Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 565 Broken City

In the city of Chang'an, the battle is in full swing.

He killed a Xiongnu general with a gun. Li Yu was so energetic, as powerful as a rainbow, and said in a thunderous voice, "Children, give me harder!" After defeating these bastards, I will make you want to die!!"

When the Northwest Army heard Li's promise, it was even more crazy. It pushed forward desperately, stepped on the road paved by the body, and cut the sword at the Huns. When the Huns heard the roar of the Han army, they did not retreat. Their bloodthirsty nature made them trample on the bones of their compatriots and rushed to the Han soldiers.

The sound of screams, roars, shouts, and kills, and the sound of human beings is mixed with the sound of blades.

The banners are flying, and blood and flesh are scattered in the air. The blade instantly cut into people's chest, abdomen, legs and feet, let the red ** impregnate the ground under his feet, make the white bones become the flag of death, and turn the battlefield into a dark underworld under the scorching sun.

Dong Zhao has never seen the combat effectiveness of Liangzhou soldiers. At this time, he stood on the head of the city, thinking that if Li Wei and Guo can really defeat the enemy soldiers of Weng City in a short time, he may be very likely to organize another defensive battle. Although it may not be possible to repel the Xiongnu soldiers, there should be hope to defend Chang'an.

However, the battle situation in the city is still in a stalemate.

Although Li and Guo Yan's men were brave and defeated the Huns, in general, the situation in the city was still in a stalemate. After all, although the Xiongnu soldiers were killed and injured, the soldiers were not defeated, especially the major general of the Xiongnu, who also killed the two deputy generals Song Guo and Cui Yong, making the Xiongnu formation crushed to death, but they were full of fighting spirit and fighting.

At this point, relying on persistence, what is needed is time: if the Xiongnu soldiers outside the city take the lead in climbing the wall and attack the urncheng, there is no doubt that Li Wei and Guo Wei will be defeated; and if Li Guo Wei quickly take down 10,000 Xiongnu soldiers in the city and then go out of the city for a decisive battle, it is possible to repel the Xiongnu...

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Dong Zhao's forehead. In this cold city, Dong Zhao's eyes did not even dare to blink: the scales of the two sides are balanced to death. Whoever can persist and fight to the death can achieve the strategic purpose first.

Unfortunately, the hope brought by Li Wei and Guo Yan to Dong Zhao is too fragile after all. While Dong Zhao was praying that the two could work together to kill the major general of the Xiongnu and defeat the fighting spirit of the Xiongnu soldiers, the city of Qingzomen suddenly roared: "Shameless Han people, don't hurt my child!!"

Dong Zhao took a look and immediately closed his eyes in pain: that man is none other than the main man of the Xiongnu this time!

Sure enough, after Yuvruo shouted, countless Xiongnu horses immediately appeared behind him. Obviously, the Huns outside the city have built a passageway that can quickly climb to the head of the Green Lock City. With Yu Fro's shouting, he directly controlled the war horse. In a few moments, he jumped down from the steps of the corner of the city and quickly led his subordinates to rush into the urn city. With a bulge, he broke through the encirclement of Li and Guo Yan, which was as sharp as if he had cut a piece of butter with a knife.

Under the strong assault of the Xiongnu cavalry, the northwest army began to be chaotic, and Li Wei had to divide half of his troops and let Guo Yan command to fight head-on with the Xiongnu cavalry.

"Break!" Yu Fro roared and burst out his father's anger when his parents and children suffered. When the knife waved, Guo Wei, who was holding the wooden shield in his hand, had no time to react, and was cut into two sections by Yu Fro with Ma's steel knife and shield, and blood splashed out quickly, like a spring. Even people who are used to killing have rarely seen such a bloody scene. All the blood in Guo Yan's body spewed out in the blink of an eye, and Yu Fluo's whole body was dyed red.

