Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 605 The angular Wei Yan

After the Battle of Luoyang, the Ma family completely occupied all areas of Sili: the cavalry and infantry legions of Liao Hua, Zhou Cang, Yang Feng and Liang Xing. After being sealed and reorganized, they immediately went to the two pass of Hu Prison and Fenshui, guarding the two gates of the Ma family respectively. After that, the 100,000 Ma army rushed to Luoyang like a tide, chasing the remnants of Han and Siam and the large and small bandits in Luoyang. Two days later, when Dong Zhao delivered the war reports around Luoyang to Ma Chao, the Ma family has become a super crocodile across two states and staring on Kanto.

Subsequently, Ma Chao was awarded the title. He made a promise. Sure enough, he took the battle of Luoyang that day and the number of heads killed the enemy as the standard of military merit, and sealed the generals under his command. But what annoyed him was that Zhao Yun, who participated in the battle to pact the Luoyang thieves and was at the forefront of his achievements, still refused to accept the title of the Ma family. Insisting on serving Tongyuan in Chang'an as a guest general.

In desperation, Ma Chao could only enthose those meritorious generals first. Due to the strength of the Ma family at this time, Ma Chao was in the military officer position under his command, above the general, and added the level of (southeast and northwest) to join the regiment to control the soldiers and horses, and arranged deputy generals to assist them. At present, the official position of the general of the Ma family is:

He made Pound a general of Pingdong and led a brigade of Xiliang iron riders, one of which was Pang's previous part. The other two regiments of Xiliang soldiers and horses were naturally drawn and compiled from the 60,000 troops. But in terms of weapons, it is far inferior to the Xiliang elite iron horse before Pound. Naturally, the reason is that Ma Chao had to suspend the operation of equipping Ma Jiajun in order to cope with the three consecutive strikes of the natural disaster next year.

He made Huang Yuan a general of Yingyang and Ma Dai as a general of the bandits. He was integrated into the Xiliang Iron Horse Regiment, each leading troops and horses. The whole Xiliang Iron Cavalry Regiment had a total of 33,000 people and was stationed in Luoyang.

Xu Huang was appointed as the general of Pingnan, and Li Yan was appointed as the deputy general Zhaoyi, leading two battalions of heavy armored iron horses to defend Chang'an.

Zhang Liao was appointed as the general of Pingxi, and Zhang Xiu was appointed as the deputy general to fight against him. He led the two battalions with well-equipped Yanbei cavalry to defend Chang'an.

Gao Shun was appointed as General Pingbei, and Wei Yan was appointed as General Jianwei's deputy, leading a battalion of heavy armored infantry, and one battalion fell into the camp to defend Chang'an.

Xu Rong was appointed as the general of the guard army, and Fan Chou and Zhang Ji were the deputy generals. He led a battalion of tiger army that had been reorganized, and a battalion of chariots raided the army to defend Chang'an.

As for Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, Yang Feng and Liang Xing, they are still partial generals. However, the number of soldiers and horses has doubled. Due to strategic needs, they have been stationed in Hulao and Fenshui.

The above-mentioned consolidation has been completed, with a total of more than 90,000 soldiers. Another 30,000 unorganized army was replaced by Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun as a reserve army. In case of war, the Ministry of War will submit a transfer plan, and with the approval of Ma Chao, the general will be appointed to lead the expedition.

Ma Chao spent a lot of time thinking about this reorganization. First of all, Ma Chao has pioneered this era in the formation of the legion. However, because at present, only the Xiliang Iron Cavalry Regiment has reached an undisputed scale, other regiments, or for geographical or other reasons, Ma Chao are still trying to reorganize and improve.

But in any case, Ma Chao thought of the best way to solve the factional disputes between his subordinates and generals after careful consideration of the formation of the legion: factional disputes are not terrible, but the main points of factional disputes are not war achievements and killing enemies, but internal strife. After the formation of the legion, as long as Ma Chao still pursues the method of governing the army led by military merit, the generals under his command will definitely become a screaming field wolf in order to win honor for the legion.

As long as you can kill the enemy in battle, it is normal for the general to have some anger. From now on, what Ma Chao is afraid of is not that they fight, but that they don't fight bravely...

After the canonization order was announced, His Highness looked unhappy and finally stood up angrily before Ma Chao announced the next proposal.

