Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 492 is coming!

There was a dead silence in the carriage, and all three of them were shocked by Tang Ji's answer. Finally, Liu Xiu, who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, was more calm and patted Tang Ji's hand and said, "You also think well. In troubled times, it may not be a bitter thing to survive and guard the mausoleum at ease. If... Well, maybe I will accompany you to guard the mausoleum.

"Auntie, Tang Ji!" Liu Yue was a little angry, and her face was changeable. She said, "Are you so accept your fate? Aunt, after returning to Chang'an, Your Majesty may not be willing to marry you to Lv Bu; and Tang Ji and Ma Chao are willing to let Shou'er return to Chang'an, which shows that he is also a contradiction in his heart and has Shou'er. And such a gentle and affectionate man, can't you take the initiative to fight for your happiness once?!"

"I won't say that..." Liu Xiu saw that Liu Yue had some signs of paranoia, interrupted Liu Yue's words, and said, "To be honest, I'm really curious, Yueer, what did your majesty want you to bring back from the Ma family this time?"

"How do you know it's your majesty?" Liu Yue was shocked and then felt that she was too stupid. She couldn't help calming down, sorted out her emotions, and said, "Alas... Maybe I'm too tired these days. Moreover, after all, what I did this time was still a little too hasty. I'm afraid there are still some flaws left. I'm worried that I will be seen through by him, which makes me a little restless.

Liu Yue's words are actually a little trivial and messy. It can be seen that she must have some fetters in her heart, otherwise, she would not have had such a confused reaction.

The carriage fell silent again. This time, it was not Liu Xiu who broke the silence, but Liu Yue, who was confused and sorted out. She turned her head and looked at Liu Xiu. She could only use words to relieve the troubles in her heart and said quietly, "Auntie, your time in Fufeng is not short, and Ma Chao does not forbid you to inquire about Fufeng's affairs at all. . Don't you feel that the Ma army is strange?

"Strange? What's so strange?"

"The number of people and brilliant achievements they have compiled!" Liu Yue's face showed an inexplicable and unfathomable look. She smiled and whispered, "Yangzhou shepherd Cao Cao, according to a state, has 300,000 Qingzhou soldiers; Jizhou shepherd Yuan Shao, who dominates two states and has 400,000 soldiers and horses under his command; Yuan Shu, the shepherd of Yuzhou, also has at least 300,000 subordinates, and other princes, that is, Zhang Lu, who only has only one place in Hanzhong, has more than 100,000 people. Only Yongzhou Ma Chao, the whole Ma family army, has only more than 50,000 people! And..."

"Moreover, the Ma army has repeatedly conquered the Qiang people; the west rejected Han Sui, suppressed Zhang Lu in the south, and even easily knocked on Chang'an!" Although Liu Xiu doesn't understand military, Liu Yue's meaning is already obvious. Therefore, she opened her mouth to say the meaning of Liu Yue's words.

"Not bad! Previously, I thought it was Ma Chao's use of troops like a god, but later I saw the richness of Yongzhou, and the young people in the county wanted to join the army while the Ma family army turned a blind eye to it. I just found out why your majesty made me try my best to get that thing... Because the Ma family only needs 50,000, which is enough to match the army of 300,000 others. His Ma family's army is all piled up with money and ultra-high-quality armor weapons!"

"You, you mean, what you took away is the secret of the iron blade of Ma Jiasu?" It was not Liu Xiu who said this, but Fu Shou, who listened quietly. Her little face was full of incredible and surprise. It seemed that Liu Yue had made something shocking - in fact, this was indeed a great event for the Ma family!

"Shou'er, I underestimate you. I thought you were far away from the court and had no quarrel with the world, and you wouldn't think of these..." Liu Yue took a little complaous look, and at the same time, she also said to Fu Shou with some appreciation, "I now feel that your majesty did not marry you to the palace, but it is a loss."

"How is that possible?" Fu Shou didn't care about Liu Yue's words at all. She said quickly, "How well-prepared is Ma's arsenal? Even Xiuer, Tieer and Yunlu can't enter at will. What's more, you haven't been to Ma's Arsenal at all these days..."

"Do you think you have to do these things yourself? If so, am I just a smart bandit?" Liu Yue said this and sneered. Then, she couldn't help but say with a trace of pride and reservedness on her face, "After the matter of the Salt Exchange was perfectly resolved, I initially gained the trust of Ma Chao. At that time, I made a posture to earn fame for the Ma family and took the initiative to make friends with those vulgar and lowly merchants. Naturally, I contacted the three royal shops that I controlled remotely.

"Your Majesty has long coveted the iron soldiers of the Ma family for a long time, and it is not difficult to find more than a dozen skilled craftsmen. However, it was really difficult to sneak into Ma's Arsenal. Sixteen people came, but only four people mixed in..."

"Fortunately, they have been immersed in this path for many years. It only takes three days to master the secret of Ma's iron blade. Therefore, under my arrangement, the four escaped from the Ma's Arsenal and successfully returned to the caravan late at night. Speaking of this, Liu Yue paused, took a meaningful look at Fu Shou, and continued with a strange tone: "During this period, I would also like to thank you. If it hadn't been for the dew relationship with Ma Chao, I'm afraid Ma Chao would not have let us go back to Chang'an Province so easily. However, you can rest assured that although what I did is not perfect, it is not so easy to be discovered by Ma Chao.

"After this matter, we will return to Fufeng, and Ma Chao will also marry you. Even, if you have a secret knot this time, then the plan to revive the Han Dynasty will go a step further... Auntie, do you think my seamless plan can't be famous and happy?

In the last sentence, Liu Yue did not tell Fu Shou, who was getting more and more frightened and unbelievable. Instead, he showed his pride to Liu Xiu, but after listening to this, Liu Xiu's face was not full of excitement. Instead, he sighed leisurely: "Yeer, you are too conceited. Moreover, you also think of men too simply. As I said, politics, it's better for women not to interfere..."

Liu Yue still wanted to argue, but at this time, suddenly the exclamation of the forbidden army came from outside!

"There is an enemy! Hurry up!!"

Liu Yue's face changed, lifted the window and looked back. Sure enough, she heard the rumble of horseshoes behind her and the smoke and dust rolling on the pipe. She couldn't help frowning and said, "What's going on?" We were so confused along the way, how could we be chased so quickly?!

"Lord, the person who came is holding the main flag of the word 'Ma', which is Ma Chao personally leading the army. And I'm afraid that those brothers of the soldiers have encountered an accident!" The small school of the Forbidden Army hurriedly reported. He could see from his experience that Ma Chao had brought at least 4,000 Xiliang iron horses, and at present, there were only more than 2,000 Forbidden Army, which was not the opponent of Ma Jiajun at all.

"What nonsense?!" Liu Yue scolded angrily, and then calmed down without any panic. He said, "I'm Ma Chao's wife. What happened to you?"

Yes! I hope the Lord will forgive you for your mistake. How should I deal with it at this time?" The little school saw that the princess was so calm, and his heart calmed down and asked smoothly.

Liu Yue pondered for a moment, her eyes flashed, and then took a deep breath and decisively issued an order: "Stop moving forward! Wait in line on the spot! Don't act rashly without my order!"