Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 676 Faction germination?

"Is the resettlement of disaster victims already appropriate?" After returning to Wancheng, Ma Chao asked with a trace of heavy heart in front of the literary ministers and generals under the hall.

After receiving Liu Yue's information, Ma Chao learned that although the locust plague has gradually weakened, the whole Sili area has almost nothing in a year. In the two years of Chuping and Xingping Yuanping, the Ma family's steps were indeed a little too big, and they couldn't digest for a while.

"Go back to the lord," Gao Shun came forward and said with a fist and said, "All the victims have been settled in Zhou County, Wancheng. The military discipline of the Laima family is strict, and the civil servants have declared the merits in place. There has been no conflict between the victims and the people of Nanyang County. In this resettlement of the victims, Zhengfang proposed a method of tracing and recognition, which is even more fantastic, which accelerates the identification and integration of the victims and the people of Nanyang.

Gao Shun is the most important general for the resettlement of the victims. Gao Shun is honest, rigorous and moderate. In the era of the Three Kingdoms, he was the most recognized military model by later generations. Ma Chao uses Gao Shun as the main general to deal with the resettlement of disaster victims, which can be summarized in just six words: I can rest assured that you do things.

At this time, Gao Shun saw Gao Shun's fair and noble wind. In a word, I didn't work hard at all. Instead, take the lead in saying the achievements of his subordinates. With this leader, how can his subordinates not do their duty?

"Oh? How to do a method of tracing and recognition? Chao is very interested." Ma Chao was not surprised that Li Yan could make some unexpected achievements. After all, Li Yan was famous for his talent in history, and later, together with Zhuge Liang, he was entrusted by Liu Bei as a lonely minister.

"The victims all gathered together in the clan area, and Lord Zhong has clearly observed this matter. Yan thought that since the victims were led by clan villagers, such migration events should naturally be recorded in the genealogy to tell future generations. Most of the people in Nanyang settled down when they fled to Jingzhou during the Wang Mang Rebellion, and most of them had relatives with the people of Sili. On top of the genealogy, you only need to look through a few pages, and above four or five generations, it will be one family. Li Yan came out and said word by word. His waist and back are straight, and he has his own color: "Pu Tianli Concubine, the concept of clan is very strong. With this factor, Yan came up with..."

Li Yan was still waiting to continue, but was interrupted by Ma Chao's wave of his hand. Li Yan was stunned, and the literary ministers and generals were also slightly surprised by this. However, after a moment of silence, Ma Chao still opened his mouth and boasted, "There is no need to say much. This method of tracing and recognizing Buddhism is indeed a divine pen. It is better to move to Nanyang than to integrate into Nanyang. Such a fantastic idea is really eye-opening!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly eased. And Li Yan is proud of Ma Chao's boasting so much. However, Li Yan didn't see it. At this time, Ma Chao looked at his eyes and had a slight scruples: Li Yan was self-righteous, and there were scales in his abdomen, and the villagers thought it was not close!

Li Yan in history is indeed very talented. Liu Bei's orphan matter shows that Li Yan's talent can even be the pillar of the sky in Shu Han, where his talents have withered! And Liu Bei's entrustment to Prime Minister Liang, and Shang Shu ordered Li Yan to be his deputy. Li Yan and Zhuge Liang were edicted to assist the young master. How similar is it to Sun Ce's death?!

Before Sun Ce's death, he once entrusted Zhang Zhao to be alone, and Zhou Yu was in charge of public affairs with the central guard and Zhang Zhao. The prime minister of Zhuge Liang of the Shu Han Dynasty and the long history of Eastern Wu Zhang Zhao are both civilian or chief executives; the central guardians of Li Yan and Zhou Yu are both military or military commanders. Zhou Yu and Zhang Zhao were 'in charge of all affairs', and Li Yan and Kong Ming were 'and edicted'. One martial arts and one article, one pair of righteousness, how similar it is!

What does this mean?

