Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 603 Military Merit Reward!

"Jia Xu is the internal history of Zhongshu Province, Fa Zheng, Guo Jia is the minister of the internal history, Bu Yu is the Chinese scholar, Tian Feng is the doctor of Zuo Jian, and Yang Xiu is Zuo Shi."

Jia Xu, Fazheng, Guo Jia, Bu Li and Yang Xiu knelt down to thank them and happily obeyed their orders. Only Tian Feng hesitated for a moment, and finally had to kneel in front of Ma Chao and said, "I am willing to be driven by the Ma family until I die..."

After receiving Jiuxi, Ma Chao wrote a letter to the princes of the four emperors as a cavalry general, saying that Han officials and envoys were sent to guard Chang'an to repay the emperor's kindness. In addition to Zhang Lu and Cao Cao, other princes of the four directions cursed at Ma Chao one after another. However, Ma Chao was a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water. Instead of returning these messengers to the old master, he issued a statement reprimanding Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Liu Biao and Liu Zhang, contemptling the Han Dynasty and calling on the world's heroes to fight for it.

Of course, the result of the matter is naturally a long-lasting war of words, but anyway, Ma Chao stood up this time with reason and people's aspirations. Therefore, on the one hand, he did not quarrel with those princes, and on the other hand, he did what he should do and canonize these messengers.

Tian Feng was originally a well-deserved leader among these messengers, but now, Tian Feng has no choice. Unless he dares to abandon his identity as a Han minister and escape back to Jizhou without permission... However, not to mention that he can't escape, let alone that he fell into a name that did not obey the Han Dynasty in the future. Where can the world accommodate him?

At this time, Yuan Shao shouted happily and scolded Ma Chao and Yue for taking power, but Tian Feng knew that if he really ran back to Jizhou, he would definitely hide himself with Yuan Shao's good face. It is even possible to expel the Yuan family.

Now there is no way out, and Tian Feng has no choice but to take a step. In particular, in front of this Deyang Hall and Ma's Wenwu, Tian Feng had to give in if he did not give in.

And Ma Chao looked at Tian Feng's reluctant look, with an expression on his face, and the same laughing fox: Don't worry, Tian Yuanhao, the Ma family used to be small and could not raise big fish. But now the Ma family is full of talents. As long as you and I don't have the hatred of killing father and wife, and hate Cao Cao as deeply as Xu Shu, you can't help but make suggestions. I have figured out the temper of such smart people like you......

It is true that every smart person has his own pride. When France was entering the horse season, it was also a virtue that won 250,000 to 80,000 yuan. However, under Ma Chao's flirtation again and again, Fa Zheng couldn't help showing his talent and wanted to beat Ma Chao. As a result, he gradually changed from reluctance at the beginning to today's willingness.

And now, how many people are talented and intelligent under Ma Chao? No matter how talented Tian Feng is, he can't stand the brilliant stars. Over time, as long as Tian Feng is still arrogant, he will not be able to adapt to the identity of the Ma family.

"Yang Fu is the province, Hua Xin is the right admonishment doctor, Liao Li is the right to pick up relics, and Peng Yu is the right to make up the matter."

Yang Fu and Hua Xin have been doing a good job in the province. In view of the fact that Liao Li and Peng Xi have been almost tortured by Ma Chao, Ma Chao has only slightly promoted their official positions, so that they can participate in the opportunity to: hit the big stick and don't give sweet dates**, maybe they will give up their jobs...

"Zhang is the Zuocheng of Shangshu Province, Fufeng Taishou; Zhong Yao is the servant, Chang'an Ling; Dong Zhao is the servant, Luoyang Ling; Han Feng is Lang Zhong, the governor Ma's Arsenal, Ma's Farm and Ma's Ranch; Su Ze, You Chu, Fu Xun, Fu Gan, Jiang Yan Yin Feng, Yang Ang are all For Langzhong, the grade has been upgraded to one level, and he still supervises the county.

In this edict, many people were not present. However, Ma Chao knew that after the edict was issued, there would be a Ma family sentry to send three hundred miles to the seven counties of Nan'an, Guangwei, Tianshui, Longxi, Anding, Xinping and Beidi, and personally handle those people.

