Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 538 First Attack on Chang'an (Added Update 2)

The drums rumbled across the earth like dull thunder, and the huge square array four miles under Chang'an City began to shake. At first glance, it seemed that the whole plain was shaking!

The shouting of killing was earth-shaking, and the tide of northwest soldiers generally swept to Chang'an City.

Ma Chao did not wear his conspicuous brocade armor, but wore a lieutenant service similar to Zhang Xiu. He stood side by side with Zhang Xiu in the middle army and whispered, "Let's start..."

When Li Yu, Guo Yan, Fan Chou and Zhang Ji heard the words, they held their fists and took orders one after another. The four messenger flags shuttled back and forth in the army array: after two days of fighting, these Xiliang veterans finally regained a trace of their previous iron-blooded appearance.

They held their shields high and rushed down the city with the robes around them. All movements, after hard training, have become part of their natural reactions. And under the command of excellent and competent, they can exert their immeasurable combat power!

Chang'an City is still shooting arrows, but it is surprisingly few compared with the previous ones. Although it shoots down a few people, it is a cup of water for the siege army that is generally surging in the tide, and it is of no use at all.

At the same time, Xu Rong stood on the city and commanded the forbidden army and county soldiers to throw oil into the city.

The fire oil tank is to put the fire oil in the clay pot, then wrap it in hay, light the hay, and throw it down to a crowded place in the city.

Those oil tanks fell in the crowd. In the open space, the pottery pots were smashed. When they met the flames, they suddenly burned. The smoke rolled outside Chang'an City. At that scene, Ma Chao suddenly thought that he was watching the classic battlefield of later generations.

Fire and oil irrigation is much more powerful than bows and arrows. Hit the northwest soldiers and immediately turned the other party into a fireman and howled and rolled on the battlefield.

Ma Chao looked from afar without any pity in his heart. As if playing a live-action strategy game, his face is cold, thinking about how many arrows, fire oil, boiling water, rolling wood, stones and crossbows that destroy mountain crossbows are left in Chang'an City.

Ma Chao carried out this siege after the northwest army rested for two days. On the one hand, the prestige of the northwest army in the two counties of Jingzhao and Feng Yi has been at the top of the day, and many thieves and exiles have joined in one after another; on the other hand, the siege of Chang'an has also caused certain psychological pressure to Chang'an.

Of course, the main reason is that without engineering equipment, Ma Chao will not let the soldiers fill the road to the city with their lives like those generals of the Han Dynasty. In the past two days, Ma Chao ordered and made a batch of siege equipment. Although it is almost a pile of garbage compared with the Ma family's siege trucks and catapults, It's better than nothing.

At this time, Ma Chao nodded slightly when he saw that the oil tank had been thrown in Chang'an City. Then, the creaking sound of pulling rope sounded harshly after the array, and with the huge roar, huge stones soared into the air. Some of them flew into the city, and some accurately hit the wall, and the broken human body and fragments of the wall broken into mud and stone flew all over the sky.

Under such a powerful stone-throwing, in less than a moment, all the horns and gate towers in the west of Chang'an have collapsed, and the city is dusty and messy, and the voices are endless.

With the cover of the trebutton machine, the northwest army under the city could finally take a breath of relief, avoid the attack of the crossbows and bows and arrows on the city, and set up the ladder on the head of the city. And the heavy rush car was gradually pushed under the gate of Chang'an City.

Xu Rong saw the northwest soldiers rushing to the city, and his face was still calm. When the rushing car had really reached the gate, he shouted loudly: "Water!"

A pot of hot boiling water was poured down from the head of the city. From afar, it was like a cloudy white dragon pouring out of boiling water from the head of Chang'an City. The northwest soldiers who could not dodge were drenched, and the skin was suddenly opened.

"Roll the wood!"

Xu Rong shouted again, and then the tree trunks that needed to be hugged by two people fell down from the city, making the northwest soldiers' flesh and blood blurred.

Ma Chao in the distance couldn't help frowning: without the cover and attack of the Ma family's powerful trebubble, he could only rely on human life to bet on the victory or defeat of the siege. Moreover, at present, it seems that for Xu Rong, who still has 10,000 vows to die and drives those county soldiers, the victory of this siege is not big...

Sure enough, after thinking about it, Ma Chao saw that most of the rolling wood was concentrated on the rushing car. Then, the soldiers in the city threw the oil tank down and immediately turned the car into a pile of burning wooden cars.

Ma Chao knows that this gate of Chang'an is made of wood core and iron, which is extremely thick and strong. The fire will not melt at all. Once the iron gate is hung on the inside, even if it is smashed with a thousand catties of boulder, it may not be able to shake it at all. That is to say, as soon as the car was destroyed, the hope of breaking through the gate and entering the city turned into nothing.

And even if the gate was broken, Ma Chao also knew that Chang'an had two walls inside and outside, and the walls on both sides formed a square open space. As soon as the outer city gate broke, the enemy broke into the open space and dropped the inner city gate. After being blocked on all sides, the ambush on the city wall suddenly rose, and the bows and stones were together to capture the enemy like catching turtles in an urn. This design is also called "the urn city".

This means that even if the northwest army attacks the wall, it is extremely difficult to break through the city. Unless they used absolute siege firepower to make Chang'an soldiers dare not even ambush the city, and they can attack Chang'an in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Ma Chao looked at the city wall of Chang'an again and saw the smoke that was occasionally broken by throwing stones. The gravel, wood and corpses under the wall sighed leisurely and sighed helplessly: "Withdraw the troops..."

"Lord, we have only carried out a few tentative attacks, and this general attack has just begun. Why..." At this time, Guo Yan looked like a greedy wolf and looked excited. Suddenly, Ma Chao ordered to retreat and couldn't help saying.

"I said, withdraw!" Ma Chao turned his head and looked coldly at Guo Yan, and there was no trace of contempt and indifference in his eyes and said, "Don't you understand people's words?"

"Yes, yes... I'm on your orders." Guo Wei was stared at by Ma Chao and thought that some days ago, he secretly heard Ma Chao scolding him for beheading Song Yi. He couldn't help but be frightened and repeatedly said yes.

"What?" Guo Jia couldn't help but be a little strange when he saw Ma Chao's situation and asked, "Is it......" At this point, Guo Jia seemed to suddenly remember something. Looking back, he saw that Jia Xu was indeed an old god, and he couldn't help but stop talking. But he lamented in his heart: It seems that Ma Chao has already made plans to break through Chang'an...


A burst of gongs remembered that the northwest soldiers retreated like a tide after paying less than thousands of casualties.

"Stop shooting arrows, stop shooting arrows!"

A burst of cheers sounded over Chang'an City. Xu Rong took a breath, walked behind the women's wall and leaned out of the city. After faintly seeing a small general in the military tent and taking a letter, his blurred face seemed to show a smile.

Xu Rong frowned and couldn't think of any valuable news about Chang'an. And if Ma Chao learned of Xu Rong's idea, he would probably laugh more happily: the letter only mentioned that Tong Yuan had been captured by Brother Chou and learned that Tong Yuan had informed his three disciples Zhao Yunlai to help Feng...

And Chang'an is an indescribable heaven in front of Zhao Yun.