It shows that in Liu Bei's mind, Li Yan is Zhou Yu, or at least he wants him to be Zhou Yu?......

But did Li Yan play the role of Zhou Yu?

The answer is no: no.

Li Yan was not only unable to assist Liu Chan with Zhuge Liang, but was exiled eight years later and discredited. The reason for being abandoned is ridiculous and unbelievable.

In the ninth year of Jianxing of the Shu Han Dynasty (231 AD), Zhuge Liang went out of Qishan, attacked Cao Wei in the north, and arranged for Li Yan to transport military grain. At this time, Li Yan acted as the prime minister's government affairs as the central guardian, and it was naturally his job to urge and supervise the transportation of grain and fodder. Unfortunately, Li Yan's luck is really bad. In this summer and autumn, it rained heavily, and military food could not be transported to the front as scheduled. Therefore, Li Yan sent people to the army to explain the situation and ideas, and asked Zhuge Liang to return to the army, and Zhuge Liang also agreed.

However, when the news of Zhuge Liang's retreat came, Li Yan pretended to be strange and said, "Oh, there is enough military food, how can he return?" Liu Chan also said that Zhuge Liang's withdrawal was a 'pseudo retreat' in order to lure thieves to fight. Of course, this is not true, and it can also cause suspicion. Zhuge Liang had to write the end of Li Yan's handwriting. Now Li Yan is exhausted and can only apologize for the first time.

It can be seen that the criminal motive of Li Yan's abolition is quite unclear - Li Yan's explanation to everyone and Liu Chan is contradictory and suspicious; and the method of the crime is also extremely poor - it's just empty words. In the conspiracy court, this is not even a children's trick at all.

The result was that, based on Zhuge Liang's words alone, more than 20 people, including Wei Yan, Yang Yi, Deng Zhi, Liu Ba, Fei Yi and Jiang Wei, the important ministers of Shu and Han at that time, demanded the deposed Li Yan and exile Zi Tong.

The abolition of Li Yan has also left a doubt for history. Like Meng Da's rebellion in the Shu Han Dynasty, it has become a mystery of history.

Until this time, historians still did not have a conclusion on Li Yan's case. But there is no doubt that, like Meng Da's rebellion, Li Yan's abolition has recent, distant, superficial and fundamental reasons. Although the fundamental reason is that the internal contradictions of the Shu Han regime composed of the three political forces of Yizhou, Dongzhou and Jingzhou, the direct reason is that Li Yan is similar to Meng Da, who is self-respecting and difficult to coexist; one is talented and difficult for others to approach; to put it bluntly, both of them are proud to cause trouble.

However, Ma Chao knows that the direct cause can never match the root cause. At this time, Ma Chao was even more worried that the Ma family had taken too much steps in the past two years, and the ministers and generals gathered more and more, and their factional contradictions gradually showed a trace of seedlings: the Ma family helped the wind to start the family, and its Jia Xu, Fa Zheng, Zhang Ji, Yang Fu, Pang De, Ma Dai and others can be said to be the starting class of the Ma family; then the Ma family Sili Famously, Xun You, Li Ru, Zhong Wei, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others can be regarded as the upstarts of the Ma family...

At this time, look back at Xu Shu and Shi Tao, as well as Li Yan and Wei Yan, and may even include Huang Zhong and Wen Ping in the future... The fact that the Jingzhou faction wants to occupy a country in the Ma family is obviously just around the corner.

And all this is indeed an inesight and difficult and long challenge for a 17-year-old Ma family who is barely a qualified politician. Historically, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and other heroes did not escape the internal contradictions of this faction dispute, and even caused Xiao Wall, causing the huge and prosperous family to collapse in an instant...

Can Ma Chao, a time traveler, completely escape or reverse the drawback of ancient times?

Ma Chao gently rubbed his temples with his hand and frowned and mourned: although he has been paying attention to this problem. But this is like the unsolved weapon of Dax's sword, which is always hanging above your head, which is not a good thing for a long time...