For a while, the Xiongnu disease knight was strong. And the Northwest Army in front of Yuvro was stunned. Yuvreau was unrelenting. His wrists turned over, BMW swept across, and huge heads pulled blood tails and rushed to the sky. In the face of Yuvreau, who was like a murderer demon king, no matter how fine he calculated, it was useless to think calmly. When that kind of mountain-like domineering rushed towards him, it would make people lose the ability to think and lose the battle. The power.

The Xiongnu led by Yuvluo rode too fast and rushed too hard. In less than a column of incense, they had rushed to the core of the Northwest Army and would soon meet Liu Bao.

"Arrow! Throw stones! Rolling wood!!" At the top of the city, Dong Zhao saw this scene and shouted loudly.

"But, sir, these are all our people!" After listening to Dong Zhao's order, a small school student hesitated not to give an order: he had seen Li Wei's cruelty.

"Now that the Xiongnu cavalry have all entered the urn, and the northwest army is difficult to resist. If you don't suppress the offensive of the Xiongnu, you will definitely lose!!" Dong Zhao was anxious and struggled to lift a stone and hit the Xiongnu horse in the urn city. When the Northwest Army saw someone taking the lead, they also began to shoot arrows to stop the enemy.

"Is it all his mother's rebellion?" Li Yu saw the abnormal movement on the top of the city and was almost killed by the bow and arrow. He immediately patted the horse and scolded: "Who let you throw arrows and stones?! Damn it, come down to meet the enemy! If you don't kill these Xiongnu dogs, I will kill you to vent your hatred!!"

"Li Yi is a stupid thief! Do you have to go to Chang'an to ignore it?!" When Dong Zhao saw that Li Wei stopped shooting arrows, he really wanted to kill Li Wei with a knife.

"I don't care about Chang'an, whoever dares to kill me, I will kill him!!" Li Yong killed a Xiongnu cavalry and shouted with a ferocious face.

"It's you who killed!!" At this time, Dong Zhao did not answer, and Yu Furo had already sounded a thunderbolt in Li's ear.

Li Yu suddenly felt a great danger. His eyes turned red, ordered to kill several retreating generals, and ordered his own troops to stop him. However, before the blocking array was completed, he was broken through layer by the Xiongnu led by Yu Flow. Li Wei was finally afraid. He waved his arrow and ordered him to retreat.

But Yuvruo was not going to let him go. Seeing Yuvruo turning around and about to escape, Yuvruo was anxious and waved the steel knife in his hand, which hit Li Yu's heart. And Liu Bao took the opportunity and took advantage of Li Yu's pain and hurriedly caught up with him, which resulted in Li Yu's life.

At this moment, more and more Xiongnu horses have emerged from the city. With their influx, Xiongnu horses have prevailed. When Liu Bao picked up Li Yu's head and shouted, 'The general has been killed by me', the morale of the Northwest Army was completely killed. The Xiongnu rode like a broken bamboo, so that the northwest army had no place to fight back. They scattered and fled. On the escape route extending all the way on the battlefield of Weng City, dead bodies were everywhere, and the Xiongnu rode after them. Finally, when the arrows and throwing stones could not stop the Xiongnu from riding, Yu Fuluo, who was covered in blood, walked to Dong Zhao: "You are good and know the strategy of war. Unfortunately, I have to kill you."

"No, you can't kill me!" Dong Zhao's eyes turned sharply and did not kneel down and beg for mercy, but gritted his teeth and gambled: "I'm from the Ma family in Yongzhou. The lord sent me here to spy on Li and Guo Yan's military situation..."

"Hmm!" Yuvlo was furious and cut it out with a knife! Dong Zhao closed his eyes and shouted: The bet was wrong... I'm not good at it!

But when it was cold on his head, Dong Zhao suddenly opened his eyes and saw Yu Furo's face full of anger and said, "I have an appointment with Ma Chao, so I won't take your head for the time being. If you fight against my Xiongnu again, it's not as simple as cutting off your hair!!" After saying that, Yu Froyang went away.

And Dong Zhao was sweating all over, and for a moment, he only felt extremely cold: the Ma family and the Xiongnu really had something to do with it...