Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 503 Exploration?

As early as the end of Chuping, when the Kanto heroes fought against Dong Zhuo Alliance and collapsed. Dong Zhuo has moved to Chang'an, arrogant and tyrannical court. In view of this, Chang'an's scholars sent an envoy to Kanto to contact the king of volunteers. And the name of the messenger is Liu He.

Liu He was a servant at that time and was a close minister around the emperor. At the suggestion of Chang'an scholars, Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, asked Liu He to pretend to abandon his official and flee to avoid Dong Zhuo's eyes and ears. He went out of the customs to contact Liu Yu, a royal clan, then the Grand Sima and Youzhou herdsman, and asked him to lead troops to rescue him.

The reason why he remembered to contact Liu Yu is not only because Liu Yu is a relative of the Han clan, but also because he is the only person among the heroes in Guandong who has sent envoys to worship the emperor since they rose up against Dong Zhuo. In the second year of Chuping, Yuan Shao and Han Fu wanted to support Liu Yu as emperor, but were rejected by Liu Yu's strict words. In order to show his loyalty, Liu Yu also sent a man named Tianchou around the south of the desert and came thousands of miles to Chang'an to worship the emperor, which made Emperor Xian and the court scholars extremely moved.

And this Liu He is Liu Yu's son.

Liu He received the emperor's secret order, dressed up, and left for Kanto on a starry night.

The nearest road from Chang'an to Guandong is to go straight east through Huayin, Tongguan and Shaanxi counties to Luoyang, but this road is guarded by heavy troops sent by Dong Zhuo. Liu He's escape will inevitably be wanted by Dong Zhuo, and it is extremely risky to take this road. Therefore, he chose a circuitous route, from Chang'an to the southeast across the Qinling Mountains, out of Wuguan to Nanyang; then turned north and passed through Hebei to Youzhou.

Liu He escaped successfully. After all the hardships, he climbed over the mountains and finally escaped from Dong Zhuo's sphere of influence and came to Nanyang under the rule of Yuan Shu.

The scholars of the Chang'an court have always regarded Kanto scholars as relatives, and Yuan Shu was one of the heroes who once raised an army against Dong Zhuo. Liu He originally thought that coming to Yuan Shu's territory should be as safe as his relatives's home; but he was wrong, and the situation was far more complicated and dangerous than he expected.

The heroes of Kanto have no longer raised their army to fight against Dong Zhuo's enthusiasm. They are now keen to expand their power and realize their personal ambitions. Yuan Shu is even more deliberately to be emperor. If Liu He runs to Youzhou to contact Liu Yu, defeats Dong Zhuo and welcomes the emperor, then Yuan Shu's emperor's dream will become a bubble. Shadow.

So after learning the news of Liu He's arrival, Yuan Shu detained him.

Not only that, Yuan Shu also has his own calculation: he knows that Youzhou is rich in the world's famous horsemen. For warlords located in the Central Plains, cavalry is a rare advanced armed force. With cavalry, it can help them win in the melee of warlords. So he deceived Liu He and said that I had already had the will of King Qin. It would be better for your father to send troops to Nanyang and march together with me.

Liu He is really a stupid and naive good baby. He easily believed Yuan Shu's nonsense. He wrote to Liu Yu, and Liu Yu really sent thousands of cavalry to Nanyang. In order to please Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan also sent his brother Gongsun Yue with more than a thousand cavalry to help.

It is said that the soldiers sent by Liu Yu should be led by Liu He, but Yuan Shu then colluded with Gongsun Yue to detain Liu He and seize his army. Subsequently, Yuan Shu threw the cavalry assisted by Liu Yu into the melee of the warlords, completely reneging on his promise to Liu He.

Liu and the child knew at this time that he had been deceived and were furious. But how can he give up halfway under the trust of the emperor and the court? So he took a look at the right time and escaped from Yuan Shu, ready to pass through Hebei and go to Youzhou.

