Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 453 The Secret of the Iron Blade (plus four)

After Han Sui's injury was unharmed, Diao Chan persuaded Han Ying to her room, leaving a separate space for Ma Chao and Han Sui.

"It's getting more and more interesting, this broken blade... If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Western Regions machete you once gave me. Ma Chao picked up the broken blade pulled out by Hua Tuo and soaked in blood and said, "You didn't bring a machete in this gift, did you?"

"No, and those assassins don't use machetes, I'm sure." Han Sui frowned, and then seemed to recall something again. He said, "Those people's skills don't seem to be like the way of fighting on the battlefield, but they want to be..."

"Jianghu people?" Ma Chao's face became heavier and heavier. After looking carefully at the broken blade, he found that there were actually spots and sesame-like breakpoints in the place where the blade was broken. After wiping the blood stains on it, Ma Chao took the broken blade and roasted it on the candle, and then sniffed it. After that, his face became even more gloomy.

"How about it?" Although Han Sui didn't know exactly what Ma Chao was this time, he could probably guess Ma Chao's intention. Ma Chao did not hide his privacy and said with a wry smile, "This is indeed the Western Regions machete you gave me, but the user specially found a blacksmith and recast them. And..."

Speaking of this, Ma Chao's bitter smile became more and more obvious, and the solemn color on Han Sui's face was also stronger. Because Ma Chao really said that sentence: "And, according to my preliminary judgment, they should be looking for secrets to build Ma Jiasu's iron blade..."

After hearing Ma Chao's answer, the solemnity on Han Sui's face showed a trace of worry and said angrily, "The Han family spent a lot of money to ask the craftsmen of the Western Regions to improve their blades, but they have not succeeded in two years. Ma Chao! Don't tell me that these people have been able to get out of your Ma family..."

"Don't worry!" At this time, Ma Chao nodded firmly and even said with a trace of gloating, "If they really mastered the secret of Ma Jiasu Iron, then the blade would not be broken in your lungs. You are still alive, which is the best proof of the failure of their experiment.

"Vertical son!" Although Han Sui was angry, he still laughed and scolded Ma Chao. Because he knows best what the iron blade of the Ma family means. But after he finished scolding, he asked worriedly, "As you can see, have they found the trick?" However, when Ma Chao heard this sentence, he just smiled and did not answer. Han Sui consciously lost his words and couldn't help laughing and no longer asking questions.

In fact, these imitation Ma's swords are not of high level, and they are not even as good as the original Western Regions machetes. Because of the information obtained from the fragments, Ma Chao found that the fragments really smelled of charcoal after heating, indicating that they only saw the sharpness and sharpness of Ma Jiasu's iron blade, so they wanted to directly recast the Western Regions machete, which was better than the quality of the Han Dynasty, and added toner to make it harder and sharper. However, I didn't expect this. Although the hardness of the blade was strengthened, the flexibility was greatly reduced, so it got stuck in Han Sui's ribs and broke.

"Jianghu people also have machetes in the Western Regions and have the financial resources to improve their experiments..." Ma Chaoyou said that he had basically guessed the behind-the-scenes mastermind of doing this: under the whole world, except for himself and Han Sui, who had the Western Regions machetes, only sent several Western Regions machetes as a deposit when he persuaded Lv Bu in Chang'an.

Lv Bu has no Jianghu*. However, Duanmu Ruoyu was sure that Lv Bu had defected to Wang Yun, and Wang Yun and Hong Cezong had a broken connection. And with Wang Yun's energy, it is not difficult to find a private forging iron shop... But why did he do this?

'Do you want to retaliate against those things that stunned him in Chang'an some time ago by provoking his relationship with Han Sui?' Ma Chao shook his head. He felt that this idea was too ridiculous - if Wang Yun only had such a mind and trick, it would be too insulting Ma Chao's IQ...

It can be turned over and over, Ma Chao can't even think of a clue, and Han Sui is even more foggy. From this, Ma Chao had to say, "Father-in-law, although I don't know who did this matter, it is confirmed that it should be related to a certain Yongliang two prefectures. You and I are..."

"Don't say much, I know that." Seeing that Ma Chao gave up the investigation, Han Sui also said, "At the beginning, what Ma Han's friendship was actually nonsense. Now, you and I are son-in-law, and we don't have to speak so hypocritically. I can guarantee here that as long as the Ma family does not make a fatal mistake, the transaction in Yongliang IIzhou will continue in order, and the soldiers and horses in Liangzhou will not enter Yongzhou in half a step!"

"Your father-in-law is reluctant to give up the wealth of the Ma family, right? Ordinary things in the Central Plains, as well as Ma's specialties, are sold to Hu people and Westerners, which is several times the profit, and you can make a profit by selling some rare things through Ma's shops. Speaking of this, Ma Chao also showed a merchant's unique smile on his face. However, then the words turned around and said, "Here, I will also tell you the truth. The Ma family is like the Han family. As long as the Han family does not cross the thunder pool, it will not point the soldiers to Liangzhou!"

Han Sui said that the Ma family made a fatal mistake, while the Ma family said that the two sentences seemed to be similar. But the meaning is very different: since Ma Chaoxing Technology, the Ma family has gradually had cross-generational products that the world does not have. Han Sui can annex Yongzhou, but it is not necessarily possible to get these product technologies; and the Han family does not have products. The only thing to be proud of is that Han Sui has opened up the business road on the Western Regions Road and established a complex business network.

Therefore, it can be said that Han Sui had no choice but to capture Yongzhou, while Ma Chao controlled a little more initiative than Han Sui. After all, as long as it takes time and money, the business network can always be established. Not to mention, there are far more talents in the Ma family than in Liangzhou...

Today, the assassination incident made the Ma Han two families have a complete showdown. But both Ma Han and both know that this matter is by no means so simple, and they don't know when and what the subsequent means will appear.

When Ma Chao returned to the room, it was almost dawn. Seeing that Cai Yan had fallen asleep in the bed, and two tears soaked the pink face of her makeup, Ma Chao couldn't help feeling guilty. Seeing Cai Yan's dishonest sleeping appearance again, Ma Chao couldn't help smiling warmly.

Lifting the warm quilt, Ma Chao gently embraced Cai Yan in his arms. At this moment, there is no desire in his heart, only a quiet and down-to-earth feeling spread. But he didn't expect that his light movements finally woke up Cai Yan. Ma Chao was close to her cheek and said apologetically, "Yan'er."


"It's hard for you to marry a prince like me."

Cai Yan seemed to think for a moment, and finally said softly, "I would..."

At this moment, under the moon, the newlyweds are decorated like a sky curtain. Under the moonlight of the sky, there are soldiers and wolves in troubled times, and the proud soldiers and generals are protruding. Two boys and girls, in this only peaceful place, held their hands and vowed. Although it is a little plain and sad, it is warm and meaningful.

This night, although the tired two people did not mix with each other, they threw thousands of thoughts into the night and really put their hearts together...