Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 672 Leaders are very poisonous

"Have you really withdrawn?" Ma Chao couldn't believe that Xia Houyuan outside the city turned the rear front and cautiously withdrew his troops. Unexpectedly, I felt that the sky was much brighter for a while: the world was too crazy. Xiahouyuan's famous generals were really scared by themselves?!

"Military, am I right?" Ma Chao suddenly stood up, looked back at Xu Shu, and asked. Even though the facts were in front of him, Ma Chao still muttered in his heart.

In fact, Ma Chao is ready to break the boat in this battle. There are more than 2,000 people in the city, including 300 relatives and the villagers who admire the Ma family at these days. Although it is absolutely impossible to compete with Cao Cao's most elite tiger and leopard rider, there is still no problem in defending a game and creating ample time for Ma Chao to sacrifice his life and escape.

Ma Chao's worst plan is to abandon Yangren County. After all, Yangren County is currently strategically located and important. But compared with Ma Chao's own life, it is still worse.

But the situation at this time made Ma Chao sincerely doubt: although there is also Kong Ming's description of the 'empty city plan' in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Chao knew that it was purely fabricated by Luo Guanzhong! It was Mr. Luo who put Cao Cao and Lv Bu in the battle of Dingtao. Cao Cao made the women defend the city and paralyze Lv Bu's trick on Zhuge Liang.

Although Romance of the Three Kingdoms is indeed one of China's four masterpieces: businessmen can see the ruthlessness of business war, literati can see the sadness of poetry, and resentful women can also see the beauty and thin life. Even when Jin Taizu Nurhachi played the flowers of the Ming Dynasty, he sent the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to the generals as a military book to read. But if you really follow the tricks in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, you will definitely throw stones at your feet!

A letter is not as good as no book, and the battlefield is erraTIC and changeable. If they all talk about soldiers on paper like Zhao Kuo, then Ma Chao firmly believes that the 100,000 iron riders of the Ma family will definitely kill 400,000 elite soldiers in the State of Zhao!

But the current situation really blinded Ma Chao's 24 grams of titanium alloy dog eyes: Does the time traveler really have an invincible lucky aura? When the bad luck turns into good luck and the disaster becomes auspicious, the golden gun does not fall, Qijiro overnight?

Why did the poor Liu Xie send people from Luoyang to Chang'an, and then from Chang'an to Xu Chang? From beginning to end, it's like a poor grandson that grandma doesn't love and uncle doesn't love?.......

Ma Chao's brain is chaotic at this time, and he really can't believe everything in front of him. He looked back at Xu Shu, hoping to get a hint from Xu Shu. However, Xu Shu did not have a win-win smile at this time. Instead, he frowned and glanced at the forest on the west side, as if he was meditating something.

At this time, when Ma Chao followed Xu Shu's eyes, he suddenly patted his thigh and shouted loudly, "So that's it, Xia Houyuan is stupid! Come on, go to the forest quickly to find out what's going on, so that the birds don't dare to enter the forest at this time!"

As soon as this statement came out, Xu Shu and Shi Tao's solemn faces suddenly darkened a little. Especially Xu Shu, he sincerely began to doubt whether Ma Chao's wise and martial arts at the moment when he just revealed his mind was his own illusion?

"Did the lord also think of this?" After Xu Shu was frightened by Ma Chao, he said powerless. That voice is almost like a resentful woman who has been abandoned by her husband for five or six years.

"Hmm!" Ma Chao was excited and did not hear the resentment in Xu Shu's tone. He still said excitedly, "It turned out that Xia Houyuan took care of our ambush in the west forest for fear of intercepting the ambush in the forest when he waved his army to attack the city. Therefore, he did not dare to be reckless, temporarily station troops and plan to move later. I said, what about the "empty city plan" that is full of loopholes in history..."

In the end, Ma Chao's voice gradually lowered. And Xu Shu was not in the mood to pay attention to Ma Chao's changes at this time, just thinking that Ma Chao was muttering to himself. However, as Ma Chao spoke, his voice became louder again, and his eyes became cunning and bright because of the thought of treachery: "Xiahou Yuan was smart but mistakenly. His doubts reminded me that I can't waste this day..."

