Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 460 Detailed Rules for the Imperial Examination

Ma Chao, who was in the county guard's office, had no idea that there was a beacon and wolf smoke and a dark conspiracy in his backyard. At this time, he was biting the goose feather pen and looking at the "Econical Examination Rules" written by Bu Qian word by word.

There are many major events involved in the imperial examination, and the impact is even more significant. But no matter what Ma Chao thought, he didn't expect that Bu Qian could get such a thick wind paper.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Detailed Rules of the Imperial Examination made by Bu Qian in the past two months can almost be called a magnificent work in this era - in addition to Fufeng, most of the states of the Han Dynasty still have bamboo slices as the carrier of writing. In fact, the so-called Xuefu five cars are probably equivalent to all the textbooks of primary school students in the previous life - this "Elect Examination Rules" is scattered, with a total of 80,000 words, including the process, subjects, systems and official selection of the imperial examination.

It can be said that Bu Qian's "Rules of the Imperial Examination" condensed his gratitude for forgetting to eat and sleep for two months, and what he felt in the first half of his life. Naturally, this also contains the painstaking efforts of all the poor literati in the Ma family. Because Bu Qian had asked the opinions of all the poor scholars and literati of the Ma family one by one before writing, and those people were always busy, repeatedly demonstrating with Bu Qian and paying attention to the process of this "Econgical Examination Rules",

Ma Chao opened his eyes to the goal, not about the institutional process of the imperial examination. It is a reform proposal for the whole Yongzhou and even the whole Han education.

Bu Qian made a clear and sharp judgment on the education of the Han Dynasty at the beginning: the scholar's bigfa has an absolute resource advantage, while the poor man has almost no way to live. Even if you spend your whole life in poverty, it is difficult to achieve a reputation and become a laughingstock. Therefore, in this article, Bu Qian focuses on the teaching of the Han Dynasty and makes a detailed description.

In fact, there is only one school run by officials in the Han Dynasty, that is, Luoyang's Taixue. Although the number of imperial scholars reached more than 30,000 in their heyday, it was only a diff of a bull compared to the total number of people. Because the condition for entering Taixue is to recommend inspection, and the two items of recommendation and inspection are completely monopolized by the chaebols and imperial relatives. As a result, there is no way for poor students to get ahead.

And the remaining private schools have become popular. During the period of Emperor Wu, schools across the country were full of forests, and some colleges had more than a thousand students, or more than a dozen. Unfortunately, after the corruption of the court, the people are no longer unable to provide for teenagers to enter school. After the chaos of the yellow scarf, the national private school even left only the essence of Yingchuan College.

Moreover, there is no theory of grade and class in Han Dynasty teaching. Only those who continue to study after many years of enrollment can enter the 'Jingshe' or 'Jinglu' to study, which is equivalent to the university of the previous life; and the primary school of enlightenment education literacy is called 'Mengguan' or 'library'. But it is worth noting that these private studies are not recognized by the imperial court at all. In the county, except for those famous students, it is difficult for others to enter the official position without scholars*.

In response to this, Bu Qian highly affirmed the practice of the Ma family's official school at the end. And the Ma family's school was determined into two levels, county school and county school. Among them, county professors enlightened the primary courses of literacy and wisdom. And county studies teaches practice, such as style, policy theory, gentleman's six arts, professional arithmetic, etc.

From this, the students learned from Majia County may not be brilliant or intelligent.

But it is certain that they have at least one skill or talent. As long as they are given a framework, they can execute various rules in this framework very completely.

If it goes on like this, when the county students under the Ma family are full of various departments of the Ma family, Ma Chao can proudly fight back. Because at that time, even the world's scholars were completely resistant to the Ma family. However, as long as the policy of the Ma family remains unchanged, his subordinates already have a steady stream of raw staff to maintain the normal operation of various functional departments.

Of course, this process may be a little long, but it is the most appropriate for now.

Quietly changing the pattern is the highest state of 'good as water'. At the same time, this is also the collective wisdom of Bu Qian and the poor students of the Ma family.

And the last part of this discussion is the imperial examination system for students to enter the official system, which is the imperial examination system of the Ma family this time.

In the scope of the Ma family's imperial examination, Buqi just chose the county school level. And it shows that after passing the imperial examination, you can enter the Ma family as an official or be recommended by the Ma family to Taixue for further study or serve in the imperial court, in line with Confucius's concept of "learning and excellent officials" and the allusions of Emperor Wu's academic career.

Because for a period of time, the Ma family could not have a direct conflict with the family, and must be appeased by the name of 'Taixue', which made the scholars think that they are superior to the poor students in the state and county.

However, now that the world is in chaos and the Han Dynasty is decadent, who will be stupid and let good officials not do it, but go to the imperial court for further study, or go to the conspiratorial and hopeless court? Don't you see that if the court recruits talents today, those learned people are either not sick or resolutely dismissed? Of course, there are many people who are famous, but it can also be seen that the court is no longer the holy place that scholars yearn for. Otherwise, why would Tian Feng, Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Liu Ye, Cheng Yu and other awesome people rather be staff under the princes than as officials?

Are they stupid? Are they not famous?

A big joke!

What's more, the reason why those who worked for the Ma family through the Ma family's imperial examination is that Ma Chao has given instructions to these students from these imperial examinations. How can they be ungrateful? Of course, if there are really those brainless guys, the Ma family won't want them. Moreover, Ma Chao will also doubt how this guy's policy theory has passed...

Ma Chao basically doesn't look at it carefully when he sees it here, because the remaining chapters are detailed records of imperial examination subjects, regulations, processes, systems, etc. Ma Chao basically looks at the details of these items: it is impossible to make major mistakes in what is handled by Yang Fu.

But even so, even if Ma Chao still had the skill of reading novels at a glance in his previous life, he still watched it all afternoon. Yang Fu and Bu Qian have been by Ma Chao's side. When they encounter Ma Chao's questions or discussions, they come forward to answer their questions. Until Ma Chao took out the last page, it was already dark.

To be honest, after reading it, Ma Chao's eyes were a little wet - this "Rules of the Imperial Examination" has a total of three articles and nine volumes, which has made the most detailed arguments and regulations on the education of the Han Dynasty, the entry into officials and the reform of the Ma family's imperial examination. This shows how Bu Qian has been exhausted and meditate in the past two months!

And it was not until this time that Ma Chao found that although Bu Qian's clothes were slightly better than when he came, more than two months of hard work made him more skinny and his face withered - it was really his blessing for Ma Mengqi to get such a dedicated and ung-known subordinate as Bu Qian!

"Zishan, why are you so painstaking?" At this time, Ma Chao had walked to Bu Qian's body, patted him on the shoulder, and asked with a choking voice of effort.

"One is to repay the kindness of the teacher, and the other is that the students want to seek a hope for the world's poor people!" Bu Qian bowed and knelt down and said sincerely.

Ma Chao was really moved at this time. This sentence reminded him of Jia Fox, who was over half a hundred years old and was still surrounded by wolves; he remembered those sisters who lived in deep heat and exchanged their youthful bodies for information for the Ma family; and also reminded him of his conscientious and dedicated counselors and civil servants and Sha Generals and warriors who bravely killed the enemy on the field and rewarded them with their lives.

Those who are alive and dead come to themselves. Isn't what they want to pursue a 'hope' that sounds very illusory and empty?

"The Ma family is fortunate to have all of you!" Ma Chao finally sighed gratefully, and finally clenched his fist and swore: "Chao vowed here that he would do his best to create a clear and happy world for the people on that day!"