Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 487 Want to go together?

"What the hell is Jia Fox doing?"

Ma Chao was alone in his room and looked at the report in his hand. He couldn't figure out why Jia Xu decided to wait next spring and then lead Dong Zhuo's old troops to capture Chang'an.

"Historically, didn't this old man immediately fool those people into rebelling after seeing them? Why do you have to let the Ma family go through a lot of hard work to send grain and grass to help them get through this winter? Turning the report back and forth, Ma Chao still couldn't figure out what Jia Xu meant. But when he picked up another report, Ma Chao suddenly realized something.

Another report is the information introduced by Mu Yuanfeng about the recent development of Yuvro. As mentioned above, after Yuvro's power had been vaguely restored to a medium-sized Xiongnu tribe, the attention of the Xiongnu royal court finally focused on this abandoned Shanyu. However, due to the fact that it is not easy to send troops in winter, and Yuvro is in Hanland, he has never started to destroy Yuvro.

But at this time, Jia Fox secretly asked Mu Yuanfeng to bring a plan to Yufrao to make Yufrao obey the Xiongnu royal court! Ma Chao thought that Yuvluo would never compromise with his father-killing enemy. But it is obvious that Jia Fox understands the thinking of the Huns better than Ma Chao.

I don't know what kind of letter Jia Fox wrote. Anyway, since then, Yuvro has taken the initiative to surrender to the court of the Xiongnu, saying that tens of thousands of people under his command and 30,000 people who control the strings are willing to obey the orders of the old king of the Xiongnu and are the most loyal soldiers of the grassland Xiongnu.

And the only condition he proposed - it even makes people feel that this is not a condition.

His request is: "I made a mistake before and believed that the Han Dynasty could be relied on. But now I'm wrong. I want to be the left sage king of the Xiongnu.

Lao Wang of the Xiongnu is very happy. In the eyes of the Xiongnu, the hatred of killing his father and the hatred of his wife are very minor things that can survive and grow up. Other justice and enmity are bullshit. Moreover, Yuvruo was originally Shanyu of the Xiongnu, and now his power only wants the position of Zuo Xianwang, which is not too much at all.

And Lao Wang only needs to make a gesture to get tens of thousands of people and 20,000 cavalry. No one will refuse this kind of thing.

In the following time, Yuvro sent people to offer a lot of grain and grass treasures to Wang Ting, and in winter, grain and grass are the favorite and most needed living necessities of the Huns! What about the treasure? It is also something that Wangting decorates to show off. Therefore, soon, the relationship between Yuvruo and the Xiongnu Wangting gradually became intimate... Only Ma Chao's heart is dripping blood, because at least half of those food and treasures are from the Ma family!

Soon, Yuvruo received a call from the old king of the Xiongnu. According to Mu Yuanfeng's report, Yuvruo went to the royal court alone without any entourage! Then that day, in the royal court. In the golden tent of the old king of the Xiongnu, in front of many leaders under the old king of the Xiongnu and many tribal chiefs, Yuvruo knelt down in public and made the most solemn and respectful ceremony of submission on the grassland.

Subsequently, Yuvluo seemed to have really integrated into the Xiongnu tribe. While using food and the Ma family's weapons, he learned the means of the Han people and used all the means of pulling division and suppression to continue to expand his tribe. By the time Mu Yuanfeng wrote this letter, Yu Furo had collected the weak tribes that had obeyed his father at the beginning, and annexed two medium-sized tribes that did not obey him and the current Xiongnu king.

After the extermination of these two medium-sized tribes, all the captured population, cattle, sheep, horses, and Yuvro were handed over, and he did not intercept them at all. And his behavior also made the old king of the Xiongnu completely believe that Yuvluo was not self-respecting. He just wanted to return to the Xiongnu tribe and become a real Xiongnu Zuo Xianwang.

At this time, Yuvro's tribe was already far away from Luoyang. Moreover, he already has nearly 100,000 people under him. There are almost 50,000 warriors who can fight well.

In less than four months, with the secretly funded by the Ma family, Yuvro gradually developed to a surprising level. After Ma Chao read this report, the clues in his heart gradually became clear: I'm afraid Jia Xu was waiting for Yu Fuluo's situation, right?

The old fox's intention, if Ma Chao guessed it well, should be to use Li Wei and Guo as cannon fodder to destroy the dignity of the Han Dynasty. Then it was used by the alien, Fro, to trample the Han Dynasty to death, so that the princes of the world no longer care about the banner of the Han Dynasty, and completely opened the era of princes competing for hegemony and the heroes.

At that time, the Ma family may have also occupied Chang'an and Luoyang, becoming a super crocodile that can be attacked and defended, and participated in the magnificent era as the uncle of the old capital.

From this, Ma Chao immediately repaired a book, explaining his idea. And it is noted that if there is any difference in this shocking plan during this period, the words earnestly advise the old fox not to take risks and use heavenly tricks to reverse the overall situation, just get out safely and return to Fufeng.

After writing these, Ma Chao wanted to directly ask Diao Chan to pass on the information. But his subordinates reported that the envoys of the princes came to say goodbye. Ma Chao's expression moved. He thought of a person he was very reluctant to let him go back: Guo Jia.

Guo Jia's ability is no less than Jia Xu. Jia Fox is resourceful, but Guo Jia is resourceful. As two of Cao's five advisors in history, one of them died young and the other died happily. They are definitely the most legendary two under Cao Cao. Ma Chao has sighed many times that if he can get Guo Jia's help again, why is there any uncertainty in the world?

Unfortunately, when he entered Fufeng, the Ma family suffered a lot. He conquered the outside world, fought against Han Sui, and suppressed the rebellion. After he easily gained a firm foothold, Ma Teng was poisoned by others. It was not until after his party in Chang'an that he began to let the plump shadow network the world's talents. However, at that time, Guo Jia's behavior was ethereal until When we met, he was already a guest of Cao Cao.

In fact, it is expected that I came to resign today. The princes of the four directions have been ready to move, and they have become the uncles of the current dynasty, and they have entered Chang'an, and their reputation has been unparaly for a while. Although the princes came to say happy, they just wanted to see what happened to the Ma family. Now that the Ma family's imperial examination has passed, they should go back to their lives.

However, Ma Chao has not thought about how to keep Guo Jia at this time. Although he also knows that the possibility of Guo Jia staying is quite low.

With a sigh, Ma Chao opened his mouth and said to his guard, "Let them come in."

When he was young, these people filed in. Ma Chao found that although Guo Jia was still at the end, his expression was much better. You must have listened to your own advice and found Hua Tuo to learn the method of five bird play and fitness, right?

"The marriage of the general of Fuguo has passed, and some people have been disturbing here for a long time. I came here today just to resign, and I hope the general will give me permission. Tian Feng is still the leader of these people, so it is up to him to resign at this time.

"All of you are beyond your heart. I wanted to keep you for a few days and enjoy the customs of Yongzhou, but I was busy with miscellaneous things and didn't treat you well. Since I left today, I hope to have a good trip and see you later..." After saying this bitterly, Ma Chao approved everyone's resignation. Looking up, his eyes only remained on Guo Jia.

Everyone bowed and bowed again, said some words of courtesy, and wanted to leave. At this time, Liu Yue came to the main hall and said to Ma Chao, "My husband, your majesty has an order to return to the province. I dare not make a decision, so I came to ask my husband..."

Ma Chao raised his eyes and was stunned: What? Do you still want to go here? Do you want to go together?.......