After Xu Shu heard the words, he really couldn't wait to return to his young warrior's blood and fight fiercely with Ma Chao: Did you think of this now? Do you think I've been meditating for a long time?!!

But then thinking of Ma Chao's military name and the sharpness of killing the Yangren County magistrate with a sword before, Xu Shu breathed a slow and long breath: I hope that he can live a few more years in the future, and don't be pissed off by this unscrupulous monarch as soon as possible...

Coincidentally, the single ordered to explore the situation in the forest also returned. He bowed and reported, "Lord, in the dense forest ahead, there are hundreds of old women and children in Yangren County who fled to avoid disaster, so the birds still dare not enter the forest to rest at this time."

"It's really a coincidence that it's not a book." Ma Chao nodded: The villagers were afraid of Xia Houyuan's attack and hid in the forest; and Xia Houyuan did not dare to attack Yangren County lightly because of the villagers avoiding disaster. Life is really like a coffee table, full of cups and washing utensils...

"Lord, there is also a large embankment in the forest. There is no water in the embankment, which is just used to ambush elite soldiers!" The single looked at Ma Chao, then smiled secretly and said again.

"Oh?!" After Ma Chao heard the words, he really looked at the single and laughed and said, "This is Tianzhu Chaoya!" The single, presumably, will be ahead of your ranking in Shadow. Go! Go and have a look with someone!" After saying that, with a wave of his hand, Ma Chao took several personal guards, Xu Shu, Shi Tao, Single and others, and walked to the dense forest.

After entering the forest, the soldiers of Yangren County are appeasing the old women and children back to the county. And Ma Chao said on the spot that Xiahou Yuan was determined not to break through Yangren County. After a lot of advice, everyone believed it. After dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened. When I saw a large embankment, it was about a foot deep and shallow, overgrown with vegetation, and soldiers lying in it, which was almost invisible.

"The elite soldiers and the villagers can be lurking in the embankment, and many banners are planted outside the forest as suspects. Tomorrow, everything will be the same as before. Let's see how I can break the posture of Xiahou Yuan!" After frowning for a moment, Ma Chao gave an order.

"Lord, don't do it!" Xu Shu saw that Ma Chao was so frivolous and set up this plan. He was shocked and said, "Xiahou Yuan is also a master of soldiers. Today, since he suspects that there are already ambush soldiers in the forest. Tomorrow, when it comes back, it is bound to attack this forest first. If the concubine's expectation is right, Xiahou Yuan will definitely burn the forest with a fire. In this way, the soldiers in the forest will all become ashes!"

After saying that, Ma Chao was not moved at all. Instead, he looked at Xu Shu with a secret smile. Xu Shu saw that Ma Chao was so stubborn and simply said, "It's not like to transfer the ambush to the rear of Xiahou Yuan, and when Xiahou Yuan burns the forest tomorrow, he will rob Xiahou Yuan's camp. In this way, Yangren County can be guaranteed, and the lord can also break Xiahou Yuan!"

The single has been with Ma Chao for a while. At this time, when he heard Xu Shu's wonderful plan, he couldn't help but be moved and deeply praised Xu Shu's use of troops like a god. But after listening to it, Ma Chao was still unmoved, with the meaning that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Lord, if you listen, it will be clear, but if you listen, it will be dark! Although Xu Shu defected to the Ma family, he was also sincere. If the lord doesn't distinguish between loyalty and good, concubine..." Xu Shu was really disappointed with Ma Chao at this time. The most successful thing in a counselor's life was not to use a wonderful plan, but to find a wise master who was good at good advice. At this moment, Ma Chao's performance really chilled Xu Shu.

But when Xu Shu wanted to persuade him again, Ma Chao said, "It's just that Dai Er, who attacked Xiahouyuan's camp tomorrow, has been ordered to be responsible for... And if tomorrow I... Can Xiahouyuan escape from the palm of my hand?

After hearing the words, Xu Shu took a deep look at Ma Chao. He couldn't even help taking a step back: this guy is more poisonous than himself! .......