, he opened his mouth and said to Hua Xin, "Ziyu, I don't care what you have experienced in such a long time. I won't care about my father anymore. I just want to tell you that the Ma family is in urgent need of talents now.

Although he said so, Ma Chao also knew that at these times, Hua Xin fled to Chang'an like a mouse crossing the street, hid in the east without showing his face, and finally hid in the Nanyuan where the royal family lived. It should be a very sad period of time. What's more, at that time, all his family were still supporting the wind and there was no news. How could he not care about it?

The loyalty and blood for a while can indeed inspire people to have supreme courage and do something that they think is extremely correct. But time is a real pig-killing knife. After it wears out your courage, you begin to doubt whether what you did at the beginning is correct.

Now it seems that Hua Xin has indeed thought about it. Therefore, he said in a longing tone, "Lord, my subordinates have now returned to the Ma family and should serve the Ma family. Although my subordinates are not very popular, they have several good friends, I don't know..."

"Who is it?" Today's Ma Chao is different from before. He will no longer kidnap a few celebrities casually. Whether they are help or idle, as long as he doesn't help like Cai Yong, he can accept it.

Today, he needs awesome people such as Jia Xu and Xun You, or doers such as Yang Fu, Zhang Ji, Meng Da, You Chu and Su Ze, even a county talent such as Fu Xun, Fu Gan, Yin Feng and Zhao Ang. But he really looks down on those so-called well-beknown celebrities.

"When Xin was traveling to study, he had a good relationship with Guan Ning and Qi Yuan. These two were clear and peaceful, traced the front track, outstanding in virtue, and no one in the sea. Although he took refuge in Liaodong, he wanted to return in the morning and evening. If the lord intends to write a letter, he said that the two of them will come to the prosperous place of the paradise of the wind.

"Gunning? Bianyuan?" After listening to Hua Xin's words, Ma Chao couldn't help showing disappointment. Because of these two people, he knows.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, there was a dragon: Hua Xin was the dragon head, the original dragon's abdomen, and Guan Ningju dragon tail. This was people's evaluation of these three people at that time. However, Ma Chao was a little disapproving of such a false reputation, especially the break-out of Guan Ning and Hua Xin, which made Ma Chao lack interest in Guan Ning.

In those years, when Hua Xin was studying, he went thousands of miles to visit Guanning. The two became good friends at first sight. Once, the two of them 'hoeed the garden to get gold' together, and Guan Ning regarded it like rubble and abandoned it aside. On another occasion, when the two were studying together, a dignitary official passed by in a luxurious sedan chair. Guan Ning turned a deaf ear and focused on reading as usual, while Hua Xin showed her face and ran out to have a look. After Hua Xin came back, Guan Ning cut the seat, sat separately from Hua Xin, and said, 'My son is not my friend.'

This is the 'cut-off of diplomatic relations' and 'hoeing the garden to get gold', which was later spread as a good story. However, Ma Chao has different views on these two things: first of all, in Ma Chao's view, Guan Ning is a real fool. Because he doesn't realize the importance of money, he is simply the kind of idiot who reads dead books.

His behavior was indeed highly respected by the world at the end of the Han Dynasty, but in the Ma family, a group that pays more attention to hard work and performance, his value trade-off conflicts with the values of the whole group. Ma Chao will not bother to mediate the resulting contradictions. Because he can't mediate either.

and the matter of cutting off relations did not give Ma Chao much favor, but made Ma Chao think that Guan Ning's interpersonal ability was not good. Because his mouth is unscrupulous, it is easy to be unnoyed. In other words, Ma Chao thinks that Guan Ning's IQ is high, but his EQ is very low.

Ma Chao can't see his policy of governing the country, nor has he heard of his achievements in setting up troops and planning strategies. It is almost useless except for letting him serve as a document in the Ministry of Ceremonies. As for Li Yuan, there is almost no pen and ink left in the history books, and Ma Chao is even less interested.

Therefore, Ma Chao just smiled at the two people recommended by Hua Xin. He will not use a lot of manpower and material resources to pick them up in Liaodong. After all, now he has not been able to provoke those famous and bad-tempered people who have been found by Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Pang Tong and Xu Shu.

Of course, Ma Chao still encouraged Hua Xin. After that, Hua Xin said one thing that made Ma Chao start to pay attention.