Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 616 That coquettish hammer

The auction is still going on, and the atmosphere has become warm and even frenzied. Especially Hiya Deji, Zhong Yuqiang and others, they found that compared with those rich people in the Han Dynasty, they were really only upstarts.

Good things swayed in front of us, and neither Hiya Deji nor Zhong Yuqiang grabbed them. Even their favorite seven-star sword seems to have been sold to the Xiongnu's leader of the Xiu slaughter department. In the end, the two have discussed, raised money, and said that they would buy a treasure back, so as not to humiliate the Qiang people!

At this time, Yu Pan clapped his hands again with a smile on his face. Every pore of him is singing, and in this auction, he has earned at least a million stones of grain for the Ma family. And the next item, Yu Pan, decided to buy a sky-high price!

At this time, he held out two identical glass giant wolves. The two giant wolves were roaring like a moon, with sharp teeth and thick limbs attached to the ground, which were powerful.

The lights shining on the two giant wolves went out in an instant. People all over the hall were surprised to find that the four eyes of the two giant wolves would still shine, and the long green light reflected the two statues into miserable green. It seemed that the evil spirit of the wolf was attached to the two statues and was ready to be eaten by others at any time.

The lights lit up again, and the green light gradually faded away. The giant wolf was still fighting on the table, motionless. The scene just now made everyone think that they were in a dream and quietly said nothing.

"Two glazed moon wolf sculptures are strange treasures, with a reserve price of 3,000 pieces!!" Yu Pan shouted this price, and he knew that the people below could not wait. However, at this time, Yu Pan still thought that the atmosphere was not warm enough and shouted, "Under the bottom of the sky, only these two, the descendants of the wolf, your ancestors are calling you!!"

The three aliens, Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuwan, are extremely loyal to their beliefs. Yu Pan, who is in Jinyang and often comes into contact with aliens, knows that many tribes of these three races regard wolves as their totem ancestors. Therefore, that sentence shouted out, and the noble leaders of the Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuwan began to breathe heavily...

However, there was only one to be humble. He looked at the two wolf sculptures in shock and doubt, and his mouth moved as if he wanted to say something. However, when he felt a familiar murderous intention from the private room on the second floor, he closed his mouth knowingly: there was no one else but Ma Chao. And these two wolf sculptures, in terms of their color and size, are obviously inferior to the one given to Yuvro, so they came up with a terrible hypothesis...

'Ma family, do you want to use those three wolf sculptures to provoke the war between the Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuwan?' The more you think about this idea, the more you can shoot. Thinking of Ma Chao's words 'Your father knows when to let the wolf sculpture show its true face', he became more and more sure that the Ma family was playing a big chess game...

Jin Buya of the slaughter department immediately stood up: "Two thousand cows." Yu Pan was not moved, but turned his head to Hu Yannu of the slaughter department, and the elderly Hu Yannu gasped and said the price of 2,500 cattle.

Go to Bei to know that the Xiu Tu Department and the Tu Department are the most of the two clans secretly supported by the Xiongnu Laowang. But the two tribes often fight endlessly, which annoys Lao Wang. However, the auction host actually deliberately targeted these two families. Could it be that the tentacles of the Ma family have reached into the Xiongnu?

"Three thousand cows!" When he stood up, he suddenly wanted to stir up the muddy water, even if he knew that he couldn't buy it at all. But he is also very satisfied that he can spend more cattle and sheep on the slaughter department and the slaughter department.

"The Sirius God is a recognized god of the Xiongnu, and Xianbei and Wuwan are also convinced of Sirius God. If you invite these two Sirius sculptures back, whether it is war or animal husbandry, you will definitely get the blessing of Sirius God!" Yu Pan incited foreign emotions and said passionately.

In an instant, I heard the implication of Yu Pan, and then kept increasing the price: "Four thousand cows!!"

"Is that Xiongnu crazy?" Hiya Deji's eyes were almost staring out and said, "Even though the wolf god sculpture is not as beautiful as the treasure that can be found in the world, it's too, too..."

"Are you too prodigal?" Zhong Yuqiang remembered Ma Chao's words and said.

"Yes, it's just too prodigal!" Hiya Deji must have replied, looking at the Huns with a smug look at fools.

"You know nothing! It's worthless. Do you think those Huns will fight with dogs like shit? Zhong Yuqiang was a little anxious. He took a hard look at the best private room on the second floor and said, "The dog boy is the smartest. He is the bastard of the Xiongnu and Xianbei. He was the first to understand the meaning of the host: Please go back and give these two wolf sculptures to others, and immediately exchange for a powerful ally!"

"Ah... So that's it! Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuwan all believe in Sirius. If you send these two sculptures back and send them out, they can indeed be exchanged for allies of attack, defense and mutual assistance. Hiya Deji also understood. With Zhong Yuqiang's eyes, he muttered, "Is Chaoer playing big this time? If you can't control it, then..."

"Are you worried about him?" Zhong Yuqiang curled his lips and said with great contempt, "I really don't sell you. If he wants to sell you, you may have to help him count the money. Didn't you see how much did he earn from this auction?! Uncontrollable? Joke! Maybe this is his plan..."

Hiya Deji was ridiculed by Zhong Yuqiang. He stared at him and wanted to get angry. But after looking at the private room on the second floor, he felt that Zhong Yuqiang said something right. Therefore, he closed his mouth again.

At this time, the wolf sculpture has been speculated to the price of 6,000 cattle. On the basis of this sky-high price, it is still rising steadily. Under the anxiety of humbleness, everyone figured out the significance of these two giant wolf sculptures and raised their prices as if they were desperate. However, the merchants of the Han Dynasty were still not used to this atmosphere of throwing a lot of money. They all grew up and watched their Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuwan gradually raise their prices. They were envious: the copper money earned by this treasure was enough to make a year.

Just as the price of the giant wolf sculpture had been speculated to 8,000 cows, the Ministry of Tu and the Ministry of Tu seemed to have given up the estrangement. The two departments negotiated a total of 9,000 fat cattle and bought two sculptures, one by one.

And Yu Pan smiled like a fox, took out a small hammer from his sleeve and knocked on the head of a giant wolf. The wolf's head was suddenly smashed. In everyone's dull eyes, Yu Pan said to the two buyers, "Now there is only one wolf, and I want three times the price."

"I'll wipe his uncle!" Ma Chao in the private room immediately jumped up, clapped his hands and shouted, "This Yu Pan is simply the life of a profiteer!! Such a despicable and shameless auction trick can be self-tight by himself. He will not have crossed over, will he?!"

And the whole auction hall fell into a dead silence in an instant. The hearts of Hu Yannu of the Xiu Tubu Department and Jin Buya of the Tu Department, as well as other Xianbei and Wuwan noble leaders, seem to be smashed by the Ma family like the giant wolf sculpture. Especially to be humble, I closed my eyes sadly.

But then, Gobei suddenly opened his eyes and flashed a burning firelight: Without one, isn't the one in the leader's hand more valuable?!!