"With Xun You as the minister of the Ministry of War, Li Ru as the servant of the Ministry of War; Meng Da as the Ministry of Household Affairs; Cai Yong as the Ministry of the Ministry of Ceremonies, Meng He, Xun Yue, Wei Duan, Wei Dan and Qin Yu as the Ministry of Ceremonies; Man Chong as the Ministry of Criminal Justice; Yan Hu and Huang Quan; Huang Fu Li as the Ministry of the Ministry of Industry; Han Song and Yan Xiang as the Ministry of Li.

The six personnel are extremely scarce. Even after Ma Chao's imperial examination, he still feels a little reluctant to set up such an airt. However, in troubled times, everything is based on development, and Ma Chao is very satisfied that the six departments can have the current scale.

Finally, it is naturally the consolidation of the Ma legion. In Ma Chao's recognition, although Ma Jiajun belongs to the military headquarters of the six departments, all military power is still integrated with Ma Chao and appointed by Ma Chao himself. In case of a large-scale battle, the six departments of the three provinces will discuss the matter at Shangshutai, and the Ministry of War and the Central Book Province will jointly come up with a set of strategic plans for the review of the provinces, and then the ministries and counties of Shangshu Province will extract materials and perform their duties. Finally, the general and the army division led the expedition.

This reorganization of the Ma family regiment can be said to be the most exciting event for the generals under the Ma family. After all, after capturing Chang'an, Ma Chao brought back 50,000 Xiliang troops from Zhang Ji and Fan Chou. In addition, in the previous battle of Qinguan, there were still 10,000 Western Liang soldiers that had not been integrated - and the active sergeants of the Ma family, with a total of about 48,000 people and horses, this time plus these 60,000 troops - that is to say, the Ma family broke through the 100 thousand soldiers in one fell swoop this time!

Thinking that from now on, I can lead thousands or even tens of thousands of troops to directly lead a battle. With three feet of green front in hand and immortal achievements, such a magnificent undertaking makes these generals excited when they think about it.

However, to surprise, when Ma Chao was canonized, he did not take the lead in calling the name of Pound De, the first general of the Ma family, let alone those rising stars of the Ma family such as Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Gao Shun, Zhang Xiu and others, but Huang Fu Song and Zhu Jun!

"Huangfu Song is the general of Shengce, and Zhu Jun is the general of the army, responsible for dispatching and training all the soldiers and horses of the Ma family!"

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun looked at each other and recognized the internal meaning of Ma Chao's canonization: after all, Ma Chao is still worried about them and only gives them the responsibility of training, but does not give them the right to unify soldiers. High and light, so deliberately, it must be a way for him to think about it for a long time to use it to do his best, right?.......

The two had no choice but to take the order. In fact, the two have passed the age of destiny. When it comes to battlefield expeditions and the destruction of cities and villages, they are indeed a little weak. In this way, it is not a blessing to teach them the way of training soldiers for half their lives.

And the generals saw that Ma Chao first sealed the two training generals, and there was no dispute in their hearts. However, after the canonization of these two veterans, Ma Chao deliberately paused and made the generals a little impetuous...

Ma Chao half narrowed his eyes and sat in the right position. Looking at the anxious and dare not make noise of the generals under his command, he was afraid that it was time. Then he stood up slowly and waved his hand.

On one side, Xiao Tian, hidden behind the palace, saw this, respectfully holding a tray and walking to Ma Chao. Ma Chao took off the lid on the tray, threw the things on the tray on the hall, and said coldly, "The Ma family has always fought for honor with military achievements! In this reorganization, one should naturally respect the tradition of the Ma family and be rewarded with military merit!!"

"Lord, do you want someone to lead an army to suppress the thief soldiers stationed in Luoyang?" These people are all cold-blooded people who kill without blinking. The head of Han and Siam will not make them afraid at all except to ignite their fighting spirit. Zhang Liao, in particular, immediately said Ma Chao's plan after seeing Han Siam's head.

"Not bad!" Ma Chao laughed and suddenly stood up, facing the morning sun that had just risen in the sky, and bathed his whole body in the golden light. He said heroically, "I want Luoyang's less than 20,000 thieves as a test stone for the ability of the Ma family's soldiers!!"

When the generals heard the words, a raging war suddenly ignited in their eyes, which seemed to have broken through the carved beams and painted buildings of Deyang Hall and burned directly into the broken palace of Luoyang, and were still fighting against the thief soldiers...