Maybe Liu He's mission was doomed to be difficult. When he passed through Hebei, he was discovered by Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao also detained him. Although Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu beat his head, his attitude towards the Chang'an court was surprisingly consistent. If Liu He successfully contacts Liu Yuqin, how can his ambition to dominate the world be realized?

The heroes of Kanto have quite a tacit understanding in dealing with the Chang'an court under Dong Zhuo's control. For them, it is legal to let the court continue to be controlled by Dong Zhuo and other Liangzhou warriors, and to expand their personal power without listening to the court's orders. Because the court controlled by Dong Zhuo is illegal, they can deal with it illegally.

Therefore, Yuan Shao also wanted to use Liu He, but what he wanted was not cavalry, but Liu He as a hostage to blackmail Liu Yu and let Liu Yu help him deal with Gongsun Zan. At that time, Gongsun Zan was in power and was the biggest threat to Yuan Shao.

Liu He was detained until his father Liu Yu was killed by Gongsun Zan. At this time, Yuan Shao gave Liu He a certain degree of freedom. He asked Liu He to contact Liu Yu's old department, thinking that Liu Yu would fight against Gongsun Zan together in the name of revenge, so Liu He was tied to Yuan Shao's chariot and involuntarily threw himself into the warlords. Medium.

The tragedy of Liu He and Liu Yu witnessed the arduous journey of traditional scholars loyal to the court to save the country and society at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At the same time, it also showed that this road could not be done. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the times, the scholars in Chang'an did not fully understand Liu He's experience.

However, a smart person like Liu Xiu and Wang Yun naturally learned about some recent situations of Liu He. And from this, how can they not see anything tricky in it? Therefore, when Liu Xiu mentioned the name 'Liu He', Wang Yun fell silent.

"Lord Situ, perhaps the heroes of Kanto will raise troops, but some people can't place all their hopes in this fantasy. If Lord Situ only has these small plans, please come here for today's affairs. Xiu'er has just arrived today, so I can't send it far away..." After listening to Liu Xiu's story, Lv Bu couldn't help looking at Wang Yun a little.

After Wang Yun sighed, he laughed again, picked up the wine bottle in front of him, took a sip, and then said, "Maybe it's the old man's extremely naive whimsical to rely on the wolf to save the sheep. Although I don't want to admit it, the fact seems that as the princess said, those heroes who are deeply taught by loyalty, filiality, kindness and righteousness have probably transformed into selfish warlords, and the court of Chang'an has been completely abandoned by them... And now, let's formally discuss the anti-thief plan.

Lv Bu and Liu Xiu saw this and couldn't help but be shocked by Wang Yun's heart and spirit. Liu Xiu, in particular, couldn't help taking a sip of wine to calm down her understanding of Wang Yun: she seemed to underestimate this old man... So what he said before, isn't it?


Yes, Wang Yun, an old man, also knows that the heroes of Kanto may not be reliable. But here he proposed this strategy for the purpose of actually to have a look. Will my husband obey him or not!!

This old guy, the enemy is still thinking about his own people. No wonder Ma Chao has troubled him three times!

Thinking of this, Liu Xiu couldn't help drinking another sip of wine and holding Lv Bu's hand slightly: That Ma Chao, why didn't you pissed the old guy off directly!!

And Lv Bu felt Liu Xiu's anger and seemed to understand something from Liu Xiu's eyes. Looking at Wang Yun's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little cold. However, he then carefully restrained and covered it up and secretly patted Liu Xiu's hand to signal Liu Xiu's peace of mind.

But Liu Xiu is a woman after all. At this time, she suddenly thought of the letter given to her by Ma Chao, and almost had the impulse to open it immediately: Did Ma Chao make himself embank Wang Yun? No, it's impossible. He said that the letter would be opened at the most critical time. At present, the war has not started, and it is not the right time...

And Wang Yun, regardless of what the two people thought, took out a thing from his arms and spread it out in the hall, ready to start his real speech...