"Lord, I'm not convinced!" Wei Yan finally looked angrily and shouted at Ma Chao, "Why did a family kill 6741 people, while General Pang only killed 650 people, but his official position is two levels higher than that!"

"Wei Yan!" Before the horse exceeded his voice, Brother Uggar's face immediately became ferocious and shouted, "Are you blaming the Lord for the unfair reward?"

For a while, the generals looked at Wei Yan one after another. In particular, Li Yan looked at Wei Yan with strange doubts: Li Yan and Wei Yan entered the Ma family together, so the two were more familiar with each other. From this, Li Yan learned that Wei Yan was under Liu Biao in Jingzhou, but there were only a few soldiers under the city order. Now he has become a general who controls thousands of people, and his value has more than doubled for a while, and he even feels unfair about Ma Chao's reward. With such boldness, Li Yan doesn't know whether Wei Yan is arguing or not greedy enough...

Most of the people in the hall are generally considered by Li Yan. In particular, those veteran generals of the Ma family are extremely angry with Wei Yan's lawless behavior. If it hadn't been for Brother Chou's straightforward personality and the first to shout out, everyone would have scolded Wei Yan.

But Wei Yan endured the angry eyes of the crowd and knelt on the hall. Li Hei's face turned red due to anger and urgency, and his voice was high and sharp: "Lord! Your subordinates must strive for that position, but as you said before, you will be rewarded for military merit. Although my subordinates have nothing to grow, they just admit their death. In troubled times, those scholars' bigfa came out of the wine bags and rice bags, one by one who are afraid of death, but they are in a high position, and their subordinates are not convinced!"

After saying this, Wei Yan seemed to be out of his mind. While kowtowed hard, he continued to say, "When my subordinates are in Jingzhou, I heard that the Ma family talked about heroes with military merit, and I have long admired them in my heart. Even if there is no shadow to find, his subordinates are ready to go to the Ma family. But now, you... If I don't let my subordinates be convinced today, my subordinates will be kneeled to death here!!"

"Presumptuous!" At this time, even Pound couldn't avoid suspicion. He came up and said, "Wei Yan, are you intimidating the lord?! You are so bold!!"

But Ma Chao waved his hand to stop Pound's move - before, Ma Chao was still angry that Zhao Yun refused to join the Ma family, so his mind was not completely in the hall - he slowly turned his head and looked carefully at Wei Yan's indescribable face, as if Wei Yan wanted to say something else, but in the end he closed it. The look of his mouth couldn't help sighing: Who said that Wei Yan was born with anti-bones?

Wei Yan, in Ma Chao's previous life, can only be said to be a stunned young man. He has talent, responsibility and principles and goals in mind, but the only shortcoming is that he needs others to agree with his goals.

However, in ancient feudal society, what was needed was the self-sacrifice spirit of the generals. Wei Yan, such angular generals, will naturally try their best to rebound to prove their existence if they are suppressed for a long time. Therefore, it gives the impression that the words are too realistic and competitive. Even at the last moment, he will risk the world's greatness to stick to his goal...

Zhuge Liang is the same for thousands of years, but on Wei Yan's question, to be honest, he is not as good as Liu Bei. Liu Bei dared to appoint Wei Yan to guard Hanzhong, which was that he knew Wei Yan's ability and the goal in his heart, and concluded that Wei Yan would not turn against himself.

Can you compare yourself with the legend who sells straw shoes?

Ma Chao didn't think about this. He just stood up and walked to Wei Yan, who kept kowtowed and blood slowly oozed from the wound on his forehead. Looking at his persistent appearance, he frowned and helped him up and said, "Wenchang, you only saw the achievements of killing the enemy, but you have thought about how many soldiers and horses you lost in that battle? And how much did Ling Ming lose?"

Wei Yan was stunned. Even if he persisted, he would not deny the fact that his soldiers fell into the pit and died in vain. Therefore, he wanted to kneel down again to apologize. But Ma Chao held him and comforted him: "It is indeed the tradition of the Ma family to kill the enemy for credit. However, the Ma family is not a war-loving prince who only makes a living by slaughter. The struggle of the Ma family is for the welfare of the world and for the next generation to no longer have war. And the robes of those soldiers who fought for us are also lives. Naturally, their lives and deaths should also be included in the military achievements... So, do you think I still have injustice?"

"Lord!" Wei Yan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red and swollen, and he choked and said, "Since today, if there is any more doubt about the Ma family, it will be thunderous!!"